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基于ABAQUS及其子程序DFLUX,采用热力间接耦合法,对不同厚度尺寸的Q345B厚钢板的对接焊缝进行了三维模拟分析,得到了焊接的温度场分布和最终焊接残余应力分布.结果表明:构件表面焊接残余应力大于中间面;表面纵向和横向残余应力都有一定的规律;对接焊缝沿纵向焊接残余应力随着板厚度的增加而增加,这种增加的趋势对厚度小于70 mm的钢板很明显,对70~80 mm的钢板不明显;而横向残余应力随钢板厚度的增加变化不显著.  相似文献   

The non-destructive testing (NDT) of debonding in stainless steel composites plate (SSCP) is performed by infrared thermography, finite element analysis (FEA) software ANSYS is taken as the simulative tool, and 2D simulative model has been set up to investigate effect of the thickness of coating and/or substrate on the detectibility of debonging in SSCPs. Two parameters, namely the maximum defect temperature difference and defect appearing index, are defined to evaluate the detectivity of defects, and their computational methods and formulas are given respectively. The preliminary changing tendency of the maximum defect temperature difference and defect appearing index with the thickness of coating and/or substrate is found by numerical simulation.  相似文献   

A continuum model is adopted to study the macrosegregation phenomena during solidification of large steel ingots. Evolution of temperature, melt velocity, and compositional concentration field during a 22 t steel ingot solidification are illustrated by using the finite volume method. Numerical results of temperature distribution are validated by experiments. The influence of local permeability relates to the friction that the melt experienced in mushy region is investigated. It is shown that the continuum model is able to predict the temperature field, and the variation of permeability obviously affects the melt flowing behavior and the final compositional distribution.  相似文献   

The temperature and stress fields in beryllium during high speed cutting process were studied by employing a thermo-mechanically coupled finite element method (FEM). The results show that the temperatures in beryllium increase only a little during the cutting process. Both of the residual stresses for along and normal to the cutting direction are tensile stresses in the surface of beryllium after cutting. The cutting force and thrust force are about 280 and −250 kN/m at the steady stage, respectively. The main effects of coolant on the cutting process are to decrease the friction coefficient and heat between the tool and the workpiece, so to reduce the temperature, but almost no effects are made for stress. This study is helpful to enhance the understanding for stress formation and optimize the process parameters of beryllium.  相似文献   

铸轧区的温度分布直接影响着铸轧过程的稳定性和复合板材的质量.针对实验室复合板半固态铸轧试验的特点建立了数学模型,采用有限元法对钢-铝石墨半固态铸轧复合过程的热流耦合问题进行了数值模拟计算,分析了不同浇注温度和铸轧速度下熔池内温度场变化的情况.模拟结果表明,当浇注温度为620℃,铸轧速度在0.6~0.8 m/min的范围内可保证铸轧稳定进行,此结论与试验数据相吻合.该模型可以有效预测凝固前沿位置,为半固态铸轧复合工艺的进一步研究和钢-铝石墨复合板的数字化生产提供了依据.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of several techniques involved in the development of the 3D finite element (FE) models of rod and wire continuous rolling process. The FE models are implemented into the FE-program MSC.Marc and used to investigate the thermal and mechanical behavior of billet during the rolling process. All nonlinear equations included in the models are solved by the static and dynamic procedures, respectively. Data transfer technique is proposed to keep the continuity of simulation results. And the computational time of static procedure is significantly reduced by using a rigid pushing body. In all models, the constant time step method and the auto time step method are respectively used to define time step for the solution of equations. Simulation results of the models with different time step methods are compared. And comparison between calculated values and measured ones of the temperature at the surface of billet shows the validity of the FE models.  相似文献   

应用数学模型研究船舶在航道中的航行条件 ,可以经济、快速了解水利工程兴建后 ,其对船舶航行的影响 .介绍了船舶航行数学模拟的方法、方程等 .并将其用于某河段的航迹线模拟 ,得到了较好的结果  相似文献   

The influence of soaking temperature on microstructure of high temperature multi-pass compression deformation for two low carbon steels (steel A: w C = 0.032% and w Mn = 0.25%; steel B: w C = 0.165% and w Mn = 0.38%) is studied on the thermal-mechanical simulator in order to rationalize the hot-rolling schedule of low-carbon steel and to promote the low-temperature heating technology. The results show that the microstructures of steel A are almost not affected by reducing soaking temperature, but the acicular ferrite forms in steel B when the soaking temperature is reduced from 1 200 to 1 170°C, due to its smaller initial austenite grain size according to recrystallization kinetics theory.  相似文献   

Warm surface rolling is a working process between room temperature and re-crystallization temperature. With warm surface rolling of steel grade 45 grooved axle, its fatigue lifespan was measured by the endurance bending test. The influence of surface rolling reduction on the axle fatigue life period was experimentally studied at different surface rolling temperatures. The experimental results show that the fatigue life of the steel axles can be significantly improved by the warm surface rolling process. The optimum rolling reductions for the maximum fatigue life at different warm surface rolling temperatures were explored. The microstructures of the steel axles were analyzed. The surface strength improved by refining grains after the warm surface rolling was calculated by the Hall-Petch model. These research achievements could be also valuable to the relevant works.  相似文献   

The metallurgical structure and composition of ingots which depend critically on the fluid motion within the molten pool during the vacuum arc remelting (VAR) process have important effect on the subsequent mechanical processes like forging, rolling and welding. In order to determine the fluid motion of molten pool, a 2D finite element model is established using ANSYS10.0 software, combined with the turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer. The fluid motion caused by thermo buoyancy forces is investigated at different VAR processes in the present study. The results indicate that the fluid flows symmetrically along the axis of the molten pool and clockwisely along the circle at the right pool’s profile. It is also shown that the maximum velocity increases with increasing melting rate and a direct proportional relationship exists.  相似文献   

笔者针对泡漩水所具有的三维性、自由表面、强紊动性的特点,采用三维K-ε模型,引入通度概念处理不规则边界,用VOF法追踪自由表面,并对突嘴深槽组合地形产生的泡漩水流场进行了数值计算,计算结果与实测资料吻合良好.  相似文献   

着重论述了钢筋剥肋滚压连接与其他连接方式的比较,阐述了接头质量、成本、施工速度及施工环境各方面的优势。  相似文献   

Based on the principles of mass, momentum and heat transfers between the reducing gas and the iron ore solid, a two-dimensional mathematical model for above two phases is established to study the influences of reducing gas composition on thermal and reduction conditions in pre-reduction shaft furnace with the temperature ranging from 1 023 to 1 223K. Due to the strong endothermic effect of iron ore reduction participated by hydrogen (H2), increasing the ratio of carbon monoxide (CO) to H2 enlarges high temperature zone under present calculation conditions, thus improves reduction efficiency inside the furnace. In addition, replacing of the reducing gas with an appropriate proportion of nitrogen (N2) featuring the same temperature has a potential to reduce fuel consumption by as much as 6.5% while the products of similar quality are yielded.  相似文献   

依托等跨度的低弧拱和高弧拱两种线形的覆土波纹钢板桥涵模型,分阶段测试从裸拱状态到覆土回填务实完毕整个过程的结构自振特性变化.试验分析结果表明:随覆土高度的增加,结构自振频率逐渐下降;在覆土回填至拱顶以前,结构自振频率下降缓慢,覆土高过拱顶以后,结构的自振频率下降较快;覆土回填夯实结束后,两种线形结构的自振频率十分接近.此类结构的自振特性受回填土影响显著,埋置较深时,结构的振动性态趋向于与周围土层结合成一个整体系统.  相似文献   

A 2D finite element model was established for inertia friction welding of GH4169 nickel-base superalloy based on the ABAQUS environment. The remeshing and map solution techniques were adopted to solve the problem of element distortion. The effect of rotation speed on the temperature field and axial shortening of joints was investigated. The results show that the interface temperature increases rapidly to higher than 900°C within 1 s. And then, it increases slowly to a quasi-stable value. The axial shortening begins to augment quickly when a uniform interface temperature field has formed and the plasticized material is extruded from the interface to form an obvious flash. The rotation speed of the flywheel controls the welding process and has a significant influence on the temperature evolution and axial shortening of joints.  相似文献   

采用傅立叶逆变换将轨道不平顺功率谱密度转换为时域不平顺序列, 分析了美国轨道中心线各种不平顺的相关性。利用轨道中心线不平顺与左右轨道不平顺的关系, 将中心线轨道不平顺等效转换为左右轨道的垂向和横向不平顺, 通过车辆动力学仿真计算了轮轨作用力响应, 并比较了美国五级谱单侧不平顺与中国干线谱不平顺。比较结果表明: 各种中心线不平顺之间相关系数均小于0.3, 为微弱相关, 可视为统计独立的; 中心线轨道不平顺响应与等效后的左右轨道不平顺响应的相关系数均大于0.8, 为高度相关, 验证了等效转换的正确性; 美国五级谱单侧不平顺功率谱密度在低频部分高于中国干线谱, 在高频部分则低于中国干线谱。  相似文献   

微重力下离心式气液分离技术以分离环境不受重力条件的影响而广泛应用于航天器流体技术、环境控制与生命保障系统等领域.本文对微重力工况下离心式气液分离特性进行了数值模拟研究,通过正交实验法分析在转速、入口速度、含气量、黏度、温度综合作用时,各因素影响的主次关系.结果表明,转速、含气量、温度、黏度对分离效率的影响比较明显,且随转速、含气量、温度的增加,分离效率逐渐增加,而随黏度的增加分离效率逐渐降低,入口速度对分离效率的影响较小,这与美国地面实验的趋势大致相同,分离效率在92%~94%范围内.研究结果可为我国空间站环控生保技术采用蒸汽压缩蒸馏方法进行尿液分离的进一步研究提供基础数据.  相似文献   

炎热天气对钢渣混凝土抗压强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将普通混凝土和钢渣质量分数为10%、30%和50%的混凝土试件分别放入40℃、50℃和60℃的热水中,测试了不同龄期试件的抗压强度和超声波脉冲速度,分析了炎热天气对钢渣混凝土抗压强度的影响.分析结果表明:在测试龄期内,各混凝土试件的抗压强度并不随着炎热天气的影响而发生削减;钢渣混凝土试件在第90 d达到最高抗压强度61...  相似文献   

以长寿——开县沿线上的黄家湾(日月)桥加固为例,介绍了用粘贴钢板法对老石拱桥进行加固的计算过程和施工工艺,说明了粘贴钢板法在加固中的适用性和有效性.  相似文献   

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