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分别概述了世界与中国的石油资源储量分布、可持续开采年数、不同地区的生产量与消耗量、以及产销平衡状况,由此派生的全球不同地区原油、成品油的进出口量、海运量与主要的海运航线,我国石油进口的主要来源和途径;分析了油轮的船型和船龄的分布,进而预测了世界上几种主要原油轮运力的供应、需求、船价与运价的发展趋势。这些分析和预测可以作为制定油轮发展的技术政策、战略、规划等宏观决策时的参考。  相似文献   

世界石油市场和中国海运量现状及发展预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了国际原油生产消耗和贸易、进出口主要国家与地区及海运量航线基本情况,进行了国际成品油海运市场分析和中国原油进口量与国内成品油海运量预测,以期在总体上为中国石油多渠道稳定供应安全和港航油运企业发展决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examines how to incorporate the inventory costs of containerized cargoes into existing liner service planning models such that the designed networks could be improved while not causing extra modeling/computational burden. Two approaches are compared: (i) not considering the inventory costs at all and (ii) incorporating the inventory costs associated with onboard time and those related to transshipment by assuming a fixed connection time. The two models are compared with the ideal model capturing the exact inventory costs on a route choice problem and a capacity planning problem based on extensive randomly generated and practical numerical experiments. The results show that: first, ignoring the inventory costs in service planning models may lead to network design with much higher costs (poor network design decisions); second, in service planning models assuming weekly frequency, the inventory costs associated with onboard time could be formulated exactly, and those related to the connection time of weekly services could be approximated by assuming fixed connection time of 3.5 days for ports with 1 day’s minimum connection time and 4.5 days for ports with 2 days’ minimum connection time.  相似文献   

中国进口原油海运系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国原油消费量的快速增长和国家原油储备计划的实施,原油进口量逐年剧增。原油进口公司对于如何合理安排运输线路来降低进口运输费用的问题非常关注。根据我国原油进口运输以租外轮为主的现实情况,建立改进的运输问题模型,选择典型航线建立原油运输网络,并对其最优化。优化的结果可作为今后中国进口原油运输的参考。  相似文献   

Since cargo capacity increases faster than fuel consumption, the significantly larger capacity fleets which will accompany expansion of the Panama Canal will introduce additional fuel economies and cost savings. Enabling larger, more fuel-efficient vessels to carry cargo the entire distance from Asia to US east-coast ports allows vessel operators to realize significant and meaningful savings compared with the alternatives of using smaller Panamax vessels for the whole distance, or sending the cargo over the US land bridge by train or truck. Fuel savings are quantified along with the monetary savings based on various assumptions for the price of fuel. These savings are dramatic and will increase directly with the price of crude petroleum. Finally, microeconomic theory is deployed to determine how cost savings will be distributed between shipping customers and vessel operators.  相似文献   

In order to understand characteristics of low-frequency motions of ships moored inside ports and harbors, analysis on actual cargo handling logbook of stevedoring services company, including events of interruption of cargo handling, and countermeasure for ship mooring problems are investigated by field observations at two ports and numerical simulation on moored ship motions. First model port concerns with interruption of cargo handling due to the low-frequency motions. Second model port relates to a resonant effect of long-period waves or harbor oscillations, and its countermeasure by mooring system. From the investigation, it is confirmed that the low-frequency motions of ships are induced by a resonance between surge motions and long-period waves or harbor oscillations and an asymmetry in the mooring system, and affect safe ship mooring and operation efficiency of cargo handling in ports and harbors significantly.  相似文献   

近年来,国家原油进口政策的较大调整和山东省原油运输条件的充分改善将对沿海大型原油泊位布局规划产生重大影响。为此,对新形势下的山东省沿海大型原油泊位的合理布局进行研究。结合全省炼化产业和原油运输系统现状及发展趋势,采用供需平衡的分析方法,提出新的大型原油泊位布局规划方案。研究表明,山东省地方性炼油企业进口原油将快速增长,原油一程接卸港的管道疏运能力大大增强,现行大型原油泊位布局规划已不适应新形势的要求,新建泊位应重点考虑地方性炼油企业需求,建议增加东营港为原油一程接卸港。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between refinery margins traded on paper using petroleum futures (the paper refinery) and the physical trade of crude oil into the US. Computations of a 3:2:1 crack spread were constructed using daily observations of second- and third-nearby unleaded gasoline and heating oil futures contracts traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NY MEX) and spot Brent crude oil prices. The crack spread represents the margin between the cost of crude oil feed stock today and the value of the products produced by a refinery in the future. Unit root tests on each of the time series found crack spreads to be stationary while crude oil imports were found to be non-stationary. A s the two series were found to be integrated of different order, cointegration analysis of the two series was not deemed appropriate. Instead, linear relationships between crack spreads and imports were examined using causality tests. It was found that the 2-month 3:2:1 crack spread Granger-causes crude oil imports and that this causality is unidirectional. The significance of these findings lies in the fact that other industries like tanker shipping derive their demand from the demand for, and trade in, petroleum. Crack spreads, therefore, can provide a leading indicator for short term developments in tanker demand. For a chartering manager who has ships on the spot market, crack spreads can help him/her anticipate demand developments and influence vessel deployment and chartering decisions.  相似文献   

This article deals with a short-term Liner Ship Fleet Planning (LSFP) problem with cargo shipment demand uncertainty for a single liner container shipping company. The cargo shipment demand uncertainty enables us to propose a chance constraint for each liner service route, which guarantees that the liner service route can satisfy the customers’ demand at least with a predetermined probability. Assuming that cargo shipment demand between any two ports on each liner service route is normally distributed, this article develops an integer linear programming model with chance constraints for the short-term LSFP problem. The proposed integer linear programming model can be efficiently solved by any optimization solver such as CPLEX. Finally, a numerical example is carried out to assess the model and analyze impact of the chance constraints and cargo shipment demand.  相似文献   

日照港是山东省油品运输的重要港口,为促进日照港及腹地的经济发展,必须在油品运输研究的基础上优化其港口建设发展规划.为了解日照港的系统需求,分析了腹地及港口的经济数据的各种相关因素,得出日照港主要腹地的原油和成品油需求的预测数据,提出了建设保税物流区及交易中心等建议.研究表明,日照港规划建设新泊位码头设施建设、优化港区内装卸罐区等布局十分必要.  相似文献   

介绍2010年全国沿海港口码头综合通过能力和“十一五”期间集装箱、煤炭、原油、矿石等专业化码头泊位建成投产情况,分析我国沿海港口发展和建设存在的主要问题。结合最新发展规划,预测未来年度港口货物吞吐量,并对港口发展和建设提出意见与建议。  相似文献   

The Polish economy is going through fundamental changes from a central planning to a market economy. The main aim of this transition is the privatization process which has to change the structure of Polish economy. Privatization has to establish more favourable ways of utilizing the productive capacity of state enterprises and create better conditions to compete on the market. The Privatization process for Polish state enterprises was defined in the Act on the Privatization of State Enterprises of 13 July 1990. According to this Act state enterprises can be privatized in capital or liquidation methods. The capital method has been applied to the privatization of Polish ports. In 1991 the major Polish ports were transformed into a State Treasury shareholder company. The holding company was used in the first stage of privatization. Gdynia was the first port which started this process building the real model of holding. Another important element connected with the structural transformation of Polish ports is the separation of operational and management roles. According to the Act on Ports, the Port Authority is also responsible for the development of the commercial, industrial and distribution services. This Act will also enable Poland to adapt economic and legal regulations which are similar to those in the European Union ports.  相似文献   

The Polish economy is going through fundamental changes from a central planning to a market economy. The main aim of this transition is the privatization process which has to change the structure of Polish economy. Privatization has to establish more favourable ways of utilizing the productive capacity of state enterprises and create better conditions to compete on the market. The Privatization process for Polish state enterprises was defined in the Act on the Privatization of State Enterprises of 13 July 1990. According to this Act state enterprises can be privatized in capital or liquidation methods. The capital method has been applied to the privatization of Polish ports. In 1991 the major Polish ports were transformed into a State Treasury shareholder company. The holding company was used in the first stage of privatization. Gdynia was the first port which started this process building the real model of holding. Another important element connected with the structural transformation of Polish ports is the separation of operational and management roles. According to the Act on Ports, the Port Authority is also responsible for the development of the commercial, industrial and distribution services. This Act will also enable Poland to adapt economic and legal regulations which are similar to those in the European Union ports.  相似文献   

The research aims to study the port selection in liner shipping. The central work is to set up a model to deal with port choice decisions. The model solves three matters: ports on a ship’s route; the order of selected ports and loading/unloading ports for each shipment. Its objective is to minimize total cost including ship cost, port tariff, inland transport cost and inventory cost. The model has been applied in real data, with cargo flows between the USA and Northern Europe. Afterwards, two sensitive analyses are considered. The first assesses the impact of a number of port calls on the total cost which relates closely to the viability of two service patterns: multi ports and hub & spoke. The second analyzes the efficiency of large vessels in the scope of a logistics network. The overriding result of this research is to indicate the influence of logistics factors in the decision of port choice. The research emphasizes the necessity to combine different factors when dealing with this topic, or else a result can be one-sided.  相似文献   

刘洪波  汪锋  张志平 《水运工程》2011,(Z1):123-125
为了解决轮胎吊(RTG)油耗高、噪声大、污染环境等问题,国内许多港口对集装箱堆场的RTG进行了"油改电"改造。结合上港集团外高桥港区码头作业系统节能减排改造示范工程,论述了几种常见的RTG"油改电"接电方式,并对适合上海港外高桥港区特点的高架滑触线RTG"油改电"关键技术及节能减排效果进行分析,总结其在港口节能减排中的良好效果。  相似文献   

邢丹 《中国船检》2012,(10):43-45,130,131
站在国家整体利益上,他们各自的坚持宛如“医得眼前疮.剜却心头肉”。 2012年.中国已成为世界第二大石油消费国和进口国,拥有和控制油轮船队规模位居世界第三。然而.与之形成鲜明对比的是,巨大石油进口量与中国油轮船队运输比例的失衡。那么,这种失衡背后到底是何因素在作怪?  相似文献   

In a general case, container ship serves many different ports on each voyage. A stowage planning for container ship made at one port must take account of the influence on subsequent ports. So the complexity of stowage planning problem increases due to its multi-ports nature. This problem is NP-hard problem. In order to reduce the computational complexity, the problem is decomposed into two sub-problems in this paper. First, container ship stowage problem (CSSP) is regarded as “packing problem”, ship-bays on the board of vessel are regarded as bins, the number of slots at each bay are taken as capacities of bins, and containers with different characteristics (homogeneous containers group) are treated as items packed. At this stage, there are two objective functions, one is to minimize the number of bays packed by containers and the other is to minimize the number of overstows. Secondly, containers assigned to each bays at first stage are allocate to special slot, the objective functions are to minimize the metacentric height, heel and overstows. The taboo search heuristics algorithm are used to solve the subproblem. The main focus of this paper is on the first subproblem. A case certifies the feasibility of the model and algorithm.  相似文献   

This short paper is concerned with the problem of improving the methods currently used to price port facilities. It presents a simple economic model of how an optimal pricing policy may be arrived at, employing an adaptation of an interactive supply-demand framework initially developed in the context of allocating car-parking places in urban areas. The model demonstrates the basic economic tenet that charges should be set equal to the full marginal social opportunity cost (M.S.O.C.) of facilities used, with premiums added where capacity restrictions would otherwise lead to excessive queueing. The use of a probability demand curve shows that one of the main fears of the anti-pricing school, namely excessive resource misallocation due to miscalcuations of the marginal cost, tends to be exaggerated. Further, it is argued that many of the other arguments set out against marginal cost pricing of ports are either ill-founded or unlikely to be of practical importance—ports are little different to other goods and services consumed in the economy and standard economic policies apply to them.  相似文献   

This short paper is concerned with the problem of improving the methods currently used to price port facilities. It presents a simple economic model of how an optimal pricing policy may be arrived at, employing an adaptation of an interactive supply-demand framework initially developed in the context of allocating car-parking places in urban areas. The model demonstrates the basic economic tenet that charges should be set equal to the full marginal social opportunity cost (M.S.O.C.) of facilities used, with premiums added where capacity restrictions would otherwise lead to excessive queueing. The use of a probability demand curve shows that one of the main fears of the anti-pricing school, namely excessive resource misallocation due to miscalcuations of the marginal cost, tends to be exaggerated. Further, it is argued that many of the other arguments set out against marginal cost pricing of ports are either ill-founded or unlikely to be of practical importance—ports are little different to other goods and services consumed in the economy and standard economic policies apply to them.  相似文献   

We use linear programming (LP) for solving the problem of the optimal deployment of an existing fleet of multipurpose or fully containerized ships, among a given set of routes, including information for lay-up time, if any, and type and number of extra ships to charter, based on a detailed and realistic model for the calculation of the operating costs of all the ship types in every route and on a suitable LP formulation developed in earlier work of the authors. The optimization model is also applicable to the problem of finding the best fleet compostion and deployment, in a given set of trade routes, which may be the case when a shipping company is considering new or modified services, or a renewal of the existing fleet. In addition, two promising mixed linear-integer programming formulations are suggested.  相似文献   

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