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郑茹东 《人民交通》2021,(21):30-31
经济不断发展,我国更注重交通行业的运行状态,此时交通工程是提高城市运输性能的核心.进行交通工程建设工作,应注重现场工作,通过对工程材料、人员以及方案的系统性规划,以此提高交通工程质量.确保交通工程的运行效果,同时为城市提供更高效的运输保障,应对交通工程线路进行规划,根据城市的通行压力,适当对道路线路重新规划,这是现场工作重点.综合上述,本文总结交通工程的现场工作内容,总结工作常见突出问题,以此探析工作策略上的创新.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市轨道交通一期工程中的部分区间隧道要利用上世纪70年代建成的人防工程(简称“7381”人防工程),其结构的安全性、适用性、耐久性及修复整治利用方案的可实施性,成为整个一期工程重.最研究的内容。在综合工程预、工可研报告和专题研究的基础上,对既有人防工程的病害原因进一步分析研究,选择各种合理、可行的加固修复措施,并结合线路、限界、轨道、排水、防迷流等各项技术要求,形成一套利用既有人防工程较为完整的整修方案。  相似文献   

武汉轨道交通10号线是武汉市轨道交通线网中的一条市域快线,通过三处越江工程连接汉阳、汉口、武昌三镇。针对10号线穿越汉江工程,分别从线路长度、换乘条件、工程难度、沿线拆迁等方面综合分析,确定了硚口路越江通道方案。针对越江工程与市政道路工程共通道的问题,通过多方案比选,确定了区间左右线上下重叠穿越高架桥桩的方案,初步研究了线路纵断面方案,确保线路方案基本可行和工程顺利实施。  相似文献   

北京轨道交通房山线与中心城线网衔接方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京轨道交通房山线近期是市郊线,远期有可能提升为市域线。如何处理好近、远期线路功能的转换,是房山线线路设计的重点。从线路可达性、换乘便利性、投资经济性、工程可实施性、功能转换灵活性等方面,对房山线与北京中心城线网衔接方案展开探讨,从而推荐近远结合的综合最优方案。  相似文献   

上海世博园区专用交通联络线工程的施工方案不仅影响到线路的平纵及车站的型式、布置等诸多方面,还直接影响到世博会期间及今后运营的服务水平。本文从线路选线、车站建筑、运营管理及施工建设等方面对该区间隧道采用单圆或双圆盾构施工方案进行了综合分析和比选,并提出推荐建议。  相似文献   

文章分析了传统铁道工程实训条件的局限性,并针对高铁轨道构造及其施工与维修过程特点,提出了高职院校传统的铁道工程实训教学基地应将高铁轨道构造、施工新技术、维修新设备等引入实训建设中,围绕高铁轨道精调、无缝线路焊接及探伤、大型机械养路等方面实施"高铁"转型改造方案,构建基于当前高速铁路的铁道工程实训教学基地。  相似文献   

上海市轨道交通2号线是城市东西向的市域级快速干线,结合既有2号线一期工程、在建西延伸段及规划东延伸工程的情况,通过对一系列相关问题的研究,提出适合2号线规划功能和客流特点的运营组织方案,并对长大轨道交通线路面临的一些共性问题和应对措施进行初步探索。  相似文献   

宝青云 《交通建设与管理》2015,(Z2):203-204,207
企业可通过采取方案优化、降本增效的方法提高经济效益。实际工程项目实施中,应当通过科技降本、全体降本等降本增效方法。以CW89号公路线路设计优化为例,降本增效的方法一是降低路面标高,二是调整与主线路基相交位置及方式的变更。从工程实施效果来看,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

远安至保康支线铁路位于鄂西山地荆山山脉东南边缘,该区域地形起伏较大,断层和岩溶较发育,生态红线较多。本文基于先大后小、先整体后局部的思路结合复杂山区铁路选线的相关理念,充分考虑矿区分布、工程地质、环境敏感区、建设条件及工程投资等因素,研究了远安至保康支线铁路线路接轨方案、CK21+300~CK30+350段局部线路方案及店垭站位方案。研究结果表明:新开徐家冲线路所接轨东线方案线路顺直,工程条件好、施工难度及风险小,对矿区及黄柏河流域保护区影响较小,推荐远保支线铁路采用徐家冲线路所接轨东线方案;CK21+300~CK30+350段线路中线取直方案跨采用小跨度桥梁通过峡谷,对生态红线影响小,推荐CK21+300~CK30+350段线路采用中线取直方案;相较于格栏坪北侧设站方案,格栏坪南侧设站方案站坪条件好,施工风险低,投资节省,故推荐店垭站设在格栏坪南侧。研究成果对山区铁路选线设计具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

南宁轨道交通骨干线通过专家评审计划年底开建 10月10日,《南宁市轨道交通一号线一期工程可行性研究报告》通过了来自北京、深圳等地的国内轨道交通领域18位专家的评审。评审使南宁市轨道交通1号线一期工程的线路、车站、设备、制式等技术方案得到进一步确定,为下一步的设计、建设奠定了坚实的基础。南宁轨道交通有限责任公司党委书记、董事长张世华表示,下一步,将不断完善《报告》,做好一号线一期工程开工的前期准备,并尽快形成评审初步报告。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通投资周期长、成本高、收益见效慢,许多轨道交通企业负债累累,但随着城市轨道交通在我国的高速发展,越来越多的轨道交通企业开启多元化经营进而实现多元化发展。本文列举了四个我国典型大都市的轨道交通多元化发展情况,结合政府颁布的土地政策,可以看出轨道交通多元化发展的重要性,以及政府将土地交由轨道交通企业自行开发、使用,政府在其中主要充当监管者的角色。这样有助于实现其多元化经营,进而带动多元化发展与城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

In spite of a broad consensus among transportation analysts that bus rapid transit, whether operating on exclusive rights-of-way or on uncongested high occupancy vehicle lanes or general purpose limited access facilities, provides higher performance and has significantly lower costs per passenger trip than rail transit in medium and low density cities, nearly all Sunbelt cities are building or planning heavy or light rail systems. This paper reviews previous studies of the cost-effectiveness of heavy and light rail transit with bus-rapid transit and the growing experience with busways and transitways and concludes, once again, that some form of bus rapid transit would be a far more effective way of providing improved transit in these cities than heavy or light rail transit. Not only would bus rapid transit be substantially cheaper, but it would provide a higher quality of service than light or heavy rail transit for virtually all users. Finally, the paper speculates on the reasons for the continued, “blind” commitment to rail transit by policymakers in Sunbelt cities and on the refusal of policymakers in all but a few of these cities to even consider bus rapid transit.  相似文献   

结合轨道交通岩土工程勘察的特点,对当前水文地质勘察的外业与室内试验工作进行了分析与探讨,并对轨道交通工程中水文地质条件分析与评价进行了阐述,阐明了该项工作在轨道交通工程中的重要性与必要性,以供同行参考.  相似文献   

Crime and fear of crime is a major problem plaguing U.S. transit systems, particularly those serving large urban areas. This paper presents a normative framework for assessing rail transit security following a system-wide metric approach. The security metric can also be used to assess the marginal improvement in security as a result of improving or adopting alternative policing and monitoring strategies. The model consists of five tasks: surveying rail transit security systems, developing a rail transit security metric, assigning efficiency ratings to rail security functions, developing a composite index for the efficiency of the overall security system, and applying a probability matrix to temper the results. Efficiency ratings can be translated into probability of occurrence figures that can be used in a decision tree context to improve rail transit security.  相似文献   

An optimization model for station locations for an on-ground rail transit line is developed using different objective functions of demand and cost as both influence the planning of a rail transit alignment. A microscopic analysis is performed to develop a rail transit alignment in a given corridor considering a many-to-one travel demand pattern. A variable demand case is considered as it replicates a realistic scenario for planning a rail transit line. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based on a Geographical Information System (GIS) database is developed to optimize the station locations for a rail transit alignment. The first objective is to minimize the total system cost per person, which is a function of user cost, operator cost, and location cost. The second objective is to maximize the ridership or the service coverage of the rail transit alignment. The user cost per person is minimized separately as the third objective because the user cost is one of the most important decision-making factors for planning a transit system from the users’ perspective. A transit planner can make an informed decision between various alternatives based on the results obtained using different objective functions. The model is applied in a case study in the Washington, DC area. The optimal locations and sequence of stations obtained using the three objective functions are presented and a comparative study between the results obtained is shown in the paper. In future works we will develop a combinatorial optimization problem using the aforementioned objectives for the rail transit alignment planning and design problem.  相似文献   

结合上海轨道交通网络化运营生产组织工作实际,针对轨道交通生产经营过程中的风险源,对其运营突发事件的应急处置工作进行分析和研究,从风险源分析、能力评估、组织架构及体系建设等方面着手,提出能够适应城市轨道交通网络化运营需求应急处置体系的一些设想。  相似文献   

Almost two years ago the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a formal statement of policy on rail transit. The aim of the policy was to articulate more clearly some of the basic principles and philosophy which would guide Federal participation in urban rail transit investment. The paper examines the principal tenets of the policy and assesses its influence on local rail transit development.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通综合开发能够带来显著的经济效益和社会效益已逐渐得到了证明,与此相关的诸多设计问题和接口关系也正在逐步研究解决。通过对轨道交通车站几个综合开发项目设计问题的剖析,提出在轨道交通车站综合开发建筑设计接口要素及关注要点。  相似文献   

A simplified simulation model for the operational analysis of a rail rapid transit train is presented. The model simulates the movement of a train along a route, and develops the relationships of time—distance, time—speed and distance—speed. The inputs to the model are the profile of speed limits and the dynamic characteristics of the train. Without the information on the track geometry and tractive effort, the model determines the speed of the train at a location based on the previous and future speed limits relative to the location. It was found that the model can fairly accurately simulate the relationship between travel time and distance. A comparison of the train travel times between the actual and simulated runs is presented. Because of the simplicity of input and calculation method, the model can be a useful tool for the “desk-top” analysis of frequently occurring planning problems of a commuter rail or rail rapid transit line, such as the impacts of changes in speed limits, station locations, station stopping policy, addition/elimination of stations, and types of rail cars.  相似文献   


Rail transit investment has been viewed as a prominent policy instrument for local and regional development. However, little is known about to what extent the theorised changes in land and housing values arising from rail transit access can be substantiated by evidence in a large developing country context. This paper presents a quantitative review of empirical studies that analysed the impacts of rail transit access on land and housing values in China. We review empirical analyses in 67 studies from 1997 to 2018 for which we encode quantitative results along with a range of theoretically combinations of spatially contextual characteristics, data and methodological-design characteristics. The results show that there are significant variations in the size estimates of effects of rail transit access across studies. Such variations are associated with rail project types, data and methodological designs. Our study provides the insights on what has already been known and what needs to be known on evaluating real estate consequences of rail transit improvements in developing countries.  相似文献   

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