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2013年9月为了保护环境,保障人体健康,防治大气污染,由中华人民共和国环境保护部与国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第五阶段)》为国家污染物排放标准。本文对国Ⅳ标准与国Ⅴ标准的限值,与技术路线进行对比分析。  相似文献   

轻型车国Ⅵ排放测试系统技术方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对国Ⅵ法规(申报稿)及WLTP法规变化点的研究和对国Ⅴ阶段排放测试系统设计经验的总结,并结合目前排放试验系统的普遍现状,探讨了国Ⅵ阶段排放测试系统的技术方案,并进一步结合现有排放试验系统的特点,提出了可行的升级方案。  相似文献   

本文介绍了世界范围内关于车用发动机而制定的排放法规及相关治理措施,并详细阐述了基于排放法规的车用柴油机技术路线变迁,重点对排放法规和燃油经济性要求对轻型车用发动机及重型车用柴油机的技术路线选择产生的影响进行了研究,并据此进行了展望。内燃机在现在及未来相当长的一段时间内,依然会作为主流的车用动力装置。就目前而言,排放法规及燃油经济性要求依然对车用发动机的技术路线选择起着显著的影响。考虑到当前的世界气候环境及燃料储备,对车用发动机进行节能减排的技术改良可谓势在必行。  相似文献   

2016年底,环境保护部和国家质检总局联合发布《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》(GB18352.6-2016)。该标准中,Ⅰ型试验采用全球轻型车统一测试程序,全面加严了试验要求。本文通过研究试验循环、试验加载、车辆性能和驾驶方式,简要介绍国六阶段Ⅰ型试验与目前现行的第五阶段Ⅰ型试验存在的不同之处。针对各种变化,采用试验验证的方法,提出国六Ⅰ型试验对车辆动力性及转鼓驾驶性的新要求。  相似文献   

生物柴油的制备及其与柴油的排放特性对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了通过酯交换反应来制取生物柴油的方法和制取流程,采用正交试验方法确定了最佳的反应条件,即在以NaOH为催化剂,催化剂的量为1.0%(质量分数),反应时间为25min,油醇摩尔比为1∶6的条件下,酯化率最高。本文还在增压柴油机上试验对比研究了自制生物柴油和0#柴油的排放特性,结果表明,燃用生物柴油时NOX、HC以及CO均有所降低,烟度在大负荷情况下降低很明显。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is the assessment of the environmental impact of a bivalent (bi-fuel) vehicle, running either on gasoline or compressed natural gas (CNG). To that aim, a Euro 6 passenger car was tested under various real-world driving conditions. In order to cover the full range of conventional powertrains currently in the market, the tests were also repeated on a Euro 6 diesel passenger car. Both cars were driven in two routes, the first complying with the regulation limits and the second going beyond them. Carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particle number (PN) emissions were recorded using a Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS). Apart from the aggregated emission levels, in g/km, the exact emission location along the route was also assessed. Natural gas proved beneficial for CO and PN emissions, the level of which always remained below the respective legislation limits. On the other hand, under the dynamic driving conditions with gasoline, the relevant limits were exceeded. Cold start, occurring at the beginning of the urban part, and motorway driving were identified as major contributors to total emissions, especially in gasoline mode. However, the application of natural gas was associated with a penalty in NOx emissions, which were significantly increased as compared to gasoline. Local peaks within the urban part were identified in CNG mode. In any case, the diesel vehicle was by far the highest NOx emitter.  相似文献   

本文针对道路客运安全事故多发存在的安全管理问题及原因,在政策法规、管理机制、经营许可及市场监管等方面进行了剖析;对中美两国道路客运安全管理的法规制度进行了分析比较,根据我国道路客运发展现状和安全管理存在的关键问题,借鉴美国的管理经验,提出了创新道路客运安全管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper assess whether a real-world second-by-second methodology that integrates vehicle activity and emissions rates for light-duty gasoline vehicles can be extended to diesel vehicles. Secondly it compares fuel use and emission rates between gasoline and diesel light-duty vehicles. To evaluate the methodology, real-world field data from two light-duty diesel vehicles are used. Vehicle specific power, a function of vehicle speed, acceleration, and road grade, is evaluated with respect to ability to explain variation in emissions rates. Vehicle specific power has been used previously to define activity-based modes and to quantify variation in fuel use and emission rates of gasoline vehicles taking into account idle, acceleration, cruise, and deceleration. The fuel use and emission rates for light-duty diesel vehicles can also be explained using vehicle specific power -based modes. Thus, the methodology enables direct comparisons for different vehicle fuels and technologies. Furthermore, the method can be used to estimate average fuel use and emission rates for a wide variety of driving cycles.  相似文献   

Motorcycles are the third most common means of transportation in the megacity of Tehran. Hence, measurements of emission factors are essential for Tehran motorcycle fleets. In this study, 60 carburetor motorcycles of various mileages and engine displacement volumes were tested in a chassis dynamometer laboratory according to cold start Euro-3 emissions certification test procedures. For almost all of the tested samples, the average carbon monoxide (CO) emission factors were about seven times higher than the limits for Euro-3 certification. No motorcycle fell within the Euro-3 certification limit on CO emissions. 125 cc engine displacement volume motorcycles, which are dominant in Tehran, have the most total unburned hydrocarbons and CO emission rates, and they have less nitrous oxides (NOX) emission rates and fuel consumption compared to those of larger engine volume motorcycles. Calculation of fuel-based emission factors and moles of combustion products shows that about 40% of fuel consumed by 125 cc engine volume motorcycles burns to incomplete combustion products. This proportion is lower for larger engine volume motorcycles. Approximation of relative air–fuel ratio results shows very rich combustion in selected motorcycles. Using a carburetor fuel supply system, low engine compression ratio, aging, and no catalyst could be reasons for high emission rates. These reasons could possibly result in high ultrafine particles emission rates from motorcycles. Comparison of total motorcycle pollutant emissions to that of passenger cars from previous studies in Tehran shows that motorcycles contribute to pollutant much higher than their contribution to the total fleet or total travels.  相似文献   

Air pollution is the most serious environmental problem in Tehran with exhaust emissions from spark-ignition engines accounting for a major part of problem. The formation and accumulation of deposits on the internal surfaces of engines could adversely affect the exhaust emission from vehicles. It is the perception that some of fuel additives can remove these deposits due to their detergency. The Iranian Department of Environment decarbonized more that 250,000 SI engine vehicles in Tehran with the goal of reducing exhaust CO and HC emissions from gasoline engine vehicles by engine deposit removal. Here, the influence of engine deposit removal by decarbonization on the exhaust CO and HC emissions from more than 500 gasoline engine vehicles is examined. It is found that the decarbonization process could reduce the exhaust CO and HC emissions, significantly. Emissions from Peykan and Pride vehicles decreased considerably after decarbonization.  相似文献   

Several travel indicators were compared between telecommuting (TC) days and non-telecommuting days for a sample of 72 center-based telecommuters in California. Distance traveled decreased significantly on TC days, with average reductions of 51 person-miles (58%) and 35 vehicle-miles (53%). When weighted by telecommuting frequency, average reductions of 11.9% in PMT and 11.5% in VMT were found over a five-day work week. Person-trips and vehicle-trips increased slightly (but not significantly) on TC days. This was due to statistically significant increases in commute trips by telecommuters (who more often went home for lunch on their TC days), partly counteracted by decreases in non-commute travel. The drive-alone mode share increased on TC days, both for all trips, and for commute trips in particular. Walking and biking shares also increased modestly on TC days, whereas shares of transit and ridesharing declined. Despite the increase in trip rates, TC-day reductions were found for all pollutants analyzed: 15% for total organic gas emissions, 21% for carbon monoxide, 35% for oxides of nitrogen, and 51% for particulate matter. The reduction in VMT more than compensated for the marginal increase in number of trips (and consequently, cold starts) on telecommuting days.  相似文献   

Taiwan’s inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs identifies high-emission motorcycles but, although these help reduce air pollution, they have been criticized for being cost-ineffective. This study examines the relationship between characteristics of motorcycles and hydrocarbon emissions in the Central Air Quality Basin of Taiwan. It is shown that engine size and type, age and manufacturer of a motorcycle significantly affect HC emissions. Larger-size engines emit smaller amounts of HCs; whereas older motorcycles emitted greater amounts. In addition, two-stroke-engine machines produced significantly higher HC emission levels than four-strokes. Variations in HC emissions testing are a result of various I/M testing locations and efficiency may be improved by modifying these.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolution of urban cycling in Montreal, Canada and its link to both built environment indicators and bicycle infrastructure accessibility. The effect of new cycling infrastructure on transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is then explored. More specifically, we aim at investigating how commuting cycling modal share has evolved across neighborhood built-environment typologies and over time in Montreal, Canada. For this purpose, automobile and bicycle trip information from origin–destination surveys for the years 1998, 2003 and 2008 are used. Neighborhood typologies are generated from different built environment indicators (population and employment density, land use diversity, etc.). Furthermore, to represent the commuter mode choice (bicycle vs automobile), a standard binary logit and simultaneous equation modeling approach are adopted to represent the mode choice and the household location. Among other things, we observe an important increase in the likelihood to cycle across built environment types and over time in the study region. In particular, urban and urban-suburb neighborhoods have experienced an important growth over the 10 years, going from a modal split of 2.8–5.3% and 1.4–3.0%, respectively. After controlling for other factors, the model regression analysis also confirms the important increase across years as well as the significant differences of bicycle ridership across neighborhoods. A statistically significant association is also found between the index of bicycle infrastructure accessibility and bike mode choice – an increase of 10% in the accessibility index results in a 3.7% increase in the ridership. Based on the estimated models and in combination with a GHG inventory at the trip level, the potential impact of planned cycling infrastructure is explored using a basic scenario. A reduction of close to 2% in GHG emissions is observed for an increase of 7% in the length of the bicycle network. Results show the important benefits of bicycle infrastructure to reduce commuting automobile usage and GHG emissions.  相似文献   

本文从高速公路建设项目的角度出发就“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念的内涵及时代要求进行了论述,分析了当前“绿色交通”理念下的绿色公路建设施工与管理中存在的主要问题,同时结合“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念的具体内涵,以十淅高速公路(湖北段)项目为例,从施工管理、设计、施工技术等方面阐述了绿色交通理念在公路建设过程中的具体实践,为公路建设的绿色发展提供了借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of marine engine maintenance in reducing pollution. It tests four marine diesel engines, one constructed prior to January 1, 2000 and three after 2000. This paper explains how the condition of an engine’s nozzles and faulty injection pressure significantly influence NOx and CO emissions and describes both bench and onboard ship tests, on engines fitted with new or worn nozzles at different injection pressures. The tests showed that, when the engine constructed prior to 2000 operates under normal in-service conditions, the emissions are within limits, but, with a small fault in injection timing, the NOx emissions exceed the limits. For the engines constructed after 2000, a fault in the maintenance of the nozzles increases the CO emissions to a high level.  相似文献   

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