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文章对根据需要和可能而开辟的澳大利亚德黑兰经爪哇回中国湛江的新航线开辟原因、总体航线、航行安全及效益方面做了介绍。  相似文献   

<正>澳大利亚大堡礁区域航行再添新举措3月9日至13日召开的IMO航行、通信和搜救分委会(NCSR)第二届会议就西南珊瑚海澳大利亚大堡礁区域新的航线控制措施达成一致,措施包括划定建议避让区域和设立两条5海里宽的分道航路,既能降低对向碰撞和搁浅事故的几率,又可使船舶避开珊瑚区等敏感海区。措施将提交今年6月  相似文献   

1978年9月26日,中远“平乡城”轮装载162个集装箱从上海港启航,于10月12日抵达澳大利亚悉尼港,这次航行标志着我国第1条国际集装箱班轮航线正式开辟。  相似文献   

为保障船舶在海上安全航行,提出人工智能在船舶航行数学建模中的应用。使用Maklink图论方法描述海上作业点分布,建立作业点Maklink连接图,生成船舶在作业水域内可航行网络图。建立船舶在海上作业区域航线规划数学模型,并设置约束条件;利用Dijkstra算法求解船舶在海上作业危险区域航线规划模型,得到船舶航行初始航线;利用人工智能算法内的蚁群优化算法对船舶航行初始航线实时优化处理,得到船舶航行最终航线,为船舶穿越海上作业区域实时导航。实验结果表明,该方法可有效生成船舶在作业水域航行网络图,得到初始航线并对初始航线优化处理,应用效果较佳。  相似文献   

大洋航行(Ocean Navigation)是跨洋长距离航行。常用的大洋航线有三种:大圆航线、恒向线航线和混合航线,这三种航线各有优缺点。一般情况下,船舶远洋航行时会选用大圆航线,但有时在中纬度海区进行远洋航行时,恒向线航线不失为中纬度海区远洋航行中的一种选择。文中结合一个航行实例的计算,就中纬度海区大洋航线的选择作一些分析,以数据说明这三种大洋航线的优缺点,并得出结论该如何选择航线。  相似文献   

文章从沿岸航线及大洋航线航行的特点等相关因素出发,对航行前航线选择方法进行了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   

好望角型船舶从澳大利亚东海岸航行至欧洲有三种航线选择:第一种(以下称A线)是从澳大利亚南端经好望角到欧洲;第二种(以下称B线)是从巴布亚新几内亚北部经印尼的龙目海峡到印度洋八度海峡,然后经苏伊士运河到欧洲;第三种(以下称C线)是从巴  相似文献   

为了给不同海况下的船舶安全航行提供保障,设计基于数据驱动的船舶航线实时优化方法。利用数据驱动方法采集船舶历史航线、海域风速、风向、波高等海况数据,选取K-means聚类算法聚类海况数据,构建海况知识库。依据海况知识库内的船舶航线信息与航线转向点信息,划分船舶航线为不同航段。依据船舶航线的航段划分结果,以航行总时间最短以及总油耗最低为目标函数,设置船舶航速约束与转向点位置约束作为约束条件,构建航线实时优化模型。选取蚁群算法求解所构建的优化模型,输出航线实时优化结果。结果表明,该方法可以实时优化航线,降低船舶的航行时间与主机油耗,适用于不同海况的船舶航行。  相似文献   

船舶航行的日益频繁对航线设计提出了更高的要求。为了提高船舶运输的效率和安全性,传统依照纸质地图设计航线的方法已不能满足要求。为了在保障安全和效率的前提下提高航线质量,本文使用电子海图结合AIS系统监控船舶航行状态,实时上传海洋及船舶信息,并使用Douglas-Peuker算法依据海洋实时信息修正航线,提高了船舶航行的安全性。  相似文献   

为采用航线自动规划技术设计出最优船舶航行路径,提出一种基于船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identifi-cation System,AIS)数据和航行区域栅格化地图建立环境模型,结合蚁群算法求解最优航线的航线自动规划方法.对航行区域地图进行栅格化处理,利用海量AIS数据定义可通航栅格和障碍物栅格,结合邻接矩阵...  相似文献   

船舶大型化对航运和港口的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前订造中的7 500 TEU以上的船舶有100多艘。其中许多船舶将于2007年下水,投入亚洲-欧洲和跨太平洋贸易航线的营运。“超级集装箱船”(VLCS)正在坚定地从概念走向现实。超过8 000TEU的船舶的投入使用,对班轮公司、航运贸易和集装箱码头提出了新的挑战。班轮公司应该通过削减一组环线中的船舶数目、改变挂靠港和重新组织航运网络的规划途径来应对挑战。先进枢纽港应该通过开发新概念的港口装卸系统和新概念码头来应对挑战。超大型集装箱船舶挂靠的港口不能仅仅是简单的枢纽港,同时必须成为物流平台。  相似文献   

在回顾目前内支线货物退税操作流程、中国沿海及附近国家港口中转货的情况、中国沿海港口通航条件的现状、助航设备的发展及相关研究成果的基础上,分析目前存在的问题并提出解决方案,对于中国沿海港口的定位和国际航运中心的建设具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Container ports in Southeast Asia accounted for an estimated 30.0% of the world's transhipment traffic in 2004. The share of the region's transhipment trade was forecasted to increase to 32.5% in 2015. The potential offered by this large and expanding market encouraged major container terminal operators located in Port Klang, Singapore and Tanjung Pelepas to compete intensively for this business by attracting major container shipping lines that operated along key east-west sailing routes to hub at their terminals.

This paper analyses the annual slot capacity connected to the three selected ports that was deployed by all the container shipping lines in 1999-2004. The data are computed and categorized based on shipping trade routes. The study aims to shed light on port competition in Southeast Asia for transhipment containers by an in-depth and quantitative analysis.

The analysis finds that competition from Port Klang and Tanjung Pelepas had a negative impact on Singapore's transhipment performance. Although Singapore continued to enjoy a dominant position as the premier transhipment hub in the region in terms of market share by both transhipment throughput and annualized slot capacity, the evidence suggested that its hold on the market appeared to be slipping, albeit gradually. Overall, Tanjung Pelepas is expected to pose the strongest challenge to Singapore's transhipment hub ambitions. Managerial implications for the ports are drawn.  相似文献   

The attractiveness of ports is usually a pre-requisite and necessary condition for ports to achieve competitiveness, as well as the springboard to explore the competitive advantages of ports. To determine whether a port is competitive, it is necessary to explore whether it boasts certain factors that make the port attractive to users. The main purpose of this article is to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to evaluate key determinants of attractiveness and their cause/effect relationships for container ports in Taiwan. The empirical results showed that: (1) Top six determinates of attractiveness for container ports are ‘ample cargo sources,’ ‘favorable port charges,’ ‘dense ship network and routes,’ ‘low transshipment costs,’ ‘efficient wharf operations,’ and ‘adequate wharfs and back-line land,’ respectively. (2) Among the above six determinants of attractiveness, ‘ample cargo sources’ is the cause determinant. Three determinants of port attractiveness, ‘favorable port charges,’ ‘dense ship network and routes,’ ‘low transshipment costs,’ which are the effect determinants. They are affected by the determinants of attractiveness of ‘ample cargo sources’. In addition, this study discusses the above findings and expects to provide the study results to Taiwan’s port authorities for reference.  相似文献   

介绍了经济对港口发展的影响和当今港口发展的定位。分析了目前我国港口的竞争情况和过度竞争的原因。并对新形势下的港口合作问题作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

Container ports provide the primary interface where physical exchange between buyers and sellers of containerised shipping capacity can be consolidated and realised. Consequently, ports that are able to complement and add value to the objectives of shipping lines and shippers will become focal points for containerised cargo flows. To evaluate container port competition, the authors propose a practical and direct approach based on revealed preferences of shipping lines with respect to container shipping service dynamics. The container shipping networks are generated as carriers formulate their service schedules to capitalise on opportunities that are presented by evolving container trade patterns along trade routes and relative changes in the competitive profile of the ports of call. Empirical results showed that this approach offers a deeper understanding on the workings and evolution of competitive dynamics between ports, which may not be obvious from observations of port performance at the aggregated level. Benefits of the approach also include raising awareness that policy makers should be aware of the need to understand the nature, extensity and intensity of competitive relationships between ports as they craft and implement policies to correct for the actual or perceived market failures in the industry.  相似文献   

The street-turn option represents a major strategy for the profitability of shipping companies supplying container-based transportation. This option consists in the distribution of trucks delivering loaded containers to import customers, the subsequent allocation of empty containers to export customers and the final dispatch of loaded containers to departure ports. However, the determination of truck routes is a time-consuming activity for shipping companies, because available information can suddenly change while they are making their decisions. In this paper we aim to propose a decision support tool to quickly determine truck routes and implement the street-turn strategy. This tool is based on an optimization model determining the allocation of empty containers between customers and defining truck routes in a post-optimization phase. We compare routes resulting from the proposed model to the decisions of a real shipping company. Early results indicate that this approach represents a promising support for shipping companies in dealing with street-turns. It can significantly reduce distances travelled by trucks and times requested to determine routes.  相似文献   

<正>改革开放以来,现代港口建设取得长足进步,做出了历史性贡献,但与我国现代化和综合交通运输业战略发展要求相比,无须讳言,尚有相当的差距,特别是要建设有中国特色社会主义现代化,在加速“两个根本转变”中,当前港口内外面临着诸多深层次矛盾,困难和问题差距,其中包括: 1.货源不足 管理粗放 其直接原因:一是传统陆上腹地经济结构调整优化和国企改革到位,尚待时日,至少还需二、三年时间;二是港口对临港货源基地建设自觉性不高,货源自组、自协调供给能力不足;三是陆上货源不足,又缺少吸引海外中转货源政策支持力度;四是港口群体缺少功能互补,  相似文献   

As supply chains become increasingly global and companies seek greater efficiencies, the importance of good, reliable land-based transport linkages to/from ports increases. This poses particular problems for the UK, with its high dependency on imported goods and congested ports and inland routes. It is conservatively estimated that container volumes through British ports will double over the next 20 years, adding to the existing problems. This paper investigates the potential for rail to become better integrated into port-based container flows, so as to increase its share of this market and contribute to a more sustainable mode split. It identifies the trends in container traffic through UK ports, establishes the role of rail within this market, and assesses the opportunities and threats facing rail in the future. The analysis combines published statistics and other information relating to container traffic and original research on the nature of the rail freight market, examining recent trends and future prospects. The paper concludes that this is an important market for rail, with considerable growth potential but to realize this it is important that a number of constraints are overcome, otherwise the long-term prospects for this rail market will be compromised.  相似文献   

As supply chains become increasingly global and companies seek greater efficiencies, the importance of good, reliable land-based transport linkages to/from ports increases. This poses particular problems for the UK, with its high dependency on imported goods and congested ports and inland routes. It is conservatively estimated that container volumes through British ports will double over the next 20 years, adding to the existing problems. This paper investigates the potential for rail to become better integrated into port-based container flows, so as to increase its share of this market and contribute to a more sustainable mode split. It identifies the trends in container traffic through UK ports, establishes the role of rail within this market, and assesses the opportunities and threats facing rail in the future. The analysis combines published statistics and other information relating to container traffic and original research on the nature of the rail freight market, examining recent trends and future prospects. The paper concludes that this is an important market for rail, with considerable growth potential but to realize this it is important that a number of constraints are overcome, otherwise the long-term prospects for this rail market will be compromised.  相似文献   

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