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Individual based numerical simulations of the copepod, Oithona davisae, feeding on motile prey, Oxyrrhis marina, under variable turbulent conditions are performed. These simulations correspond to laboratory observations conducted by Saiz et al. [Saiz, E., Calbet, A., and Broglio, E., 2003. Effects of small-scale turbulence on copepods: the case of Oithona Davisae. Limnol. Oceanogr., 48:1304–1311.].The flow field in the simulation is reconstructed by a kinematic simulation whose characteristic scales are derived from the grid mesh and the dissipation rates of the laboratory experiments. The kinematic simulation provides a simplified model, which while not fully realistic, captures the basic relevant feature of turbulence. A hop and sink swimming behaviour is prescribed for O. davisae, while O. marina moves along helical paths with random changes of directions.Three possible effects are tested: the existence of a time threshold in the duration of the contacts between predator and prey, a progressive reduction of the perceptive distance with increasing turbulence level and an abrupt reduction in feeding of O. davisae when the flow speed, in relation to the copepod position, is higher than a prescribed threshold. This last approach introduces an intermittency in the feeding which depends on the variations of velocity both in space and time within the numerical box.The introduction of the time threshold causes a dome-shaped relationship between the simulated enhancement factor and the dissipation rate, while with the other two effects, a monotonic decrease in the enhancement factor is observed, with values reasonably close to the ones observed in the laboratory experiment. In all the cases, the use of realistic values of biological parameters (e.g. swimming behaviour) reproduces response curves in the range of the observations.  相似文献   
In two recent papers published in Transportation Research, Daganzo presented a modification of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm to solve certain link capacitated traffic assignment problems satisfying certain conditions. In order to show convergence of the modified algorithm, the assumption was made that the integral of the volume delay formula for each link tends to infinity as the link flow approaches the link capacity. In this paper we give a Theorem which establishes convergence of the modified algorithm under much weaker conditions. This result is then used to show convergence if the objective function of the assignment model is sufficiently large (not necessarily infinite) when the link flows are at capacity. Thus the modified method is applicable to a broader class of assignment problems. Two numerical examples illustrate (a) when the method converges and when it does not, and (b) that our Theorem provides a weaker condition for convergence of the method.  相似文献   
Sea level time series derived from TOPEX altimeter and from tide gauge measurements in the Bay of Biscay (Eastern North Atlantic Ocean) are used to investigate the regional sea level rise. Altimetry sea level anomalies are computed from TOPEX measurements and resampled into fixed along track bins in order to obtain consistent records and to approach as close as possible to the coast. Tidal corrections are critical in the estimation of sea level trends; therefore an additional analysis has been carried out in order to identify and correct for residual tidal signals. The obtained mean sea level rise in the region is + 3.09 ± 0.21 mm/year over the period 1993–2002. Tide gauges have been corrected for vertical land motions by means of collocated GPS measurements. GPS-corrected tide gauges and nearby altimetry trends are found to be statistically consistent. The relationship with the atmospheric forcing is also investigated revealing that 15% of this sea level rise is attributed to the atmospheric pressure effects.  相似文献   
Routes optimization in urban freight distribution is usually an off-line process based on the knowledge of historical conditions on the network. Real-time data provided by Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) enable online re-optimization on the basis of actual traffic conditions.

?This paper evaluates the added value generated by re-optimizing the off-line solution with real-time information. The study is carried out for a practical application to the freight distribution of perishable goods in the city of Rome (Italy). The off-line problem is formulated as a vehicle routing problem with soft time windows while in the online problem it is also allowed to skip some customers or to re-sequence the deliveries. Both versions are solved with different algorithms and with different data sets. Results can be used to evaluate the potential return on investment on the acquisition of different kinds of traffic data. At the same time, results can be of interest for information providers, to fix the price of off-line and online information and/or to estimate the associated potential market share.  相似文献   
The livelihood of coastal communities is directly linked to the health of intertidal and marine ecosystems. Coastal zones and marine areas are rapidly changing and highly vulnerable to impacts from climate change, accelerating human development, and over-fishing. Quality of life and the benefits of coastal development can be greatly enhanced, and costs minimized, by projecting and comparing alternative policy outcomes before management decisions are made. This article describes the Marine Integrated Decision Analysis System (MIDAS), an interactive decision support tool designed to assist the users and managers of Belize's system of marine management areas (MMAs) in understanding the interactions among various ecological, socioeconomic, and governance conditions in a spatially explicit manner. MIDAS can simulate and visualize the likely effects of alternative management strategies and therefore provides an important tool for evaluating potential scenarios. We developed two MIDAS modules to address specific threats in Belize –spatial risk resulting from mangrove deforestation in coastal areas and the potential effect of an oil spill off the coast of Belize. Workshops conducted in Belize indicate that diverse user groups such as fishers, tourism operators, and public environmental agencies can successfully utilize MIDAS to understand MMA outcomes, and environmental risks.  相似文献   
The aim of the present paper is to study the relationships between some climatic indices and parental stock, recruitment and accessibility to trawl fishery of hake (Merluccius merluccius) and red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) off Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). Available annual catch per unit effort, recruitment and spawning stock biomass have been used as biological data. As environmental data, the meso-scale IDEA index and the large-scale North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Mediterranean Oscillation (MO) indices have been used. To analyze possible links between these indices with the population dynamics of demersal resources, two non-linear approaches have been applied: (i) stock–recruitment relationships from Ricker and Beverton–Holt models, by sequentially incorporating environment factors; (ii) generalized additive modelling, both classical general and threshold non-additive models were considered. The latter simulate an abrupt change in explicative variables across different phases (time periods or climatic index values). The results have shown that two oceanographic scenarios around the Balearic Islands, associated with macro and meso-scale climate regimes, can influence the population dynamics of hake and red shrimp. This is especially true for recruitment, which seems to be enhanced during low NAO and IDEA indices periods. During these periods, colder-than-normal winters generate high amounts of cold Western Mediterranean Intermediate Waters (WIW) in the Gulf of Lions, which flow southwards and reach the Balearic Islands channels in spring, increasing the productivity in the area. This oceanographic scenario could also be favourable to the distribution of hake on the fishing grounds where the trawl fleet targets this species, increasing its accessibility to the fishery. Both spawning stock and abundance of red shrimp seems to be also enhanced by high MO index periods, which could reflect the increased presence of the saline and warm Levantine Intermediate Waters (LIW) in the study area, extending over the fishing grounds of this species. The proposed interactions can be useful to assess and manage these important demersal resources.  相似文献   
This article proposes a model for analysing the modal choice of travellers making inter-urban journeys. Discrete choice models with systematic and random tastes variation were applied to find the most relevant variables for encouraging the use of public transport by bus rather than private car. This research follows on from the results of previous user satisfaction studies on inter-urban bus services in the province of Burgos (Spain). Willingness to pay is also estimated for time savings or other improvements in the bus service.The results indicate that, in general, improvements in the journey time or the number of daily journeys are valued less by inter-urban bus users than they are by car or railway users. The type of bus and its characteristics are evaluated as a function of the distance travelled and result in very small values for this variable. Contrary to what is often reported in satisfaction surveys, the journey cost is found to be relevant when choosing which mode of transport to use, but the most important variable is journey time. Little value is placed on the features of the bus, except on long distance journeys.Finally, a methodology differentiating four hierarchical groups is presented for comparing the results of the relevant variables in demand and satisfaction models. Some only improve perception rather than encourage new users, while others increase take-up but do not improve the image of the service.  相似文献   
Sediment community metabolism (oxygen demand) was measured in the Northeast Water (NEW) polynya off Greenland employing two methods: in situ benthic chambers deployed with a benthic (GOMEX) lander and shipboard laboratory Batch Micro-Incubation Chambers (BMICs) utilizing ‘cores’ recovered from USNEL box cores. The mean benthic respiration rate measured with the lander was 0.057 mM O2 m−2 h−1 (n = 5); whereas the mean measured with the BMICs was 0.11 mM O2 m−2 h−1 (n = 21; p < 0.01 that the means were the same). In terms of carbon fluxes (14 and 27 mg C m−2 d−1), these respiration rates represent ca. 5–15% of the average net primary production measured in the euphotic zone in 1992. The biomass of the bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna were measured at each location to quantify the relationship between total community respiration and total community biomass (mean 1.42 g C m−2). Average carbon residence time in the biota, calculated by dividing the biomass by the respiration, was on the order of 50–100 days, which is comparable to relatively oligotrophic continental margins at temperate latitudes.The biomass and respiration data for the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, the infaunal invertebrates (meiofauna and macrofauna), and the epifaunal megabenthos (two species of brittle stars) are summarized in a ‘steady-state’ solution of a sediment food chain model, in terms of carbon. This carbon budget illustrates the relative importance of the sediment-dwelling invertebrates in the benthic subsystem, compared to the bacteria and the epibenthos, during the summer open-water period in mud-lined troughs at depths of about 300 m. The input needed to drive heterotrophic respiratory processes was within the range of the input of organic matter recorded in moored, time-sequencing sediment traps.A time-dependent numerical simulation of the model was run to investigate the potential responses of the three size groups of benthos to abrupt seasonal pulses of particulate organic matter. The model suggests that there is a time lag in the increase in bottom community biomass and respiration following the POC pulse, and provides hypothetical estimates for the potential carbon storage in the summer (open water), followed by catabolic losses during each ensuing winter (ice covered).This sequence of storage and respiration may contribute to the process of seasonal CO2 ‘rectification’ (sensu Yager et al., 1995) in some Arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
The results of a study on the spatial and temporal dynamics of size-fractionated biomass and production of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea during the austral spring and summer are reported. The spring cruise took place in the offshore Ross Sea from 14 November to 14 December 1994. Sampling was carried out on a transect of 27 stations distributed from 76.5 to 72.0°S along 175°E, and covered the three main Antarctic environments of the polynya open waters, the marginal ice zone and the pack ice area. Three subsystems were identified. The subsystem of the polynya was characterised by the predominance of the micro- and nano-planktonic fractions, chlorophyll (Chl a) concentrations from 69.6 to 164.7 mg m−2 and production rates from 0.68 to 1.14 g C m−2 day−1. The second subsystem, the marginal ice zone, showed a relative increase of the micro-planktonic fraction, high biomass levels (from 99.64 to 220 mg Chl m−2) and production rates from 0.99 to 2.7 g C m−2 day−1. The subsystem of the pack ice area had a phytoplankton community dominated by the pico-planktonic fraction and showed low biomasses (from 19.4 to 37.7 mg Chl m−2) and production rates (0.28 to 0.60 g C m−2 day−1). Selective grazing by krill is considered an important factor in determining the size structure of the phytoplankton communities. The summer study consisted of a time series carried out in inshore waters of Terra Nova Bay from 12 January to 8 February 1990. In a well stabilised water column and with high levels of PAR always available, the primary production rates of a community dominated by micro-plankton varied from 0.52 to 1.2 g C m−2 day−1 (average 0.84). A high P/B ratio, up to 3, and a remarkably elevated mean phaeopigment (Phaeo)/Chl a ratio of 2.4 indicated an active removal of biomass by grazing, confirmed by the presence of faecal pellets in quantities reaching 6000 m−3 in the upper 50 m. The peculiarities of the inshore versus offshore environments in terms of community size structure, production processes and their implications as regards the food web are discussed.  相似文献   
Transportation - Considering the role of behavioral and environmental factors on road accidents and traffic intensities, the characterization of vehicle use and driver behavior opens new...  相似文献   
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