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Let MPT (v,λ) denote a maximum packing of triples of order v with index λ and TS (u,λ) denote atriple system of order u with index λ. In this paper, for v≥6, we determine necessary and sufficient conditions forenclosing an MPT (v,λ) in a TS (v l ,λ m) with one extra point and minimal increase in λ.  相似文献   
Remote user authentication is essential in distributed network environment to protect unauthorized access of a networked system. However, most of those existing remote user authentication schemes have not provided the user identity anonymity, while user anonymity is particularly important in some practical applications. Therefore, based on self-encryption mechanism, a new remote user authentication scheme was proposed. The scheme not only has no need of maintaining a password table at the remote server, but also can protect the user's anonymity.  相似文献   
Introduction Remoteuserauthenticationschemesarevery usefulindistributedsystemssincetheycanguar-anteeonlythelegalusershaverighttovisitthere-sourcesprovidedbytheremoteservers.There-fore,overthepastyears,manyremoteuserau-thenticationschemes[1-8]havebeenproposed.In1981,Lamport[1]proposedthefirstwell-known passwordauthenticationschemeusingapassword tabletoachieveuserauthentication.However,Lamport'sschemesuffersfromtheriskofamodi-fiedpasswordtableandthecostofprotectingand maintainingthepasswordtabl…  相似文献   
Introduction Overrecentyears,withtheemergenceofdis-tributedapplicationsovertheInternet,anewmod-elofcommunicationandcomputation,calledpeer-to-peer(P2P)computing,hasgainedgreatpopu-larity[1-3].Contrarytothetraditionalclient-server model,P2Pcomputingeliminatesthenotionof“server”,andallpeersinP2Psystemcanactas clientsandserversatthesametime.Therefore,thesinglepointoffailureandthebottleneckof“server”encounteredinthetraditionalclient-serv-ermodelcanbeeliminated,andtheperformance andreliabilit…  相似文献   
Let ARDkCS(v) denote an almost resolvable directed k-cycle system of order v. It is clear that a necessary condition for the existence of an ARDkCS(v) is v=1(mod k). For k:3,4,5 and 6, the existence of an ARDkCS (v) had been completely solved. This paper shows that there exists an ARD7CS(v) if and only if v≡1 (rood 7) and v≥8.  相似文献   
IntroductionA maximum packing of triples( or simply amaximum packing) of order v with indexλ,denot-ed by MPT( v,λ) ,is a pair( V,B) where V is a v-set and B is a collection of 3- subsets ( called blocksor triples) of V such that1 each2 - subset of V iscontained in atmostλ triples,2 if C is any collec-tion of 3- subsets satisfying 1 then | B|≥ | C| .Let ( V,B) be an MPT ( v,λ) ,the leave of ( V,B) ,denoted by L ( v,λ) ,is a multigraph( V,E)when an edge {x,y}∈ E with multiplicity…  相似文献   
Let MPT (v,λ) denote a maximum packing of triples of order v with index λ and TS (u,λ) denote a triple system of order u with index λ. In this paper, for v≥6, we determine necessary and sufficient condition for enclosing an MPT (v,λ) in a TS (v m,λ 1) with index λ increased by 1 and minimal increase in extra points.  相似文献   
Let MPT (v,λ) denote a maximum packing of triples of order v with index λ and TS (u,λ) denote a triple system of order u with index λ. In this paper, for v≥6, we determine necessary and sufficient condition for enclosing an MPT (v,λ) in a TS (v+m,λ+1) with index λ increased by 1 and minimal increase in extra points.  相似文献   
Let (υ, u × c, λ)-splitting BIBD denote a (υ, u × c, λ)-splitting balanced incomplete block design of order υ with block size u × c and index λ. The necessary conditions for the existence of a (υ, u × c, λ)-splitting BIBD are υuc, λ(υ − 1) ≡ 0 0 mod (c(u − 1)) and λυ(υ − 1) ≡ 0 mod (c 2 u(u − 1)). In this paper, for 2 ⩽ λ ⩽ 9 the necessary conditions for the existence of a (υ, 3 × 3, λ)-splitting BIBD are also sufficient with one possible exception for (υ, λ) = (39, 9). Foundation item: the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10771193); the Starter Foundation for the Doctors of Zhejiang Gongshang University (No. 1020XJ030517); the Natural Science Foundation of Universities of Jiangsu Province (No. 07KJB110090); the Starter Foundation for the Doctors of Nantong University (No. 07B12)  相似文献   
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