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技术状况良好的发动机,启动是很顺利的,若发动机不易启动,则为发动机启动困难故障。笔者就柴油发动机启动困难故障现象、原因、判断与排除方法作一介绍: 一、现象发动机启动时无着火征兆,或有着火征兆但多次启动仍不着火;启动时排气管无烟冒出或冒烟很少。  相似文献   

故障现象一辆马自达汽车公司生产的HD10E1-108386型乘用车装备了JE48型发动机,备配自动变速器。该车发动机冷启动困难,但发动机热机熄火后再启动时更困难,有时甚至无法启动。发动机工作一段时间后水温偏高,容易“开锅”。  相似文献   

汽油发动机能正常启动必须具备三个要素:压缩、火花和混合气。如果某一要素工作异常便会引起发动机不能启动或启动困难。导致电喷发动机启动故障因素较多,本文所分析的故障都是在蓄电池电压、启动系统工作正常、发动机具有良好的压缩和火花、排气净化装置(三元催化器、EGR装置)工作正常的情况下发生的。  相似文献   

车型:92款丰田子弹头(2TZ—FE发动机)故障现象:发动机启动困难,90km/h时闯动。最高车速只有110km/h。 该车出现此故障前,曾因为无高压火花而抛锚在外地。修理后,正常行驶3天左右,再次因为无法启动而拖回修理厂。维修技术人员检查后,发现发动机故障指示灯不亮,电脑无电源供给。经进一步检查,为蓄电池旁边的AM2大保险座烧蚀导致接触不良所致。更换保险座后,发动机可以正常启动。但用户提车后,  相似文献   

Exhaust nanoparticle emissions from internal combustion engines: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper reviews the particle emissions formed during the combustion process in spark ignition and diesel engine. Proposed legislation in Europe and California will impose a particle number requirement for GDI (gasoline direct injection) vehicles and will introduce the Euro 6 and LEV-III emission standards. More careful optimization for reducing particulate emission on engine hardware, fuel system, and control strategy to reduce particulate emissions will be required during cold start and warm-up phases. Because The diesel combustion inherently produces significant amounts of PM as a result of incomplete combustion around individual fuel droplets in the combustion zone, much attention has been paid to reducing particle emissions through electronic engine control, high pressure injection systems, combustion chamber design, and exhaust after-treatment technologies. In this paper, recent research and development trends to reduce the particle emissions from internal combustion engines are summarized, with a focus on PMP activity in EU, CARB and SAE papers and including both state-of-the-art light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty engines.  相似文献   

The application of active control means to regulate the flow of exhaust gas in a turbocharger turbine is a concept developed by the Turbomachinery Group at Imperial College, London. It is a new concept the first results of which were made public in 2004. This paper presents the theoretical grounding behind the idea, its development and the elements required for a successful implementation of active control for a turbocharger turbine and the integration of such a turbocharger system within an internal combustion engine. This paper is intended to fill a gap in the theoretical understanding of the issues pertaining to the concept of Active Control for Turbocharger Turbines. The discussion is led towards a theory summarising the flow physics and their effect on the behaviour of the exhaust gas flow occurring during turbocharger turbine inlet geometrical changes and the implications from the periodic nature of these geometric changes in particular with respect to cycle performance results both for the turbocharger and for the engine. This paper is written with the purpose of presenting a realistic context of ACT operation by identifying and considering those parameters relevant to the operation and successful application of ACT to an internal combustion engine. In addition, the requirements for a dedicated ACT control strategy which can be effective in the ACT-engine integrated environment are, also, highlighted.  相似文献   

本介绍了降低地铁内燃机车有害废气排放以及降低机车噪音的一些方法。  相似文献   

分析了内燃机电站在可靠性设计方法中存在的一些问题,并提出了改进建议,强调了故障特性分析对可靠性设计的重要性及采用任务可靠性设计方法的实际意义。  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》1994,15(2):101-107
In the present study a new test method is investigated to measure the total friction loss of engines over the whole range of speed and load. It is based on the idea that the friction loss close to the true one of fired and braked engines can be measured by the run-out method because the temperature mainly influencing the friction loss is almost stable for the short run-out test duration. From the test results and the comparison with those measured by other conventional test methods, the following becomes evident:
  • 1.(1) The total friction mean effective pressure slightly increases as the revolution speed becomes high, but it decreases as either the load or the cooling water temperature becomes high.
  • 2.(2) The total friction mean effective pressure measured by the present method is smaller than that measured by the run-out method, the motoring method or Willans-line method, but it is larger than that measured by the indicated pressure diagram method.

简述了高原环境的特点及其对内燃机电站的影响;提出了高原型内燃机电站的设计要求和方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the characterization of physical properties, morphology, and nanostructure of particulate emissions from internal combustion engines. Because of their convenience and readiness of measurement, various on-line commercial instruments have been used to measure the mass, number, and size distribution of nano-particles from different engines. However, these on-line commercial instruments have inherent limitations in detailed analysis of chemical and physical properties, morphology, and nanostructure of engine soot agglomerates, information that is necessary to understand the soot formation process in engine combustion, soot particle behavior in after-treatment systems, and health impacts of the nano-particles. For these reasons, several measurement techniques used in the carbon research field, i.e., highresolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy, were used for analysis of engine particulate matter (PM). This review covers a brief introduction of several measurement techniques and previous results from engine nano-particle characterization studies using those techniques.  相似文献   

This paper is review of the characterization of exhaust particles from state-of-the-art internal combustion engines. We primarily focus on identifying the physical and chemical properties of nano-particles, i.e., the concentration, size distribution, and particulate matter (PM) morphology. Stringent emissions regulations of the Euro 6 and the LEV III require a substantial reduction in the PM emissions from vehicles, and improvements in human health effects. Advances in powertrains with sophisticated engine control strategies and engine after-treatment technologies have significantly improved PM emission levels, motivating the development of new particle measurement instruments and chemical analysis procedures. In this paper, recent research trends are reviewed for physical and chemical PM characterization methods for gasoline and diesel fueled engines under various vehicle certification cycles and real-world driving conditions. The effects of engine technologies, fuels, and engine lubricant oils on exhaust PM morphology and compositions are also discussed.  相似文献   

简要分析了一例QY12型汽车起重机启动困难的故障现象及原因。指出了排除故障的方法步骤。特别指出,忽略对电启动机的日常维护和保养,是造成内燃机电启动系统启动功率不足;启动困难;启动机发热等故障的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

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