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春运安全: "三个一"目标 2005年12月30日,新任交通部部长李盛霖就任的第二天,主持召开部党组会议部署近期工作.他强调,一定要把安全工作摆在十分重要的位置,常抓不懈.随后,李盛霖到中国海上搜救中心总值班室和交通部救捞局值班室亲切慰问值班职工.次日,前往渤海湾地区,检查水上安全生产工作.  相似文献   

2011年12月30日,2012年全国交通运输工作会议在京召开。交通运输部党组书记、部长李盛霖作了题为《牢牢把握稳中求进总基调,努力推进交通运输科学发展安全发展》的工作报告。李盛霖充分肯定了今年交通运输工作在宏观环境复杂严峻、改革发展稳定任务更加繁重的情况下取得的新成绩。他指出,回顾2011年所得到的一个重要经验是"必须牢牢把握科学发展这个主题"、"不断提高发展的全面性、协调性和  相似文献   

11月26日,交通运输部部长、部节能减排工作领导小组组长李盛霖主持召开部节能减排工作领导小组会议,全面总结今年以来的交通运输节能减排工作,研究部署明年的节能减排重点工作.李盛霖强调,要进一步提高思想认识,加强组织协调,坚持不懈地深入抓好交通运输节能减排工作.  相似文献   

李盛霖会见德国前总理施罗德 11月6日,交通运输部部长李盛霖在北京钓鱼台宾馆会见了来访的德国前总理施罗德一行,双方就进一步推进中德在交通运输领域的合作充分交换了意见。李盛霖说,中国交通运输发展取得的显著成绩,  相似文献   

<正>交通运输部部长李盛霖要求,当前和今后一段时间,交通运输系统要认真贯彻全国"两会"和全国交通运输工作会议精神,抓好各项工作的落实,继续为全国经济平稳较快发展作贡献。一要继续加强  相似文献   

1李盛霖部长对中国公路学会工作作出重要批示日前,交通运输部党组书记、部长李盛霖在审阅中国公路学会《关于全国公路学会工作会议情况报告》时,对中国公路学会工作作出重要批示:"公路学会围绕部党组确定的新时期工作重点,提出创新发展模式,提升科技品牌,体现了科学发展的要求,也体现了学会的特点。相信公路学会在希捷同志的组织领导下,一定会充分发挥学会多年形成的优势,更好地服务于公路交通发展大局,为现代交通运输业发展提供更多的支持和保障。"  相似文献   

2011年12月30日,全国交通运输工作会议在京开幕。此次会议全面总结了"十二五"开局之年交通运输工作成就和经验教训,并部署了2012年的工作。交通运输部党组书记、部长李盛霖在会上对过去一年全国交通运输工作进  相似文献   

受今年4号台风"碧利斯"影响,广东、福建、湖南等省连续多日遭遇强降雨,部分地区受灾严重,公路因水毁而中断,车辆和人员通行受阻.得知此情后,赴广东调研的交通部部长李盛霖于7月16日对抢险救灾、保障客货运输和人民生命财产安全工作进行了研究部署,要求各地交通部门在最短的时间内尽最大努力抢通公路、疏散车辆和人员.  相似文献   

李盛霖、冯正霖调研邮政速递9月8日,交通运输部部长李盛霖、副部长冯正霖到国家邮政局、中国邮政集团公司就我国邮政业特别是邮政速递  相似文献   

5月8日,交通部部长李盛霖主持召开部务会议,副部长徐祖远通报了"五一"黄金周全国公路水路旅客运输情况.七天内,全国公路运输行业共投入大中型客车7 0余万辆,完成公路客运量3.46亿人次,创历次黄金周新高,比去年同期增长6.5%.全国投入船舶运力两万余艘、近100万个客位,完成水路客运量665万人次,同比增长5.6%.  相似文献   

一袭天蓝色的职业装,娇小的身躯,可人的笑容,从杨立柔美的外表一点看不出她坚毅的个性,更丝毫未能察觉她的身份.  相似文献   

The paper unpacks the planning process into its component parts: model, process, technique, and goals—the “good thing”. The paper advances the concept that planning, policy-making, and organizational restructuring can be analyzed under the same framework. Each of the four components is described and reductionist examples are presented to clarify the intention and to illustrate the technique that the transport analyst teams employ in their work. The examples cover both successes and failures. They point toward the enormous scientific task ahead for planning to become meaningful and relevant to the problems of today. Finally, in the frame of the willingness to pay, the paper puts forward a case for an institutional framework for a financially autonomous road administration. Similarly organized, administered, and managed entities are relevant also for other transport modes.
Antti TalvitieEmail:

Antti Talvitie   is a Professor (part time) at the Helsinki University of Technology. He has private practice as consultant and as psychoanalyst in the Washington DC area. Previously, Mr. Talvitie worked in the World Bank; was GM of Viatek Consulting Engineers in Espoo Finland; served as Director of Highway Construction and Maintenance in the Finnish Road Administration; and was Professor in the US, including Chairmanship of the Department Civil Engineering at the University of Buffalo. Mr. Talvitie holds Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, and Certificate in Psychoanalysis from the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

Levinson  David M. 《Transportation》1999,26(2):141-171

Demographic, socioeconomic, seasonal, and scheduling factors affect the allocation of time to various activities. This paper examines those variables through exploration of the 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, which has been inverted to track activity duration. Two key issues are considered. First, how much can activity duration and frequency explain travel duration? The analysis shows activity duration has positive and significant effects on travel duration, supporting recent arguments in favor of activity based models. Second, which recent trend is the main culprit in the rise in travel: suburbanization, rising personal incomes, or female labor force participation? This paper examines the share of time within a 24-hour budget allocated to several primary activities: home, work, shop, and other. The data suggest that income and location have modest effects on time allocation compared with the loss of discretionary time due to working.


To explain walking propensity or frequency, empirical studies have generally used two sets of explanatory variables, namely, socio-demographic variables and built environment variables. They have generally shown that both socio-demographic characteristics and built environment characteristics are associated with walking propensity. We examine the traditional walkability variables that encompass density, mix of uses, and network connectivity in New Jersey, using a statewide sample including an oversample of Jersey City. We estimate a two-stage least squares model using a conditional mixed process that combines an ordered probit model of walking frequency in the second stage based on a truncated regression of car ownership in the first stage. Our results show that built environment variables have some small effects, mainly from better network connectivity associated with increased walking frequency. One of our key findings is that built environment features also work indirectly via how they influence car ownership. In general, we find sufficient evidence that suggests fewer cars are owned in areas with more walkable built environment features. The other key variable that we control for is whether a household owns a dog. This also proved to be strongly associated with walking suggesting that dog ownership is a necessary control variable to understand the frequency of walking.  相似文献   

A paradigmatic shift away from traditional quantitative methods towards qualitative dynamic analysis is proposed in order to fully comprehend the future of the metropolis. Over the last millennium the great structural changes of production, location, trade, culture and institutions have most likely been triggered by slow but steady changes to those logistical networks which are responsible for the movement of key factors of production. Nonlinear dynamic methods such as catastrophe theory and synergetics can help to provide the necessary analytical insights. Creativity and accessibility to logistical networks are portrayed as important catalysts of qualitative change. requests for offprints  相似文献   


Using official national data for each country, this article calculates trends in walking and cycling fatalities per capita and per km in the USA, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark. From 1990 to 2018, pedestrian fatalities per capita fell by 23% in the USA vs. 66%–80% in the other countries; cyclist fatalities per capita fell by 22% in the USA vs. 55%–68% in the other countries. In 2018, pedestrian fatality rates per km in the USA were 5–10 times higher than in the other four countries; cyclist fatality rates per km in the USA were 4–7 times higher. The gap in walking and cycling fatality rates between the USA and the other countries increased over the entire 28-year period, but especially from 2010 to 2018. Over that 8-year period, per-capita fatality rates in the USA rose by 19% for pedestrians and 11% for cyclists; per-km fatality rates rose by 17% for pedestrians and 33% for cyclists. By comparison, fatality rates either fell or remained stable in the four European countries. We reviewed the relevant literature to identify factors that might help explain the much lower walking and cycling fatality rates in Europe compared to the USA. Possible explanatory factors include better walking and cycling infrastructure; lower urban speed limits; fewer vehicle km travelled; smaller and less powerful personal motor vehicles; and better traffic training, testing, and enforcement of traffic regulations. We recommend that the USA consider implementing an integrated package of mutually reinforcing safety measures such as those that have been successfully implemented in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany to reduce pedestrian and cyclist fatality rates.  相似文献   

Using structural equation modeling, the relationships among travel amounts, perceptions, affections, and desires across five short-distance (one-way trips of less than 100 miles) travel categories (overall, commute, work/school-related, entertainment/social/recreation, and personal vehicle) are examined. The models are estimated using data collected in 1998 from more than 1300 working commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area. A cross-model analysis reveals three robust relationships, namely: (1) myriad measures of travel amounts work together to affect perceptions; (2) perceptions are consistently important in shaping desires; and (3) affections have a positive relationship with desires. The second finding suggests that two individuals who travel the same objective amount may not have the same desire to reduce their travel: how much individuals perceive their travel to be is important. The third point argues that the degree to which travel is enjoyed is a key determinant of shaping desires to reduce travel: the more travel is enjoyed, the less the desire to reduce it.  相似文献   

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