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为了得到颗粒材料的力学参数与试验条件之间的关系, 选取5组粒径范围的颗粒材料, 利用离散元方法生成初始试件, 并数值模拟了其双轴试验, 分析了不同围压对材料弹性模量和强度的影响, 以及不同加载速率下材料的弹性模量、泊松比和强度的变化规律。提取了围压为10MPa与加载速率为0.03m.s-1时5组试件的应力-应变曲线, 从微观角度给出了荷载作用后试件中的裂缝分布。模拟结果表明: 随着围压的增大, 5组试件的弹性模量和强度增大, 增长趋势相对平缓, 但粒径为9.50~13.20mm的试件出现较大波动; 加载速率与弹性模量、泊松比、强度和裂缝初始应力基本呈二次多项式关系, 最小判定系数为0.9009, 最大为0.9959;在5组试件中, 随着粒径的增大, 由应力-应变曲线得到的应力峰值减小。  相似文献   

Because connection number can express and process synthetic uncertainties caused by various uncertainties in the transmission network planning, a connection number model (CNM) was presented to compare the values of connection number logically. This paper proposed a novel model for transmission network flexible planning with uncertainty. In the proposed planning model both certainty and uncertainty information were included, and the cost-benefit analysis method was used to evaluate the candidate schemes in the objective function. Its good adaptability and flexibility were illustrated through two examples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a standard methodology for measuring the surface free energy (SFE), and its component parts of bamboo fiber materials. The current methods was reviewed to determine the surface tension of natural fibers and the disadvantages of techniques used were discussed. Although numerous techniques have been employed to characterize surface tension of natural fibers, it seems that the credibility of results obtained may often be dubious. In this paper, critical surface tension estimates were obtained from computer aided machine vision based measurement. Data were then analyzed by the least squares method to estimate the components of SFE. SFE was estimated by least squares analysis and also by Schultz?? method. By using the Fowkes method the polar and disperse fractions of the surface free energy of bamboo fiber materials can be obtained. Strictly speaking, this method is based on a combination of the knowledge of Fowkes theory. SFE is desirable when adhesion is required, and it avoids some of the limitations of existing studies which has been proposed. The calculation steps described in this research are only intended to explain the methods. The results show that the method that only determines SFE as a single parameter may be unable to differentiate adequately between bamboo fiber materials, but it is feasible and very efficient. In order to obtain the maximum performance from the computer aided machine vision based measurement instruments, this measurement should be recommended and kept available for reference.  相似文献   

引言 道路交通事故多发点又称黑点(Black Spot),是指道路上交通事故显著突出的路段或交叉口.如果道路交通事故的发生是完全随机的,那么道路交通事故在不同路段上的分布应该是均匀的,而一些事故异常集中的路段则反映了该处可能存在着影响交通安全的不利因素.  相似文献   

A new model,called object model,for the simulation of cold roll-forming of tubes is presented.The model inherits the advantages of old models and is the embodiment of forming process that the strip is rolled step by step from feed rollers to last rolling pass.The elastic-plastic large deformation spline finite strip method based on updated Lagrangian method has been developed by improving the stiffness and transition matrix.Combined theory formulas and new analytical model,the forming process of a tube has ...  相似文献   

从试验、强度形成机理、施工角度进行分析,评价这些手段对改善沥青混合料高温稳定性的有效性。  相似文献   

对近年来国内外发展起来的几种多功能路面的铺装方法和特点进行了介绍,对多功能路面的作用机理,设计和施工方法,优缺点和使用前景等进行了综合分析和探讨。  相似文献   

首先就长大纵坡路段沥青路面损坏进行调查,然后进行车速变化和水平荷载下长大纵坡路段的路面性能分析,最后就长大纵坡划分标准进行了研究。综上研究,提出根据行车车速作为长大纵坡的划分指标,优化连续纵坡行车车速预估模型,并提出长大纵坡路段的划分标准。  相似文献   

Because of the end effect,a linear induction motor (LIM) runs in an asymmetrical state even though the winding of each phase is symmetric.Based on the basic principle of the LIM,a new approach was prop...  相似文献   

结合人工免疫系统的克隆选择原理,采用克隆算法进行优化,提取通过多精度模糊分割产生的大量模糊if-then规则中的优质分类规则,建立了模糊分类所需要的有效规则集来实现分类的目的.由该方法所提取的模糊规则集具有分类正确率高、规则数目较少及识别时间短的特点.  相似文献   

一种基于数字水印的二维条码防伪的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现有PDF417条码的数字水印嵌入和检测算法比较复杂、水印的嵌入强度不好控制以及对条码打印机和扫描仪的精度要求比较高等问题,提出了一种在PDF417条码的合适边缘嵌入盲水印信息的方法,将二维条码和数字水印技术相结合以提高PDF417二维条码的安全性和保密性.  相似文献   

从公共交通的运营能力、服务能力及发展能力等3方面建立了评价指标体系,运用结构熵权法,确定了各个指标的权重。将评价指标分成成本型指标、效益型指标及区间型指标,对TOPSIS法进行了改进,并建立了城市公共交通发展水平的评价模型。进行了实例分析,分别选取两个城市,进行了公共交通发展水平的评价。分析结果表明:该评价方法合理可行。  相似文献   

针对目前交通流检测设备布设中出现的一些问题,借助均匀设计方法,结合神经网络处理观测交通流数据,在设置数量有限制条件下,开展布设方案优化设计研究。本文的方案设计力图在人力物力投入最小的前提下,通过典型路段、交叉口等交通基础设施的组合,可以更多的获取交通流参数信息,全面、准确的反映城市交通流分布情况。选用了67的均匀设计表作为方案设计基础表,经过拟水平处理后设计优化方案,运用BP神经网络构建交通量推断模型,判定设计方案的优劣,进行了实地交通流检测设备优化布设研究。通过研究可知,采取优选布设方案采集的交通量对检测路段交通量进行预测,相对偏差可以达到0.006。  相似文献   

考虑了燃油车和电动车动力系统差异以及货车车型对队列运营节能效果的影响,基于货车物理能耗模型和车形节能关系矩阵,建立了不同类型货车队列的能耗表征模型;为了不损失队列运营效率,构建了货车队列运营节能模型;以队列运营节能效益最大为目标,以不同类型货车数量、队列长度、队列排序位置要求为约束,建立了异质性货车队列低能耗配置优化模型,优化了队列规模和各个队列内部的车辆排序;基于数值试验,量化分析了异质性队列节能情况,解析了队列行驶工况、节能系数、不同车型比例对能耗的影响规律。研究结果表明:相较于独立行驶,12、18辆车试验的异质性货车队列运营节能率分别为6.5%、6.6%;相较于同质性队列,12、18辆车试验的异质性队列节能率分别增大了4.6%和4.8%;异质性货车队列配置情况不随行驶工况的变化而变化,但相较于匀速行驶状态,加速状态下节能率相对较低,约为3.6%;就车型排列规律而言,首先应依据“钟形”规律排布燃油车,其次应按照“钟形”规律插入电动车,使电动车帮助燃油车减少能耗,最后应优先配置队列前方位置;队列运营节能率随着速度的提升而增大,弹性系数为0.05,表明了队列技术在高速公路场景下可带来较为可观的效益;随着电动车比例的不断增大,队列节能率略有增加;节能系数对队列节能率影响最大,弹性系数为1.2。  相似文献   

The kinematic accuracy of space manipulator determines whether the spacecraft performs normally or not. Problems pertaining to structural deformation have received increased attention in recent times. In the space manipulator systems, flexible arms and joints can induce drastic dynamic instabilities. In applications such as the space station, kinematic error due to structural deformation can jointly affect the performance characteristics. And it is crucial for accuracy control of space manipulator to establish a precision index. Here we analyze the dynamics characteristic of flexible space manipulator considering the hysteresis of harmonic reducer based on method of nonconstraint boundary modal. For the sake of describing the output accuracy, we integrate the method of analytic hierarchy process(AHP) to establish a comprehensive evaluation index. A numerical simulation is performed to analyze the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of space manipulator with harmonic reducer. With the analysis of accuracy assessment, the relation among the hysteresis angle, rigidity and output accuracy is revealed. Considering the elastic modulus of flexible space manipulator and the hysteresis angle of harmonic reducer, we conduct an evaluation of output characteristics of flexible space manipulator with the proposed comprehensive evaluation index. The accuracy evaluation of output characteristics based on the proposed comprehensive evaluation index is implemented in the initial stage of space manipulator’s design, which can not only solve the problems existing in the design but also save cost savings for ground tests. The results can be used in designing and optimizing future space manipulators, which may provide valuable references for design and thermal control of the space manipulator.  相似文献   

A new algorithm to automatically extract drainage networks and catchments based on triangula- tion irregular networks (TINs) digital elevation model (DEM) was developed. The flow direction in this approach is determined by computing the spatial gradient of triangle and triangle edges. Outflow edge was defined by comparing the contribution area that is separated by the steepest descent of the triangle. Local channels were then tracked to build drainage networks. Both triangle edges and facets were considered to con- struct flow path. The algorithm has been tested in the site for Hawaiian Island of Kaho'olawe, and the results were compared with those calculated by ARCGIS as well as terrain map. The reported algorithm has been proved to be a reliable approach with high efficiency to generate well-connected and coherent drainage networks.  相似文献   

蜡封法是利用物理学中的浮力原理,利用试件排开水的体积来代替试件的体积。具体的测量方法是:用和试件毛体积完全体积相当的水的质量除以水的比重。以此要得到个准确的毛体积密度,问题的关键是水的质量必须是和试件毛体积相当的水的质量。当沥青混合料的空隙率很大,即混合料的开口空隙较多时沥青混合料的饱和面干状态就很难达到。在这种情况下,我们采用蜡封法,  相似文献   

根治性手术切除是治疗胆囊癌的最重要手段,TNM癌症分期是制定手术方案的重要依据,但目前不同分期患者的手术方式选择及切除范围尚无统一标准.本文以美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)第8版癌症分期系统为基础,结合国内外研究进展及本中心临床治疗经验,探讨不同分期胆囊癌患者手术治疗的现状与争议.  相似文献   

笔者利用空间解析几何原理 ,提出了新型、有效的在数字地面模型中公路横断面模型的建立方法 .该方法能够使公路模型和数字地面模型更完整的结合  相似文献   

浅谈施工企业如何应对低价中标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从施工企业的角度出发,针对目前深圳市建设工程招投标市场中出现的采用低价中标的评标方法,从施工企业定额、不平衡报价、责任分解和施工企业成本管理方面详细阐述了施工企业应对低价中标的四种措施,实践证明,这些措施是行之有效的.  相似文献   

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