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中国集装箱港口合作竞争的博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
方敏 《集装箱化》2005,(1):26-28
经济全球化导致了中国集装箱港口之间的激烈竞争,我们从博弈分析角度通过对所构建的博弈模型的重复博弈分析,提出集装箱港口之间合作竞争的理念,阐明中国集装箱港口之间合作竞争是可能与必然的。  相似文献   

区域内集装箱港口合作竞争的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了合作竞争理念,并将它引入区域内集装箱港口的竞争中。运用博弈论的方法,从理论的角度分析它们之间合作竞争的可能性,最后结合模型,指出了区域内集装箱港口合作竞争的实现形式。  相似文献   

介绍了合作竞争理念,并将它引入区域内集装箱港口的竞争中。运用博弈论的方法,从理论的角度分析它们之间合作竞争的可能性,最后结合模型,指出了区域内集装箱港口合作竞争的实现形式。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲(以下简称珠三角)地区集装箱码头的兴建、扩建一方面造成了集装箱港口功能和级别的分化,产生了一些颇具竞争实力的干线港、支线港及喂给港,促进了港口集装箱运输市场的良性发展;另一方面,由于缺乏区域总体协调,致使集装箱码头的建设与经营局部失衡,导致了部分港口间激烈的、非理性竞争。在激烈的市场竞争环境下,如何顺应市场变化规律,在经营上突出"分工"与"合作",并使两者相结合,应该是珠三角地区各港口今后发展走势的总体特点。  相似文献   

长江沿线内河港口各有特色,港口之间的合作与竞争并存。为了推进长江"黄金水道"的全面发展,需要对长江沿线内河港口的发展情况进行科学分析。将遗传算法和模糊目标函数C-均值聚类算法(FCM)相结合,对长江干线下游7个集装箱港口进行了聚类分析,最后根据聚类结果提出了长江干线下游集装箱港口的发展定位。  相似文献   

为评价我国集装箱港口的竞争力,促进我国港口良性发展、合理竞争、科学合作,从经济实际出发,结合国内外影响因素,分析港口发展面临的机遇和挑战,从"国家战略、发展理念、行业趋势"等3个方面提出提升我国集装箱港口竞争力的对策建议。随着我国"一带一路"建设的持续推进、市场经济的不断发展以及世界航运格局的不断变化,在国家政策支持和企业智慧化经营的共同推动下,我国集装箱港口将实现规模化、效益化发展,将有力保障我国从港口大国向港口强国迈进。  相似文献   

一、珠三角地区集装箱码头从竞争走向合作的新战略目前,珠三角正形成以香港为中心,深圳港、广州港为枢纽,珠海港、惠州港为干线港,其他中小港口为补充的竞争新格局。香港作为国际航运中心,是全球供应链上的主要枢纽港,其70%的国际集装箱处理量来自珠三角,受到土地、交通和营运成本的制约,发展空间有限,珠三角港口群必然要承担起发展远洋集装箱运输的功能。近年来,珠三角港口建设群雄并起,下一步各港口规模会不断扩大,竞争也会加剧。虽然珠三角地区集装箱港口群的经营竞争还处于良性阶段,但强调合作更是十分必要。1.珠三角地区集装箱码头从竞…  相似文献   

任民强 《集装箱化》2004,(4):1-3,12
随着集装箱运输的蓬勃发展以及港口的日益市场化,集装箱码头之间的竞争越来越激烈。笔者认为,尽管集装箱码头之间存在着竞争,同时还有众多的合作机遇。竞争和合作相比,合作重于竞争,竞争会削弱双方的力量,合作则可以开创双赢的局面。在中国对外开放程度日益扩  相似文献   

肖钟熙 《中国港口》2010,(12):18-19
<正>在集装箱港口竞争处于春秋战国时代的今天,"无水港"战略已经成为大多数大中型集装箱港口的竞争策略。由于无水港与港口之间主要依靠铁路连接,因此,海铁联运在集装箱港口集疏运系统中的地位也不断得到提升。的确,与目前集装箱港口集疏运的主力-公路运输相比较,海铁联运  相似文献   

秦同瞬 《中国港口》2003,(10):38-39
<正> 在全球经济一体化发展的趋势下,集装箱码头的发达程度已成为地区港口发展的重要标志,确立集装箱枢纽港的地位也就成为地区港口发展的首要目标。两岸三通对两岸三地港口有何影响?采取何种合作方式实现港口发展战略目标的协调?是摆在我们面前具有重大现实意义的课题。 一、两岸三地各自的竞争优势 集装箱港口行业内部的竞争在于枢纽港之间的竞争。集装箱港口行业内部的协作在于枢纽港与支线港之间的协作。两岸三地港口之间的竞争,归根到底只有在枢纽港之间。两岸三通后,两岸三地有较大相关的枢纽港主要有香港、高雄港、上海港  相似文献   

This paper examines the development and growth of container traffic in the Asia-Pacific region. It is hypothesised that containerization is losing its national character as the geography of container transport changes port hierarchies where only a few ports have become locationally favorable. The organizatioon of the paper is straightforward. First, the development and growth of container traffic in the Asia-Pacific region is examined in order to provide understanding of changes associated with containerization. Second, the role of selected Asian-Pacific ports as key economic players is reviewed, and container development in each port is analysed so as to measure the differences explaining the position of Asian-Pacific ports in the maritime system. Third, the degree of concentration and competition that exist among the container ports of the region is analysed with a view to evaluate what rate of expansion can be expected in the foreseeable future that will shape the network of the container market in the region. The paper concludes on a possible research agenda.  相似文献   

More than a century ago far-sighted railroad builders and steamship operators were seeking the shortest intermodal itineraries between the eastern United States and the Orient. A combination of locational fact and the factual outcomes of 19th century railroad building left Chicago roughly equidistant in railway mileage from what became the four great US West-Coast port complexes in the Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle regions. Their nearly equivalent rail access to Chicago and points east has renewed significance in the container era.

This paper concerns the efforts of US Pacific seaboard ports to stay 'on the beaten track' with respect to container shipments between Asia and the eastern United States. The West-Coast ports are transit points dividing the transcontinental and transoceanic segments of long intercontinental journeys. From origins to destinations there are, in fact, many possibly feasible itineraries, including all-water routes.

The West-Coast ports have considerable control over their own site improvements. On the other hand, with respect to transiting container traffic, the ports may influence, but are unlikely to control, their own situations. Since the major container port facilities are very often on long-term lease to large intermodal carriers, the latter are making the important shipping and routeing decisions. The carriers tend in fact to set the tone and level of port competition.

What is the nature of the competition between container ports? Is it a figment of the publicist's imagination and perpetuated by irrelevant statistical boasting? Is it perhaps something forced on the ports by carriers eager to play one port off against another in a 'lowest bid' game? At what geographical scale might port competition be most useful or, maybe, least wasteful?  相似文献   

Container ports provide the primary interface where physical exchange between buyers and sellers of containerised shipping capacity can be consolidated and realised. Consequently, ports that are able to complement and add value to the objectives of shipping lines and shippers will become focal points for containerised cargo flows. To evaluate container port competition, the authors propose a practical and direct approach based on revealed preferences of shipping lines with respect to container shipping service dynamics. The container shipping networks are generated as carriers formulate their service schedules to capitalise on opportunities that are presented by evolving container trade patterns along trade routes and relative changes in the competitive profile of the ports of call. Empirical results showed that this approach offers a deeper understanding on the workings and evolution of competitive dynamics between ports, which may not be obvious from observations of port performance at the aggregated level. Benefits of the approach also include raising awareness that policy makers should be aware of the need to understand the nature, extensity and intensity of competitive relationships between ports as they craft and implement policies to correct for the actual or perceived market failures in the industry.  相似文献   

Container ports in Southeast Asia accounted for an estimated 30.0% of the world's transhipment traffic in 2004. The share of the region's transhipment trade was forecasted to increase to 32.5% in 2015. The potential offered by this large and expanding market encouraged major container terminal operators located in Port Klang, Singapore and Tanjung Pelepas to compete intensively for this business by attracting major container shipping lines that operated along key east-west sailing routes to hub at their terminals.

This paper analyses the annual slot capacity connected to the three selected ports that was deployed by all the container shipping lines in 1999-2004. The data are computed and categorized based on shipping trade routes. The study aims to shed light on port competition in Southeast Asia for transhipment containers by an in-depth and quantitative analysis.

The analysis finds that competition from Port Klang and Tanjung Pelepas had a negative impact on Singapore's transhipment performance. Although Singapore continued to enjoy a dominant position as the premier transhipment hub in the region in terms of market share by both transhipment throughput and annualized slot capacity, the evidence suggested that its hold on the market appeared to be slipping, albeit gradually. Overall, Tanjung Pelepas is expected to pose the strongest challenge to Singapore's transhipment hub ambitions. Managerial implications for the ports are drawn.  相似文献   

基于合作对策的江苏沿江港口合作竞争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张欣  施欣 《中国航海》2007,(3):69-72
江苏沿江港口群功能定位混乱、恶性竞争严重,不利于其整体竞争力的提高和"组合港"的发展,为此有必要形成良性竞争的合作模式。利用合作对策理论,建立了沿江港口在航线开辟上的合作模型。研究发现,沿江港口间的合作是有实质意义的,但各个港口在联盟中的地位是不同的,必须建立一定的利益分配原则来维持联盟的稳定性。研究结果表明:基于合作对策的沿江港口合作竞争模型有效地揭示各港的动态竞争行为,为研究港口合作竞争提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

Shenzhen Port (SZP), once a negligible local port, has risen dramatically to a world-leading container port and an “equal” player with Hong Kong Port (HKP). Will this market share reallocation continue, or will equilibrium be eventually realized for HKP to prosper continuously? We examine the relationship between these two ports to answer this question. We propose a new transformation method to describe the growth of container cargo transport demand, define the quantitative measures of the competition relationship and port competitiveness, and present a rigorous analytical framework with econometric tests and models to understand the true relationship between HKP and SZP. Direct empirical tests suggest that SZP complements HKP; however, the two ports exhibit strong competition when the effect of demand growth is excluded. Considering transshipment separately, we find that the impact of SZP on HKP is negative in transshipment but complementary in direct shipment. We may conclude that HKP does not affect SZP, whereas SZP has competitive power over HKP. These results are consistent with the findings of some previous theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments in maritime transport, particularly in container shipping and larger vessels, are having major repercussions at ports the world over. The latest wave of innovations has increased the level of competition in maritime transport, in particular in port activities. Shippers have many more alternatives available, something that tends to increase the hinterland of each port, precisely by reducing captive hinterlands. Ports are now generally moving towards formulas in which private initiative has a bigger role to play. Increases in competition combined with growth in private initiatives highlight the usefulness of marketing tools in two ways. Externally, because they help to achieve throughputs from remote points of origin and destination, and internally, by aiding the proper coordination of business and organizational activity at a commercial port. The present paper is a transversal study of the current situation of marketing and quality tools at major ports, including the opinions of a range of port commercial and marketing managers. We have also tried to describe the differentiated groups to be found at ports, as a useful methodology for identifying the nearest competition or ports with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments in maritime transport, particularly in container shipping and larger vessels, are having major repercussions at ports the world over. The latest wave of innovations has increased the level of competition in maritime transport, in particular in port activities. Shippers have many more alternatives available, something that tends to increase the hinterland of each port, precisely by reducing captive hinterlands. Ports are now generally moving towards formulas in which private initiative has a bigger role to play. Increases in competition combined with growth in private initiatives highlight the usefulness of marketing tools in two ways. Externally, because they help to achieve throughputs from remote points of origin and destination, and internally, by aiding the proper coordination of business and organizational activity at a commercial port. The present paper is a transversal study of the current situation of marketing and quality tools at major ports, including the opinions of a range of port commercial and marketing managers. We have also tried to describe the differentiated groups to be found at ports, as a useful methodology for identifying the nearest competition or ports with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

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