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广州市政府近日出台《机动车污染防治工作方案》(以下简称《方案》),对新车、’般在用车和高排放车的污染控制提出了新要求。其中包括,广州计划在2006年提前实施“国三”排放;对在用车实施环保标志管理制度;在市区范围对高排放车划定“限行区”等。广州市环保局表示,新方案实施后,将大幅消减汽车废气排放,  相似文献   
近年来,在摩擦学领域(摩擦、磨损、润滑),正出现一些引起广泛关注的材料,如被称为“类金刚石碳(DLC)”的覆膜材料。该材料因其物理性质类似于金刚石而得名。目前,包括各种非晶态碳,都在广义上被归纳为DLC。DLC具有降低摩擦、磨损的效果,所以在工程上倍受关注。目前,作为金属模具、切削工具、机械零件及汽车零部件中滑动部件的覆膜材料,DLC正被快速推向实用化。  相似文献   
依据铁路跨越式发展的需要和建立现代企业制度的要求,对铁路运输企业财务决策、财务人员管理、财务监督机制等若干问题的改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   
被运沙船撞断一年多的G325国道九江大桥预计明年上半年可通车。按照设计方案,受伤的26、27号桥墩拆除后将在原位修复,此外将以24号桥墩为主墩,再建一个跨径100米的斜拉桥索,和原有的斜拉桥索形成双斜拉索的景观。这样的设计将省掉23、25号桥墩,新桥孔跨度和现在主航道同宽。  相似文献   
In the present paper, a new trimaran Pure Car Carrier (PCC) is proposed and a feasibility study on the ship is carried out. In this study, first, the effective horse power (EHP)/car of the PCC running in still water is predicted. By comparing the predicted EHP/car with that of a conventional mono-hull PCC, it is found that the trimaran PCC is superior to the conventional mono-hull PCC at rather higher speed. As ship speed increases, the reduction of the resistance of the trimaran is bigger. It is also found that at common service speed of PCCs, the EHP/car of a small PCC is lower than that of a conventional PCC. Secondly, the optimal L/B of a main-hull of the trimaran PCC in still water is determined. The optimal L/B of the main-hull varies with ship speed and size because the wave resistance decreases but the frictional resistance increases as L/B of the hull increases. As ship size increases, the optimal L/B of the main-hull of the trimaran PCC decreases.  相似文献   
Ships which have large structures above water surface, such as pure car carriers (PCCs) and container vessels, have large speed reduction by wind pressure. In the present study, the running speed of a large PCC with two or more sails for using wind power is simulated. The simulated results demonstrate that the ship can keep a constant service speed even in winds of 20m/s except head and bow winds. This sail system can shorten annual average navigation time by about 4 hours per voyage.  相似文献   
7月8日,财政部经济建设司副司长曾晓安表示,国家将根据国际市场原油价格变动情况,择机出台燃油税,取代公路养路费等交通维护和建设方面的部分收费。  相似文献   
美国加利福尼亚州旧金山以南200海里,从普里西马角到康塞普申角,海岸线向东急转,构成一条圣巴巴拉海峡,大潮汹涌,巨浪拍岸,是世界上最危险的海岸之一。在这段25海里长的火山熔岩暗礁和浅滩中部,层峦叠嶂,飞岩凌空,地图上标示的地名叫翁达角,它象一只粗糙坚硬的拳头插进太平洋,犹如哨兵屹立在海边。“翁达”是西班牙语,其意是深湾或浅滩。此处,狂涛巨浪猛扑险峻的悬崖,锯齿般的火山熔岩星罗  相似文献   
穗交 《广东交通》2010,(5):24-24
为规范亚运期间广州市停车场保管收费行为,日前,省市物价局联合召开迎亚运广州机动车停放保管服务收费提醒会,决定对全市机动车停放保管服务收费行为进行重点检查。并发布通告:违反明码标价规定的单位,可处以5000元以下罚款;不执行政府定价及政府指导价,可处以违法所得5倍以下的罚款;对于有价格欺诈行为,可处以5万元以上50万元以下的罚款。  相似文献   
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