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隧道特殊不良地质钻探法超前地质预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对于一些重大、长大隧道的特殊不良地质地段(如岩溶、瓦斯等),应特别加强超前钻探预报工作.文章在对超前钻探技术特点分析基础上,主要对岩溶和瓦斯两种特殊不良地质隧道超前地质钻探技术进行深入探讨.对岩溶隧道,介绍了超前钻探施工工序、钻孔布置、钻机准备、施钻、钻探记录及描述、分析判断及成果报告等.对瓦斯隧道,从瓦斯隧道施工特点出发,提出"以地质法为基础,以物探为主要手段,结合超前钻探和瓦斯浓度监测的综合方法"的预报技术,并对钻孔布置、参数测定等进行了详细介绍.超前钻探预报技术具有更直接和更准确的特点,它必将在特殊不良地质隧道施工中发挥更重要的作用.  相似文献   

超前地质预报工作应当编制相应的地质预报方案,海底隧道尤应如此.地质预报方案编制前,必须充分掌握熟悉隧道施工场区的地质背景条件,不同的地质背景,地质条件不同、地质复杂程度不同、勘察难度不同,因此有不同的地质预报方案.文章阐述了隧道超前地质预报工作的目的、性质以及编制超前地质预报方案的指导思想,着重强调地质观察研究在地质预报工作中的重要性.通过对超前预报相关合同文件所规定的预报手段的效用及特点的阐述以及人们对地质背景条件的不同认识,提出了胶州湾隧道不同的地质预报方案,同时对地质预报工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

隧道施工期地质超前预报技术的发展   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
近年来,随着隧道施工技术的提高,对隧道施工期地质超前预报提出了更高的要求.受地质勘察精度、经费等诸多条件的限制,设计与实际不符的情况屡有发生,由此造成的隧道洞内塌方、涌水、涌泥、涌砂、岩爆、瓦斯爆炸等灾害时有发生,给隧道施工造成极大的危害.隧道施工期地质超前预报显示出越来越重要的作用.本文在回顾隧道施工期地质超前预报技术的发展及其应用的基础上,对隧道施工期地质超前预报技术的发展前景进行了预测.  相似文献   

文章针对岩溶区公路隧道施工实际,提出地质雷达与超前水平钻孔相结合的综合超前地质预报方法,并将该方法应用于广西某岩溶区公路双连拱隧道的施工中,验证了在岩溶区双连拱隧道施工中应用该综合超前地质预报方法的预报效果,对其他形式隧道的综合超前地质预报有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

在富水隧道施工过程中,常突发涌水、突泥等工程地质灾害,对施工安全危害极大。工程实践表明,单一的地质超前预报方法造成漏判、误判严重,难以确保隧道施工安全。文章结合铜锣山隧道工程地质条件,提出采用综合地质超前预报技术对铜锣山隧道施工涌水进行地质超前预报,充分发挥TRT法、瞬变电磁法和超前水平钻法技术的各自优势。工程应用效果表明,该种组合的综合地质超前预报技术为该隧道施工决策提供了有效的地质参考依据,在一定程度上避免了隧道涌水、突泥等地质灾害的发生。  相似文献   

超前地质预报是保证隧道施工安全的重要手段.南渝高速公路铜锣山隧道穿越煤层米空区、巨型断层带,地质条件极为复杂,施工中极易发生煤与瓦斯突出、涌突水等地质灾害.隧道施工中引进了TRT6000超前地质预报三维空间反射层析成像技术,通过获取掌子面前方较长距离内的围岩及地下水赋存情况信息,为隧道施工安全提供预警,其预报成果对业主确定实施设计变更提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的不断增强,大量的隧道建设工作也在不断深入,西部地区成为构筑国家完整公路体系中的关键一环.大量的隧道位于山体深部,地质条件复杂且存在多种不良地质体,隧道施工安全受到地质灾害的威胁.本文通过分析隧道主要超前地质预报方法的优缺点,并研究隧道中不良地质情况,对各类超前地质预报方法以及适用性进行研究,并讨论了综合超前地质预报的工作布置.  相似文献   

文章阐述了TSP超前地质预报的原理与主要内容,并结合龙里二号隧道施工实例,介绍了TSP超前地质预报在隧道施工中的应用技术。通过将预报成果与实际开挖围岩类别进行对比分析,验证了TSP超前地质预报结果的准确性。  相似文献   

TSP系统在隧道超前地质预报中的问题及其改善处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TSP系统作为一项比较成熟的超前地质预报技术,已被广泛应用在隧道施工过程中.文章以地震波反射理论为基础,简要介绍了TSP超前地质预报系统的工作原理及相应工作流程,总结了影响TSP预报效果的各种因素;并通过分析大量的TSP实测数据和典型案例,对该方法在数据采集、资料处理和解释等方面容易出现的各种问题进行了综合研究,提出了改善TSP系统超前地质预报可靠性的相应对策和措施,可为隧道超前地质准确预报提供参考.  相似文献   

文章结合河池至百色高速公路平坎隧道工程实例,介绍了综合超前地质预报法的应用流程,提出采用TSP、地质雷达、多功能C6钻机、超前加深炮孔、地质分析等5种手段,由粗探到精探,特别是应用了C6XP多功能钻机进行超前地质钻孔,并综合地表地质调查、图纸资料核查,对隧道围岩进行超前地质预报及综合研判,判断隧道的岩溶发育情况,查明隧道施工风险,为岩溶隧道施工提供借鉴及参考。  相似文献   

Wang Zhihao 《运输评论》2013,33(2):171-182

Bicycles are a main means of transport in China. This paper discusses several aspects of the current situation and future policy, including the production of bicycles, their possession and utilization in typical large cities, the reasons for their importance in communication, the advantages and problems of bicycle traffic, and two different opinions on solving the existing problems. The paper also deals with road design for bicycles and their regulation in China's cities.  相似文献   

Transportation - Using survey data from 3004 respondents aged 21 and older in Northern Virginia, Richmond, and the Tidewater area, this paper identifies factors associated with respondents’...  相似文献   

This article deals with highly motorized large West German cities of about 200,000 inhabitants and more, which usually provide reasonable public transport systems. Illegal parking with shares of about 40 to 50% of the total parking is widespread in the parking problem areas of those cities, especially in the inner-city residential and mixed-use areas. Parking spaces are demanded by residents, employees, customers and visitors, and by delivery and service traffic. The different characteristics of parking demands by different user groups are discussed. The total parking supply consists of public and private spaces. The share of private spaces is about 40 to 50% of the total parking spaces in German cities. The amount of car traffic generated by a parking space depends on parking duration and parking turnover, as well as on search traffic. So the change of a space from long-duration use of an employee to short-duration of customers — as often discussed in parking concepts — generates at least five-fold car traffic. The measurements and effects of parking control of public spaces as well as the parking regulations in zoning ordinances, restrictions on the construction of new private parking spaces and park-and-ride are discussed. Finally, a parking concept methodology — using the example of Frankfurt am Main — is discussed.  相似文献   


Rural Africa is starved of transport services. The transport routes run towards the export enclaves and the coast.

The political, social and developmental rural transport benefits are discussed. Rural transport will help (i) integrate the country and ease its governance; (ii) widen markets; (iii) induce increased agricultural output, through new technologies, reduced transport costs, etc. The transport cost savings should be passed on to rural firms and producers. The paper warns against their accruing only to middlemen — agricultural parastatals inclusive, thereby stifling the benefits to production. This could happen under some forms of pan‐territorial pricing. Negative aspects of road development, e.g. the substitution of local goods by imports, increased migration and noise, are noted.

The place and role of project appraisal in rural road planning is acknowledged. The broad‐based development packages approach associated with Integrated Rural Development Projects has, despite its attractions, some pitfalls. It favours well established villages and ignores distribution benefits within villages.

Project appraisal can be used to justify socially uneconomic transport developments. However, rural road investment projects with immediate negative returns are unlikely to be funded. Given clear priorities, short of elaborate cost/benefit analysis, obvious road investments choices can be made by the local community. Greater public accountability of transport planners and peoples’ participation in determining rural transport needs and priorities is emphasized. Increased rural road maintenance especially through self‐help schemes and increased use of traditional modes of transport, e.g. walking, animal and water transport, is recommended.  相似文献   

Urban populations transport risk perception is interesting because it is associated with travel mode choices and use. This study investigates changes in transport-related risk constructs in the urban population in Norway in 2004 and 2013, and describes whether people perceive private or public to be associated with the highest risk. The results are based on self-completion questionnaire surveys conducted in two independent representative samples living in the same urban areas in 2004 (n?=?592) and 2013 (n?=?1035). Overall, the respondents perceived the risk as lower in 2013 than in 2004. For both time periods, people consistently assessed the risk constructs related to private motorized transportation as higher than corresponding risk in public transportation. The findings suggest that while transportation risk perception in urban populations may change over time, the pattern that private motorized transportation is associated with a higher perceived risk than public transportation remains stable.  相似文献   


The economy in Asia is growing rapidly. As a consequence, transportation and communication technologies and the changing needs of customers and shippers have resulted in Asian and Taiwan's logistics being in transition. This paper discusses why logistics changes, and explores the opportunities for Asian logistics development. The issues of logistics perspectives of private sectors in Taiwan are then raised. Finally, logistics development in Taiwan is described.  相似文献   


Often called paratransit because of their flexible stops, schedules and routes, minibuses make up the bulk of public transport in African cities. Despite their ubiquity and importance, these systems are poorly understood by transportation planners who tend to focus on large-scale urban infrastructure projects such as highways, commuter rail or bus rapid transit systems. The assumption within much of this planning is that these minibus systems are barriers to change and will become at most secondary “feeder” buses within large-scale projects, but structured plans detailing this vision are lacking. This paper argues that frequent failure to collect data and value important paratransit systems as a critical part of transportation in their own right is deeply problematic from the point of view of equity, access and inclusive and effective planning. We ask whether the growing number of bottom up mapping projects of minibus systems can disrupt this status quo. By comparing two mapping projects, Digital Matatus in Nairobi and the Mapa Dos Chapas in Maputo, we find that inclusive, collaborative mapping can help render these minibuses more visible in planning and provoke more grounded and inclusive “planning conversations” on multi-modal integration, passenger information and minibus upgrading, all key but relatively marginalised aspects of creating accessible, low emission, high quality and safe public transport in African cities.  相似文献   

Because of different geo‐demographic and economic conditions, the impact of the new passenger modes (road and air) on rail travel was much larger in North America than in Europe. In 1960s and 1970s, as the railway share of intercity traffic in North America shrunk to a negligible one or two percent, the passenger trains were abandoned by private railway companies and taken over by state organizations, which have continued to operate traditional trains and generate mounting losses. On the technology side, no attempts have been made to improve competitiveness of trains vis‐a‐vis automobiles and airplanes.

In Europe and Japan, the railways responded to the challenge by (i) upgrading the performance (speed) and comfort of traditional trains operating on existing tracks and (ii) developing trains which could, on short and intermediate range distances, compete successfully, in terms of speed and economy, with the road and air modes. The Japanese (Shinkansen trains) and French (TGV trains) experience clearly shows that trains operating on dedicated lines at average speeds of 150 to 200 km/hr provide a superior transportation service and economy on high‐traffic intercity routes of up to about 500 km length. In this paper the factors responsible for the present status of passenger rail in North America are analysed, the current policies in the U.S. and Canada are evaluated in the light of experience to date and developments abroad, and suggestions for a long‐term passenger rail policy are made. This includes examination of (i) the viability of continued subsidization of traditional train services, (ii) the viability of operation of faster trains on existing tracks, (iii) the scope for introduction of modern, fast trains on dedicated lines in high‐density, intercity corridors, (iv) the application of fast trains as access to major airports and integration of airports with fast intercity lines, and (v) the impact of energy (oil) consumption in transportation.


土工合成材料在国外路基加筋中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章总结回顾国外土工合成材料加筋路基力学机理、试验研究及设计方法研究现状,通过对现有路基加筋设计方法进行比较,指出现有土工合成材料加筋设计方法的不足,并就今后需进一步研究的领域提出建议。  相似文献   

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