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将一种变结构多模型算法——自适应网格交互多模型(AGIMM)算法和不敏粒子滤波(UPF)算法相结合,提出了自适应网格交互多模型不敏粒子滤波算法(AGIMMUPF).该算法通过自适应网格实现了模型自适应,从而以较小的模型集合覆盖了目标大范围的机动,并以此来克服固定结构交互多模型粒子滤波(IMMPF)算法存在的缺陷,同时各模型滤波算法采用不敏粒子滤波(UPF)算法,使重要性密度函数融合了最新量测信息,更好地逼近真实状态的后验概率分布.通过计算机仿真证明,提出的算法可以有效提高IMMPF的费效比. 相似文献
针对机动目标跟踪问题中,固定结构多模型(FSMM)算法费效比不高以及交互式多模型(IMM)算法马尔可夫转移概率难以准确确定的问题,研究一种基于S修正卡尔曼滤波的自适应网格模糊交互式多模型(AGFIMM-SKF)算法。该算法通过自适应网格调整实现了模型集自适应,通过模糊逻辑推理得到模型集中各个模型的匹配度,并且对标准卡尔曼滤波器进行S修正。仿真结果表明,AG-FIMM-SKF算法与标准的IMM算法相比,可以有效提高多模型算法的精度和费效比,且适合工程应用。 相似文献
现有的集中式交互多模型联合概率数据互联( IM MJPDA)算法在多模型这个意义上都是基于固定结构的,而固定结构多模型算法存在的缺陷这些算法都不可避免的存在.为此,将一种变结构多模型算法——自适应网格交互多模型( AGIMM)算法和联合概率数据互联(JPDA)算法相结合,提出了用于多传感器多目标跟踪的集中式自适应网格IMMJPDA( AGIMMJPDA)算法.该算法通过自适应网格实现模型集合自适应调整来克服固定结构IMMJPDA存在的缺陷.仿真结果显示,该算法可以有效克服固定结构IMMJPDA算法存在的缺陷,并提高IMMJPDA算法的费效比. 相似文献
In recent years, moving target detection methods based on low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition have been developed, and they have achieved good results. However, there is not enough interpretation to support the assumption that there is a high correlation among the reverberations after each transmitting pulse. In order to explain the correlation of reverberations, a new reverberation model is proposed from the perspective of scattering cells in this paper. The scattering cells are the subarea divided from the detection area. The energy fluctuation of a scattering cell with time and the influence of the neighboring cells are considered. Key parameters of the model were analyzed by numerical analysis, and the applicability of the model was verified by experimental analysis. The results showed that the model can be used for several simulations to evaluate the performance of moving target detection methods. 相似文献
由于船舶在海上运动的复杂性和非线性,精确的船舶动力定位系统数学模型难以建立。为了实现有效的动力定位控制,需要应用一定的状态估计滤波算法得到所需的船舶运动低频信号。采用常规的Kalman滤波,状态变量的新测量值对预测值的修正作用下降,旧测量值的影响随着计算步数的累积而相对提高,这是引起滤波发散的主要原因之一。文章针对船舶动力定位系统中使用常规的Kalman滤波而存在的模型不精确、不能准确表达系统噪声和测量噪声等问题,采用渐消记忆自适应滤波估算低频运动信息,在状态估计算法中引入渐消记忆因子,减小旧测量值对状态估计值的影响权重,从而增大新测量值的作用;并根据滤波发散判断准则,选择适当的渐消记忆因子值来抑制滤波器的发散,使控制器输出较为平稳,从而降低推力系统不必要的能耗。仿真实验表明,所设计的自适应滤波器的收敛性、跟踪性优于常规的Kalman滤波,有效地提高了系统的定位精度和稳定性。 相似文献
This paper proposed a new concept of an adaptable multi-legged skid design for retro-fitting to a remotely-operated vehicle(ROV) during high tidal current underwater pipeline inspection. The sole reliance on propeller-driven propulsion for ROV is replaced with a proposed low cost biomimetic solution in the form of an attachable hexapod walking skid. The advantage of this adaptable walking skid is the high stability in positioning and endurances to strong current on the seabed environment. The computer simulation flow studies using Solidworks Flow Simulation shown that the skid attachment in different compensation postures caused at least four times increase in overall drag, and negative lift forces on the seabed ROV to achieve a better maneuvering and station keeping under the high current condition(from 0.5 m/s to 5.0 m/s). A graphical user interface is designed to interact with the user during robot-in-the-loop testing and kinematics simulation in the pool. 相似文献
This paper introduces a new idea of controlling cavitation around a hydrofoil through a passive cavitation controller called artificial cavitation bubble generator(ACG). Cyclic processes, namely, growth and implosion of bubbles around an immersed body, are the main reasons for the destruction and erosion of the said body. This paper aims to create a condition in which the cavitation bubbles reach a steady-state situation and prevent the occurrence of the cyclic processes. For this purpose, the ACG is placed on the surface of an immersed body, in particular, the suction surface of a 2 D hydrofoil. A simulation was performed with an implicit finite volume scheme based on a SIMPLE algorithm associated with the multiphase and cavitation model. The modified k-ε RNG turbulence model equipped with a modification of the turbulent viscosity was applied to overcome the turbulence closure problem. Numerical simulation of water flow over the hydrofoil equipped with the ACG shows that a low-pressure recirculation area is produced behind the ACG and artificially generates stationary cavitation bubbles. The location, shape, and size of this ACG are the crucial parameters in creating a proper control. Results show that the cavitation bubble is controlled well with a well-designed ACG. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the properties of an alternative material for use in marine engineering, namely a rigid and light sandwich-structured composite made of expanded polystyrene and fiberglass. Not only does this material have an improved section modulus, but it is also inexpensive, light, easy to manipulate, and commercially available in various sizes. Using a computer program based on the finite element method, we calculated the hogging and sagging stresses and strains acting on a prismatic boat model composed of this material, and determined the minimum sizes and maximum permissible stresses to avoid deformation. Finally, we calculated the structural weight of the resulting vessel for comparison with another structure of comparable dimensions constructed from the commonly used core material Divinycell. 相似文献
The scale effect leads to large discrepancies between the wake fields of model-scale and actual ships, and causes differences in cavitation performance and exciting forces tests in predicting the performance of actual ships. Therefore, when test data from ship models are directly applied to predict the performance of actual ships, test results must be subjected to empirical corrections. This study proposes a method for the reverse design of the hull model. Compared to a geometrically similar hull model, the wake field generated by the modified model is closer to that of an actual ship. A non- geometrically similar model of a Korean Research Institute of Ship and Ocean Engineering(KRISO)'s container ship(KCS) was designed. Numerical simulations were performed using this model, and its results were compared with full-scale calculation results. The deformation method of getting the wake field of full-scale ships by the non-geometrically similar model is applied to the KCS successfully. 相似文献
一种自适应LMS滤波的改进算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在传统的LMS(Least Mean Square)算法中,固定步长选取影响收敛速度与稳态误差,而且两者不可兼得。为此,本文提出了一种改进的LMS算法。在计算机仿真知适应信道均衡中,该算法的性能显示优于传统的LMS算法,布景一增加甚少。理论分析与计算机模拟证实了该算法的优越性。 相似文献
在传统的LMS(Least Mean Square)算法中,固定步长选取影响收敛速度与稳态误差,而且两者不可兼得.为此,本文提出了一种改进的LMS算法.在计算机仿真自适应信道均衡中,该算法的性能明显优于传统的LMS算法,而计算量增加甚少.理论分析与计算机模拟证实了该算法的优越性. 相似文献
首先定义了描述信号分离状态的一种测度,并在认真分析相关固定步长和变步长EASI算法的基础上,将其加以运用,提出一种新的步长自适应EASI算法。由于该算法步长是基于分离状态的,其学习速率由信号的分离程度自适应的选取,因而能很好地解决收敛速度和稳态误差之问的矛盾。计算机仿真结果与理论分析相一致,证实了该算法明显优于其它的EASI算法。 相似文献
Underwater terrain-aided navigation is used to complement the traditional inertial navigation employed by autonomous underwater vehicles during lengthy missions. It can provide fixed estimations by matching real-time depth data with a digital terrain map. This study presents the concept of using image processing techniques in the underwater terrain matching process. A traditional gray-scale histogram of an image is enriched by incorporation with spatial information in pixels. Edge corner pixels are then defined and used to construct an edge corner histogram, which employs as a template to scan the digital terrain map and estimate the fixes of the vehicle by searching the correlation peak. Simulations are performed to investigate the robustness of the proposed method, particularly in relation to its sensitivity to background noise, the scale of real-time images, and the travel direction of the vehicle. At an image resolution of 1 m~2/pixel, the accuracy of localization is more than 10 meters. 相似文献
This paper proposes a risk assessment model considering danger zone, capsizing time, and evaluation time factors(DCEFM)to quantify the emergency risk of ship inflow and calculate the degree of different factors to the emergency risk of water inflow. The DCEFM model divides the water inflow risk factors into danger zone, capsizing time, and evacuation time factors. The danger zone, capsizing time, and evacuation factors are calculated on the basis of damage stability probability,the numerical sim... 相似文献
为了高效识别聚类边界,根据边界周围区域存在密度差异的特征,提出了一种网格 k‐近邻集的边界识别算法(BGN )。在网格空间中,该算法根据网格单元和它最近邻居单元的 k‐近邻集的质量及其单元间中心距离确定边界度,由边界度和边界阈值判断每个网格单元是否为边界单元或噪声单元。通过从边界单元中提取更靠边缘的数据作为边界点的方式,使得边界更精细。实验结果表明,该算法能有效和快速识别出多密度数据集的聚类边界和噪声。 相似文献
闪烁噪声是一种非高斯噪声.为了提高闪烁噪声下多机动目标跟踪的精度,在交互多模型IMM(Interacting Multiple Models)算法的基础上将非线性非高斯系统滤波算法——粒子滤波与IMM算法相结合,采用无味粒子滤波UPF(Unscented Particle Filter)代替IMM算法中各模型的卡尔曼滤波,提出了一种UPF—IMM算法,并应用该算法代替传统IMM_JPDA数据关联方法中的IMM部分,解决了闪烁噪声环境下的多目标跟踪问题,实验结果表明该算法可以明显地提高跟踪精度. 相似文献