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Transportation system capacity and performance, urban form and socio-demographics define the influences and constraints conditioning the preferences of urban residents for different transport modes. Changes in characteristics of urban areas are likely to lead to changes in preferences for alternative modes of transport over time; as a consequence, statistical models to forecast mode choice need to be sensitive to both purposeful changes to urban systems as well as exogenous shocks. We make use of the 1996, 2001 and 2006 household surveys conducted in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area to study mode preference evolution and model forecasting performance. These repeated cross-sectional household surveys provide an opportunity to investigate aggregate structural changes in commuting mode preferences over time, in a manner sensitive to changes in the urban area. We focus on commuting mode choices because these trips are prime determinants of peak period congestion and peak spreading. We then address how to combine the three cross-sections econometrically in a robust way that allows for use of a single mode choice model across the entire period. Using independent data from 2012, we are able to compare the individual year and combined models in terms of forecasting performance to demonstrate the combined model’s more robust forecasting performance into the future.  相似文献   

The development and initial validation results of a micro-simulator for the generation of daily activity-travel patterns are presented in this paper. The simulator assumes a sequential history and time-of-day dependent structure. Its components are developed based on a decomposition of a daily activity-travel pattern into components to which certain aspects of observed activity-travel behavior correspond, thus establishing a link between mathematical models and observational data. Each of the model components is relatively simple and is estimated using commonly adopted estimation methods and existing data sets. A computer code has been developed and daily travel patterns have been generated by Monte Carlo simulation. Study results show that individuals' daily travel patterns can be synthesized in a practical manner by micro-simulation. Results of validation analyses suggest that properly representing rigidities in daily schedules is important in simulating daily travel patterns. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Existing user equilibrium models of activity-travel scheduling generally fall short in representing travelers’ decision-making processes. The majority have either implicitly or explicitly assumed that travelers follow the principle of utility maximization. This assumption ignores the fact that individuals may be loss–averse when making activity-travel decisions. Allowing for the situation that travelers possess accurate information of the urban-transportation system due to modern technologies, studies on reference-dependent decision-making under near-perfect information are receiving increasing attention. In view of traveler heterogeneity, individuals can be divided into multiple classes according to their reference points. In this paper, we propose a reference-dependent multi-class user equilibrium model for activity-travel scheduling, which can be reformulated as a variational inequality problem. Moreover, comparative analyses are conducted on the equilibrium states between utility-maximization (no reference) and reference-dependency of exogenous and endogenous references. A numerical example regarding combined departure-time and mode choice for commuting is conducted to illustrate the proposed model. The simulated results indicate that reference points and loss aversion attitudes have significant effects on the choice of departure time and mode.  相似文献   

Hartleb  Johann  Friedrich  Markus  Richter  Emely 《Transportation》2022,49(4):1133-1155
Transportation - The planning of on-demand services requires the formation of vehicle schedules consisting of service trips and empty trips. This paper presents an algorithm for building vehicle...  相似文献   

Representing activity-travel scheduling decisions as path choices in a time–space network is an emerging approach in the literature. In this paper, we model choices of activity, location, timing and transport mode using such an approach and seek to estimate utility parameters of recursive logit models. Relaxing the independence from irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property of the logit model in this setting raises a number of challenges. First, overlap in the network may not fully characterize perceptual correlation between paths, due to their interpretation as activity schedules. Second, the large number of states that are needed to represent all possible locations, times and activity combinations imposes major computational challenges to estimate the model. We combine recent methodological developments to build on previous work by Blom Västberg et al. (2016) and allow to model complex and realistic correlation patterns in this type of network. We use sampled choices sets in order to estimate a mixed recursive logit model in reasonable time for large-scale, dense time-space networks. Importantly, the model retains the advantage of fast predictions without sampling choice sets. In addition to estimation results, we present an extensive empirical analysis which highlights the different substitution patterns when the IIA property is relaxed, and a cross-validation study which confirms improved out-of-sample fit.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study that examines two waves of travel survey data through a pooled model structure. The pooled model structure provides a means to take advantage of multiple data sources which will lead to a better estimate and understanding of travel behavior. In particular, it accounts for the difference in data variance and therefore allows for the comparison of the true impacts of the model parameters on travelers’ tour-making behavior. Larger variance is found in the 1998 data than in the 2010 data. Comparison between model parameters reveals significant behavioral changes among several socio-economic and demographic groups. In terms of common variables, the magnitude of the coefficient values has generally decreased, which conforms to the overall decreasing trend in traveling. Overall, the model equality tests indicate that the models developed based on the two data sources do not have equal taste parameters, thus the transferability hypothesis is rejected. The results of this study are expected to have implications for the application of models based on cross-sectional data, especially over long time periods.  相似文献   

Travel demand models implicitly assume that people respond to changes in a continuous way. This is in contrast to the physical sciences, where discontinuous response is a common phenomenon and is embodied in such concepts as sub-critical and supercritical states.Recent studies have shown that responses to transport policies differ in degree and kind according to the nature and severity of the stimulus and the types of people affected. Response patterns may be categorised by the extent to which they involve adjustments to spatio-temporal or inter-personal linkages. This paper identifies four response domains, with a further distinction between permissive and forced changes.Most travel demand models are designed to operate within an independent, forced (and to a less extent independent permissive) domain and their forecasts become unreliable when responses lie outside that domain. Conversely, a model designed for a more complex domain is unnecessarily cumbersome where simpler responses apply. This paper describes the types of model which are appropriate for each domain and discusses how the effects of a policy may be assigned to the correct domain(s).  相似文献   

An understanding of the interaction between individuals’ activities and travel choice behaviour plays an important role in long-term transit service planning. In this paper, an activity-based network equilibrium model for scheduling daily activity-travel patterns (DATPs) in multi-modal transit networks under uncertainty is presented. In the proposed model, the DATP choice problem is transformed into a static traffic assignment problem by constructing a new super-network platform. With the use of the new super-network platform, individuals’ activity and travel choices such as time and space coordination, activity location, activity sequence and duration, and route/mode choices, can be simultaneously considered. In order to capture the stochastic characteristics of different activities, activity utilities are assumed in this study to be time-dependent and stochastic in relation to the activity types. A concept of DATP budget utility is proposed for modelling the uncertainty of activity utility. An efficient solution algorithm without prior enumeration of DATPs is developed for solving the DATP scheduling problem in multi-modal transit networks. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the application of the proposed model and the solution algorithm.  相似文献   

Transportation - Travel surveys in cities remain the main source of information for obtaining people’s trip characteristics and developing transport models that serve to predict the...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the assessment of the goodness-of-fit of nonlinear models of the type currently being used in the development of the disaggregate, behavioral travel demand approach. These models are emerging as a potential new technique for many transportation planning problems, although much research is yet needed before they are sufficiently developed for operational use. In order to pursue the necessary research, and also for the later assessment of operational models, it is necessary to have adequate measures of the goodness-of-fit.The paper examines the adequacy of standard measures of goodness-of-fit as applied to any nonlinear estimating equation and they are found to be inappropriate and inadequate. A little-known statistic, called the correlation ratio, is then defined and derived, and is explored as a substitute for the standard measures. In both theoretical and empirical tests, the correlation ratio is found to be a significantly more useful and appropriate measure of goodness-of-fit.Some further properties of the correlation ratio are examined, and the ratio is found to possess some degree of arbitrariness when applied to typical travel demand models. This arbitrariness, however, only impairs the usefulness of the correlation ratio in the absolute assessment of a model, but not for the comparative assessment of two or more models. Finally, a number of research tasks, relating to the correlation ratio, are identified.  相似文献   

Most research on walking behavior has focused on mode choice or walk trip frequency. In contrast, this study is one of the first to analyze and model the destination choice behaviors of pedestrians within an entire region. Using about 4500 walk trips from a 2011 household travel survey in the Portland, Oregon, region, we estimated multinomial logit pedestrian destination choice models for six trip purposes. Independent variables included terms for impedance (walk trip distance), size (employment by type, households), supportive pedestrian environments (parks, a pedestrian index of the environment variable called PIE), barriers to walking (terrain, industrial-type employment), and traveler characteristics. Unique to this study was the use of small-scale destination zone alternatives. Distance was a significant deterrent to pedestrian destination choice, and people in carless or childless households were less sensitive to distance for some purposes. Employment (especially retail) was a strong attractor: doubling the number of jobs nearly doubled the odds of choosing a destination for home-based shopping walk trips. More attractive pedestrian environments were also positively associated with pedestrian destination choice after controlling for other factors. These results shed light on determinants of pedestrian destination choice behaviors, and sensitivities in the models highlight potential policy-levers to increase walking activity. In addition, the destination choice models can be applied in practice within existing regional travel demand models or as pedestrian planning tools to evaluate land use and transportation policy and investment scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper studies changes in the relationship between household car ownership and income by household type. Ordered response probit models of car ownership are estimated for a sample of households repeatedly at six time points to track the evolution of income elasticities of car ownership over time. Elasticities of car ownership are found to change over time, questioning the existence of a unique equilibrium point between demand and supply that is implicitly assumed in traditional cross-sectional discrete choice car ownership models. Moreover, different household types and households that underwent household type transitions showed differing patterns of change in elasticities. Observed trends in car ownership and income clearly show behavioral asymmetry where the elasticity of procuring an additional car is greater than that of disposing a car. This too shows the inadequacy of traditional cross-sectional models of car ownership which tend to predict symmetry in behavior. The study suggests the importance of incorporating dynamic trends into the forecasting process, which can be accomplished through the use of longitudinal data.  相似文献   

Recently, as a means of forming global networks and improving operation efficiency, major air carriers have increasingly entered into alliances with other carriers. Fleet routing and flight scheduling are not only important in individual airline operations, but also affect the alliances. The setting of a good flight schedule can not only enhance allied airline operating performance, but can also be a useful reference for alliance decision-making. In this research, we develop several coordinated scheduling models, which will help the allied airlines solve for the most satisfactory fleet routes and timetables under the alliance. We employ network flow techniques to construct the models. The models are formulated as multiple commodity network flow problems which can be solved using a mathematical programming solver. Finally, to evaluate the models, we perform a case study based on real operating data from two Taiwan airlines. The preliminary results are good, showing that the models could be useful for airline alliances.  相似文献   

Transportation - Continuous household travel surveys have been identified as a potential replacement for traditional one-off cross-sectional surveys. Many regions around the world have either...  相似文献   

This paper develops a model, based on Bayesian beliefs networks, for representing mental maps and cognitive learning into micro-simulation models of activity-travel behavior. Mental maps can be used to address the problem that choice sets in models of travel demand are often ad hoc specified. The theory underlying the model is discussed, a specification is derived and numerical simulation is used to illustrate the properties of the model.  相似文献   

The main goal of the research was to compare alternative methods of spatial transfer as a function of sample size. The study was based on the mobility surveys conducted in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in 1995 and in the Turku region in 1997. The Helsinki Metropolitan Area data base was used to estimate the models that were to be transferred. The data base in the Turku region represents the application context to which the estimated Helsinki Metropolitan Area models are transferred. The transfer procedures examined were Bayesian updating, combined transfer estimation, transfer scaling, and joint context estimation procedures. To explore the impact of sample size on transferring performance, model transferability was tested using six different sample sizes. The model transferability was examined by comparing the transferred models to the models estimated using the entire set of the data which can be regarded as the best estimate representing “the real situation”. The results indicated that joint context estimation gives the best prediction performance in almost all cases. In particular, the method is useful if the difference in the true parameters between the two contexts is large or only some of the model coefficients are precise. The applicability of joint context estimation can be improved by viewing the coefficients as variable-oriented and emphasizing precise and imprecise coefficients differently.  相似文献   

Several recent basic investigations have pointed out that the choice, specific format and content of the survey method employed for an empirical study already constitute an important determinant for the type and scale of answers to be expected. In the context of transportation research this implies, for example, that the type and level of measured mobility also depends on the method by which these mobilities were determined. Such basic investigations provide important indications of the effects to be expected, but generally they are not able to quantify the true level of such influences. For that purpose studies are necessary that actually investigate the same behavioral phenomenon by means of different survey methods. Such a comparison of the trip purpose “vacation travel” was possible for the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of three different surveys. Surveys (1) and (2) were similar in their design, namely in the “classical” form of the personal interview. By contrast, the third survey employed mail-back questionnaires. In addition, in survey (3) an attempt was made to include factors other than the commonly used sociodemographic weightings (applied in all three surveys) that bias the results. These other factors are especially the non-response effect, the order of magnitude for non-reported trips and other influences that can be attributed to the survey design. Substantial differences between the three surveys became evident when the key measures of vacation travel were subjected to a quantitative analysis. In general, it could be observed that the corresponding values for surveys (1) and (2) were substantially (up to 30%) below those generated by survey (3). However, these deviations could be attributed to the survey method selected, both in terms of their direction and in their order of magnitude. This means that the reported variances of the random sampling errors do not permit statements about the validity of the data, since the systematic bias due to design is at least ten times the size of the random error. It was shown also that the reliability of the survey data is affected by the survey design. The paper concludes with a number of suggestions derived from these insights. They should be taken into account in future surveys of vacation travel in order to improve the accuracy of the reported results.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, travel patterns have become more complex and policy makers demand more detailed information. As a result, conventional data collection methods seem no longer adequate to satisfy all data needs. Travel researchers around the world are currently experimenting with different Global Positioning System (GPS)-based data collection methods. An overview of the literature shows the potential of these methods, especially when algorithms that include spatial data are used to derive trip characteristics from the GPS logs. This article presents an innovative method that combines GPS logs, Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and an interactive web-based validation application. In particular, this approach concentrates on the issue of deriving and validating trip purposes and travel modes, as well as allowing for reliable multi-day data collection. In 2007, this method was used in practice in a large-scale study conducted in the Netherlands. In total, 1104 respondents successfully participated in the one-week survey. The project demonstrated that GPS-based methods now provide reliable multi-day data. In comparison with data from the Dutch Travel Survey, travel mode and trip purpose shares were almost equal while more trips per tour were recorded, which indicates the ability of collecting trips that are missed by paper diary methods.  相似文献   

Stated preference (SP) experiments are becoming an increasingly popular survey methodology for investigating travel behaviour. Nevertheless, some evidence suggests that SP experiments do not mirror decisions in real markets. With an increasing number of real world decisions made using the internet, an opportunity exists to improve the realism of the SP counterparts of such choices by aligning the choice environment with such online portals. In this paper, we illustrate the benefits of such an approach in the context of air travel surveys. Our survey is modelled on the interface and functionality of an online travel agent (OTA). As with a real OTA, many ticket options are presented. Sort tools allow the options to be reordered, search tools allow options to be removed from consideration, and a further tool allows attributes to be hidden and shown. Extensive use of these tools is made by the 462 respondents. A traditional SP component was also completed by the respondents. Our exploratory analysis as well as random utility model estimation results confirm not only that respondents seem to engage more actively with the interactive survey, but also that the resulting data allows for better performance in model estimation compared to a more conventional SP experiment. These results have implications for the study of other complex travel choices where interactive surveys may similarly be preferable to standard approaches.  相似文献   

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