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在中国市场是一家主推小排量车型的企业,以奥拓、羚羊为代表的小排量产品,因为相对合理的市场定位,让很多人都成为了“坐在轮子上生活的人”。而今,鼓励小排量车型政策的出台更是让这家企业看到了更多的希望。  相似文献   

徐倩 《轿车情报》2011,(6):216-221
私家车的普及,让现在的孩子们从小就接触汽车、喜欢汽车。比如同事家的孩子3岁多,就已能辨别出汽车的不同品牌。社会的进步为我们的生活提供了极大的便利,但道路安全问题却上升为一个重要的课题,诸多汽车企业也将此纳入企业社会责任中。而如何让孩子们在一个安全的生活环境中快乐成长,父母应该懂得更多,并且教会孩子更多。  相似文献   

我们知道,一个企业从开始、上升到走向成熟,实际上是经历了从启动营销,基础营销到深度营销的过程。深度营销,是建立在深度分销模式基础上的整体营销操作方法体系,简单地说就是如何“让产品进入更多的零售终端,让零售终端销售更多的产品”,强调分销的广度与深度以及所取得的营销成效。深度营销更多地适用于大众性日用消费品行业。  相似文献   

首先,请允许我对振龙公司生产锂离子电池的举措表示祝贺。因为这说明我们行业中又多了一家生产锂电池的企业,锂电池生产企业多了就会有竞争,有竞争就会产生活力,有竞争就会促进产业的提升,同时通过竞争也可以让使用锂电池的消费者得到更多的实惠。基于这个前提,我想要谈谈在当前锂电池应用于电动自行车上的问题。  相似文献   

这个世界好像什么都不是没有可能的。 SUV的出现,让我们可以征服那些让轿车望而生畏的offroad,那种征服感很刺激;城市SUV的出现,跨越了轿车和SUV的界限,让更多的人能够体会到这种征服感,包括多数时间生活在钢筋混凝土里的城市一族:汉兰达的出现,让跨界更彻底,轿车的舒适便利性、SUV的越野性、MPV的多功能性,似乎一起都可以随心所欲。  相似文献   

当经过发酵的葡萄被混入一些烈酒成分和蜂蜜或者香草之后,人们不仅可以品到葡萄酒原有的甜香还可以享受更多的刺激和醇厚的回昧,这就是马提尼酒的本质,它可以给予更多你想要的方方面面,让人欲罢不能。我们对一辆车的需求有时候也是这样的,人们总是想要更多,而难以割舍自己过多的要求。当一辆大型掀背轿跑车出现在我面前的时候,我放下了手中的马提尼,目光随着它远去,我看到了尾部的A7字样。  相似文献   

我们要以长远的目光看,把更多的好处带给客户。但如按我当时的想法,我希望把价格定得再低一些。如果企业光想赚钱,是很难长时间存在的?让客户有利益,企业也有利益才能长期发展。  相似文献   

7月7日,苏州金龙海格安全大讲堂的北京课堂,让听课的客运企业老总们形成了一个共识:安全是可以计算的,一个重大事故造成的损失,可以让一个企业亏损甚至破产,全力避免交通事故,是客运企业基业长青的基石。  相似文献   

瑞风和畅的改变让我备感惊喜,说实话一辆国产商务MPV拥有GPS导航系统、倒车影像、多媒体娱乐影音系统这些配置确实很少见,而且丰富的车内布局也让乘坐者可以得到更多的享受,这次的黄山之旅算是值了。  相似文献   

克莱斯勒大捷龙是MPV这一车型的鼻祖,很早以前,商业高度发达的美国人就开始探索如何让一辆车满足更多人同时的需求,而且还可以提供不错的舒适性。  相似文献   

Traffic simulation models often neglect the important role of motorcycles and assume a flow of various combinations of cars. This paper addresses how much different would be the behavior of a car driver while following a motorcyclist compared to cases in which a car follows another car, along with a segment of an urban highway in the non-congested flow. Recognition of such a difference might help to develop existing simulation models and to improve the behavior of car drivers in such a way to lead to lower accidents with motorcycles. To reach the goal, a GHR (Gazis-Herman-Rothery) model for car following is applied and data have been collected by video cameras during 15?min time intervals in three different days. Analysis of 198 car-motorcycle and 374 car-car following observations has indicated that when a car driver follows a motorcycle, keeps a higher headway (about 10?m in the low speed) with a lower acceleration/deceleration in comparison with the situation in which car driver follow another one. It means that the behavior of the follower car driver would be more cautious compared to situations in which a car driver follows another one, especially in space headways <10?m. In addition to main findings of the paper for developing a more realistic simulation program, the paper also addresses that in cases when the required safe space between a car and a motorcycle would be endangered, a warning message could be generated for the car driver (by implementing an in-veh ITS technology) to warn driver about keeping a safe distance.  相似文献   


This paper examines the frequency responses often logging truck configurations currently operating in the interior of British Columbia in Canada. The work is an extension of a previous study conducted at the National Research Council (NRC) in 1990. The previous study presented an extensive analysts of the directional responses and frequency responses of four Canadian log-hauling truck configurations; a tractor/pole trailer, a tractor/triaxle trailer, a tractor/quadaxle trailer (with a single load), and a tractor/single-axle-jeep/pole trailer. In the current study, the frequency responses of these four configurations are compared with those of six more log-hauling truck configurations; a tractor/ tandem-axle-jeep/pole trailer, a doglogger, a double doglogger, a tractor/quadaxle trailer (with a dual load), a tractor/jeep/triaxle trailer, and a tractor/jeep/quadaxle trailer. The current study makes use of three models developed by NRC in the previous study, and a new model developed at NRC in cooperation with the University of Victoria.

The frequency response method has been applied in this study to predict the lateral acceleration at the centre of gravity of each articulated vehicle unit, and the rearward amplification ratio. The logging truck simulation results have been compared with corresponding results, obtained using UMTRI's simplified models, for three conventional highway vehicles; a tractor/semitrailer, a B-train, and an A-train. The comparison provides a useful indication of the differences between the behaviours of logging trucks and conventional highway trucks in their shared environment.  相似文献   

岩溶路基随岩溶地区交通工程建设的快速发展而越来越普遍,如何评价岩溶路基稳定性成为岩溶区路基设计与施工的关键问题之一。针对目前路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析的不完善性,考虑溶洞形成过程中岩溶顶板所具有的空间形态特征,首先,将路基下伏岩溶顶板简化为固支梁、抛物线拱、圆拱与固支双向板等承载模型,以此进行路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析,并采用结构力学分析理论分别建立不同模型的路基岩溶顶板抗弯最小安全厚度计算方法;其次,通过典型案例的影响因素敏感性分析,揭示岩溶顶板最小安全厚度随溶洞顶板矢高、跨度、岩石抗拉强度与上覆荷载的变化规律,探讨路基岩溶顶板破坏模式的控制性因素及其影响规律,确定岩溶路基稳定性分析的基本原则;然后,基于岩溶地区地质勘察信息提出路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析过程,建立考虑溶洞空间形态特征的路基岩溶顶板稳定性分析方法;最后,通过工程实例计算分析验证所提方法确定的路基岩溶顶板稳定性评价结果的合理性与有效性。研究结果表明:岩溶顶板按何种模式破坏不仅与破坏形式有关,还与溶洞形态及其矢高密切相关,石灰岩抗拉强度同样影响较大,工程设计与稳定性评价时应基于勘测数据分析各种破坏模式,以便使设计或评价结果更接近实际情况。  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic model of a railway vehicle for the development of a 6-DOF (degrees of freedom) tilting-train simulator. It will be used to verify the tilting-electronics and tilting-control algorithm that are to be applied to the Korean tilting train. It is composed of 6 electrically driven actuators, a track generation system, a graphic user interface, and a visualization system with a 1600-mm-diameter dome screen. Each system shares the data by means of Ethernet network in real time. In this study, a train model of 9-DOF with a force generation system to tilt the train body has been used. Dynamic analysis for the straight track running and curve negotiation of a railway vehicle can be performed in the model. A verification study for the application of the model to the simulator has been conducted on curving tracks with different radii.  相似文献   

为分析和解决城市交通拥挤问题并提高城市道路利用率提供可行的途径,提出了一种面向交通枢纽的车辆运行仿真方法,通过场景、道路与车辆的三维动态建模,实现交通枢纽交通状况的实时真实感仿真.首先,提出了基于道路关键点连接网络模型表示交通枢纽的通行道路.其次,基于粒子系统实现车辆的动态运行实时仿真,并采用基于空间剖分的车辆碰撞检测方法对车辆运动控制算法进行了优化.最终,通过对路段的动态观测和反馈机制实现车辆行驶路线的规划和调度.实验结果表明,本文提出的方法可以生动直观地呈现实际路面的交通状况,并且能以较为流畅的帧速率实现交通场景的动态仿真.  相似文献   

Traction control is a very important aspect in railway vehicle dynamics. Its optimisation allows improvement of the performance of a locomotive by working close to the limit of adhesion. On the other hand, in case the adhesion limit is surpassed, the wheels are subjected to heavy wear and there is also a big risk that vibrations in the traction occur. Similar considerations can be made in the case of braking. The development and optimisation of a traction/braking control algorithm is a complex activity, because it is usually performed on a real vehicle on the track, where many uncertainties are present due to environmental conditions and vehicle characteristics. This work shows the use of a scaled roller rig to develop and optimise a traction control algorithm on a single wheelset. Measurements performed on the wheelset are used to estimate the optimal adhesion forces by means of a wheel/rail contact algorithm executed in real time. This allows application of the optimal adhesion force.  相似文献   

The response of a train, modelled with a cascade of bodies and springs, due to a step force at the locomotive is investigated. In this model the mass of the locomotive and the last wagon may differ from that of the other wagons. An analytic solution is given for a finite and for a semi-infinite cascade and a comparison to the solution of a continuous model is made.  相似文献   

A hydraulic power-assist system is a hydraulic regeneration system that can significantly improve fuel economy when installed on a conventional bus operating in urban traffic. This paper presents a methodology for matching a new hydraulic power-assist system (HPA) to a conventional bus. The HPA and the conventional bus were modeled using the AMESim environment. The HPA was optimized using a simulation-based orthogonal design method with two indexes, the fuel economy and the acceleration performance. According to the simulation results, the volume of the accumulator was the primary factor affecting fuel economy, and the gear ratio of the transfer case was the primary factor influencing the acceleration performance. As a result, tradeoffs between the two indexes are required for a practical operational scenario. Experimental results demonstrated that the optimal HPA installed on a conventional bus was able to satisfy the acceleration performance requirement of the vehicle and also reduced fuel consumption by 25 percent.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the use of a direct virtual sensor (DVS) to replace a physical sensor in a vehicle stability control system. A yaw control system is considered and the proposed solution can be particularly useful when a fault of the yaw rate physical sensor occurs. A DVS is a stable linear filter derived directly from input–output data, collected in a preliminary experiment. In this work, it is shown that, by using data collected in a closed-loop fashion, better DVS accuracy can be obtained with a reduced number of measured variables. Moreover, the robust stability of the closed-loop system employing a DVS is studied. The effectiveness of the presented results is shown through numerical simulations of harsh manoeuvres, performed using a detailed model of a vehicle equipped with an active front steering device.  相似文献   

The dynamic interaction between the catenary and the pantographs of high-speed trains is a very important factor that affects the stable electric power supply. In order to design a reliable current collection system, a multibody simulation model can provide an efficient and economical method to analyze the dynamic behavior of the catenary and pantograph. In this article, a dynamic analysis method for a pantograph-catenary system for a high-speed train is presented, employing absolute nodal coordinates and rigid body reference coordinates. The highly flexible catenary is modeled using a nonlinear continuous beam element, which is based on an absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The pantograph is modeled as a rigid multibody system. The analysis results are compared with experimental data obtained from a running high-speed train. In addition, using a derived system equation of motion, the calculation method for the dynamic stress in the catenary conductor is presented. This study may have significance in providing an example that a structural and multibody dynamics model can be unified into one numerical system.  相似文献   

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