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分析中日集装箱运输航线外部环境,认为中日关系趋于紧张、中国出口退税率下调、日本绿色贸易壁垒和反倾销政策影响中日贸易量的增长;中日航线运力发展超过运量需求、日本码头拥堵和泊位紧张、船舶营运效率低、航运保护政策减少、日本经济发展不稳定也为中日航线发展带来阻碍。提出航运技术的发展给航运业带来新的发展机遇,中日贸易额继续增长、国家“十一五”交通工作计划的实施、全球班轮运输2大联盟结盟并联合提升运价的先例给经营中日航线的航运企业提供发展空间,航运企业应充分发挥自身的优势,并以此为基础制定适合本企业的竞争战略。 相似文献
长期从事港口、航运和多式联运研究的美国专家ASHAR博士1999年和2000年分别以“第4次变革”和“2020年展望”为题,分析展望集装箱班轮运输发展前景,指出集装箱班轮运输的新变革有赖于巴拿马运 相似文献
Competition in the business world nowadays is largely between supply chains, rather than individual players only. The same situation exists in container shipping. The study looks into container shipping from an integrated perspective and investigates the nature and level of supply chain integration in container shipping. Based on empirical examinations of the world's top 30 container shipping lines, a scenario analysis is conducted. The paper aims to present the scenario analysis for examining supply chain integration in container shipping. It also aims to formulate strategic recommendations for liners to create and sustain competitive advantage. The scenario analysis is designed to allow more complete consideration of alternative possible outcomes and their implications on the research topic. It involves an evaluation of past and present events and provides a plausible discussion of what might occur in the future. It depicts four scenarios of supply chain integration in container shipping, namely, low integration, partner-focused integration, activity-focused integration and high integration. On the whole, research findings suggest that market situations favour those scenarios representing higher level of supply chain integration. Importantly, with reference to the scenario analysis, shipping lines should position themselves in an appropriate scenario and formulate strategic plans accordingly. 相似文献
介绍蛇口集装箱码头5#~9#泊位码头船用供电系统设计。蛇口港主要停靠船舶的电网频率为60 Hz,配电电压有6.6 kV和0.44 kV两种,岸电供电系统电源考虑两种电压等级,以满足不同船舶的需求。该供电方案灵活性强,节能减排效果明显。 相似文献
为探究我国出口集装箱班轮运价的周期性,提高对集装箱班轮运输行业周期性的认识,以中国出口集装箱运价指数(CCFI)作为我国出口集装箱班轮运价的测度指标,分析其周期性,发现1个循环周期大约4年,与世界经济周期有较大相关性,随贸易额的涨跌而变动,季节周期表现为夏秋高、冬春低的特点,运价从3—4月的最低点上升到9—10月的最高点,此后逐渐下降,每年1个周期。 相似文献
应用排队网络理论对集装箱码头系统进行分析,并重点讨论集装箱码头前沿到堆场的内部运输系统的建模理论问题,并运用串联排队网络模型对内部运输网络节点服务台数量进行合理配置,使内部系统达到局部最优化。 相似文献
长荣集团是一家集海运、空运、堆场、餐饮、宾馆和房地产等于一体的综合实力强劲的海运集团公司,集装箱运输是集团的主业。从2007年5月1日起,长荣开始统一旗下各品牌,集团内经营集装箱班轮运输的4家公司——长荣海运公司、意大利海运公司、英商荣发海运公司和长荣海运(香港)公司对外统一使用“EVERGREENLINE”单一品牌运作,并同时将英商荣发海运公司更名为长荣海运(英国)公司。 相似文献
轴系是船舶动力装置的重要组成部分之一,轴系工作状态欠佳将引起主机油耗增加,工况恶化,甚至会导致船舶振动,影响船舶的正常航行。轴系的结构种类很多,目前我国海洋船舶广泛采用的是常规螺旋桨推进装置轴系,即尾机型,采用固定螺距螺旋桨。中纵布置的单轴系。下面以530TEU集装箱船的轴系设计为例,对此种轴系的设计作一简要介绍。 相似文献
<正>随着集装箱运输市场的迅速发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,市场饱和度成为航运企业十分关心的问题。在成熟的航线上,运力增长空间有限,当市场运力供给超过需求时,市场就会饱和,所以要在运力总量上保持一定的度,否则将导致恶性竞争,影响行业发展。 相似文献
只有不断获取经济效益,企业才能生存与发展,因此,获取经济效益是现代企业主要的生产经营目的。而经济效益的获取取决于企业能否将产品以高于成本的价格成功销售给客户,企业与客户之间建立的是市场经济中最基本的商品买卖关系,也就是客户需求与产品供给之间的关系。在企业的生产经营活动中,客户需求与产品供给之间不能简单地被认为是决定与被决定的关系, 相似文献
宁波港地处中国大陆海岸线中部,长江三角洲和长江南端的“T”型交汇点,是国家重点开发建设的四大国际深水港之一,也是世界级的亿吨大港。近年来,宁波港集团瞄准建设国际一流深水枢纽港和集装箱远洋干线港的目标,凝心聚力,抢抓机遇,从而使集装箱运输迈上了科学发展的快车道。 相似文献
0引言 我国内贸集装箱运输兴起时间不长,但发展速度极快。近年来,我国内贸集装箱运量持续增长,在内河运输方面形成以上海为龙头、以长江干线为主轴的内贸集装箱运输网络。相对于铁路运输而言,水路集装箱运输的优势在于长距离运价,而公路运输的发展则起到完善水路集装箱运输物流网络的作用。随着国内贸易的稳健发展、国内物流需求的不断增长和内贸货物集装箱化的推进,长江干线内贸集装箱运输市场的巨大潜力将得到进一步开发。 相似文献
In Europe, ports are confronted with a closer integration in the maritime and shipping industries. The co-operation agreements can take several forms such as alliances and mergers among shipping lines, conferences, involvement of shipping companies in terminal management, and extending interests in inland transport of shipping companies. In this paper we give a brief overview of these different types of agreement and we examine the consequences of this evolution of the market structures in which ports and shipping companies have to operate. More specifically, attention goes to the competitive position of the port in this new environment. It is clear that the role of the port and the port authorities has to be redefined to guarantee that it remains a fully fledged player in this fast evolving integrated market. 相似文献
Ship, port and supply chain security concepts interlinking maritime with hinterland transport chains
Eberhard Blümel Wando Boevé Valerio Recagno Gerhard Schilk 《WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs》2008,7(1):205-225
As maritime processes do no stop at sea ports, hinterland operations have to be considered and addressed as well. This becomes
obviously on designing and managing seamless cargo and information flows from/to hinterland regions via sea ports from/to
transcontinental markets. Nowadays, also security-related aspects need to be tackled in order to enable continuous flows corresponding
to security legislations and technical requirements set up in the field of maritime and intermodal hinterland transport. Ensuring
transport security within the European transport market requires both adequate security legislations and innovative concepts.
While for the maritime sector, including sea ports, security regulations are already in force, hinterland operations (road,
rail and Inland Waterway Transport) are only indirectly affected today, either on carrying out transports from/to sea ports
or exporting commodities to overseas territories. This results in the need for innovative security strategies and concepts
combining maritime with hinterland transport enabling seamless security processes. 相似文献