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嘉鹏  廖虹 《中国船检》2014,(6):51-54
《2009年香港国际安全和无害环境拆船公约》("香港公约")获得通过已近5年时间,但对于绿色拆船资金保障机制的构建,依然停留在研究层面,国内外均尚未采取实质性的行动。2005年,荷兰专家Ecorys提出在IMO、ILO和联合国环保署(巴塞尔公约)等国际组织的帮助下成立拆船基金,并从拆船基金的获取渠道、船舶拆解操作规范、如何向具备环保拆解能力的拆船企业发放基金补贴、为绿色拆船相关研究提供资金支持等角度对绿色拆船基金的构建进行了分析。2009年,比利时专家Milleu&Cowi对欧盟拆船基金的设立进行了相关研究,建议向船东提供拆船资金补贴,并对拆船基金获取渠道、管理机制和基金发放形式进行了分析。  相似文献   

2007年5月22日,欧盟委员会(EC)正式发布了《拆船绿皮书》(全称为“关于以更佳方式拆船的绿皮书”),这是欧盟在该领域的一个重大举措。《拆船绿皮书》作为咨询文件,提出了一系列选择方案,征求成员国和利益相关方的意见和建议。咨询过程将持续至2007年9月30日。2007年底,EC将公布一份基于反馈意见的分析报告,并提出欧盟拆船策略的相关建议和计划。《拆船绿皮书》主体有三个部分,分别从全球拆船业现状、拆船业涉及的主要问题、改善欧洲拆船管理的选择方案三个方面分析了制定欧盟拆船政策的重要性,并总结了相关问题供成员国、相关方和公众在咨询过程中考虑。[编者按]  相似文献   

LR呼吁尽快实施{2009年香港国际安全与无害环境拆船公约》(简称((拆船公约》)以求更稳健、透明地识别船舶上的有害物质。LR高管JimHeath称,即使在《拆船公约》生效前,最佳实践也要遵循该公约的准则,并加强对“获得认可的拆船厂”的信任度.而不是过度信赖那些仅仅接受过2、3天培训课程的所谓的“专家”。  相似文献   

当前,尽管受世界经济发展缓慢、航运市场持续低迷等因素的影响,拆船市场总体仍将比较活跃。但是,一些拆船行业专家在接受采访时表示,《2009年香港国际安全与无害环境拆船公约》(《香港公约》)和《欧盟拆船新法案》等对拆船业提出了很多挑战,拆船业仍然面临着较大的“变绿”压力。  相似文献   

根据国际海事组织的信息,法国成为继刚果、挪威之后成为第3个签署《2009年香港国际安全与无害环境拆船公约》(以下简称《拆船公约》)的国家。《拆船公约》旨在确保船舶在服役结束后,进行拆解时能够避免对拆船工人健康和环境安全构成不必要的威胁;旨在解决所有与船舶拆解相关的问题,包括船公司在向拆船厂出售拟拆解的船舶时应该彻底清除船上的所有有害物质,包括石棉、重金属、碳氢化合物、臭氧消耗物质以及其它物质,并解决全球拆船厂存在的与工作和环境条件有关的安全问题。  相似文献   

潘晓峰 《水运管理》2009,31(6):27-30
阐述《国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约(草案)》(以下简称《拆船公约》)对我国拆船业及相关产业带来的影响,认为该公约的出台既为我国船舶工业及其相关产业发展带来契机,也对主管部门提出新的要求,提出我国应采取的对策:积极参与各类国际会议和论坛,跟踪《拆船公约》制定进程;提高认识,促进拆船业集约化和规模化发展;加快《拆船公约》国内化进程;加强验船师和安检员等专业队伍与执法队伍的建设和培训;加强技术合作,设立拆船基金。  相似文献   

拆船补贴新方案或将化解过剩产能 国家交通运输部、财政部、发改委、工信部等四部委近日共同发布《老旧运输船舶和单壳油轮提前报废更新实施方案》,像一枚“重磅炸弹”在我国航运界引起了极大震动。有分析人士指出,这份方案更具实质拉动意义,鼓励老旧船舶提前报废更新,有望给航运业和造船业带来利好;拆船补贴可以有力缓解部分船东的资金紧张状况,而且会加快老旧船舶拆解的步伐。  相似文献   

由国际海事组织(IMO)主办、中国海事局承办的国际海事组织地区拆船研讨会于2007年2月5日在珠海召开,来自英国、法国、德国、挪威、印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、土耳其、中国等12个国家的代表共40人参加。会议旨在综合国际海事组织、国际劳工组织、巴赛尔公约秘书处等国际组织所制定的规范拆船业发展的条款基础上,讨论修改国际海事组织起草的《安全与环境无害化拆船国际公约(草案)》。据悉,该公约(草案)》经广泛讨论修改后.有望在2008年至2009年间正式出台。据了解,《安全与环境无害化拆船国际公约(草案)》内容广泛而细致,涉及到船舶的设计、建造、营运以及拆解的全过程。届时,国际上将更加规范拆船安全和环保的管理,禁止某些有害材料在船上安装和使用,增加船方在拆船作业安全与环境保护方面应承担的责任,明确拆船厂的设计、建造与营运标准.强化船旗国主管机关对船舶及拆船国主管机关对拆船厂的监管要求等.这将对缔约国的船运业、拆船业和修造船业发展产生重大影响。中国自上世纪80年代以来就一直位居世界年拆船量前三名。目前全国30余家拆船厂高度集中在珠江三角洲及长江三角洲一带.拆解能力占全国的90%。  相似文献   

5月11至15日,国际海事组织(IMO)在中国香港召开“安全与无害环境拆船国际大会”(亦称IMO拆船外交大会)。这是IMO首次在亚洲召开的外交大会。在为期五天的大会中,500多位与会的各国(国际组织)代表围绕《国际安全与无害环境拆船公约(草案)》,进行了热烈、认真和务实的讨论和谈判,并最终达成共识。5月15日,正式审议通过并命名为:《2009年香港国际安全与无害环境拆船公约》。  相似文献   

邓洪福 《珠江水运》2011,(24):10-10
交通运输部11月1日正式印发《关于公布促进老旧运输船舶和单壳油轮报废更新政策第二批定点船舶拆解企业名单的通知》。江门市中新拆船钢铁有限公司、江门市新会双水拆船钢铁有限公司、江门市银湖拆船有限公司和江门市新会区苍山拆船有限公司等4家船企获得全国船舶拆解“定点”资格,在第二批10家定点拆解船厂名录表中占据4席。  相似文献   

<正>一、中国港口、航运现状 中国是海运大国,也是港口大国。改革开放以来,我国航运发展很快,现有年吞吐量万吨以上的港口2000余个,其中对外开放港口达130多个,每年接纳世界100多个国家和地区36000多艘船舶。至1997年底,我国江海主要港口万吨级以上深水泊位达到490多个,完成货物吞吐量近13亿吨,其中外贸吞吐量3.8亿吨。我国民用船舶已发展到32万艘,近5000万载重吨。从事国际航运的船公司有310多家,沿海运输的船公司1300多家,内河运输的船公司5100多家。目前我国从事国际海运的船队规模已达到2400多万载重吨,并连续4届当选为联合国海事组织A类理事国,跻身世界航运大国的行列。中国远洋运输(集团)公司的集装箱船队,在世界20大班  相似文献   

Despite an effort by Congress to design a market-based public policy to limit development on certain coastal barriers and protect the federal treasury from paying for recovery from expensive natural disasters, growth continued on these shifting sands. In enacting the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, federal policymakers may have overlooked the key role of state and local governments, as well as the role of local developers, landowners, and realtors in shaping development on coastal barriers. By itself, the act will not prevent development. In fact, it appears that development in areas designated under the act will occur if (1) development pressure is strong enough to overcome the disincentives posed by the act, and (2) state and local governments facilitate development. For example, a local government may substitute its own subsidies for those withdrawn by the federal government. Nothing in the act prevents this from occurring. This article examines the key forces affecting development in areas designated under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) and seeks to explain why development has occurred in some designated areas, despite the withdrawal of federal subsidies. Using case studies of selected coastal barriers designated by the act, as well as surveys of state coastal managers and key informants, the research shows that the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, by itself, will not prevent development from occurring in the designated coastal areas.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous works on total factor productivity decomposition when firms receive both operating and capital subsidies. It shows that previous works considered either the lump-sum or substitution effects of these subsidies but not together. Using constrained cost minimization as the framework it offers formal proofs to show that cost increases are inevitable if the total effects of the subsidies are considered, and that total factor productivity growth results from increasing amounts of subsidies under economies of scale and in the absence of technical change. Applications of the decomposition equations derived to a sample of transit systems finds near constant returns to scale and negative contributions of these subsidies to total factor productivity growth. Technical change reverses this decline and results in total factor productivity growth. Further, it finds that the lump-sum effects of the subsidies reduce total factor productivity more than does the substitution effect.  相似文献   

基于环形线圈车检器的车辆分类研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于在山东清青高速路上采集的大量样本数据,通过分析车辆经过线圈时所形成的感应曲线,进行特征提取,并运用模糊识别的方法按2003-04交通部颁发的车型分类标准对车辆进行了分类。通过对一系列方法的研究,取得了较满意的车型识别率。  相似文献   

分析了黄、东海区目前的通航现状,建议以123°经线为中线在黄、东海区增设通航分道,与交通部制定的原北方沿海定线分道配合使用,供过往船舶合理选择,同时也可有效地限制违章作业渔船对航行船舶的影响,达到规范海区航行秩序,确保船舶安全的目的。  相似文献   

The publicly-owned municipal bus sector that provides local transport in Japan is in a difficult situation because of operating deficits, inefficient operations and management, and budgetary constraints of expanding subsidies, and thus, it needs to be restructured to improve efficiency. This paper investigates the impact of subsidies and contractual settings on the cost structure of the publicly-owned bus sector in Japan. A trans-log cost function has been estimated by pooling cross-sectional data of 527 observations over the time period of 1990-2006 for a cross-section of 31 publicly-owned transport companies in Japan. Our analytical results confirm that governmental subsidies to this sector negatively affect the cost structure, while the contractual model may have a positive impact. We also discuss the implications of these results for Japan’s public transport policy.  相似文献   

This paper is a stochastic risk simulation of the impact of proposed federal tonnage limits on US Maritime Security Fleet (MSF) bagged food aid shipments. Only MSF (i.e. federally subsidized carriers/vessels for war, or emergencies) and non-MSF US carriers (therefore, at competitive disadvantage) can compete for such shipments—representing an indirect subsidy to both groups. To compensate, US Congress proposed a financial penalty (loss of voyage subsidy) on MSF carriers for food aid above a certain limit. Accordingly, certain carriers will be policy 'winners' (non-MSF—larger food aid shipments), and others 'losers' (MSF). By simulating loss-minimizing economic behaviour by MSF carriers—using five stochastic factors—I obtain losses substantially below those claimed by the MSF owners.

Simulated annual-average MSF profits reduction is $3.5 million—within a large confidence interval; if no carriers surrender their subsidies (as claimed by MSF owners), a reduction of $6.0 million. Only 16% of annual MSF voyages are affected by a 2,500-ton limit (3%; 5,000-ton limit). Minimizing losses, 25 (of 41 affected) annual MSF voyages replace 38,000 tons of food aid with 23,000 tons of other cargo—forgoing $2.1 million in yearly direct subsidies. Two assumptions explain most of this simulated loss reduction.  相似文献   

Road transport imposes negative externalities on society. These externalities include environmental and road damage, accidents, congestion, and oil dependence. The cost of these externalities to society is in general not reflected in the current market prices in the road transport sector.An efficient mobility model for the future must take into account the true costs of transport and its regulatory framework will need to create incentives for people to make sustainable transport choices. This paper discusses the use of economic instruments to correct road transport externalities, but gives relatively more weight to the problem of carbon emissions from road transport, as this is particularly challenging, given its global and long-term nature.Economics offers two types of instruments for addressing the problem of transport externalities: command-and-control and incentive-based policies.Command-and-control policies are government regulations which force consumers and producers to change their behaviour. They are the most widely used policy instruments. Examples include vehicle emission and fuel standards in the US as well as driving or parking restrictions in Singapore. The implementation cost of these instruments to the government is small. Although from an economic perspective these policies often fail to achieve an efficient market outcome, the presence of political constraints often make them the preferred option, in terms of feasibility and effectiveness.Economic theory shows how policies, which affect consumption and production incentives, can be used to achieve the optimal outcome in the presence of externalities. Incentive-based policies function within a new or an altered market. We first examine incentive-based policies, which cap the aggregate amount of the externality, such as carbon emissions, by allocating permits or rights to the emitters. The emitters are then free to trade their permits amongst them. The permit allocation mechanism is important-although market efficiency would be satisfied by an auction, political influences usually favour a proportional allocation based on historic emissions. We discuss EU ETS as an example of a cap-and-trade system, however, no such policy for CO2 emissions in road transport has been implemented anywhere in the world to date.Fiscal instruments are, like command-and-control, widely used in road transport, because they are relatively cheap and simple to implement. They include the use of taxes and charges in order to bridge the gap between private and the social costs and, in principle, can lead to an efficient market solution. Registration, ownership, fuel, emissions, usage taxes, and parking and congestion charges have been implemented in many countries around the world. On the other side of the spectrum, subsidies can be given to those scrapping old cars and buying fuel-efficient vehicles. Some cities, such as London, have implemented congestion charges and many states in the United States have introduced high occupancy lanes. Other interesting possibilities include pay-as-you-drive insurance and other usage charges. However, the size and scope of taxes and subsidies are determined by governments, and because of their imperfect knowledge of the market the outcome is still likely to be inefficient.Governments have many effective economic instruments to create a sustainable road transport model. These instruments can be used separately or together, but their implementation will be necessary in the nearest future.  相似文献   

Some European governments subsidize their residents when they travel at sea. This paper seeks to analyze the impact on prices of maritime passengers’ subsidies in Europe. Following a review of the scarce academic literature on this topic and the subsidy scheme in Europe, a sample of firms’ prices and other characteristics of 40 European routes for 2016 are analyzed. Both an estimation of a price equation and a matching approach are applied and reach the same conclusion: prices per kilometer are around 40 per cent higher on those subsidized routes due to subsidies. This outcome reduces the potential subsidy gain to consumers.  相似文献   

2006年3月21日,财政部国家税务总局联合下发通知,从2006年4月1日起.对游艇征收10%的消费税。游艇市场在我国才刚刚起步.由于各种政策法规的不完善已经极大地阻碍了游艇市场的发展,业内一直在呼吁政府尽快出台政策扶植游艇业发展。现在突然出台对游艇征收10%的消费税就好比是在伤疤上又撒了把盐。游艇属于奢侈品这是不容置疑的但是不是应该对游艇这种奢侈品收消费税.在这个时间段收税是不是合适就有待商榷了。本刊记者就这政策出台对游艇市场的影响和对政策本身的看法,采访了游艇销售商游艇厂商和外商驻华机构等相关产业的人士。  相似文献   

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