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近海移动式栈桥码头运动性能计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用有限水深多浮体三维势流理论和谱分析理论,结合实例计算,建立了一种计算近海移动式栈桥码头三维运动响应的方法,该方法将栈桥码头简化为刚性模块柔性连接器模型(RMFC),柔性连接器被假定为线性弹簧。通过将计算结果与实验结果比较,验证了本文提出的计算方法可以用于预报近海移动式栈桥码头在海浪作用下的三维运动响应情况,其计算结果可以作为设计连接器及锚链的依据。  相似文献   

移动式海岸卸载系统三维运动响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动式海岸卸载系统是一种由多个半潜式浮箱单元拼接而成的连岸型海上装卸装备,由于其可以靠泊各类中小型舰艇和民用船舶,并可拆卸转移,因而具有很高的适用性和灵活性.文章在深入分析国内外海洋多浮体三维运动响应计算方法的基础上,对近海移动式卸载系统进行了建模.并采用多浮体有限水深三维势流理论和谱分析方法对其在海浪作用下的运动性能进行了研究,重点分析工作海况下浪向的改变对卸载系统浮箱单元三维运动响应的影响,并将数值计算结果与实验结果进行了对比分析.研究结果表明,文中所采用的理论计算方法可以用于预报移动式卸载系统的运动性能,其计算结果可以作为设计锚链和模块间连接器的依据以及确定系统工作海域、海况的参考.  相似文献   

最近,劳氏船级社制定了“动力定位船和移动式近海工程装置新规则”与“操舵装置新规则”,已全文发表在劳氏船级社的13号通告上。“动力定位船和移动式近海工程装置新规则”根据安装的动力定位的性能,对于入劳氏级的船舶和移动式近海工程装置规定了三条等级标志:“DP(CM)”标志,应用于设有集中的、手动遥控系统的船舶;“DP(AM)”标志,是针对推力功率有贮备,有自动控制系统,且附有独立手动控制系统的船舶;“DP(AA)”标志,适用于推力功率有贮备,并有自动控制系统的船舶。  相似文献   

正2016年6月21日至22日,国际电工委员会/船舶及移动式和固定式近海设施电气设备技术委员会(IEC/TC18)第36届全会于上海召开,来自英国、挪威、法国、德国、加拿大、荷兰、韩国、中国等国家和IACS、IEC等国际组织的42名专家代表参加此次会议。IEC/TC18成立于1934年,主要负责有关船舶及移动式和固定式近海平台用电气设备、电缆设备国际标准的制定。目前,有积极成员18个,观察成员13个,已出版国际标准50项,在研国际标准18项。IEC/TC18  相似文献   

近海中模块化浮码头是近几年发展起来的用于军用和民用的新型近海结构。模块化保证了此种结构运输和海上快速连接的方便。本文讨论了浮式码头不同模块的组成方案及其运动特征,为浮式码头设计奠定基础。  相似文献   

一、前言 近海供应船习惯上简称为OSV(Offshore Supply Vessel),根据CCS钢质海船入级规范第2篇第11章.近海供应船是指主要从事于向移动式或固定式的近海工程设施运送物料、材料及设备的船舶,一般在船舶前部设有起居处所和驾驶室,并在后部设有用于海上装卸货物的露天载货甲板的船舶。对于符合上述CCS规范章节的近海供应船,可授予如下的附加标志:  相似文献   

半潜式超大型浮体的多刚体试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超大型浮体作为人类开发海洋的前沿基地,正在成为世界各国海洋工程界研究的一个热点.由于超大型浮体尺度巨大,因此它必定会采用模块化结构,由几种基本的模块在海上加以拼装,连接而成.因此,采用何种形式的连接器已成为超大型海洋浮式结构物设计过程中的一大关键技术问题.本文主要介绍了国内首次进行的半潜式超大型浮体的多刚体试验,在试验中采用刚性模块、柔性连接形式,对各模块的相对运动以及模块与模块之间连接器载荷的动力响应特性进行了研究.  相似文献   

<正>引言2014年9月29日至10月1日,国际电工委员会(IEC)在英国伦敦分别召开船舶和移动式及固定式近海设施用电缆分技术委员会(IEC/TC18/SC18A)第23届全会和船舶和移动式及固定式近海设施电气设备技术委员会(IEC/TC18)第35届全会。受中国船舶工业综合技术经济研究院和IEC中国国家委员会的委派,夏泳楠代表中方参加了会议。1 IEC/TC18/SC18A第23届全会  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种小型模块化开关电源及其并联系统的原理和设计.该电源由一个电源控制模块和多个电源变流模块组成.电源变流模块通过内置单片机软件实现稳压控制和稳压输出,当多个模块并联运行时,电源控制模块通过I2C总线与电源变流模块通信实现电源系统稳压输出和模块间均流.  相似文献   

载人潜水器概念设计中的系统集成模型(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在载人潜水器的概念设计阶段,开展系统参数化分析来研究设计变量变化对潜水器性能影响以及多学科优化设计方法在潜水器上的应用是十分有价值的.然而,对于系统参数化分析和多学科设计优化应用所需要的潜水器数学模型,这方面的研究却比较少.为了解决这一问题,该文以某载人潜水器为对象,示范如何建立一个包含有六个模块的载人潜水器系统集成模型,它们分别是艇型模块、阻力模块、能源模块、结构模块、重量模块和稳定性模块.通过设计结构矩阵的应用,发现载人潜水器的概念设计是一个顺序执行的过程,并且属于弱耦合设计问题.  相似文献   

 The concept of a mobile offshore base (MOB) reflects the need to stage and support military and humanitarian operations anywhere in the world. A MOB is a self-propelled, modular, floating platform that can be assembled into lengths of up to 2 km, as required, to provide logistic support to US military operations where fixed bases are not available or adequate. It accommodates the take-off and landing of C17 aircraft, and can be used for storage, as well as to send resources quickly to shore. In most concepts, the structure is made of three to five modules, which have to perform long-term station-keeping in the presence of winds, waves, and currents. This is usually referred to as dynamic positioning (DP). In the MOB, the alignment is maintained through the use of thrusters, connectors, or a combination of both. In this paper, we consider the real-time control of scaled models of a MOB. The modules are built at the 1 : 150 scale, and are kept aligned by rotating thrusters under a hierarchical hybrid control scheme. This paper describes a physical testbed developed at the University of California, Berkeley, under a grant from the US Office of Naval Research, for the purpose of evaluating competing MOB control concepts. Received: June 4, 2002 / Accepted: October 30, 2002 Acknowledgments. This material is based on work supported by the MOB Program of the US Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-98-1-0744. The authors would like to thank the Link Foundation for its support. Many thanks go to Stephen Spry for his experimental work. The photographs are courtesy of Bill Stone, Gerald Stone, and Jay Sullivan of the PATH Publications staff. Address correspondence to: A.R. Girard (e-mail: anouck@eecs.berkeley.edu)  相似文献   

The Mobile Offshore Base (MOB) is a multipurpose, floating logistics base which can be stationed in coastal or international waters. The offshore base is comprised of self-propelled modules that are connected together at sea to form a runway and support base for fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. The MOB is used as a prepositioned cargo stowage and transshipment point, enabling the movement of cargo to and from ships in an open seaway. Described here is an approach to developing a mobile, offshore basing capability. The work is discussed in context of two significant MOB projects including a discussion of criteria and major technical issues. Presented at the International Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures (VLFS'96), 25–28 November 1996, Hayama, Japan  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2000,13(4-5):459-476
A hierarchical architecture for mobile offshore bases (MOB) control is presented. By a control architecture we mean a specific way of organizing the motion control and navigation functions performed by the MOB. It is convenient to organize the functions into hierarchical layers. This way, a complex design problem is partitioned into a number of more manageable subproblems that are addressed in separate layers. The decomposition also allows for modular design and testing and the incorporation of plug-and-play components.This paper discusses the MOB requirements and maps them onto a layered control architecture. The formalization of the hierarchy is accomplished in terms of the specific functions performed by each layer and of the interfaces between layers. The implementation of the layers is discussed and illustrative examples are provided.  相似文献   

以7模块MOB为研究对象,利用RMFC模型,基于势流理论对7个构成模块单元进行3D水动力性能分析,计算过程中考虑了由于遮蔽效应而导致的浮体间相互作用.编制基于频域的多浮体运动和柔性连接器载荷计算程序,计算在规则波和不规则波下的连接器载荷值,并比较不同连接器刚度下各柔性连接器载荷值.计算结果表明,波浪入射角、波频、连接器刚度和海况对连接器载荷响应具有显著影响.本文的计算结果可为MOB柔性连接器设计与模块耐波性设计提供参考.  相似文献   

研究了半潜式超大型浮式结构中移动式海上基地(MOB)在高海况随机波作用下波浪力的简化计算方法。文中基于修正后的浮体Morison方程,经理论推导得出了MOB结构波浪力的计算公式。以MOB结构“三模块模型”为例,研究其在6级海况条件下基于Bretschneider谱模拟的随机不规则波中浪向角变化在0°~90°范围内,各模块的波浪力-历时规律,将本文简化算法的计算结果统计值与势流理论的结果相互对比,并对二者进行误差分析。结果表明:运用本文简化算法得到的MOB波浪力统计结果与势流理论的结果吻合程度高,且二者之间的相对误差在工程允许的范围之内,可充分验证本文方法的正确性、合理性与可行性。本文算法相比于势流理论而言更加简单,建议在结构初步设计阶段运用该方法可高效地评估大量不同工况下MOB结构的波浪荷载,研究成果可为半潜式超大型浮式结构动力响应研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2002,15(3):233-250
Reliability-based design analysis of the fatigue life of the connectors of the five sections of the 2-km long US Mobile Offshore Base (MOB) is demonstrated. A performance function is defined in terms of the nominal stress range, inherent defect or starter crack, and appropriate material properties, which are considered random variables. The reliability analysis is performed for a sea state 1–8 (SS1–8) random loading having a Gumbel distribution. Where possible, uncertainty data for random variables are obtained from published data relating to the fatigue of metal and metal alloys. Otherwise, judgmental coefficients of variation are prescribed for purposes of demonstration. The fatigue life is assumed to follow the Weibull distribution. The reliability function is defined in terms of the mean life and the total uncertainty in the fatigue life. Preliminary reliability calculations suggest that current design stress levels be reduced to meet the current fatigue life target reliability level for the MOB connectors. An illustrative design is demonstrated and the metal selected for a fatigue design of the connectors for 10 million cycles with a reliability of 0.99 at a nominal stress of 203 MPa is HY-130 steel.  相似文献   

胡定军  赵柯  张芊 《船舶工程》2015,37(S1):298-301
本文详细介绍了一种投射式救生装置的总体结构及其工作原理。该装置由瞄准模块、动力模块、弹头模块和发射模块组成,重点介绍了瞄准模块和弹头模块的设计组成。瞄准模块由激光测距模块、风向风速传感器、电子罗盘、倾角传感器、控制运算模块、LCD液晶显示屏及电源模块组成,通过运算控制模块将各个仪器测量的数据进行运算处理,得出合适的角度进行投射,保证了救生设备的精确度。弹头模块由充气式救生气囊、高压CO2小气瓶、触发装置等部件组成,给落水人员提供浮力。整个系统通过试验,运行可靠,使用方便。  相似文献   

This paper researches on a kind of control architecture for autonomous undelwater vehicle (AUV). After describing the hybrid property of the AUV control system, we present the hierarchical AUV control architecture. The architecture is organized in three layers: mission layer, task layer and execution layer. State supervisor and task coordinator are two key modules handling discrete events, so we describe these two modules in detail. Finally, we carried out a series of tests to verify this architecture The test results show that the AUV can perform autonomous missions effectively and safely. We can conclude the control architecture is valid and practical.  相似文献   

针对传统采用RS422通信的集中式管理中心任务过重、可靠性差、抗干扰能力差等缺点,设计开发一种基于CAN总线的无人水下航行器分布式控制系统。与传统的集中式控制系统相比,该控制系统可以更容易地接入功能模块且无须对现有硬件进行重新设计,具有很好的可扩展性,并充分考虑了该航行器的安全性及可靠性问题。首先,给出分布式控制系统的构建方案,再针对核心PC104控制管理中心给出主要控制模型方法,随后通过建立空间运动方程,完成对控制系统的模型建设和控制器软硬件设计工作,并通过实验室数字仿真和半实物仿真进行验证。结果表明,该控制系统具有性能稳定、传输效率高等特点,能够满足无人水下航行器的使用要求。  相似文献   

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