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Benthic community patterns were investigated in the Northeast Water polynya (Greenland) during the summers of 1992 and 1993 to elucidate to what extent the bottom fauna is influenced by the dynamics of the overlying water. Five different fractions of the benthos (foraminiferans, nematodes, polychaetes, peracarid crustaceans, and epibenthic megafauna), ranging in average adult body size over 6 orders of magnitude (from about 100 μm to about 10 cm), were sampled quantitatively at 69 stations in water depths from 40 to 515 m. Total abundances of nematodes, polychaetes and peracarid crustaceans were found to be primarily correlated with parameters characterizing the potential benthic food supply (water column pigment and nitrate concentrations, sediment bound pigments and sediment biological activity), whereas abundances of foraminiferans and megabenthos were largely associated with seabed properties. Four benthic zones were distinguished by separately analyzing the faunistic composition and distribution of the five community fractions for Ob Bank, Western Westwind Trough, Eastern Westwind Trough, and Belgica Trough. This pattern was shown principally to reflect pelagic regimes differing in surface water hydrography, ice cover and euphotic productivity. This is the first time that a synoptic study of several benthic community portions spanning such a range in sizes and life styles has been performed in a polar shelf ecosystem. Our results indicate that abundances as well as composition of Arctic benthos are largely influenced by mesoscale pelagic processes, and thus provide further evidence for the importance of the benthic-pelagic coupling in high latitude seas.  相似文献   
Dynamics of ships running aground   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comprehensive dynamic model is presented for analysis of the transient loads and responses of the hull girder of ships running aground on relatively plane sand, gravel, or rock sea bottoms. Depending on the seabed soil characteristics and the geometry of the ship bow, the bow will plow into the seabed to some extent. The soil forces are determined by a mathematical model based on a theory for frictional soils in rupture and dynamic equilibrium of the fluid phase in the saturated soil. The hydrodynamic pressure forces acting on the decelerated ship hull are determined by taking into account the effect of shallow water. Hydrodynamic memory effects on the transient hull motions are modeled by application of an impulse response technique. The ship hull is modeled as an elastic beam to determine the structural response in the form of flexural and longitudinal stress waves caused by the transient ground reaction and hydrodynamic forces. A number of numerical analysis results are presented for a VLCC running aground. The results include bow trajectory in the seabed, time variation of the grounding force, and the maximum values of the sectional shear forces and bending moments in the hull girder.  相似文献   

Over the past few years an unusually intense struggle over the future of the Lake Michigan fishery has occurred in the coastal communities of Racine and Kenosha. This struggle has engaged participants on the local, state, and national levels in the debate over the fishery as it is potentially impacted by the presence of environmental toxins, the rising cost of fish stocking and management, and conflicting user group demands. We describe three cases where urban sports anglers, with the assistance of university based social scientists, participated in state and city public policy decisions. After discussing this research and its policy implications, we propose a general public participation paradigm termed the Reciprocal Development Model.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to describe the difference in erodibility and aggregation in a tidal basin including both subtidal and intertidal study sites and to use these results to explain the shifting erosion/deposition cycles at the sites. Erosion thresholds, erosion rates and settling velocities of the eroded material were measured at a mudflat transect and at sediment cores taken from a nearby tidal channel during surveys made in May 2000 and March 2002. Surface samples were analysed for grain-size, chl. a content, faecal pellet content, dry bulk density and organic content. Additionally, surface samples were taken at eight occasions in the period January 2002 to May 2003 from shallow tidal channels in the area. These samples were analysed for mud content and showed that major shifts in sediment distribution occurred in the period. The erodibility of the mudflat was generally high due to pelletization by the mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae but close to the salt marsh much lower erodibility was found, probably due to stabilisation by microphytobenthos. In contrast, the erodibility of the channel bed seemed to be very little influenced by biological activity and the relatively low erodibility found here was caused by physical characteristics of the sediment. The sediment eroded from the mudflat was generally strongly pelletized and showed high settling velocities whereas less aggregation and lower settling velocities were found for the channel bed sediments. Temporal variations of the mudflat stability and hydrodynamics resulted in temporal variations of deposition and erosion and the changing stability at the mudflat is likely to be one of the main reasons for a general transport of fine-grained sediment from the mudflat to the channel in the cold seasons and vice versa during the rest of the year.  相似文献   
This paper describes the methodology we set up to gather appropriate data to study the impact of real life experience with electric vehicles (EVs) over a relatively long period of time on individual preferences and attitudes. We used stated choices (SC) to elicit individual preferences because EVs and their associated charging infrastructure are not yet fully integrated onto the market. Furthermore, to measure the extent to which the experience of using an EV may affect individual preferences and attitudes, we set up a “long panel” survey, where data was gathered before and after individuals experienced an EV in real life during a three-month period. We also measured attitudinal effects (AE) that might affect the choice of an EV by individuals. To our knowledge, this represents the first example of a “long panel” SC/AE and the first attempt to measure the formation of preferences and attitudes for this emerging product. Our results show that preferences and attitudes are indeed affected by real life experience. In the SC experiment, the respondents only chose the EV half as often as compared to the situation where they had not yet tried it. Furthermore, we measured a change in attitude for statements regarding the use of EVs. On the whole, respondents got a more positive view of the EV driving performance and this change is significantly greater for women than for men. However, respondents expressed more concern about being able to maintain current mobility with an EV. The data gathered in this survey should also serve to analyse the changes generated by direct experience with EVs, and eventually to formulate and estimate advanced discrete choice models that allow insights into factors relevant for improved understanding of market behaviour.  相似文献   
Private provision of public infrastructure (PPP) is meant to give incentives to increased efficiency in construction as well in operation and maintenance of the infrastructure e.g. within the transport sector. Efficiency is not only (private) economic efficiency, but also social efficiency e.g. social marginal cost pricing of use of the infrastructure.Is it possible to design contracts concerning payment mechanisms and financial instruments for transport infrastructure that will stimulate social efficiency and optimal allocation of risks between parties? The paper discusses whether different targets can be met and whether compromises may lead to acceptable second best solutions.PPP implies an opportunity to let the user-payment give desired incentives in the form of Social Marginal Cost Pricing (SMCP). A PPP project is a set of contracts and agreements between several parties, including the Government, the private contractor, subcontractors, banks and infrastructure users. These contracts should be designed to give the right incentives to the parties to achieve optimal risk allocation and utilising of resources.Long contract-periods are a common feature of PPPs. The paper examines the way that financial solutions should be designed to achieve the goals for the PPP-projects concerning economic and social efficiency. The expected size and variation of the income stream from the project will influence the loan conditions offered by banks concerning interest rates, guarantees and repayment and also the ability to attract investors. The balance between equity and loans again influences the conditions of the loans. An additional problem is asymmetric information between parties. The private contractor usually knows more about the task than the Government (hidden knowledge), and the Government cannot have full knowledge of the efforts of the contractor (hidden actions).  相似文献   
In most applications of numerical ocean models, artificial boundaries are introduced to limit the domain. Along such a boundary we need to apply what is often referred to as an open boundary condition (OBC). In this paper a number of local methods used in barotropic ocean models are applied and discussed for the stratified case using a normal mode approach. The OBCs are the simple conditions: clamped, prescribed and zero gradient; the radiation conditions: Camerlengo–O'Brien, Orlanski and a method of characteristics based on linear equations; and a sponge type condition: the flow relaxation scheme. The OBCs have been implemented in a 3-layer ocean model and examples of how the various OBCs perform for three simple flow situations are investigated. The cases are: internal wave radiation, a quasi-steady coastal jet and the response to a storm moving across a strait. It is found that the flow relaxation scheme and the method based on characteristics perform well for the test cases in general, although some of the simpler methods give better results in individual cases.  相似文献   
海洋浮体非线性水弹性力学分析--结构非线性的初步考虑   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
前文^[1-3]分别介绍了二阶非线性水弹性分析中流体非线性的理论与部分典型算例结果。本文则在流体线性假定的前提下,介绍结构非线性的考虑方法。以大变形浮动平板在多向规则波中的运动与变形响应为例,介绍了板垂向位移与流体相互耦合的频域分析方法。讨论了板内薄膜力对结构变形与受力的影响。数值算例表明,薄膜力对变形、弯矩和应力都有一定程度的非线性贡献,在某些情况下是不可忽略的。  相似文献   
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