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富春江航电枢纽通航瓶颈改造方案探讨 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
钱塘江为浙江省及长江三角洲地区规划重点建设的骨干航道,但富春江航电枢纽船闸的航运"瓶颈"制约现象日益突出.文章对解决该通航瓶颈问题的若干改造方案进行分析探讨,并提出建议实施方案.以满足长远发展的要求. 相似文献
北极水域复杂的海冰冰情严重影响着北极东北航道的可通航性,不同冰级的船舶在不同冰情的水域航行时面临不同的航行风险,导致通航条件不同,相应可通航的窗口期也不相同。研究基于国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization, IMO)提出的极地操作限制评估风险指数系统(Polar Operational Limit Assessment Risk Indexing System, POLARIS),利用2011—2020年的北极海冰冰情数据结合“永盛”轮船舶冰级,计算北极水域风险指数结果(Risk Index Outcome, RIO)和“永盛”轮首航北极东北航道的航线RIO,确定北极东北航道不同通航条件航段占比,提取2011—2020年该冰级船舶可安全航行的航道通航窗口。结果表明:北极东北航道近10 a平均通航起始日为8月30日,通航结束日为11月16日,平均通航期为79 d。研究分析各年接近通航周的通航受限航段,识别了影响北极东北航道通航窗口的关键水域。有关研究方法和结果可为不同冰级船舶结合航线冰情制定航行计划以及船公司根据船舶冰级合理安排船期提供参考和... 相似文献
与世界其他船舶交通繁忙区域相比,除了挪威北部和俄罗斯西北部之外,北极地区缺乏大量的通航环境情况信息,缺乏主要航线重要航段的水文资料,难以保障船舶安全航行。 相似文献
针对未来即将有所发展的高坝通航建筑物通航隧洞设计领域,结合船舶临界航速的计算公式,以溪洛渡枢纽通航隧洞为例进行了隧洞断面经济性分析方面的研究。提出隧洞断面经济性分析的思路应该结合通航建筑物单向过闸时间来确定隧洞内水域的断面系数,最佳的原则是让船舶通过隧洞的时间与通航建筑物单向过闸时间基本相等,使二者匹配起来,然后通过隧洞长度与航行时间计算船舶的设计航速,并由此反算断面系数和进行断面尺寸的设计,从而达到通过能力与工程投资额的最佳平衡点。 相似文献
本文对我国内河航道中枢纽碍航、断航现象及其深层次原因进行剖析,并提出具有针对性的政策措施,以建立保障内河枢纽通航的长效机制。 相似文献
北极航线问题的鱼骨图分析及应对策略研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
北极航线问题属于很难获得定量信息,是需要咨询专家解决的问题。针对在处理北极航线问题中遇到的复杂的问题,提出利用管理技术中进行定性分析的鱼骨图方法进行问题诊断。研究结果可以帮助了解北极航线问题现状,发现新问题,提出切实可行的方案并帮助实施。 相似文献
厦漳大桥北汊主桥通航孔的通航能力与其上游及桥区附近的码头建设规模密切相关.以调研数据为基础,分析北汊主桥通航孔的特点及碍航性,提出通航净空高度是制约其通航能力的主要因素,通过实船数据的统计分析,论证北汊主桥通航孔的通航能力.其结论对该桥区通航安全管理及桥区上游和附近码头建设规模的确定具有参考价值. 相似文献
通航小尺度船模相似性问题 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通航小尺度船模在港口及内河通航模拟研究中得到了广泛的应用,而相似问题是小尺度船模研究的重要环节。文中对通航小尺度船模几何相似、水动力相似、驾驶视角相似、时间比尺问题特别是操纵性尺度效应及修正办法进行了分析探讨,还对在港口及枢纽口门区等有限水域中船模试验应注意的几个问题及试验方法等方面的问题进行了讨论。 相似文献
简要介绍北极地区航运情况与特点,分别利用芬兰-瑞典冰级规范、芬兰-瑞典冰级规范导则及美国船级社抗冰级船舶指导说明,对一艘阿芙拉型(Aframax)油轮进行1A冰级主机功率加强计算,指出规范计算1A冰级阿芙拉型油轮的不足。讨论虽然针对1A冰级船舶,但对于PC7级船舶的主机功率计算也有指导意义。 相似文献
Po-Hsing Tseng 《Maritime Policy and Management》2018,45(4):422-438
As Arctic sea ice shrinks due to global warming, the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the Northwest Passage (NWP) offer a substantial reduction in shipping distance between Asia and the European and North American continents, respectively, when compared to conventional routes through the Suez and Panama Canals. However, Arctic shipping routes have many problems associated with their use. The main objective of this paper is to identify the key criteria that influence the decisions of shipping operators with respect to using Arctic shipping routes. A multi-criteria decision-making methodology, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, is applied to rank four potential categories of criteria (‘economic’, ‘technical’, ‘political’ and ‘safety’ factors) and their sub-criteria.
The results of the analysis suggest that, on aggregate, ‘economic’ is the most important category of influential factors, followed by ‘safety’, ‘technical’ and ‘political’ factors. The paper concludes, however, that the most influential specific sub-criteria relate to risks that lie mainly within the ‘safety’ and ‘political’ domains and that, especially in combination, these overwhelm the importance which is attached to ‘economic’ factors such as reduced fuel use. Finally, the implications of these findings for the future development of Arctic shipping are addressed at a strategic level. 相似文献
Lu Xinying Wu Yue 《中国水运》2006,(10)
随着中国加入WTO,市场的不断开放,外资航运巨头加速了在中国的扩张,这给中国的航运企业很大压力和挑战,本文剖析了外资航运巨头进入中国航运市场的现状,从而提出我国航运企业的应对之策。 相似文献
The shrinking of Arctic ice triggers off a new round of competition and dispute in this region, among traditional Arctic states and non-Arctic actors. Like its East Asia neighbours, China sees the melting Arctic Ocean a unique opportunity for itself and international trade generally. The changing physical landscape of the Arctic region will certainly have a major impact on China’s economic future which is very dependent on international shipping. This paper assesses the impact of the ice-free Arctic on the development of marine transport industry in China. The author discusses the potential new routes with the Arctic’s melting and the opportunities that it brings to China’s maritime transportation industry. Challenges that China faces in future shipping through the Arctic will be also addressed from political, legal, economic and environmental dimensions, followed by a preliminary exploration of ways to solution of these challenges. 相似文献
分析人民币升值对航运市场及国际航运企业财务状况、经营竞争力的影响,认为人民币升值使国际航运企业航运收入减少,航运成本增加,经营竞争力下降,并提出相应对策。 相似文献
Haakon Lindstad Bjørn Egil Asbjørnslett Anders H. Strømman 《Maritime Policy and Management》2013,40(3):280-294
This paper investigates opportunities for increased profit and reduced emissions and cost by service differentiation within container shipping. Traditionally the strategy among the container lines has been profit maximization by utilizing economies of scale through the building of larger and faster vessels. In 2008, the financial crisis in combination with higher fuel prices put an end to this progress and in today’s market operators are basically trying to survive by providing standardized services at the lowest possible cost. This study investigates alternative strategies and the results indicate that container lines should provide two different services instead of one standardized service. A fast service to be more competitive versus air freight for fast-moving goods and a slow service to be more competitive versus traditional shipping types for transport of minor bulk, break bulk, liquid bulk and project cargo. 相似文献