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对2014年世界经济、航运、造船市场进行回顾,并对2015年的发展方向进行展望。2014年,世界经济总体属于不均衡复苏;航运市场总体表现低于预期,油运市场相对较好,商船队保有量增速持续放缓;新造船市场订单量过亿吨,液货船订单增多,新造船价格呈现中间高两端低的走势。预计2015年世界经济将继续呈现不均衡复苏态势,2014年大宗商品价格的暴跌将有利于世界经济的复苏;航运市场方面,预计集装箱运输市场和油运市场贸易运输需求增速超过运力增速,干散货运输市场继续供大于求;预测2015年油船订单将继续复苏,集装箱船和散货船市场维持2014年的景气度,海工市场看淡。  相似文献   

The simulations performed show that demand for quality tankers has to increase by 30% for a two-tier tanker market to emerge. The two-tier freight structure will only last for 3–5 years due to contracting induced by higher freight rates. This means that OPA does not by itself result in higher freight rates for tankers that comply with the requirements. If Western Europe also closes their trades to substandard tankers, a two-tier market emerges and quality tankers obtain a premium. The paper presents a simulation model for international tanker markets. The non-linear complementary equilibrium model solves for a sequence of static equilibria in segmented tanker freight markets, shipbuilding and scrapping markets. Freight markets are segmented according to quality requirements for tankers. The model specifies three tanker classes and one—quality tankers—can operate both market segments.  相似文献   

The simulations performed show that demand for quality tankers has to increase by 30% for a two-tier tanker market to emerge. The two-tier freight structure will only last for 3-5 years due to contracting induced by higher freight rates. This means that OPA does not by itself result in higher freight rates for tankers that comply with the requirements. If Western Europe also closes their trades to substandard tankers, a two-tier market emerges and quality tankers obtain a premium. The paper presents a simulation model for international tanker markets. The non-linear complementary equilibrium model solves for a sequence of static equilibria in segmented tanker freight markets, shipbuilding and scrapping markets. Freight markets are segmented according to quality requirements for tankers. The model specifies three tanker classes and one quality tankers can operate both market segments.  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  刘方琦 《船舶》2016,(1):1-15
文章对2015年世界经济、航运、造船市场进行回顾,并对2016年市场发展予以展望。2015年,不同经济体的经济增长分化迹象日趋明显;油船:航运市场和新造船市场一枝独秀;箱船:航运市场低迷,运力过剩,然而2015年订单飚升(主要指超大型集装箱船),但2016年难以再现;干散货船及海工:市场低迷,订单严重下滑。新船价格持续下降。预计2016年世界经济总体略优于2015年;航运市场贸易量同比将出现增长,但难以抗衡2016年运力的大幅增长,市场供求仍失衡;预测2016年新造船市场逊于2015年,散货船、集装箱船和油船存在局部性机会,海工市场维持弱势。  相似文献   

About 63% of the world’s shipping accidents are recurrent—they occur to ships that have already experienced at least one prior accident. Therefore, reducing recurrent accidents can contribute significantly to maritime safety. We study the factors affecting both first and recurrent accidents, by focusing on the duration between two accidents. Cox proportional hazard models are applied to ship accident data from 1996 to 2015, and the results identify which ships have a high risk of recurrent accidents, based on ship attributes, ship supply and market conditions, shipbuilding country, previous accident type, and ship type. The recurrent rate is high when the ship involved in the accident is old, small, flies a flag of convenience, and has no detention record. In addition, the accident risk increases when the shipping market faces a high bunker price, overcapacity in supply, a high time charter rate, or low newbuilding price. On the other hand, ships built in China and Japan have lower recurrent accident rates than those built elsewhere, although ships built in China have earlier first accidents than do others. General cargo ships have the highest recurrent accident rate, followed by dry bulkers, container ships, and tankers, in that order.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present, for the first time, the price formation of Chinese dry bulk carriers based on the historical shipbuilding contract prices. Price determinants include generic market factors as well as Chinese elements. Principal component regression analysis is employed as the solution for the multicollinearity problem among explanatory variables. The result indicates that the time charter rate has the most significant positive impact on shipbuilding price; increases in three other factors, namely the cost of shipbuilding, the price-cost margin and the shipbuilding capacity utilisation, have positive influences in the descending order. Unlike the traditional perception of newbuilding price that shipbuilding cost has the most significant effect, we assert that the most important role the time charter rate plays is attributed mainly to the ‘China Factor’ in the bulk carrier sector. In addition, simulations are performed to investigate what would happen to the Chinese dry bulk carrier prices under changes in the time charter rate and shipbuilding cost. The findings are useful for Chinese shipyards, shipowners and emerging shipbuilders.  相似文献   

The seaborne oil transportation market is served by two main types of vessels—crude oil tankers and product tankers. Product tankers are designed to move refined oil products, yet they can also opportunistically carry ‘dirty’ products such as crude and heavy fuel oil, subject to the cost of tank cleaning when re-entering the clean products trade. We apply an entry-exit real option model with a stochastic freight rate differential to derive optimal triggers for switching between the two cargo types and estimate the value of the switching option. We show that the value of active switching has grown over time, and generally exceeds the additional construction cost of a product tanker. Our findings are important both from a practical point of view and for our understanding of market integration in the tanker freight market. Specifically, shipowners can use our model as a basis for optimizing chartering policy for clean product tankers. We also show that there are periods where the dirty market is persistently stronger, and discuss the possible reasons for such apparent inefficiencies.  相似文献   

分别概述了世界与中国的石油资源储量分布、可持续开采年数、不同地区的生产量与消耗量、以及产销平衡状况,由此派生的全球不同地区原油、成品油的进出口量、海运量与主要的海运航线,我国石油进口的主要来源和途径;分析了油轮的船型和船龄的分布,进而预测了世界上几种主要原油轮运力的供应、需求、船价与运价的发展趋势。这些分析和预测可以作为制定油轮发展的技术政策、战略、规划等宏观决策时的参考。  相似文献   

介绍沿海成品油油运市场对油船的需求情况以及沿海港口对成品油船设计的限制条件,探讨规范的变化对成品油船结构的影响并对现有成品油船技术状况及存在的问题进行分析,总结了现有油船船型的特点,提出开发沿海成品油船新船型的建议。  相似文献   

祁斌  秦琦  明慧  孟宪海 《船舶》2008,19(1):1-9
对2007年来的世界经济发展及在此大背景下的船舶行业进行了总结和回顾,并对未来市场进行预测。2007年的世界船舶行业较2006年有所不同,不论是航运市场还是建造市场,散货船可谓独挡一面,出现了前所未有的兴旺景象。集装箱船市场稳步发展,表现好于预期,而油船市场则不尽人意,不过其建造市场却出现了量缩价涨之势。鉴于目前的市场情况,未来各船型的发展趋势将各有所向,而受新规范出台、美元疲软、材料设备成本增加、船台吃紧等因素影响,预计未来船价还将在高位运行。总体来说,虽然对航运市场运力的持续快速增长将带来一些影响,但未来一段时期内船市总体仍将保持较兴旺的局面。  相似文献   

This article discusses the proposed Kra Canal and its impacts on the tanker market from an economic perspective. We forecast tanker size distributions and further analyze the impacts of toll structures on tanker traffic. The forecast for tanker size distributions is based on distance savings for tankers as potential users of the Kra Canal. The database covers 105 busiest oil transport routes through the Strait of Malacca for the three-year period 2013–2015. Forecasts for individual routes are achieved using an autoregressive model. Two toll polices, namely the willingness-to-pay policy and the differential-pricing policy, are analyzed in order to maximize the annual toll income of the Kra Canal. The findings for the proposed Kra Canal will attract large vessels from the Strait of Malacca. An interesting finding is that the Kra Canal becomes more profitable during an unfavorable tanker market situation when the time-charter rate is low and fuel price is high. The article concludes with a policy that satisfies the goals of canal operator and government.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the literature on ship economies of scale, and presents the results of re-estimating a model of tanker costs for 2007. The results are interesting for two reasons. First, they are remarkably similar to those estimated for tankers in the 1960s and 1970s, despite the transformations in the tanker market since that time. Second, the results imply that tanker size is not driven by scale economies, but by factors that relate to demand and other considerations. This paper concludes by noting some limitations in the approach used in the study.  相似文献   

李源  秦琦  祁斌  沈苏雯  周羽欢 《船舶》2011,22(1):1-9
回顾了2010年世界船舶市场的发展,并对未来船舶市场进行了预测。随着世界经济的复苏,2010年航运市场出现反弹,虽然全年呈现震荡格局,但整体好于2009年,散货船、油船、集装箱船年平均运价均高于上年,特别是集装箱船年平均运价比上年高出一倍多。与此同时,三大船型建造市场出现轮动效应,上半年散货船引导造船市场,下半年行情有所下滑,油船订单则从第二季度开始增加,而沉寂许久的集装箱船建造市场在下半年也开始出现大量新订单。预计2011年的船舶市场将难以维持2010年的繁荣局面,但集装箱船建造市场和海工装备有望延续2010年下半年出现的良好市场行情。  相似文献   

孟宪海  祁斌  秦琦  明慧 《船舶》2007,(1):1-8
总结了近一年来世界经济的发展,在此大背景下对2006年的船舶行业进行了总结和回顾,并对未来市场进行预测.世界船舶行业在2006年出现一个显著特征,即在航运市场回落的情况下船舶建造市场出现了前所未有的兴旺景象,船舶交易出现价高量大的场面.究其原因,船厂任务已饱满、受新规范影响,成本进一步提高以及对后市航运市场看好等原因起到主要作用.鉴于目前订单情况及航运市场现状,预测未来船价还将保持高位运行,航运市场运力将得到进一步快速扩增,甚至会出现供大于求的局面,不过崩盘的可能性不会太大.  相似文献   

远洋运输市场对船舶的需求是世界船舶制造业发展主要影响因素,一般而言,远洋运输市场主要分为油轮运输、集装箱运输和散货船运输三个市场。本文以油轮运输市场为研究对象,进行仔细分析,以把握远洋运输市场对油轮制造业的需求。  相似文献   

根据近年来世界市场油船造价提出了新的各类型油船造价估算公式.与以往的造价估算纯粹的回归公式数学推导方法以及公式参教不具有任何实际意义不同,给出了与典型船型造价相关的参数和公式.在船价波动和下跌两个具有代表性周期内,新公式船价估算结果均具有很高的准确率.解决了过去油船造价公式需要不断修正的问题,具有更强的适用性和更长的使用周期.  相似文献   

蒋发林 《中国船检》2010,(3):104-105,143
防止油船和化学品船火灾及爆炸事故一直是IMO关注的问题,同时也是油轮公司和化学品船公司日常安全管理的重点之一。液货船(包括油船、化学品船和液化气体船)在海上航行或在货物操作期间,可能发生各种不可预测的因素,存在着很多巨大的火灾或爆炸危险性。为确保安全,避免航行及货物操作期间各种不可预测因素的影响,只有在液货船,如油船上安装惰性气体系统,并对船员作全面培训,才能减少甚至防止事故的发生。  相似文献   

朱杰 《船舶工程》2011,33(3):58-60
NMVOC减排回收系统是近年来发展起来的应用在油船上的一种新型的油气处理技术,其可通过不同的技术方法来减少NMVOC在大气中的排放量,减少温室气体效应以及环境危害,具有极高的技术应用价值和广阔的市场前景.针对目前世界上已经应用到实船的NMVOC减排回收技术,重点分析介绍了几种技术方法及其应用.  相似文献   

The relationship between trading volume, prices and return volatility is thoroughly investigated in different second-hand dry bulk and tanker market segments. The objective is to gain fruitful insight on the sale and purchase market dynamics, and the sensitivity of vessel price movements following the arrival of new information signals in the shipping markets. Contemporaneous relationships are identified between returns and volume, particularly in the markets of handysize and panamax bulks as well as of handysize and aframax tankers. Price changes are found to have an impact on trading volume indicating that expectations to higher capital gains induce increases in trading activity. Volume appears to have a negative impact on the volatility of price changes mainly in the dry bulk market; this may be due to thin trading, limited transaction transparency and absence of vessel price quotes. The empirical findings can contribute to a better understanding of shipping markets' microstructure and price volatility dynamics by market participants. This, in turn, can be useful for investors who construct their portfolios of real assets with a view to attain superior capital gains, controlling for the underlying investment risk.  相似文献   

The relationship between trading volume, prices and return volatility is thoroughly investigated in different second-hand dry bulk and tanker market segments. The objective is to gain fruitful insight on the sale and purchase market dynamics, and the sensitivity of vessel price movements following the arrival of new information signals in the shipping markets. Contemporaneous relationships are identified between returns and volume, particularly in the markets of handysize and panamax bulks as well as of handysize and aframax tankers. Price changes are found to have an impact on trading volume indicating that expectations to higher capital gains induce increases in trading activity. Volume appears to have a negative impact on the volatility of price changes mainly in the dry bulk market; this may be due to thin trading, limited transaction transparency and absence of vessel price quotes. The empirical findings can contribute to a better understanding of shipping markets’ microstructure and price volatility dynamics by market participants. This, in turn, can be useful for investors who construct their portfolios of real assets with a view to attain superior capital gains, controlling for the underlying investment risk.  相似文献   

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