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赵相英 《综合运输》1998,(5):25-26,18
<正> 党的十四届五中全会明确提出,转换国有企业经营机制,建立现代企业制度,是国有企业改革的方向。交通部黄镇东部长在全国交通工作会议上指出:“政企分开是港口体制改革方向,要根据实际情况积极稳妥地做好试点工作”。组建港口企业集团就是以产权为纽带,将多个经济利益和目的相同的企业联结在一起的,多层次的法人联合体,形成规模经营,分工  相似文献   

<正> 企业集团是适应商品经济发展和社会化大生产需要而出现的一种组织化程度较高的经济组织形式,它能够使分散的生产要素和劳动对象得到充分利用,产生新的生产力。在落实邓小平同志讲话精神,抓住时机发展自己,加快改革,扩大开放,经济建设要上一个新台阶的今天,建立各种形式的企业集团,更加显示出它的重要性。 企业集团是以实力雄厚的大企业为核心,通过相应的组织形式和一定联结纽带,把众多企业联结在一起的法人联合体。它作为一个整体,不  相似文献   

<正> 近年来汽车运输市场竞争激烈,各专业运输企业困难重重,举步难艰。众多有识之士为摆脱困境,献计献策,而终无起死回生之功效。究其根本,乃企业产权关系不清,权责不明,企业办社会的负担沉重,经营结构不合理和发展后劲不足等原因所至。汽运企业如何借转机建  相似文献   

构建铁路运输企业集团的战略思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桓舆 《综合运输》2004,(1):45-47
<正> 铁路现行的“政企合一”运输管理体制,使得铁路运输企业难以形成自主经营的市场主体,企业的积极性和创造力受到抑制,生产组织缺少活力和灵活性。因此,当前铁路改革的首要任务是实现政企分开,按照市场经济规律建立起运输企业集团。  相似文献   

高速客运不单纯是车速提高了的普通客运,而是在技术、经济、营运组织与管理等各个方面都与普通客运存在本质区别的新型旅客运输产业。根据我国高速客运的特点,提高经营管理效益既是运输行业发展的要求,又是充分发挥高速公路效用的重要环节。高速客运在优化  相似文献   

浅谈财务管理在企业集团的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以财务管理的重要性为理论指导。由财务管理在企业集团中内在关联、产生的效应,重点说明在市场经济条件下财务管理在企业集团中起到的核心地位、重要性。  相似文献   

海南省汽车运输总公司与海南高速的重组问题曾经吸引了诸多人的目光,面对国际陆路运输巨头、国内道路客运上市企业、香港九巴等公司抛出的橄榄枝,海南省汽车运输总公司最终有着自己的个性选择.  相似文献   

在现代企业中,管理者的素质和能力高低对于企业的成败起到关键作用。论述了企业管理者在企业文化建设应起的作用。  相似文献   

农村客运网络化牵涉全国70万个行政村、9亿多农民的出行问题,涉及面之广、战线之长、任务之艰巨可想而知,而各地自然条件不同、经济基础差异、区位特点有别、公路建设与运输参差不齐等,又使之呈现特点.要排除各种复杂因素并指出一条正确的发展之路已自不易,更为艰巨的是,还要调动各方面的力量,努力打通关节、畅通其道,将这条路走得纯熟、走出效益……面对多个方面互相缠绕、互相影响的问题,农村客运的发展便多了几分慷慨、悲壮.  相似文献   

EMS开始自成立26年来最大规模的反击 8月9日上午10点,北京电视台主持人徐春妮收到了邮政EMS送来的一份快件.这份发自上海的快件只用了十几个小时便送到了她手上,比往常快了大约两个小时.  相似文献   

不久前一位美国管理思想者的逝去让几乎所有以管理为定位的中国媒体唏嘘.然而,究竟有多少以管理为己任的企业家或经理人研读过他的著作?这是很值得怀疑的.正如这位思想者生前所一直耿耿于怀的,对"企业究竟是什么"这个问题,"企业界到现在还没有真正理解".那么,对这位思想者,又有多少人真正理解了他呢?的确,成为一个名人的崇拜者是容易的,要追随大师的思想却很难.  相似文献   

If railway companies ask for station capacity numbers, their underlying question is in fact one about the platformability of extra trains. Train platformability depends not only on the infrastructure, buffer times, and the desired departure and arrival times of the trains, but also on route durations, which depend on train speeds and lengths, as well as on conflicts between routes at any given time. We consider all these factors in this paper. We assume a current train set and a future one, where the second is based on the expected traffic increase through the station considered. The platforming problem is about assigning a platform to each train, together with suitable in- and out-routes. Route choices lead to different route durations and imply different in-route-begin and out-route-end times. Our module platforms the maximum possible weighted sum of trains in the current and future train set. The resulting number of trains can be seen as the realistic capacity consumption of the schedule. Our goal function allows for current trains to be preferably allocated to their current platforms.Our module is able to deal with real stations and train sets in a few seconds and has been fully integrated by Infrabel, the Belgian Infrastructure Management Company, in their application called Ocapi, which is now used to platform existing and projected train sets and to determine the capacity consumption.  相似文献   

Ports are under increasing pressures to increase sustainability and reduce the local and global emissions impacts associated with their operations. Due to limits on their jurisdictional authority, ports may design effective voluntary programs and appropriately motivate participation from global shipping companies that visit their ports. This paper investigates the success of the Vessel Speed Reduction Program at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and uses qualitative methods to analyze the factors that contributed to the success of the program at reducing local air quality pollutants. In particular, why did individual private firms participate in a non-required, voluntary effort? This research found that external pressures such as community concerns about emissions and regulatory threats are important to motivating voluntary behavior and may even be more important than financial incentives. Furthermore, simplicity of program design, clear goals and presence of a monitoring mechanism are important in influencing participation. These findings broaden our understanding of the business strategy behind slow steaming and its applicability as an operational practice as much work to date is focused on how fuel prices and financial incentives influence the choice for shipping companies to slow their speeds. While the VSR program led to significant emission reductions, an additional lesson for voluntary programs is the need for them to evolve and strive for continuous improvement.  相似文献   

在陈钦生办公室北侧,一株万年青翠绿勃发,盎然伫立. "这是朋友在公司的庆典活动上送的,图个好彩头."陈钦生这样说.  相似文献   

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