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张合沛  陈馈 《隧道建设》2022,42(1):41-47
为保证隧道施工多源异构设备数据的有效采集,针对施工群组装备运行数据特征,开展散布、异构设备数据的并行采集方案及技术研究; 在先行构建出数据采集系统框架、采集实施流程的基础上,针对设备多维、连续数据生成的特点,开展基于流数据管理(stream-based date management, DSM)的技术方法探究; 通过构建多并发数据采集(forward-oriented optimal concurrency control, FOCC)系统,实现多源异构数据的集采、并采。通过重点对前向乐观并发数据采集管理、采集设备自动组网技术方案进行研发实践,研发多协议集成、多接口并发采集、自组网、自主发送的“数据采集终端”,成功实现了龙门吊、泥水分离系统等隧道施工装备运行数据的实时提取。研究证明,提出的多数据并采技术方案可有效解决多源异构数据采集问题。  相似文献   
简要介绍了低地板车辆轴桥的结构特点及重要性,参考EN 13104、EN 13979、EN 13749等标准,对极限工况和运行工况下的轴桥进行载荷计算,并采用有限元方法对轴桥的静强度和疲劳强度进行计算,得到最大Von Mises应力和Goodman疲劳评定图,分析结果表明轴桥结构满足静强度及疲劳可靠性要求,该受力计算方法对同类产品有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
结构的自振特性关系到结构的健康安全,预应力系统作用到结构上会影响结构的自振频率.为考察体外预应力索系统对简支钢梁自振频率的影响,基于预应力系统作用机理并采用能量法建立了单折线布索型预应力钢梁的动力方程,求解此方程得到自振频率的计算公式,用此公式对一典型单折线索钢梁的一阶频率进行了计算,并与有限元模拟结果进行对比.结果表明:公式计算结果与有限元模拟结果基本一致,可用于工程设计.在此基础上,还得到了索预拉力、偏心距和截面积对梁自振频率的影响规律,为调节单折线布索型预应力钢梁的自振频率提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
随着民用航空的发展与竞争,航班延误不仅影响航空飞行的安全与正常,更与航空公司的运营效率、运营成本及乘客利益息息相关。针对某一恶劣天气影响,对某公司受影响航班进行重新调配,考虑到航班的备降、盘旋等待、延误、取消等多种状态,以总成本最小为目标函数,建立航班快速恢复模型,通过MATLAB运用遗传算法设计航班恢复算法进行求解,得出最经济的航班恢复方案。  相似文献   
三维激光扫描获取的既有铁路点云数据具有海量性、离散性等特点,难以从点云数据中快速提取线路参数.为此,结合现场实测数据,提出一种基于连续点云数据的既有铁路轨面信息快速提取算法.通过k-d树实现点云的快速搜索、查询和储存,利用主成分分析法和移动激光点聚类法提取的接触线分割构建出铁路缓冲区,进而通过平面格网法的粗提和多种约束条件下的精提实现了轨面点提取.对既有线路现场试验结果表明,轨面点提取的完整度c和准确度p均在93%以上,该方法能较好地实现钢轨轨面点云的快速提取.  相似文献   

Studies of the connections between transportation and subjective well-being (SWB) require a clear understanding of the conceptual composition of travel-related SWB as well as psychometric instruments to measure these complex topics. Well-established psychological scales for measuring general SWB—including both hedonic (affective and cognitive) and eudaimonic aspects—are difficult to adapt or have yet to be tested in the travel domain. Existing measures of travel liking and travel satisfaction are somewhat inadequate for these purposes, especially for representing eudaimonia. Using a questionnaire survey of 680 commuters in the Portland, Oregon, region, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses examined responses to a total of 42 items. Results suggested four-factor measurement models of both travel affect (Enjoyment, Attentiveness, Distress, and Fear) and travel eudaimonia (Health, Competence, Autonomy, and Security). Despite some limitations and opportunities for enhancements, these models show promise as ways of measuring affective and eudaimonic SWB in the travel domain for future studies and travel surveys.


This study estimated the external cost of air pollution from shipping by means of a meta-regression analysis, which has not been made before. Three pollutants, which were included in most of the primary studies, were considered: nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxides (SO2) and particulate matters with a diameter of max 2.5 micrometres (PM2.5). All primary studies included damages of health and a majority added impacts on agriculture and estimated the cost of air pollutants by transferring cost estimates from studies on costs of air emissions from transports in Europe. Different regression models and estimators were used and robust results were found of statistically significant emission elasticities of below one, i.e. total external costs increase by less than 1% when emissions increase by 1%. There was a small variation between the pollutants, with the highest elasticity for PM2.5 and lowest for NOx. Calculations of the marginal external cost of the pollutants showed the same pattern, with this cost being approximately six times higher for PM2.5 than for the other pollutants. Common to all pollutants was that the marginal external cost decreases when emission increases. Another robust result was a significant increase in the cost of studies published in journals compared with other publication outlets. These findings point out some caution when transferring constant external unit cost of air pollutant from shipping, which is much applied in the literature, and the cost functions estimated in this study could thus provide a complementary transfer mechanism.  相似文献   
目前,自动驾驶技术在乘用车领域已获得突破性发展;为提高通行效率和出行安全起到了极大的作用。自动驾驶技术在商用车领域的应用,有望较好解决高昂的人力成本和难以提高的效率等问题。然而,目前自动驾驶技术在货车的应用大多采用跟乘用车同样的标准进行规范,这在实际应用中存在着诸多的问题;例如,在FCW和AEB功能中货车在相同车速的制动距离要远大于乘用车,而其所采用标准规定的碰撞预警时间却并无多大不同,这在实际场景中存在着较大的安全隐患[1,2]。此外,货车质量和体积较大,且较多应用于长途运输,运输过程中会经历包括高温、严寒、山区等多种复杂气候场景,这些都将对货车自动驾驶技术在车辆制动效能、能耗以及多场景应用等方面提出更有针对性规范的要求。本文针对货车的应用场景特点,为其自动驾驶技术应用标准化提出了建议。  相似文献   
张瑞瑞  陈科  尤云祥  季梦 《船舶力学》2021,25(6):704-715
利用大型密度分层水槽开展了下凹型内孤立波作用在FPSO上的载荷特性系列实验;并依据实验工况,考虑KdV、eKdV和MCC内孤立波理论的适用性条件,数值研究了FPSO内孤立波载荷成分构成;基于实验结果和载荷成分构成,建立了FPSO内孤立波载荷的理论预报模型.研究表明:FPSO内孤立波水平载荷由粘性力和Froude-Krylov力组成,而垂向载荷主要为垂向Froude-Krylov力;Froude-Krylov力可通过动压力沿FPSO浮体湿表面积分得到,粘性力则通过经实验回归的摩擦系数Cf、形状修正因数K乘以内孤立波诱导水质点切向速度沿FPSO浮体湿表面积分得到.系列实验结果得出:摩擦系数Cf和形状修正因数K与雷诺数Re、KC数和流体层深度比h1/h有关;摩擦系数与Re呈自然对数关系;而形状修正因数K与KC数呈幂函数关系.理论预报模型预报的水平载荷、垂向载荷结果均与系列实验和数值结果吻合较好,并且发现随着内孤立波振幅的增加,载荷幅值近乎线性增加,而且上层流体深度对水平力幅值有明显的影响.  相似文献   
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