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提高乘坐舒适度的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了日本新干线为提高车辆乘坐舒适度所采取的一系列措施。  相似文献   
Despite a tendency for the complexity of physical–biological models to increase, simple coupled models remain useful for some applications and can provide insights into crucial links between physical and biological processes. This argument is illustrated with an account of a simple 3-box model intended to help assess the capacity of fjords to assimilate nutrients from fish farms. The model, a dynamic version of the UK “Comprehensive Studies Task Team” (CSTT) steady-state model for eutrophication, was applied to Loch Creran (Scottish Western Highlands) and was implemented using Stella 8 and tested using historical data from 1975 (before the installation of a salmon farm) and field data collected in 2003, during the period of operation of the farm. The model's biological state variables are chlorophyll, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), and it includes a simple run-off model to convert rainfall into river discharge. The physical processes involved in exchange between the loch and the adjacent waters of the Firth of Lorne were parameterised as a constant daily exchange rate.Between 1975 and 2003, local inputs of nutrient increased but, despite this, there was little apparent increase in nutrient concentrations in the loch, and observed chlorophyll concentrations decreased substantially. Model simulations of chlorophyll and DIN agreed well with observations in 1975, as did DIN simulations in 2003. However, simulated chlorophyll was overestimated in 2003.Some of the agreement between observations and simulations come from the use of observed boundary conditions to force the model. However, even when boundary conditions are subtracted from simulations and observations, the simulations in most cases retain a significant correlation with observations, demonstrating that the model's ‘interior’ processes do add to its ability to replicate conditions in the loch.  相似文献   
基于性能的导航(Performance Based Navigation,PBN)飞行程序设计方案的优选对提高终端区空域的容量,空中交通管理工作的质量、效率,甚至飞机的飞行安全至关重要.但在实际操作中,PBN飞行程序设计方案的评估通常由有关专家根据机场的特点,依据专业知识及经验来确定优选方案,存在主观性和随意性的缺陷.为了提高PBN飞行程序设计方案优选的合理性和有效性,本文构建了PBN飞行程序设计方案的评价指标体系,建立了基于相对优势度法的区间数多属性评价模型.在该模型中,属性权重及评价指标值均采用区间数形式赋值,这些区间数用于计算备选方案的相对优势度,通过选择最大相对优势度来确定最佳方案.实例证明,所提出的评价模型能充分利用决策信息,有效地解决PBN飞行程序设计方案的优选问题.  相似文献   
油蚀对沥青混合料高温性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈肯  袁继昂  章永超 《上海公路》2013,(1):59-60,72,14
公路上燃油汽车漏油情况时有发生,造成沥青路面不同程度的污染,影响沥青路面性能。对沥青混合料试件表面涂刷柴油和机油的方式模拟油蚀过程,采用马歇尔试验及车辙试验,测试并分析了油蚀过程对沥青混合料试件高温性能的影响。结果表明:油蚀过程将显著降低沥青混合料试件的马歇尔稳定度和动稳定度,降幅与油蚀时间成正比;柴油油蚀对沥青混合料稳定度降低的影响大于机油油蚀的影响;与SMA-13混合料相比,AK-13A混合料的抗油蚀能力更低。  相似文献   
介绍了日本南超导线圈和大块超导体构成的磁性轴承在力密度方面的研究成果。  相似文献   
当今汽车装备中,电气、电子系统占居了很大比重。由于各种电子系统有各自不同的控制模块,而电路与电路之间又存在着诸多的连系,因此出现故障时,人们很容易搞混。经常会有维修人员在对出现故障的电子系统进行了动力和接地测试后,却无从下手,转而又请教他人的事情。更有甚者,一些维修人员对难以着手的问题轻易下结论,例如黑盒子故障,接着便随手将价格昂贵的故障模块丢弃的现象。 通常情况下,维修人员是能够解决电子、电气方面故障的。你只需详细查看受  相似文献   
给车轮进行正确的定位,可以使汽车操纵起来更安全、乘坐更舒适,并能够最大限度地延长汽车轮胎的使用寿命。 现代汽车转向和悬挂系统是立体几何学在工程实践中成功应用的范例之一。车轮定位整合了转向和悬挂系统的所有几何参数,以便获得安全的操纵性、乘坐的舒适性以及最长的轮胎使用寿命。 前轮定位的含义是指由转向和悬挂系统部件之间形成的角度。一般来说,汽车维修工需要检查前轮的5个定位参数:主销后倾角、车轮外倾角、车轮前束、转向轴内倾  相似文献   
就国内一些城市高压配电网的特点,针对三种典型的110 kV变电站一次侧接线方式,从经济性、可靠性、运行灵活性这三个方面分析比较,推荐应该采用T型接线、线路变压器组接线为主要型式.对城市的高压配电网110 kV变电站一次侧接线方式的选择也具有较强的参考价值.  相似文献   
遗传算法在电力系统无功优化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了浮点数编码遗传算法的编码、选择、交叉、变异等操作.该编码不仅可以降低算法的搜索空间,而且可以避免初始化及在遗传操作中生成的不可行解.将该算法用于IEEE30节点系统,结果表明,该方法降低了网络损耗,实现了电力系统的无功优化,得到了满意的结果.  相似文献   
Cars are designed to appeal to the buyer’s self-image, many of them evoking an impression of speed and power. Such an impression conflicts both with the aesthetic language of suburban architecture, and the needs of pedestrians. The research described in this report was conceived as a preliminary investigation of how members of the public view the aesthetic impact of cars in the residential street environment, particularly from the pedestrian’s point of view. The results suggested that people use two distinct sets of criteria when evaluating the motor car and the residential environment in visual terms. When asked to ‘match’ different models of car with different street scenes, respondents avoided referring to abstract visual qualities such as shape, colour and texture, but concentrated instead on the owners: the imagined driver and the imagined householder. The problem of visual harmony was reduced to one of social and cultural harmony. Could the imagined householder be expected to drive this or that car? However, SUVs were singled out as visually intrusive because they blocked the pedestrian’s view. Members of one of the groups, boys aged 11–12, found it difficult to visualise the impact of cars on pedestrians at all, or even to question vehicle design from the pedestrian’s point of view. They just wanted to be in the driving seat.  相似文献   
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