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为了研究入射波浪的非线性对船舶运动的影响,提出了一种新的描述船体运动的非线性时域混杂方法。将高阶谱(HOS)方法引入船舶时域运动计算模型中,用来模拟非线性入射波浪场,在瞬时湿表面上实时积分,求得船舶遭遇波浪时的非线性入射波浪力和非线性回复力,在弱散射假定下建立非线性波浪中船舶的运动方程。当HOS中摄动阶数为1时,船体运动模拟结果与规则波下试验的RAO结果对比良好,验证了改进后的时域模型的可行性和有效性。当HOS中摄动阶数为3时,非线性波浪场演化结果与聚焦波的试验数据对比,验证了入射波模型的正确性。分析了非线性入射波浪间的相互作用,并以Wigley Ⅲ为对象,计算分析不同波幅的聚焦波下船体时域运动响应,进一步考察波浪的高阶非线性对船舶受力和运动的影响。研究表明,非线性波浪的相互作用对波浪的频率分布、聚焦结果以及入射波浪场的压强分布有显著的影响,对船体的入射波浪力以及垂荡运动的影响最为显著,非线性的影响随着聚焦波幅的增大而变大。  相似文献   

基于高精度双层Boussinesq方程,建立了聚焦波的时域波浪数值水槽。时间积分采用混合4阶Adams-BashforthMoulton预报-校正格式,聚焦波生成则采用累加不同频率规则波的内部造波源项法。针对Baldock等的聚焦波试验进行数值计算,计算结果与试验数据吻合较好。利用验证后模型进一步考察了非线性对数值计算聚焦波的影响,其中考虑了强非线性、弱非线性以及线性3种情况,结果表明非线性对精确模拟聚焦波至关重要,强非线性模型给出的结果最好,弱非线性次之,线性最差。  相似文献   

文中采用四阶非线性薛定谔方程模拟了二维JONSWAP谱情况下畸形波的生成。分析了深水畸形波的演化过程。探讨了JONSWAP谱参数对峰度和畸形波生成概率的影响。结果表明Benjamin-Feir指数(BFI)是判断波列不稳定调制是否发生的重要参数;峰度值的空间演化曲线和畸形波生成概率曲线趋势一致,峰度值可以预测畸形波生成概率的大小。在随机波浪场中,谱宽较窄和有效波高较小时,畸形波较容易发生。  相似文献   

卢文月  杨建民 《船舶力学》2018,22(3):249-259
畸形波是一种波高极大的罕见波浪,对海洋平台的结构以及工作人员的人身安全具有极大威胁。由于在开阔海域中对畸形波的观测存在困难,通过数值手段对其波形进行研究具有十分重要的意义。四阶非线性薛定谔方程又被称为Dysthe方程,能够更加准确地描述波浪的非线性演化。该文通过数值求解Dysthe方程,研究了三阶非线性薛定谔方程的高阶呼吸子解(最高至5阶解)的演化过程。提出了四阶离散步长—虚拟波谱法,得到了具有更高守恒精度的数值解。同时,通过坐标变换以及拟合对高阶呼吸子式畸形波的波形进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

为实现船舶噪声干扰信号的分离,本文以某船舶噪声信号为研究对象,采用高阶谱分析技术对其进行特征分析。通过特征值排序方法以及协方差分析理论确定噪声主频率入射方向,并结合小波变换技术对其频率响应特性进行匹配,有效实现干扰信号的分离。  相似文献   

海洋环境复杂多变,并且水声信号信道非常特殊。本文利用高阶谱能够抑制高斯噪声的特性,将其应用于船舶多噪声的识别,并采集两类船舶信号进行实验。实验结果表明,本文所采用的高阶谱能够有效的识别和分离出船舶噪声。  相似文献   

一种基于高阶谱特征的舰船目标识别方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于高分辨距离像(HRRP)的舰船目标识别问题,提出了一种基于高阶谱特征的舰船目标识别方法。在对舰船目标HRRP特性分析的基础上,首先利用姿态角进行方位约束筛选,然后通过高阶谱特征结合欧氏距离测度最近邻分类器进行识别匹配。通过10类军民船目标的实测数据进行测试,验证结果表明该方法在舰船目标识别领域具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

文章在波浪水槽内通过数值模拟和物理实验相结合的方式,研究了波浪的产生和传播问题。在高阶谱计算模型中引入数值造波边界条件,建立了非周期谱波浪水槽。基于该水槽研究了具有不同波要素波浪的产生和传播问题,通过与理论解的比较验证了数值结果的正确性。结果表明线性波浪理论可预测具有较小Ursell数波浪的传播,而随着Ursell数的增大,波浪的运动可用二阶波浪理论解来描述。最后通过数值模拟结果和实验结果比较,验证了数值水槽的有效性,分析表明,波面升高及其对应振幅谱的计算结果与实验数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

目前,采用随机性分析方法计算不规则波对海洋结构物作用时一般均采用Airy波理论,并未考虑波浪非线性的影响。本文基于二阶Stokes非线性波浪理论探讨了采用非线性波浪理论时随机波浪力谱的计算方法,并用一典型算例,对本文公式的计算结果与线性波理论的计算结果进行比较。计算结果表明,在水深较深时不能忽略波浪非线性的影响。  相似文献   

讨论了数据融合与高阶神经网络的串行结合.根据Dempster-Shafer证据理论的基本原理,利用多传感器多周期测量条件下命题不确定性度量的融合算法公式,进行命题的空间和时间融合,以达到空中目标的敌我识别.将融合后的最终结果输入到高阶BP神经网络中,通过目标向量样本的训练,输出相应的目标类型.仿真结果证明,这种方法是行之有效的.  相似文献   

对高阶面元法中奇异积分问题进行数值研究,根据面元的大小以及面元到场点的距离,把整个曲面积分分为远场、近场两类,分别对其使用不同的方法以处理Rankine源项所引起的积分奇异问题,对三维球体、椭球体进行数值计算,将结果与解析解和其他方法的计算值的比较表明此计算方法是有效的。  相似文献   

深水波频域格林函数及其高阶导数算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究了无限水深自由面格林函数一种新的算法,该算法将计算域重新划分为五个子区域,在每一个子区域内只涉及级数展开,没有使用插值表及数值积分,与现有格林函数算法相比,不仅给出一阶导数值,而且能高效地计算二阶导数,这在格林函数微分方程求解及高阶面元法中非常有用.数值结果表明,该方法计算速度快且一阶导数和二阶导数的计算精度达到10-9.  相似文献   

A high order boundary element method was developed for the complex velocity potential problem. The method ensures not only the continuity of the potential at the nodes of each element but also the velocity. It can be applied to a variety of velocity potential problems. The present paper, however, focused on its application to the problem of water entry of a wedge with varying speed. The continuity of the velocity achieved herein is particularly important for this kind of nonlinear free surface flow problem, because when the time stepping method is used, the free surface is updated through the velocity obtained at each node and the accuracy of the velocity is therefore crucial. Calculation was made for a case when the distance S that the wedge has travelled and time t follow the relationship s=Dtα, where D and α are constants, which is found to lead to a self similar flow field when the effect due to gravity is ignored.  相似文献   

系泊系统非线性恢复力研究及其应用(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Mooring system plays an important role in station keeping of floating offshore structures.Coupled analysis on mooring-buoy interactions has been increasingly studied in recent years.At present,chains and wire ropes are widely used in offshore engineering practice.On the basis of mooring line statics,an explicit formulation of single mooring chain/wire rope stiffness coefficients and mooring stiffness matrix of the mooring system were derived in this article,taking into account the horizontal restoring force,vertical restoring force and their coupling terms.The nonlinearity of mooring stiffness was analyzed,and the influences of various parameters,such as material,displacement,pre-tension and water depth,were investigated.Finally some application cases of the mooring stiffness in hydrodynamic calculation were presented.Data shows that this kind of stiffness can reckon in linear and nonlinear forces of mooring system.Also,the stiffness can be used in hydrodynamic analysis to get the eigenfrequency of slow drift motions.  相似文献   

紧致插值曲线CIP方法及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
波浪与建筑物的相互作用过程会涉及到波浪破碎、水气掺混和结构物的动力响应等复杂过程,对数值算法提出了更高要求。文章基于紧致插值曲线CIP(Constrained Interpolation Profile)方法建立了可模拟波浪破碎、翻滚等自由面大变形流动问题的数学模型。模型以CIP方法为流场基本求解器,离散了纳维—斯托克斯(Navier-Stokes:N-S)方程,同时还以CIP方法捕捉了自由面,通过多相流理论描述了流—固—气之间的相互作用。对强非线性自由表面流动问题的典型算例溃坝问题开展了数值模拟,并通过与他人实验结果的比较验证了模型的有效性。最后开展了极端波浪对浮式结构冲击过程的模拟,准确地预测了甲板上浪和结构的动力响应等问题。  相似文献   

在由调和分析方法建立了潮汐潮位预报模型后,利用牛顿迭代法给出了一种快速求解潮汐潮位预报模型的高低潮时方法.利用连云港的潮汐潮位预报模型,分别通过不同的求解高低潮时的方法,对潮汐高低潮时进行了预报.计算结果表明,在满足同等精度条件下,求解高低潮时的牛顿迭代法具有计算量小、收敛速度快等优势.  相似文献   

根据钢筋混凝土(RC)梁静力学分析的虚功原理,导出了考虑钢筋和混凝土非线性材料特性及梁身剪切变形的RC梁静力分析控制微分方程与边界条件。将得到的控制方程转化为由6个一阶常微分方程构成的非线性微分方程组边值问题,从而采用非线性打靶法研究RC梁的静力学行为,得到了RC梁的位移与弯矩响应。对比RC梁Timoshenko模型与Euler-Bernoulli模型分析结果,验证了所展开分析的正确性、参数研究了RC梁的剪切效应,以及通过RC梁的弯矩分析,得到非线性RC梁弯矩调幅系数;通过RC梁的正应力分析,得到了RC梁的裂纹分布区域。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simplified method for the reliability- and the integrity-based optimal design of engineering systems and its application to offshore mooring systems. The design of structural systems is transitioning from the conventional methods, which are based on factors of safety, to more advanced methods, which require calculation of the failure probability of the designed system for each project. Using factors of safety to account for the uncertainties in the capacity (strength) or demands can lead to systems with different reliabilities. This is because the number and arrangement of components in each system and the correlation of their responses could be different, which could affect the system reliability. The generic factors of safety that are specified at the component level do not account for such differences. Still, using factors of safety, as a measure of system safety, is preferred by many engineers because of the simplicity in their application. The aim of this paper is to provide a simplified method for design of engineering systems that directly involves the system annual failure probability as a measure of system safety, concerning system strength limit state. In this method, using results of conventional deterministic analysis, the optimality factors for an integrity-based optimal design are used instead of generic safety factors to assure the system safety. The optimality factors, which estimate the necessary change in average component capacities, are computed especially for each component and a target system annual probability of system failure using regression models that estimate the effect of short and long term extreme events on structural response. Because in practice, it is convenient to use the return period as a measure to quantify the likelihood of extreme events, the regression model in this paper is a relationship between the component demands and the annual probability density function corresponding to every return period. This method accounts for the uncertainties in the environmental loads and structural capacities, and identifies the target mean capacity of each component for maximizing its integrity and meeting the reliability requirement. In addition, because various failure modes in a structural system can lead to different consequences (including damage costs), a method is introduced to compute optimality factors for designated failure modes. By calculating the probability of system failure, this method can be used for risk-based decision-making that considers the failure costs and consequences. The proposed method can also be used on existing structures to identify the riskiest components as part of inspection and improvement planning. The proposed method is discussed and illustrated considering offshore mooring systems. However, the method is general and applicable also to other engineering systems. In the case study of this paper, the method is first used to quantify the reliability of a mooring system, then this design is revised to meet the DNV recommended annual probability of failure and for maximizing system integrity as well as for a designated failure mode in which the anchor chains are the first components to fail in the system.  相似文献   

基于兴波理论与阻力图谱资料的高速双体船阻力预报方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在原苏联"方尾图谱"重分析和改进的基础上[1],基于兴波阻力的薄船理论与船模试验数据的结合,提出用兰金(Rankine)体的波幅函数代替实际船型的波幅函数,以确定双体船片体间的阻力干扰因子,从而计算得到双体船的兴波阻力.整个计算过程直接使用Microsoft Excel,对新方尾单体船电子阻力数据执行查值和进行主要影响系数的修正计算,粘性影响修正与总阻力计算;进行不同尺度的快速性方案比较,以及确定高速单体船或高速双体船的总阻力与有效功率曲线.通过WP60穿浪双体船一算例与船模试验结果的比较表明,该方法是一种实用、高效、灵活、便捷和可靠的计算方法.  相似文献   

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