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IGCT作为一种新型大功率半导体开关器件,吸取了GTO和IGBT的优点,但其驱动则需要借助配套的门极驱动电路板才能实现.介绍了IGCT的基本工作原理,并根据驱动电路的要求分析设计原理,对1 100 A/4 500V逆导IGCT集成门极驱动电路的设计方法进行了具体分析和研究,实验结果验证了设计方法的可行性和正确性.  相似文献   
The need for acquiring the current-year traffic data is a problem for transport planners since such data may not be available for on-going transport studies. A method is proposed in this paper to predict hourly traffic flows up to and into the near future, using historical data collected from the Hong Kong Annual Traffic Census (ATC). Two parametric and two non-parametric models have been employed and evaluated in this study. The results show that the non-parametric models (Non-Parametric Regression (NPR) and Gaussian Maximum Likelihood (GML)) were more promising for predicting hourly traffic flows at the selected ATC station. Further analysis encompassing 87 ATC stations revealed that the NPR is likely to react to unexpected changes more effectively than the GML method, while the GML model performs better under steady traffic flows. Taking into consideration the dynamic nature of the common traffic patterns in Hong Kong and the advantages/disadvantages of the various models, the NPR model is recommended for predicting the hourly traffic flows in that region.  相似文献   
Yupo Chan 《Transportation》1979,8(3):275-291
A U.S. certificated passenger airline must be authorized by the Civil Aeronautics Board before it can schedule a route to serve a set of cities. The route authority is described in a number of legal statements on a Route Certificate, which specifies the routing restrictions by which the airline must abide in offering the service. For cost considerations, an airline is often interested in the shortest flight-time routes between city pairs. This paper introduces a graph-theoretic method to quantify the legal statements in a Certificate. Through straightforward matrix operations, all the authorized nonstop and multistop routes, including the shortest time routes, can be generated. The method is a convenient tool to help an airline to generate alternative network routes as demonstrated by a case study of American Airlines.  相似文献   
We investigate how two non-acoustic factors, information bias and riding frequency, can affect the annoyance response of an urban population to noise created by a new railway line. The study shows that information bias is asymmetrical. Respondents receiving only information on positive measures taken by the authority to reduce noise emission are more tolerant of the noise impact, but those receiving only critical views tend to be more annoyed because they feel that not all measures to reduce noise have been employed. Additionally people who use the line frequently are more tolerant to the noise impact than those who do not. Information bias seems to have a temporary masking effect over riding frequency lasting for a few weeks after railway opening. This suggest that whilst free flow of information provided by the authority can help alleviate annoyance response, encouraging the people affected to make use of the new infrastructure may be useful to reduce public resistance and noise annoyance.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of a model azimuthing podded propulsor in ice-covered water. Model tests were carried out with two different depths of cut into the ice (15 and 35 mm), two different ice conditions (presawn and pack ice conditions), and four different azimuthing angles. The depth of cut is the maximum penetration depth of the propeller blade into the ice block. The 0.3-m-diameter model propeller was operated in a continuous ice milling condition. Ice loads were measured by several sensors which were installed in various positions on the model. Six one-axis pancake-style load cells on the top of the model measured the global loads and two six-component dynamometers were installed on the shaft to measure the shaft loads. One six-component dynamometer was attached to the one of the propeller blades inside the hub to measure the blade loads. The pod unit and propeller performance in ice are presented. Ice-related loads, which were obtained when the blade was inside the ice block, are introduced and discussed. During the propeller–ice interaction, a blade can experience the path generated by the previous blade, which is called the shadowing effect. The effects of shadowing, depth of cut, azimuthing angle, and advance coefficient on propulsor performance are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
Spatial fisheries ecology: Recent progress and future prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We review recent progresses made in the study of fish distribution and survival over space — i.e., fisheries spatial ecology. This is achieved by first surveying the most common statistical approaches and relative challenges associated with the analysis of fisheries spatial data, loosely grouped in geostatistical and regression approaches. Then we review a selected number of case-studies implementing the discussed techniques. We conclude by proposing new areas of statistical and ecological research to further our understanding of how fish distribute and survive in space. This review serves a dual purpose by emphasizing the scientific importance of studying spatial interactions to better understand the temporal dynamics of fish abundance, and by promoting the development of new analytical and ecological approaches for the analysis of spatial data. Through our survey we cover different statistical techniques, marine ecosystems and life stages. This analytical, geographic and ontogenetic variety is also purposely selected to highlight the importance of comparative and multidisciplinary studies across diverging ecological disciplines, ecosystems and life stages. Besides having a general ecological relevance this review also bears a more applied significance, owing to the increasing need for protecting renewable marine resources along with their primary habitat.  相似文献   
A multi‐objective, time‐staged network‐design problem is formulated. Through transformation, the problem is decomposed into a set of single‐period, single‐objective problems. Lexicographic ordering is instrumental in effecting this transformation; it also allows a backward‐recursion algorithm to be applied using strong pruning criteria. Furthermore, monotonicity properties enable us to solve the problem using the familiar tree‐search algorithms. The solution method has several desirable properties — as shown by an example and a case study of Tripoli Province, Libya. First, the algorithm ensures continuity of project implementation over the multi time‐periods and provides optimality in later computational stages irrespective of the decision at an interim stage. Second, the algorithm tends to provide accessibility to unconnected regions in the study area at low user‐cost without employing weights to the two objective functions of accessibility and user‐cost efficiency. Such a property is deemed advantageous for suggesting transportation investments based purely on purchasing the greatest benefit for each dollar, with political neutrality strictly maintained.  相似文献   
This paper presents an off‐line forecasting system for short‐term travel time forecasting. These forecasts are based on the historical traffic count data provided by detectors installed on Annual Traffic Census (ATC) stations in Hong Kong. A traffic flow simulator (TFS) is developed for short‐term travel time forecasting (in terms of offline forecasting), in which the variation of perceived travel time error and the fluctuations of origin‐destination (O‐D) demand are considered explicitly. On the basis of prior O‐D demand and partial updated detector data, the TFS can estimate the link travel times and flows for the whole network together with their variances and covariances. The short‐term travel time forecasting by O‐D pair can also be assessed and the O‐D matrix can be updated simultaneously. The application of the proposed off‐line forecasting system is illustrated by a numerical example in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
于孱 《北方交通》2008,(1):141-142
试验检测是进行公路工程质量检测的一种有效手段,公路工程试验检测工作也是工程质量管理中的一个重要组成部分,同时也是公路工程质量控制评定验收的一个主要环节,如何加强试验检测力度,是提高公路工程质量的重要问题.  相似文献   
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