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郑震 《西铁科技》2010,(2):31-33
随着铁路运输事业的高速发展,技术创新步伐不断加快,特别是车辆部门"5T"检测新设备的联网运用,为货车列检作业由传统向现代、由人控向机控、由粗放管理向集约管理的改革转变带来了巨大的推动作用。本文分析了货车列检作业方式及劳动组织改革的必要性和可行性,探讨了货车列检劳动组织改革发展方向,提出了更加高效和人性化的劳动组织方式。  相似文献   
跨介质飞行器是指既可在空中飞行,又能完成水下潜航的新概念特种飞行器。跨介质飞行器集成了空中和水下2种航行器的能力,即飞机的空中飞行能力和潜艇的潜水隐身能力。本文结合国外跨介质飞行器的发展历程,介绍了潜水飞机、潜射无人机等新型两栖跨介质装备,并分析了其对我国的启示。  相似文献   
High performance fibers impregnated by shear thickening fluids (STFs) have been recognized as a kind of latent stab-resistant materials. In our work, the rheological properties of various nano-silica particles in different carriers were first investigated, some of which showed the typical characteristic of shear thickening phenomena. And then, the effects of add-on and surface hydrophilicity of silica particles, the type and concentration of the carriers were discussed in detail. It was found that the systems of hydrophilic silica in ethylene glycol, butylenes glycol and polyethylene glycol (PEG) demonstrated shear thickening; moreover, the reversibility of rheological behaviors of hydrophilic silica-PEG300 suspensions indicated energy dissipation existed within a circulation of shear stress. Furthermore, the detail mechanism of STF based nano-silica particles was explored and a process diagram was presented. Finally, the stab-resistance and morphology of cutting edge of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fabric impregnated STF composites were investigated and the results were analyzed. The higher silica add-on was benefit to the improvement of the stab resistance of the composites.  相似文献   
针对高精度定位系统中地图的重要性问题,将定位问题分为无地图定位与基于地图定位,分别对智能车辆的定位问题进行探索.对研究的智能车辆、传感器及其定位问题进行建模分析,再对该平台实施传感器校准以减小系统误差.对于无地图定位问题,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法将里程计与惯性测量单元(IMU)数据相融合,通过试验证明航迹推测法存在累计误...  相似文献   
水泥混凝土路面接缝包括纵向施工缝、纵向缩缝、横向缩缝等。接缝是水泥混凝土路面的薄弱环节,经常出现接缝填料损坏、纵向接缝张开、接缝板边和板角碎裂等病害.由于这些病害的产生.地面水从接缝渗入,使路面基层强度降低,在行车荷载作用下.导致唧泥、脱空、短板、沉陷等病害的产生.影响水泥路面的使用质量.因此对接缝必须加强养护和维修.使水泥路面经常处于良好状态.延长水泥路面的使用寿命。接缝病害产生的原因:  相似文献   
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