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急救车司机是与“死神”赛跑的人。所以只有那些驾驶技术过硬,熟悉当地路况,心里素质强健同时又具有急救知识的人才能担此重任。  相似文献   

朱健 《汽车与安全》2014,(12):68-69
<正>我开车十几年,自诩资深。不管是交通陋习,还是今年抵制的七类违法行为,我都有一箩筐的亲身经验可以信手捏来,说说这些行为如何让驾驶人陷于危险,又如何干扰到其他车辆甚至将其他车辆推向危险境地。值得庆幸的是每次都是有惊无险,不过也只有在体验惊险之后才会觉得后怕,才会对这些违规行为有愤怒也会有顾忌。  相似文献   

澳大利亚一家公司研制出一种装在汽车仪表板上的监视系统,它能利用目光跟踪技术判断司机是否正在注意路况,在司机分神或将要打瞌睡时及时发出提醒。  相似文献   

俞先生不仅是个老交警,也是个老司机。从1986年开始,俞先生前后一共开过7部车,从最早苏联产的波罗乃茨、丰田海狮、到北京吉普、五十铃,再到桑塔、长安、吉利,驾驶经验可说是相当丰富,言谈中不是流露自己出对车的喜爱。  相似文献   

汽车时代来临,过去的自行车大军变成了人车混行的路况,不少城市人车争道的交通事故屡屡上演,一起起惨痛的教训仍不足以让车和人的速度放缓,虽然社会各界一直在呼吁着"文明驾驶,礼让行车"、"礼让斑马线".  相似文献   

张涛 《驾驶园》2009,(4):106-106
根据美国圣露易斯大学的医学院的研究,近年来不对称型皮肤癌发病率有所上升,特别是左侧的脸颊,头部,手臂和手上的皮肤。  相似文献   

徐雨 《汽车杂志》2010,(7):304-305
对于许多驾龄已多年的司机来说,开车似乎成了一件习以为常的小事,但据资料统计,往往在路上出大事故的恰恰是这些已有多年驾龄的老司机们,究竟他们哪些常见错误是导致事故的主要原因?这也给“菜鸟”们一个郑重的提醒:不要跟老鸟们学坏哦!  相似文献   

路勇 《驾驶园》2009,(2):108-108
小叶是阮总的专职司机,而我是阮总身边的“红人”,所以常能和小叶碰面。坦白说,我对小叶印象不佳,他除了车技还说得过去,平时衣着不注意形象,一旦车子遇到故障就束手无策,只会往修理厂送。  相似文献   

王宇 《汽车驾驶员》2011,(12):54-55
本期职业人物,我们请来了北京丰台工程机械修造厂机动车检测场检测员李师傅,就让他来给我们谈谈验车的那些工作  相似文献   

An errorable car-following driver model is presented in this paper. An errorable driver model is one that emulates human driver’s functions and can generate both nominal (error-free), as well as devious (with error) behaviours. This model was developed for evaluation and design of active safety systems. The car-following data used for developing and validating the model were obtained from a large-scale naturalistic driving database. The stochastic car-following behaviour was first analysed and modelled as a random process. Three error-inducing behaviours were then introduced. First, human perceptual limitation was studied and implemented. Distraction due to non-driving tasks was then identified based on the statistical analysis of the driving data. Finally, time delay of human drivers was estimated through a recursive least-square identification process. By including these three error-inducing behaviours, rear-end collisions with the lead vehicle could occur. The simulated crash rate was found to be similar but somewhat higher than that reported in traffic statistics.  相似文献   

李亦夫 《驾驶园》2007,(9):78-80
无休无止的捐赠:以捐赠的方式扶危济困,是中华民族的传统美德.但是,当主动捐赠变成硬性收钱,就成了一种负担.面对如泣如诉的倡议书,再加上政工干部的摇唇鼓舌,你总要把手伸向"羞涩"的钱袋.据统计,一名汽车驾驶员1年少说也得有5-6项的捐款,最多的时候超过12次.按每次损赠50-100元为基数,1年下来就得上千元.  相似文献   

宋元家 《驾驶园》2007,(12):85-87
在大连市公交客运集团,有这样一个普通而又不平凡的"公交世家".祖宗三代人中有5人从业公交,父亲朱广勤是一个"节油王",女儿朱文玲人称"公交美眉".  相似文献   

王晓辉 《时代汽车》2011,(12):92-93
在连续举办五届"中国卡车司机节"的同时,陕汽重卡加快了产品创新步伐,将具备高速、高可靠性的轻量化重卡奉献给全国的卡车司机朋友们,让用户在感受到陕汽精神关爱的同时,还感受到了最实质的财富产品。作为一家有责任的企业,陕汽对卡车司机的关爱是持续的。  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》1995,16(1):55-60
The increasing number of traffic fatalities in recent years has become a serious social problem, making it imperative to find scientific and effective ways of preventing accidents on the road. An important step in this direction is to identify the causes underlying each accident pattern. This paper presents a study of the causes of rear-end collision, focusing on the danger of the driver's mis-judgment of the brake timing in approaching a preceding vehicle. The results indicated that drivers showed inappropriate judgment in some situations.  相似文献   

眼下,计重收费被普遍认为是治理超载的经济手段。不少省市在实行计重收费后,超载现象得到明显遏制。据悉,到今年年底,全国90%以上的高速公路、省级普通公路都将实施计重收费。值得一提的是,如果认为计重收费能对超载起到标本兼治的作用,这也许是一个意识上的错误。  相似文献   

李新华——一名普通的卡车驾驶员.卡车是他的谋生工具,更是陪伴多年的老友;驾驶着自己的车,李新华走遍了全国31个省、市和自治区,更在青藏线上留下了难忘的回忆,这是他与众不同的经历.生于1974年的李新华还是 名典型的个体车主,十几年、3辆车,随着国内经济环境和货运市场的变化,他起起落落的生活也仿佛时代的注脚.  相似文献   

In recent years the application of driver steering models has extended from the off-line simulation environment to autonomous vehicles research and the support of driver assistance systems. For these new environments there is a need for the model to be adaptive in real time, so the supporting vehicle systems can react to changes in the driver, their driving style, mood and skill. This paper provides a novel means to meet these needs by combining a simple driver model with a single-track vehicle handling model in a parameter estimating filter – in this case, an unscented Kalman filter. Although the steering model is simple, a motion simulator study shows it is capable of characterising a range of driving styles and may also indicate the level of skill of the driver. The resulting filter is also efficient – comfortably operating faster than real time – and it requires only steer and speed measurements from the vehicle in addition to the reference path. Adaptation of the steer model parameters is demonstrated along with robustness of the filter to errors in initial conditions, using data from five test drivers in vehicle tests carried out on the open road.

Abbreviations: ADAS: advanced driver assistance systems; CG: centre of gravity; CAN: controller area network; EKF: extended Kalman filter; GPS: global positioning system; UKF: unscented Kalman filter  相似文献   

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