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罗霄 《舰船科学技术》2007,29(Z2):90-92
企业商业秘密已成为企业获得竞争优势的重要手段.从我国商业秘密的法律保护现状入手,分析了我国企事业单位商业秘密保护中存在的不足,并对商业秘密的保护措施提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

从商业秘密的法律定义和特征,以及商业秘密保护的法律依据入手,分析侵犯商业秘密行为的表现方式,提出了对商业秘密保护的认识,据以论述企业应如何有效地保护其商业秘密.  相似文献   

随着知识经济社会的到来,商业秘密作为能够为企业带来巨大经济利益的无形资产,已越显其重要性。企业的商业秘密大部分都记录在档案中。档案部门作为商业秘密的保管部门,对商业秘密的认定及保护显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的深入发展及科学技术的不断进步,商业秘密逐渐引起我国企业界和科技界的关注。根据1993年我国颁布实旌的《反不正当竞争法》中规定,商业秘密是指不为公众所知悉,能为权利人带来经济利益,具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。商业秘密一般通过物质中介记载下来,并被作为档案保管起来,只有把档案工作做好了,才能保护商业秘密。然而,许多企业在实际工作中受利益的驱动,存在着重效益轻管理的现象。而如果企业档案管理不善,商业机密失窃,轻则会带来巨大损失,重则将失去竞争机遇,导致企业经济效益倒退,甚至破产。因此拥有自主商业秘密单位的科技档案部门应该协助和配合本单位的科技管理部门,把商业秘密的管理作为科技档案工作的重要组成部分来抓。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,商业秘密是参与市场竞争的一大秘密武器.但如何对商业秘密进行积极有效管理和保护,从而使企业的利益免受侵犯是需要管理者不断探索和思考的课题.本文就目前国防军工企业科研生产经营过程中产生的商业秘密认识不足,管理和保护不到位的情况,提出了加强商业秘密管理和保护的措施.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展与进步,档案资源的巨大社会价值日益为公众所悉知。企业的高端信息资源是关乎企业科技发展的命脉,在当今激烈竞争的市场条件下,如何有效地保护好这些信息资源,更是企业发展的重中之重。企业商业秘密档案是企业的核心秘密,涉及到企业的商业安全,关系到企业未来经济发展的成败。因此,做好企业商业秘密档案的保密管理工作尤为重要。  相似文献   

高继伟  陈丽 《中国水运》2007,7(8):256-257
随着经济的发展,商业秘密的价值日益凸现。对商业秘密的保护及其权属性质的研究,受到广大学者越来越多的关注。商业秘密的权属性质如何,是知识产权法领域一直存在争论的问题,国内外学者众说纷纭。从商业秘密权的本质特征上看,它既有知识产权的共性,又有自己的特点和独特的权能。因此,商业秘密权应是知识产权家庭中的独立新成员。  相似文献   

在信息化时代的今天,各行各业对本企业的商业信息看得极为重要,决不能半点泄露的形势下,我学会于2011年9月15日在广州船舶及海洋工程设计研究院专门组织了《建立信息安全防范体系,保护好企业的商业秘密》的讲座。  相似文献   

保密制度是阶级社会特有的产物,因其关乎国家利益国家和社会生活重要事务乃至生死存亡等重要机密的保护,因此古今中外对此均极为重视.军工企业档案部门管理的各类档案文件材料不仅涉及国家秘密,也涉及技术秘密和商业秘密;而军工企业档案保密管理又是企业管理工作中不可缺少的重要环节,因此必须加强军工企业档案保密管理工作.本文阐述了对军工企业涉及国家秘密、商业秘密的档案保密管理工作的一些思考.  相似文献   

加强新形势下的保密工作,确保国家秘密、企业商业秘密及档案工作秘密的安全,对于维护企业安全和利益,保障企业生存和发展,提高市场竞争力,具有十分重要的意义。在激烈的市场竞争中想立于不败之地,必须确保企业的各项技术参数及经营运作情况的保密性。企业在努力开发档案信息资源的同时,如何做好档案保密工作,是摆在企业档案工作者面前的一...  相似文献   

随着信息化技术在船舶建造各个阶段的全面应用,信息安全问题日显重要。任何疏忽和漏洞都可能造成企业核心竞争力的削弱和国家秘密(商业秘密)的泄漏。本文简述了信息安全体系在造船企业中的应用,并着重论述和介绍了加强用户桌面计算机管理的重要性及其具体内容。  相似文献   

在分析现阶段建设工程监理企业如何开展监理业务的基础上,对今后建设工程监理企业的业务拓展方向问题进行探讨,提出了南单纯的建设监理向综合型项目管理业务发展的战略,及监理企业业务拓展的方式与对策.  相似文献   

施欣 《中国航海》2001,(1):10-13
尝试利用Perti网理论对包括航运业务流程在内的以信息传递为主的业务流系统的语义描述进行了系统的探讨。内容主要包括:业务流系统特点分析、业务流的基本Perti网语义描述、业务流的基本流程关系描述、冲突消解及业务能力有限的Perti网实现、业务流程的组合分解与抽象细化的Perti网实现、不同性质的任务标识与激发的Perti网语义描述、业务流属性的Perti网语义描述等。  相似文献   

从业务处理的现状出发,提出航运企业业务流程再造,以航运揽货业务流程为例,系统分析航运揽货业务流程及流程再造的基本思路,对流程进行优化;结合航运企业信息化的实现过程,采用面向对象的方法对优化后的航运揽货业务流程进行设计与实现.  相似文献   

基于科研单位的计划管理与经营策划工作研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯辞原  管洋 《船舶工程》2011,33(4):92-95
计划管理和经营策划在科研单位的科研生产中占有举足轻重的地位,两者相辅相成;通过讨论基于科研单位的计划管理与经营策划的工作流程及工作要点,总结出在科研单位中计划管理与经营策划两者的重要关系,对科研单位的计划经营工作有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

This article focuses on business-process management in turbulent business environments, more specifically, the management of offshore service vessel (OSV) companies in environments of high volatility and complexity. Such logistics service providers must deal with various heterogeneous elements, and may face extreme situations with uncertain outcomes. This can have implications for the business processes and the business model implemented within the firm. The study reported here employed an explorative qualitative approach with in-depth case studies of firms in the OSV industry in the North Sea and the High Arctic. The results indicate that, in order to tackle the logistics challenges of turbulent environments, a firm may have to introduce entrepreneurial business models with strong links to external actors. To meet the needs of various stakeholders, three business processes are crucial for handling increased turbulence: (1) resource re-configuration adding basic resources as well as dynamic capabilities; (2) knowledge base and capacity, increasing cooperative relations with other firms and (3) added stakeholder- and knowledge-providing business processes. Results from in-depth studies in two different environmental contexts within offshore petroleum operations underscore the importance of adapting business-process management to task-environment complexity and uncertainty.  相似文献   

The maritime industry underpins international business and world trade. As to be expected, business management is critical for the maritime industry, requiring highly trained individuals and teams to lead the development, implementation and control of sound contemporary management practices. Maritime business degrees are developed by universities to meet such demand by providing graduates with sufficient skills for the onshore business-related roles. This empirical study conducted in Australia, USA and Canada, investigates current and future industry employability skills for maritime business graduates through focus groups, individual interviews and an online survey with senior managers in maritime organisations. This study found the important employability skills for maritime business graduates which include communication, problem solving, adaptability, self-management, team work, and digital literacy and technology. Demand for digital literacy and technology knowledge and skills have increased due to the maritime industry having a trend of moving towards digitalisation and automation. However, the survey findings revealed that a skills focus for maritime business graduates will not be the technology itself but the use and management of technology. In relation to future skills/knowledge required from maritime business degree graduates in 10 years’ time, communication and adaptability are recognised as being the most important. Employers expect that maritime business graduates should be able to adopt new technology and be competent in communication, and be more adaptable given the highly dynamic nature of the maritime industry. Moreover, they require graduates to be equipped with a higher level of computer skills, have a strong work ethic and multilingual skills.  相似文献   

The need for analytical solutions towards various managerial processes in shipping business has been clearly seen in maritime society. To remedy this gap, the execution of relevant processes can be supported via multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques. This article applied an Integrated Decision Aid (IDEA) to overcome the model selection dilemma for process improvement in shipping business. The illustrative application of the IDEA makes invaluable contributions for the ongoing efforts of relevant executives on adopting modern management style in shipping business. Furthermore, the outcomes of this study encourage the maritime practitioners towards analytical modelling of managerial processes in shipping business cycle.  相似文献   

This article proposes a framework for how successful shipping companies can develop strategies for growth and take advantage of business opportunities. It is essential to strengthen strategy implementation to trigger faster, internallygenerated and profitable business growth. Formal planning and control systems, as they traditionally exist in shipping companies, need to be modified to allow for such growth. The forward-thinkers, the truly dynamic companies, will be able to perceive business opportunities before anyone else, mobilize their people, and implement the necessary strategies. In doing so, a balance must be struck between the everyday and visionary focus, between the top-down and bottom-up focus, between the business and corporate portfolio focus. Shipping companies can learn from the example of the progressive business leaders in other fields, capitalizing on their way to succeed and grow, by developing a dual capability to ‘see’ new opportunities and to ‘mobilize’ the relevant organizational resources to implement these. Examples from successful shipping companies are provided.  相似文献   

Strategic re-thinking in shipping companies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article proposes a framework for how successful shipping companies can develop strategies for growth and take advantage of business opportunities. It is essential to strengthen strategy implementation to trigger faster, internallygenerated and profitable business growth. Formal planning and control systems, as they traditionally exist in shipping companies, need to be modified to allow for such growth. The forward-thinkers, the truly dynamic companies, will be able to perceive business opportunities before anyone else, mobilize their people, and implement the necessary strategies. In doing so, a balance must be struck between the everyday and visionary focus, between the top-down and bottom-up focus, between the business and corporate portfolio focus. Shipping companies can learn from the example of the progressive business leaders in other fields, capitalizing on their way to succeed and grow, by developing a dual capability to 'see' new opportunities and to 'mobilize' the relevant organizational resources to implement these. Examples from successful shipping companies are provided.  相似文献   

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