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<正>全世界集装箱运输随着世界经济的飞快发展,其运输量迅猛发展,集装箱码头的吞吐量节节攀升,集装箱运输已成为经济和物流发展中最重要的运输方式。伴随集装箱码头对经济辐射广度深度不断加大,集装箱码头在物流形态的全球供应链中扮演着重要角色。为确保集装箱码头装卸流程的顺畅,电能是提供集装箱码头设施和设备的主要能源。集装箱码头的电能由外部发电厂提  相似文献   

<正>随着经济全球化步伐的加快和国际贸易的迅猛增长,作为全球供应链重要结点的集装箱码头,其吞吐量不断攀升,规模不断扩大,系统的运转过程越来越复杂,加之码头中各种资源相互制约,密不可分,这使得合理规划设计集装箱码头和不断提高集装箱码头物流运营系统的运作效率已成为码头设计  相似文献   

为推动在"互联网+"背景下集装箱码头企业传统客户服务方式的转变,提出提升信息化服务水平的主要途径:规划和建设高水平网上营业厅;提供网络型一条龙物流供应链服务。在"互联网+"趋势下,码头企业信息服务成效显著:便利客户,降低成本;提升码头企业服务水平;增强码头企业的竞争能力;推动港口服务多元化、远程化、智能一体化。  相似文献   

基于二维数值仿真的集装箱码头规划设计虚拟现实系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于二维数值仿真与虚拟现实技术,研究了集装箱码头规划设计的虚拟现实系统.在该系统下可以快速搭建集装箱码头三维动画场景,并通过集装箱码头装卸生产过程的数值分析与三维动画视景,分析码头平面与装卸工艺设计的合理性,揭示码头物流系统的潜在瓶颈,进一步完善和丰富集装箱码头的设计内容.  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头通过合理规划堆场布局、优化装卸运输设备配置、重组码头生产管理流程、梳理整个物流供应链,从而实现自动化集装箱码头各资源的高效协同运作成为一个关键课题。在常规码头的基础上追加自动化机械控制和自动化业务运转管理,完成整个作业过程,同时配合先进的信息系统智能控制,通过设备自动化和管理信息化,使之无缝衔接实现实时有机结合,从而缩短服务时间,提高堆场的通过能力和码头的吞吐能力。  相似文献   

杨梦娟 《水运管理》2011,33(3):25-28
为推动现代港口发展,针对全球经济和物流市场的发展对集装箱港口的影响,分析国际贸易指出物流市场的发展受到生产经营的全球化、供应链的转变、第三方和第四方物流的兴起、物流服务提供商的整合、物流网络的变化等因素影响,指出船舶容量的增加,航运业的合作、兼并和收购,全球码头营运商的兴起等成为航运业和集装箱码头发展的趋势,并伴随着内陆物流运营商的发展和班轮运输网络的变化,从协调物流链成员、应对实力强大的客户、增加物流服务和集装箱投资、环境保护等方面分析物流发展对港口和海港当局的影响。  相似文献   

集装箱码头物流系统的仿真建模技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
集装箱码头物流系统是一个复杂的离散事件动态系统。本文基于离散事件动态系统理论,研究建 立了集装箱码头物流系统的装卸流程模型和道路交通模型。该模型主要用来分析评价规划建设中的或正在使用 中的集装箱码头的生产能力,识别系统中的瓶颈,提出改进策略,优化码头物流方案。模型已在多个码头建设项目 中应用。  相似文献   

  该国际班轮航线由仁建集团泉州安通物流有限公司开通,是从越南胡志明--海口的集装箱国际班轮航线。据悉,该艘货轮12月1日从海口港集装箱码头出发,直航越南后,挂靠在胡志明凯莱码头。  相似文献   

姜嘉旗 《集装箱化》2011,22(12):9-11
针对外轮理货公司(以下简称理货公司)与集装箱码头在集装箱装卸过程中存在的信息重复采集及信息传递滞后等问题,有必要整合集装箱码头和理货公司的相关业务和系统流程,实现理货公司与集装箱码头的装卸信息共享。在该模式下,取消集装箱码头岸边理货人员,由理货公司负责采集集装箱装卸信息和理货信息,并利用集装箱码头的无线网络资源,实现集装箱码头与理货公司之间的数据共享和交互。本文以天津港太平洋国际集装箱码头(以下简称太平洋国际码头)为例,介绍理货公司与集装箱码头装卸信息共享项目的建设。  相似文献   

英国物流软件供应商将发布采用区块链技术的软件实现了全供应链集装箱重量信息的存储、读取和管理.此前,区块链技术曾被广泛讨论,却鲜被使用. 由Marine Transport International (MTI)开发的这款旨在推动关于集装箱重量国际规则信息共享的软件能实现区块链技术与各类现有或历史技术的对接,从而实现互操作性或提供一种将信息输入来自供应商、航运商、海关、码头等多供应链源技术的通用方法.  相似文献   

It is an important matter closely connected with saving logistics costs, as well as encouraging national competitive power, to improve the productivity of container terminals by efficient utilization of container terminal resources. In this respect, this paper tries to suggest a conceptual model for sharing container terminal resources, taking as a case study the Gamman Container Terminal (GCT) in the port of Pusan. In so doing, it identifies what kinds of resources can be systematically shared from the viewpoint of their common use and draws some problems resulting from terminal operation by four operators at GCT. The model does not imply the conception that each terminal has its own resources individually, but recommends that tentatively-called Container Terminal Resource Management Center (CTRMC) should be established and operated in order to save operation and investment costs and improve operational efficiency. In addition, the continuous acquisition and life-cycle support (CALS) concept is imbedded in the model so that it can control the supply and demand of resources efficiently by sharing the database, through which the CTRMC can automatically identify the status of the excess or deficit of a certain resource in each berth at GCT.  相似文献   

It is an important matter closely connected with saving logistics costs, as well as encouraging national competitive power, to improve the productivity of container terminals by efficient utilization of container terminal resources. In this respect, this paper tries to suggest a conceptual model for sharing container terminal resources, taking as a case study the Gamman Container Terminal (GCT) in the port of Pusan. In so doing, it identifies what kinds of resources can be systematically shared from the viewpoint of their common use and draws some problems resulting from terminal operation by four operators at GCT. The model does not imply the conception that each terminal has its own resources individually, but recommends that tentatively-called Container Terminal Resource Management Center (CTRMC) should be established and operated in order to save operation and investment costs and improve operational efficiency. In addition, the continuous acquisition and life-cycle support (CALS) concept is imbedded in the model so that it can control the supply and demand of resources efficiently by sharing the database, through which the CTRMC can automatically identify the status of the excess or deficit of a certain resource in each berth at GCT.  相似文献   

当今90%的国际货物要经过海港,并且80%的海上运输货物要用集装箱运输。集装箱码头的设计者和管理者为了节省费用和快速有效地满足集装箱运输的需求,使用了缩短船舶在港停泊时间,高效利用人力、泊位、堆场和装卸设备资源等措施。为了进一步研究集装箱码头系统,通过查阅相关研究文献,总结了集装箱码头仿真和优化研究的主要问题和某些研究的局限性,展望了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

基于精益六西格玛的港口供应链物流模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际供应链环境下,现代港口物流管理变得越来越重要。精益六西格玛是一种力求降低成本,提高效益和服务可靠性的管理思想。分析了港口供应链物流管理模式现状及存在的问题,详细阐述了精益六西格玛的管理思想。介绍了基于精益六西格玛的港口供应链流程设计、流程运作和监控。指出引入该管理模式,对提高港口竞争力大有裨益。  相似文献   

Although there is widespread recognition of the potential of ports as logistics centres, widely accepted performance measurements for such centres have yet to be developed. The essence of logistics and supply chain management is an integrative approach to the interaction of different processes and functions within a firm extended to a network of organizations for the purpose of cost reduction and customer satisfaction []. The logistics approach often adopts a cost trade-off analysis between functions, processes and even supply chains []. This approach could be beneficial to port efficiency by directing port strategy towards relevant value-added logistics activities. This paper seeks to show that through conceptualizing ports from a logistics and supply chain management approach, it is possible to suggest a relevant framework of port performance. A proposed framework is tested in a survey of port managers and other international experts.  相似文献   

Although there is widespread recognition of the potential of ports as logistics centres, widely accepted performance measurements for such centres have yet to be developed. The essence of logistics and supply chain management is an integrative approach to the interaction of different processes and functions within a firm extended to a network of organizations for the purpose of cost reduction and customer satisfaction [1]. The logistics approach often adopts a cost trade-off analysis between functions, processes and even supply chains [2]. This approach could be beneficial to port efficiency by directing port strategy towards relevant value-added logistics activities. This paper seeks to show that through conceptualizing ports from a logistics and supply chain management approach, it is possible to suggest a relevant framework of port performance. A proposed framework is tested in a survey of port managers and other international experts.  相似文献   

结合某国际集装箱码头给排水、消防设计,探讨无市政给排水管网码头区的给水、消防、排水管线的设计,为相似码头工程的设计提供一定的设计思路.  相似文献   

港口集装箱物流园区规模的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在提出港口物流园区研究现状的前提下,分析了港口集装箱物流园区的作用,对港口集装箱物流园区核心功能区划分进行了深入探讨,最后对港口物流园区规模的测算提出了模型和方法,并附以算例。  相似文献   

船舶大型化对航运和港口的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前订造中的7 500 TEU以上的船舶有100多艘。其中许多船舶将于2007年下水,投入亚洲-欧洲和跨太平洋贸易航线的营运。“超级集装箱船”(VLCS)正在坚定地从概念走向现实。超过8 000TEU的船舶的投入使用,对班轮公司、航运贸易和集装箱码头提出了新的挑战。班轮公司应该通过削减一组环线中的船舶数目、改变挂靠港和重新组织航运网络的规划途径来应对挑战。先进枢纽港应该通过开发新概念的港口装卸系统和新概念码头来应对挑战。超大型集装箱船舶挂靠的港口不能仅仅是简单的枢纽港,同时必须成为物流平台。  相似文献   

上海国际集装箱港口竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从影响港口竞争力的主要因素角度分析了上海港发展国际集装箱运输的现状,结合国际集装箱港口的竞争态势,找出上海港的薄弱环节,进而有针对性地提出了提升上海国际集装箱港口竞争力的主要途径,对于上海港参与国际集装箱运输的竞争具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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