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In principle, stochastic modelling methods are ideally suited to the analysis and forecasting of discretionary travel; they formalise both the capriciousness and continuity which are empirically typical of recurrent choice. In practice, the development of theoretically justifiable but tractable stochastic models has appeared to be an illusive goal in transportation research and stochastic models have found little favour. Recent statistical results on the nonparametric characterisation of mixing distributions now enable stochastic models to simultaneously represent a much greater variety of behaviour while, at the same time, actually reducing problems over tractability. The consequent case for reappraisal is illustrated by the development and calibration of a new joint timing/choice model for shopping travel. This model has sound theoretical underpinnings, permits complex variation in the frequency and regularity of shopping due to both observed and unobserved characteristics and constraints, and yet is readily calibrated from diary data.  相似文献   

A model of destination choice is developed in this study employing “prospective utility” of a destination zone as its attraction measure. The prospective utility accounts for future dependency of destination choice and makes possible relevant treatment of interdependent choices in a trip chain. A parameter is included in the model to represent the magnitude of the future dependency. Empirical estimation results show that destination choice is in fact future dependent and coefficients of travel time and zonal attribute variables may be biased if this depedency is not accounted for.  相似文献   

This paper describes a disaggregate simultaneous destination and mode choice model for shopping trips. Following an introduction to the model structure and a review of the data, the results of five different model specifications are discussed. The models were estimated using data from two communities adjacent to Eindhoven, the Netherlands and utilise the multinomial logit model.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that the constraints on an individual's freedom to move through space and time, have an important influence on his likelihood to participate in various activities, and on the amount of time he budgets to them. To date, commonly used transportation planning processes have failed to incorporate the time budget concept into the various planning and policy evaluation stages. It seems as well, that one of the drawbacks of the disaggregate modelling process is its neglect of the effect of temporal constraints on an individual's choice process. The temporal constraints affect the size of choice sets of individuals and thus influence the probabilities of selection of the available alternatives. The core of this paper is to demonstrate how individual specific constraint choice sets can be defined in a destination choice model, and how they can be applied for improving accuracy in prediction. Emphasis is placed on the additional capabilities provided by the incorporation of the choice set definitions, both in terms of improved prediction accuracy, and in terms of evaluating policies, which affect the constraints on activity scheduling. A model is developed which uses knowledge concerning the constraints on shopping travel to generate choice sets of retail locations for consumers. This is done by calculating the maximum amounts of time which these constraints allow an individual to be at various retail outlets. Locations which cannot be reached while open are removed from the choice set. This model was applied to data from the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area. The results show that applying choice set restrictions yields a modest improvement in the accuracy of prediction of shopping destination choice. Exploratory analyses indicate that by further restricting choice sets in an appropriate amnner, it may be possible to achieve substantial improvement in prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper reviews basic multinomial logit (MNL) models of shopping destination choice and some extensions to the basic MNL model. Issues include the identification and form of inclusion of measures of destination attractiveness, identification of the appropriate destination choice set, modelling multidestination tours and choices over time, and linking destination choice models with activity measures. The paper begins with a discussion of modelling philosophy and forecasting‐related informational needs and concludes with a summary of areas requiring further research.  相似文献   

A common problem of all cognitive-behavioural models of destination choice is that of the identification of factors influencing the behaviour of interest. This paper considers the applicability of Kelly's repertory grid methodology to identify the factors influencing consumer choice of shopping centres. Firstly, some methodological issues in the assessment of the relative importance people attach to certain variables in deciding where to shop are discussed. Secondly, the main findings of an application of the repertory grid methodology are presented. The paper concludes by discussing some implications of the measurement of the determinants of choice behaviour and the construction of mathematical models of destination choice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new trip distribution model for destinations that are not homogeneously distributed. The model is a gravity model in which the spatial configuration of destinations is incorporated in the modeling process. The performance was tested on a survey with reported grocery shopping trips in the Dutch city of Almelo. The results show that the new model outperforms the traditional gravity model. It is also superior to the intervening opportunities model, because the distribution can be described as a function of travel costs, without increasing the computational time. In this study, the distribution was described by a simple function of Euclidean distance, which provides a good fit to the survey data. The slope of the distribution is quite steep. This shows that most trips are made to nearby supermarkets. However, a significant fraction of trips, mainly made by car, still goes to supermarkets further away. We argue that modeling of these trips by the new method will improve traffic flow predictions.  相似文献   

Most research on walking behavior has focused on mode choice or walk trip frequency. In contrast, this study is one of the first to analyze and model the destination choice behaviors of pedestrians within an entire region. Using about 4500 walk trips from a 2011 household travel survey in the Portland, Oregon, region, we estimated multinomial logit pedestrian destination choice models for six trip purposes. Independent variables included terms for impedance (walk trip distance), size (employment by type, households), supportive pedestrian environments (parks, a pedestrian index of the environment variable called PIE), barriers to walking (terrain, industrial-type employment), and traveler characteristics. Unique to this study was the use of small-scale destination zone alternatives. Distance was a significant deterrent to pedestrian destination choice, and people in carless or childless households were less sensitive to distance for some purposes. Employment (especially retail) was a strong attractor: doubling the number of jobs nearly doubled the odds of choosing a destination for home-based shopping walk trips. More attractive pedestrian environments were also positively associated with pedestrian destination choice after controlling for other factors. These results shed light on determinants of pedestrian destination choice behaviors, and sensitivities in the models highlight potential policy-levers to increase walking activity. In addition, the destination choice models can be applied in practice within existing regional travel demand models or as pedestrian planning tools to evaluate land use and transportation policy and investment scenarios.  相似文献   

Longitudinal discrete choice models which use a mixing distribution to control for unobserved heterogeneity, and which are estimated by a nonparametric maximum likelihood mass point procedure, have so far been restricted to the analysis of dichotomous choices. This paper extends mass point methods to the case of polytomous choice problems and in so doing makes an important contribution to the analysis of longitudinal data and dynamic discrete choice models. The paper concludes with an empirical assessment of the performance of mass point methods in the analysis of urban shopping behaviour, using short-term panel data from the Cardiff Consumer Panel.  相似文献   

A mode choice decision structure incorporating traveler attitudes toward modes and situational constraints is investigated. The major hypothesis tested is that mode choice is determined primarily by situational constraints, such as auto ownership and income, secondly by the quality of alternative modes.The structure of the mode choice process is analyzed with respect to (1) applicability of certain choice criterion forms; (2) psychological weighting of modal attributes in the choice criterion; (3) strength of logit, probit, and discriminant functional forms; (4) the relative strength of socio-economic and attitudinal variables in predicting mode choice. An evaluation is made of 50 binary choice models fitted to a sample of 471 randomly drawn urban travelers. Results indicate that (1) the four choice criterion forms tested are all about equal in predictive strength; (2) psychological weighting has no effect on model strength, but does influence which modal attributes appear to determine choice; (3) the three functional forms tested are all about equal in strength; (4) situational factors account for 80–90% of variation explained by the models, attitudes toward modes 10–20%, thus confirming the primary hypothesis. Implications of these results for mode choice modeling and transit planning are discussed.This paper summarizes current research at the New York State Department of Transportation on the motivations and causes of travel behavior. Complete findings are available in Hartgen (1973).  相似文献   

China leads the world in both public bikeshare and private electric bike (e-bike) growth. Current trajectories indicate the viability of deploying large-scale shared e-bike (e-bikeshare) systems in China. We employ a stated preference survey and multinomial logit to model the factors influencing the choice to switch from an existing transportation mode to bikeshare or e-bikeshare in Beijing. Demand is influenced by distinct sets of factors: the bikeshare choice is most sensitive to measures of effort and comfort while the e-bikeshare choice is more sensitive to user heterogeneities. Bikeshare demand is strongly negatively impacted by trip distance, temperature, precipitation, and poor air quality. User demographics however do not factor strongly on the bikeshare choice, indicating the mode will draw users from across the social spectrum. The e-bikeshare choice is much more tolerant of trip distance, high temperatures and poor air quality, though precipitation is also a highly negative factor. User demographics do play a significant role in e-bikeshare demand. Analysis of impact to the existing transportation system finds that both bikeshare and e-bikeshare will tend to draw users away from the “unsheltered modes”, walk, bike, and e-bike. Although it is unclear if shared bikes are an attractive “first-and-last-mile solution”, it is clear that e-bikeshare is attractive as a bus replacement.  相似文献   

De Vos  Jonas 《Transportation》2019,46(3):623-645
Transportation - Previous studies have indicated that positive (or negative) experiences of activity episodes are likely to correlate with positive (or negative) evaluations of a persons’...  相似文献   

This paper studies the supply variables that influence the destination and route choices of users of a bicycle sharing system in the Chilean city of Santiago. A combined trip demand logit model is developed whose explanatory variables represent attributes relating to the topology of the possible routes and other characteristics such as the presence of bikeways, bus service and controlled intersections. The data for the explanatory variables and system users were collected through field surveys of the routes and interviews conducted at the system stations. The results of the model show that proximity to stops on the Santiago Metro and the existence of bikeways are the main factors influencing destination and route choices. Also indicated by the model estimates are gender differences, a preference for tree-lined routes and an avoidance of routes with bus services. Finally, the outcomes reveal considerable potential for the integration of bicycle sharing systems with Metro transit.  相似文献   

A stated preference experiment was performed in Calgary in Canada to examine how people are influenced in the selection of a departure time for a hypothetical trip to see a movie. A total of 635 complete observations were obtained. In each observation the respondent was presented with a set of possible departure time scenarios and asked to indicate the order of preference for these scenarios. Each scenario was described by specifying the automobile travel time, the expected arrival time relative to the movie start time, the parking cost, the probability of being at least ten minutes late for the movie and the length of time the movie had been running. This forced the respondent to trade off between conditions regarding these attributes. Age, gender and frequency of movie attendance were also recorded. The observations thus obtained were used to estimate the parameter values for a range of alternative utility functions in logit models representing this choice behaviour. The results indicate that all of the attributes included have significant effects on departure time choice in the situation being considered. They also indicate that travellers are prepared to arrive roughly two minutes early for each minute of travel time saved; that the money value of driving time for trips to recreational activities is about half that for trips to work; that one additional percent in the probability of arriving late is equivalent to roughly 0.20 Canadian dollars or 1.93 minutes drive time; and that there is a preference for a non-zero expected early arrival time regardless of the associated probability of arriving late. Some of these results are novel and others are consistent with findings for work trips in work done by others, which is seen to add credence to the approach being used here.  相似文献   

We investigate how customers respond to an opaque airline product offered by a European carrier. In this opaque product design, customers are randomly assigned to travel to one of approximately ten destinations; however, for a fee they may exclude one or more destinations from the choice set (or a particular package design) prior to learning which destination they will travel to. We use a multidimensional binary logit model to predict the probability that one or more alternatives will be chosen by a customer. Results show that customers are more likely to pay to exclude destinations located close to the origin airport and destinations that speak the same language as the origin airport. Length of stay, cost of living at the destination, and measures of destination attractiveness are also found to be significant predictors for some package designs. Based on these findings, we offer general recommendations for how to design opaque packages for airline customers.  相似文献   

A paper was published in the immediately previous issue of this journal describing a stated preference experiment examining how people are influenced in the selection of a departure time for a hypothetical trip to see a movie. The title was ‘A stated preference examination of time of travel choice for a recreational trip’, Volume 30(3):17–44. Numbers were used to indicate references in the text of the paper and in Table 1 accompanying the text, but these numbers were omitted from the list of references at the end of the paper - making it very difficult to identify specific citations. The list of references from the paper is reprinted below with the reference numbers included. This provides a listing that can be used in conjunction with the text of the paper and Table 1 as published to identify specific citations as intended.  相似文献   

Li  Weibo  Kamargianni  Maria 《Transportation》2020,47(5):2233-2265
Transportation - Car-sharing could have substantial benefits. However, there is not enough evidence about if more people choosing car-sharing would reduce private car usage or public transport...  相似文献   

A new model system dealing with trips of length up to 100 km has recently been developed in Norway. A new way of dealing with seasonal passes for public transport is used in the travel-to-work model. The objective was to account for the fact that a respondent that posses a seasonal pass for public transport may behave as if public transport is free on the day they report a travel diary. On the other hand, we can not assume that public transport is free for respondents that used other modes of transport or that public transport is free to alternative destinations. This problem was solved by defining seasonal pass as a separate alternative in the form of a nest that included all modes of travel. The cost of a seasonal pass is a common cost for all modes in the nest and will thus not affect the choice within the nest. The estimation of this specification is compared with the more common approach of assigning an average cost per day based on the cost of a monthly pass and the number of workdays in a month. The comparison indicates that the “average cost per day” approach may produce biased estimates for several parameters. It also turns out that the cost parameter for seasonal pass is higher than the parameter for “out of pocket” cost, probably reflecting that there will be some uncertainty with respect to the actual use of a seasonal pass.  相似文献   


Trip chaining (or tours) and mode choice are two critical factors influencing a variety of patterns of urban travel demand. This paper investigates the hierarchical relationship between these two sets of decisions including the influences of socio-demographic characteristics on them. It uses a 6-week travel diary collected in Thurgau, Switzerland, in 2003. The structural equation modeling technique is applied to identify the hierarchical relationship. Hierarchy and temporal consistency of the relationship is investigated separately for work versus non-work tours. It becomes clear that for work tours in weekdays, trip-chaining and mode choice decisions are simultaneous and remain consistent across the weeks. For non-work tours in weekdays, mode choice decisions precede trip-chaining decisions. However, for non-work tours in weekends, trip-chaining decisions precede mode choice decisions. A number of socioeconomic characteristics also play major roles in influencing the relationships. Results of the investigation challenge the traditional approach of modeling mode choice separately from activity-scheduling decisions.  相似文献   

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