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交通事故作为明社会的一大公害,其危害性已渐渐引起人们的警惕和重视,惨不忍睹的交通事故在带给人们悲伤和痛苦的同时,也给社会增加了许多不安全和不稳定的因素,当前因交通事故问题引发群体性事件时有发生,且呈逐渐增多的趋势。为积极探索新形势下有效预防和依法妥善处置群体性事件的途径和办法,本作通过采取问卷调查、开座谈会、走访相关人员、查阅档案资料等方式,针对泉州市近三年来交通事故群体性事件发生的表现形式、特点与隐患及其成因,深入调查研究并进行认真分析,从而提出今后的防范措施与对策,以有效预防交通事故群体性事件的发生,或将群体性事件化解在萌芽状态、初始阶段。 相似文献
Because variations of ultra-capacitor voltage and battery voltage generate subharmonic and chaotic behaviors in hybrid energy storage system (HESS) application when a DC-DC converter is under the peak current control, a novel digital control strategy, i.e., peak current control with extended-state tracking compensator, is introduced to deal with the stability. The gains of the control algorithm are selected based on pole locations formulated from the Bessel filter. The simulation results validate that under the peak current control strategy with compensator, the DC-DC converter does not have the subharmonic and chaotic behaviors. The response time under the peak current control with compensator is the same as that under the peak current control. The ripple voltage and ripple current of battery are less. The tracking error of inductor current tends to zero. 相似文献
针对铁路货运站场资源占用规模大、设施设备种类多、调度作业频繁复杂、站场内部资源缺乏系统性管理等问题,设计基于数字孪生的铁路货运站场资源可视化系统。结合站场资源管理的实际需求,详细阐述数字孪生应用原理及架构,通过精细化建模与仿真、交互与协同、数据融合和分析等关键技术,实现了对站场箱位、货位、股道、车辆等信息的维护和管理。应用表明,该系统可增强站场内部资源间的协同性及数据共享能力,有助于提高铁路货运站场的作业效率和管理水平。 相似文献
针对铁路货运站场设备采集数据与生产作业脱节、采集效率低、缺乏统一规划等问题,设计铁路货运站场数据采集系统。梳理数据采集内容,阐述系统总体架构和逻辑架构,并在此基础上研究数据获取和存储、基于云边协同形式的数据采集等技术。应用表明,该系统实现了对货运全流程作业数据、设施设备运用状态数据和关键安全风险环节数据的采集,为铁路货运车站智能化服务奠定坚实基础。 相似文献
由于超级电容的工作电压范围广,直流变换器在无电流补偿的峰值电流控制下出现分岔,甚至产生混沌现象。本文中研究了双向直流变换器在超级电容和电池主动并联混合能量存储系统应用中的控制问题,确定了发生分岔时电池和超级电容的工作电压关系。结果表明,采用电流斜坡补偿方法,可使直流变换器在电池和超级电容的工作电压范围内不发生分岔和混沌现象,改善了控制质量。 相似文献
北京地铁1、2号线线路改造工程自2004年开始,至2008年施工任务结束,线路公司作为工程监管单位,在3年多的改造工程实施过程中,不断总结经验,完善自身工程管理,在地铁整个改造系统中率先并较好的完成了所承担的任务。根据线路公司在工程实施过程中,结合自身实际和实践所获得的一些浅显经验,就如何做好工程管理工作进行探讨。 相似文献
The energy management may perform well under normal conditions, but may lead to poor behavior under abnormal situations. To tackle this problem, an optimal control strategy called rule-based equivalent fuel consumption minimization strategy (RECMS) is developed for a new complex hybrid electric vehicle (CHEV).It optimizes the energy efficiency and drive performance to cater for normal and power-loss operations of the tractive motor. Firstly, the strategy formulates a novel objective function based on the equivalent fuel concept.By accounting for the actual fuel cost, the equivalent fuel cost for the electric machines and virtual fuel cost for the drivability, the cost function is obtained. Furthermore, some penalty factors are presented to optimize the performance target. Finally, experiments for a practical CHEV are performed to validate a simulation model.Then simulations are carried out for both rule-based and RECMS. The results show that the optimal energy management is working well. 相似文献