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Objective To establish an acoustic perceptual method analyzing the compensatory articulation errors in children with operated cleft palate via the formants of Chinese pure vowels. Methods The first three formants which represent vocal transmission character in Chinese pure vowels of 84 subjects with operated cleft palate, were measured by Computerized Speech Signal Processing System (CSSPS). The Chinese vowel graph of postoperative patients with cleft palate was stated by the first formant frequencies (F1) and the second formant frequencies (F2) of the Chinese pure vowels between the two groups. Results Values of F1 and F2 of vowels except [a] in the poor articulation group (Group A) were significantly different from those in the good articulation group (Group B) (P〈0.05 or P〈 0.01). As compared with that in Group B, the vowel graph demonstrated the decreased perceptual distances in Group A. These findings indicated that there might still be the backward movements of tongue, perverted mandibular movements and disharmonious lip movements in addition to the velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) in Group A. Conclusion The speech articulation of children with repaired cleft palate should be gained by correcting the aberrant compensatory articulation errors in the condition of velopharyngeal competence. Computerized Speech Signal Processing System (CSSPS), which is regarded us the content of objective quantitative measurement, is a precise, simple, reliable and atroumatic technique for children with cleft palate to analyze pathological compensatory articulation errors. 相似文献
压力分散型锚索试验分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
从压力分散型锚索作用机理入手,介绍了锚索张拉基本试验与验收试验的具体试验过程,通过试验结果分析来确定锚索的安全系数及锚索的变形是否在有效的控制范围内,检验锚索设计荷载是否能满足锚固边坡的需要. 相似文献
改良的上唇星状皮瓣矫正双侧上唇裂术后鼻唇畸形32例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 通过对双侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形特点分析 ,寻找有效的矫正双侧唇裂术后鼻小柱过短、鼻尖低平、鼻翼塌陷、上唇后缩、红唇中部欠丰满等畸形的综合治疗方法。方法 Brown鼻底上唇三角瓣和 Millard前唇两叉瓣加以改良 ,设计成改良鼻底上唇星状瓣法 ,用它矫正双侧唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形。结果 共治疗 32例双侧唇裂术后继发畸形患者 ,改良的星状皮瓣血运良好 ,无皮瓣坏死 ,术后鼻尖抬起 ,鼻小柱延长 ,上唇突度增加。结论 本法对前唇较宽 ,上唇松弛的双侧唇裂术后畸形患者有显著疗效 相似文献
环境法律制度的经济分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
依靠政府干预和市场机制是两种基本环境法律制度,都能在一定程度上起到使环境污染的外部不经济性内部化作用,但两者各有利弊,且实施途径与经济效果不尽相同,选择适宜的环境法律制度对防治环境污染至关重要。 相似文献
以声学元音图评定腭裂术后语音效果的初步研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对35例腭裂未手术、36例腭裂术后患者和16例正常儿童应用腭裂语音字表测试其语音清晰度;并借助计算机语音分析系统分析其元音共振峰模式。结果表明:腭裂术后组语音清晰度明显高于腭裂未手术组(P<0.01),定量分析了对元音有质的规定性的各元音头三个共振峰频率,利用各元音头两个共振峰绘制出声学元音图,显示腭裂术后感知空间增大。作者认为,声学元音图直观、量化地显示了声学空间与听辨感知相一致的关系,并可作为评价代偿性不良发音习惯存在与否及程度的手段。 相似文献
目的建立一种应用牵引成骨技术矫治硬腭骨缺损畸形的腭裂动物模型。方法1-1.5岁健康家犬8只为实验对象(6只为实验组,2只为实验对照组)。以外科手术在硬腭部模仿临床腭裂形成骨缺损裂隙,实验组同时放置牵引装置,并形成骨运送盘,8周后观察裂隙关闭情况及软、硬组织形态,了解模型建立后牵引成骨的可行性。结果实验组犬经安置牵引装置后可关闭硬腭处骨裂隙,牵引装置固定稳固,X线显示骨运送盘可牵移,骨缺损区裂隙闭合,全身状况良好。对照组犬8周后,腭裂隙仍存在,大小形状与手术时无差别。结论通过手术方式建立的腭裂动物模型,可用于牵引成骨技术矫治腭裂骨缺损,具有一定的可行性。 相似文献