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We study route choice behavior when travel time is uncertain. In this case, users choice depends both on expected travel time and travel time variability. We collected survey data in the Paris area and analyzed them using a method based on the ordered probit. This leads to an ordinal as well as to different cardinal measures of risk aversion. Such an approach is consistent with expected and with non-expected utility theory. Econometric estimates suggest that absolute risk aversion is constant and show that risk aversion is larger for transit users, blue collars and for business appointments.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of finding the K reliable shortest paths (KRSP) in stochastic networks under travel time uncertainty. The KRSP problem extends the classical K loopless shortest paths problem to the stochastic networks by explicitly considering travel time reliability. In this study, a deviation path approach is established for finding K α-reliable paths in stochastic networks. A deviation path algorithm is proposed to exactly solve the KRSP problem in large-scale networks. The A* technique is introduced to further improve the KRSP finding performance. A case study using real traffic information is performed to validate the proposed algorithm. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm can determine KRSP under various travel time reliability values within reasonable computational times. The introduced A* technique can significantly improve KRSP finding performance.  相似文献   

A negative effect of congestion that tends to be overlooked is travel time uncertainty. Travel time uncertainty causes scheduling costs due to early or late arrival. The negative effects of travel time uncertainty can be reduced by providing travellers with travel time information, which improves their estimate of the expected travel time, thereby reducing scheduling costs. In order to assess the negative effects of uncertainty and the benefits of travel time information, this paper proposes a conceptual model of departure time choice under travel time uncertainty and information. The model is based on expected utility theory, and includes the variation in travel time, the quality of travel time information and travellers’ perception of the travel time. The model is illustrated by an application to the case of the A2 motorway between Beesd and Utrecht in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Perceived mean-excess travel time is a new risk-averse route choice criterion recently proposed to simultaneously consider both stochastic perception error and travel time variability when making route choice decisions under uncertainty. The stochastic perception error is conditionally dependent on the actual travel time distribution, which is different from the deterministic perception error used in the traditional logit model. In this paper, we investigate the effects of stochastic perception error at three levels: (1) individual perceived travel time distribution and its connection to the classification by types of travelers and trip purposes, (2) route choice decisions (in terms of equilibrium flows and perceived mean-excess travel times), and (3) network performance measure (in terms of the total travel time distribution and its statistics). In all three levels, a curve fitting method is adopted to estimate the whole distribution of interest. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate and visualize the above analyses. The graphical illustrations allow for intuitive interpretation of the effects of stochastic perception error at different levels. The analysis results could enhance the understanding of route choice behaviors under both (subjective) stochastic perception error and (objective) travel time uncertainty. Some suggestions are also provided for behavior data collection and behavioral modeling.  相似文献   

Travel demand forecasting is subject to great uncertainties. A systematic uncertainty analysis can provide insights into the level of confidence on the model outputs, and also identify critical sources of uncertainty for enhancing the robustness of the travel demand model. In this paper, we develop a systematic framework for quantitative uncertainty analysis of a combined travel demand model (CTDM) using the analytical sensitivity-based method. The CTDM overcomes limitations of the sequential four-step procedure since it is based on a single unifying rationale. The analytical sensitivity-based method requires less computational effort than the sampling-based method. Meanwhile, the uncertainties stemming from inputs and parameters can be treated separately so that the individual and collective effects of uncertainty on the outputs can be clearly assessed and quantified. Numerical examples are finally used to demonstrate the proposed sensitivity-based uncertainty analysis method for the CTDM.  相似文献   

A common way to determine values of travel time and schedule delay is to estimate departure time choice models, using stated preference (SP) or revealed preference (RP) data. The latter are used less frequently, mainly because of the difficulties to collect the data required for the model estimation. One main requirement is knowledge of the (expected) travel times for both chosen and unchosen departure time alternatives. As the availability of such data is limited, most RP-based scheduling models only take into account travel times on trip segments rather than door-to-door travel times, or use very rough measures of door-to-door travel times. We show that ignoring the temporal and spatial variation of travel times, and, in particular, the correlation of travel times across links may lead to biased estimates of the value of time (VOT). To approximate door-to-door travel times for which no complete measurement is possible, we develop a method that relates travel times on links with continuous speed measurements to travel times on links where relatively infrequent GPS-based speed measurements are available. We use geographically weighted regression to estimate the location-specific relation between the speeds on these two types of links, which is then used for travel time prediction at different locations, days, and times of the day. This method is not only useful for the approximation of door-to-door travel times in departure time choice models, but is generally relevant for predicting travel times in situations where continuous speed measurements can be enriched with GPS data.  相似文献   

In a more and more competitive and global world, freight transports have to overcome increasingly long distances while at the same time becoming more reliable. In addition, a raising awareness of the need for environmentally friendly solutions increases the importance of transportation modes other than road. Intermodal transportation, in that regard, allows for the combination of different modes in order to exploit their individual advantages. Intermodal transportation networks offer flexible, robust and environmentally friendly alternatives to transport high volumes of goods over long distances. In order to reflect these advantages, it is the challenge to develop models which both represent multiple modes and their characteristics (e.g., fixed-time schedules and routes) as well as the transhipment between these transportation modes. In this paper, we introduce a Green Intermodal Service Network Design Problem with Travel Time Uncertainty (GISND-TTU) for combined offline intermodal routing decisions of multiple commodities. The proposed stochastic approach allows for the generation of robust transportation plans according to different objectives (i.e., cost, time and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions) by considering uncertainties in travel times as well as demands with the help of the sample average approximation method. The proposed methodology is applied to a real-world network, which shows the advantages of stochasticity in achieving robust transportation plans.  相似文献   

This paper examines two heuristic rules proposed for describing urban commuters' predictions of travel time as well as the adjustments of departure time in response to unacceptable arrivals in their daily commute under limited information. It is based on the notion that the magnitude of the predicted travel time depends on each commuter's own experience, including recallable travel time, schedule delay, and difficulties in searching for a satisfactory departure time. An explanatory analysis is first performed to compare these two rules, based on the information provided by a set of commuters interacting over 24 days through a simulated traffic system. A more elaborate model specification which captures the dynamic interrelation between the commuter's cumulative and recent experience with the traffic system's performance is then proposed. The model parameters are estimated with explicit consideration of the serial correlation arising from repeated decisions by the same individuals and the contemporaneous interaction with other system users' decisions through the traffic system's performance.  相似文献   

Travel time, travel time reliability and monetary cost have been empirically identified as the most important criteria influencing route choice behaviour. We concentrate on travel time and travel time reliability and review two prominent user equilibrium models incorporating these two factors. We discuss some shortcomings of these models and propose alternative bi-objective user equilibrium models that overcome the shortcomings. Finally, based on the observation that both models use standard deviation of travel time within their measure of travel time reliability, we propose a general travel time reliability bi-objective user equilibrium model. We prove that this model encompasses those discussed previously and hence forms a general framework for the study of reliability related user equilibrium. We demonstrate and validate our concepts on a small three-link example.  相似文献   


A route-based combined model of dynamic deterministic route and departure time choice and a solution method for many origin and destination pairs is proposed. The divided linear travel time model is used to calculate the link travel time and to describe the propagation of flow over time. For the calculation of route travel times, the predictive ideal route travel time concept is adopted. Solving the combined model of dynamic deterministic route and departure time choice is shown to be equivalent to solving simultaneously a system of non-linear equations. A Newton-type iterative scheme is proposed to solve this problem. The performance of the proposed solution method is demonstrated using a version of the Sioux Falls network. This shows that the proposed solution method produces good equilibrium solutions with reasonable computational cost.  相似文献   

The accuracy of travel time information given to passengers plays a key role in the success of any Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) application. In order to improve the accuracy of such applications, one should carefully develop a prediction method. A majority of the available prediction methods considered the variation in travel time either spatially or temporally. The present study developed a prediction method that considers both temporal and spatial variations in travel time. The conservation of vehicles equation in terms of flow and density was first re-written in terms of speed in the form of a partial differential equation using traffic stream models. Then, the developed speed based equation was discretized using the Godunov scheme and used in the prediction scheme that was based on the Kalman filter. From the results, it was found that the proposed method was able to perform better than historical average, regression, and ANN methods and the methods that considered either temporal or spatial variations alone. Finally, a formulation was developed to check the effect of side roads on prediction accuracy and it was found that the additional requirement in terms of location based data did not result in an appreciable change in the prediction accuracy. This clearly demonstrated that the proposed approach based on using vehicle tracking data is good enough for the considered application of bus travel time prediction.  相似文献   

An urban transportation system formulated in terms of a multiobjective mixed integer linear fractional programming (MOMILFP) problem under uncertainty is considered. The system is based on two means of public transportation i.e., trams and buses. One takes into account the factors of both passengers' and operator's concern, whose objectives are, generally, in conflict. The real uncertainty and imprecision of data is modeled by L-R type fuzzy numbers. To solve the fuzzy MOMILFP problem an interactive method is utilized. As an illustration of that approach an application to Poznan's urban transportation system is presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop and evaluate a hybrid travel time forecasting model with geographic information systems (GIS) technologies for predicting link travel times in congested road networks. In a separate study by You and Kim (cf. You, J., Kim, T.J., 1999b. In: Proceedings of the Third Bi-Annual Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 14–17 September, Taipei, Taiwan), a non-parametric regression model has been developed as a core forecasting algorithm to reduce computation time and increase forecasting accuracy. Using the core forecasting algorithm, a prototype hybrid forecasting model has been developed and tested by deploying GIS technologies in the following areas: (1) storing, retrieving, and displaying traffic data to assist in the forecasting procedures, (2) building road network data, and (3) integrating historical databases and road network data. This study shows that adopting GIS technologies in link travel time forecasting is efficient for achieving two goals: (1) reducing computational delay and (2) increasing forecasting accuracy.  相似文献   

People’s daily decision to use car-sharing rather than other transport modes for conducting a specific activity has been investigated recently in assessing the market potential of car-sharing systems. Most studies have estimated transport mode choice models with an extended choice set using attributes such as average travel time and costs. However, car-sharing systems have some distinctive features: users have to reserve a car in advance and pay time-based costs for using the car. Therefore, the effects of activity-travel context and travel time uncertainty require further consideration in models that predict car-sharing demand. Moreover, the relationships between individual latent attitudes and the intention to use car-sharing have not yet been investigated in much detail. In contributing to the research on car-sharing, the present study is designed to examine the effects of activity-travel context and individual latent attitudes on short-term car-sharing decisions under travel time uncertainty. The effects of all these factors were simultaneously estimated using a hybrid choice modeling framework. The data used in this study was collected in the Netherlands, 2015 using a stated choice experiment. Hypothetical choice situations were designed to collect respondents’ intention to use a shared-car for their travel to work. A total of 791 respondents completed the experiment. The estimation results suggest that time constraints, lack of spontaneity and a larger variation in travel times have significant negative effects on people’s intention to use a shared-car. Furthermore, this intention is significantly associated with latent attitudes about pro-environmental preferences, the symbolic value of cars, and privacy-seeking.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a research case study that examined the distribution of travel time of origin–destination (OD) pairs on a transportation network under incident conditions. Using a transportation simulation dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model, incident on a transportation network is executed under normal conditions, incident conditions without traveler information availability, and incident conditions assuming that users had perfect knowledge of the incident conditions and could select paths to avoid the incident location. The results suggest that incidents have a different impact on different OD pairs. The results confirm that an effective traveler information system has the potential to ease the impacts of incident conditions network wide. Yet it is also important to note that the use of information may detriment some OD pairs while benefiting other OD pairs. The methodology demonstrated in this paper provides insights into the usefulness of embedding a fully calibrated DTA model into the analysis tools of a traffic management and information center.  相似文献   

This paper develops an application-oriented model to estimate waiting times as a function of bus departure time intervals. Bus stops are classified into Type A and B depending on whether they are connected with urban rail transit systems. Distributions of passenger arrival rates are analyzed based on field data for Beijing. The results indicate that the best fits for the distribution of passenger arrival rates for Type A and B bus stops are the lognormal distribution and gamma distribution, respectively. By analyzing relationships between passenger arrival rates and bus departure time intervals, it is demonstrated that parameters of the passenger arrival rate distribution can be expressed by the average and coefficient of variation of bus departure time intervals in functional relationships. The validation shows that the model provides a reliable estimation of the average passenger waiting time based on readily available bus departure time intervals.  相似文献   

Activity-based models of travel demand have received considerable attention in transportation planning and forecasting in recent years. However, in most cases they use a micro-simulation approach, thereby inevitably including a stochastic error that is caused by the statistical distributions of random components. As a consequence, running a transport micro-simulation model several times with the same input will generate different outputs, which baffles practitioners in applying such a model and in interpreting the results. A common approach is therefore to run the model multiple times and to use the average value of the results. The question then becomes: what is the minimum number of model runs required to reach a stable result? In this paper, systematic experiments are carried out using Forecasting Evolutionary Activity-Travel of Households and their Environmental RepercussionS (FEATHERS), an activity-based micro-simulation modelling framework currently implemented for the Flanders region of Belgium. Six levels of geographic detail are taken into account. Three travel indices – average daily activities per person, average daily trips per person and average daily distance travelled per person, as well as their corresponding segmentations – are calculated by running the model 100 times. The results show that the more disaggregated the level, the larger the number of model runs is needed to ensure confidence. Furthermore, based on the time-dependent origin-destination table derived from the model output, traffic assignment is performed by loading it onto the Flemish road network, and the total vehicle kilometres travelled in the whole Flanders are subsequently computed. The stable results at the Flanders level provides model users with confidence that application of FEATHERS at an aggregated level requires only limited model runs.  相似文献   

Urban travel time information is of great importance for many levels of traffic management and operation. This paper develops a tensor-based Bayesian probabilistic model for citywide and personalized travel time estimation, using the large-scale and sparse GPS trajectories generated by taxicabs. Combined with the knowledge learned from historical trajectories, travel times of different drivers on all road segments in some time slots are modeled with a 3-order tensor. This tensor-based modeling approach incorporates both the spatial correlation between different road segments and the person-specific variation between different drivers, as well as the coarse-grain temporal correlation between recent and historical traffic conditions and the fine-grain temporal correlation between different time slots. To account for the variability caused by the intrinsic uncertainties in urban road network, each travel time entry in the built tensor is treated as a variable following a log-normal distribution. With the help of the fully Bayesian treatment, the model achieves automatic hyper-parameter tuning and model complexity controlling, and therefore the problem of over-fitting is prevented even when the used data is large-scale and sparse. The proposed model is applied to a real case study on the citywide road network of Beijing, China, using the large-scale and sparse GPS trajectories collected from over 32,670 taxicabs for a period of two months. Empirical results of extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model provides an effective and robust approach for urban travel time estimation and outperforms the considered competing methods.  相似文献   

Urban expressways usually experience several levels of service (LOS) because of the stop-and-go traffic flow caused by congestion. Moreover, multiple shock waves generate at different LOS interfaces. The dynamic of shock waves strongly influences the travel time reliability (TTR) of urban expressways. This study proposes a path TTR model that considers the dynamic of shock waves by using probability-based method to characterize the TTR of urban expressways with shock waves. Two model parameters are estimated, namely distribution of travel time (TT) per unit distance and travel distances in different LOS segments. Generalized extreme value distribution and generalized Pareto distribution are derived as distributions of TT per unit distance for six different LOS. Distribution parameters are estimated by using historical floating car data. Travel distances in different LOS segments are calculated based on shock wave theory. The range of TT along the path, which can help drivers arrange their trips, can be obtained from the TTR model. Finally, comparison is made among the proposed TTR model, generalized Pareto contrast model, which does not consider different LOS or existence of shock waves, and normal contrast model, which assumes TT per unit distance as normal distribution without considering shock wave. Results show that the proposed model achieves higher prediction accuracy and reduces the prediction range of TT. The conclusions can be further extended to TT prediction and assessment of measures to improve reliability of TT in a network.  相似文献   

The lack of a proper integration of strategic Air Traffic Management decision support tools with tactical Air Traffic Control interventions usually generates a negative impact on the Reference Business Trajectory adherence, and in consequence affects the potential of the Trajectory-Based Operations framework. In this paper, a new mechanism relaying on Reference Business Trajectories as a source of data to reduce the amount of Air Traffic Controller interventions at the tactical level while preserving Air Traffic Flow Management planned operations is presented. Artificial Intelligence can enable Constraint Programming as it is a powerful paradigm for solving complex, combinatorial search problems. The proposed methodology takes advantage of Constraint Programming and fosters adherence of Airspace User’s trajectory preferences by identifying tight interdependencies between trajectories and introducing a new mechanism to improve the aircraft separation at concurrence events considering time uncertainty. The underlying philosophy is to capitalize present degrees of freedom between layered Air Traffic Management planning tools, when sequencing departures at the airports by considering the benefits of small time stamp changes in the assigned Calculated Take-Off Time departures and to enhance Trajectory-Based Operations concepts.  相似文献   

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