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Organic carbon budget for the Gulf of Bothnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We calculated input of organic carbon to the unproductive, brackish water basin of the Gulf of Bothnia from rivers, point sources and the atmosphere. We also calculated the net exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the adjacent marine system, the Baltic Proper. We compared the input with sinks for organic carbon; permanent incorporation in sediments and mineralization and subsequent evasion of CO2 to the atmosphere. The major fluxes were riverine input (1500 Gg C year− 1), exchange with the Baltic Proper (depending on which of several possible DOC concentration differences between the basins that was used in the calculation, the flux varied between an outflow of 466 and an input of 950 Gg C year 1), sediment burial (1100 Gg C year− 1) and evasion to the atmosphere (3610 Gg C year− 1). The largest single net flux was the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere, mainly caused by bacterial mineralization of organic carbon. Input and output did not match in our budget which we ascribe uncertainties in the calculation of the exchange of organic carbon between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Proper, and the fact that CO2 emission, which in our calculation represented 1 year (2002) may have been overestimated in comparison with long-term means. We conclude that net heterotrophy of the Gulf of Bothnia was due to input of organic carbon from both the catchment and from the Baltic Proper and that the future degree of net heterotrophy will be sensible to both catchment export of organic carbon and to the ongoing eutrophication of the Baltic Proper.  相似文献   
The main task for heavy haul railway operators is to reduce the cost of exported minerals and enhance the long-term viability of rail transport operations through increasing productivity by running longer and heavier trains. The common opinion is that this is achievable by means of implementation of high adhesion locomotives with advanced AC traction technologies. Modern AC high adhesion locomotives are very complex mechatronic systems and can be designed with two alternative traction topologies of either bogie or individual axle controls. This paper describes a modelling approach for these two types of AC traction systems with the application of an advanced co-simulation methodology, where an electrical system and a traction algorithm are modelled in Matlab/Simulink, and a mechanical system is modelled in a multibody software package. Although the paper concentrates on the analysis of the functioning for these two types of traction control systems, the choice of reference slip values also has an influence on the performance of both systems. All these design variations and issues have been simulated for various adhesion conditions at the wheel–rail interface and their influence on the high traction performance of a locomotive equipped with two three-axle bogies has been discussed.  相似文献   
The paper compares PM10 concentrations in railroad environments with EU air quality standards and characterizes particle concentrations and particle properties in relation to train traffic. The results show that PM10 concentrations in ground-level railroad environments do not exceed the EU directive 24-h limit value, while on the platforms of the two subterranean stations PM10 concentrations were far above the outdoor limit value. Diurnal and weekly patterns in PM10 concentration could be identified, co-varying with train traffic intensity. The particle mass size distribution peaked at around 2-6 μm. The elemental composition of PM10 at the subterranean stations was dominated by Fe.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe how vehicle systems and the vehicle motion control are affected by automated driving on public roads. We describe the redundancy needed for a road vehicle to meet certain safety goals. The concept of system safety as well as system solutions to fault tolerant actuation of steering and braking and the associated fault tolerant power supply is described. Notably restriction of the operational domain in case of reduced capability of the driving automation system is discussed. Further we consider path tracking, state estimation of vehicle motion control required for automated driving as well as an example of a minimum risk manoeuver and redundant steering by means of differential braking. The steering by differential braking could offer heterogeneous or dissimilar redundancy that complements the redundancy of described fault tolerant steering systems for driving automation equipped vehicles. Finally, the important topic of verification of driving automation systems is addressed.  相似文献   
The paper is concerned incorporating landscapes’ ecological and cultural values in infrastructure planning. We focus on cultural heritage connectivity in the context of environmental impact statements in transportation infrastructure planning. Using a case study from south-central Sweden cultural heritage indicators from maps were defined, and a GIS-based automated search tool is developed for analysing cultural heritage connectivity from an antiquarian perspective. Analyses of cultural heritage connectivity can inform about the historical and/or present function of the landscape and its social and economic conditions. While this type of connectivity can be searched out using information from maps, a difficulty lies in communicating the knowledge in an interesting way to non-experts.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the optimal control of a vehicle, after a light impact during a traffic accident. To reduce the risk of secondary events, the control target is set: to minimize the maximum lateral deviation from the initial path. In previous analysis path control was achieved by the active control of individual wheel braking. The present paper examines potential benefits from the additional control of front steering angles. Numerical optimization is used to determine optimal control sequences for both actuator configurations. It is found that steering provides significant control benefits, though not for all post-impact kinematics. For all cases considered, the optimal control operates at the boundary of the control domain of available forces and moments. This domain is expanded when steering is available, and there exists an expanded range of conditions for which coupled control of yaw moments and lateral forces is the most effective control strategy. The sensitivity of vehicle response to the individual actuator controls is studied; it reveals this sensitivity is related to the actuator bandwidth and the lack of any dynamic cost in the longitudinal direction. This motivates a further analysis which includes longitudinal and lateral dynamics in the cost function. This is broadly related to real-world crash risks. Further, different versions of such cost functions are compared as a basis for implementation in a closed-loop controller.  相似文献   
Economic theory advocates marginal cost pricing for efficient utilisation of transport infrastructure. A growing body of literature has emerged on the issue of rail marginal infrastructure wear and tear costs, but the majority of the work is focused on costs for infrastructure maintenance. Railway track renewals are a substantial part of an infrastructure manager’s budget, but in disaggregated statistical analyses they cause problems for traditional regression models since there is a piling up of values of the dependent variable at zero. Previous econometric work has sought to circumvent the problem by aggregation in some way. In this paper we instead apply corner solution models to disaggregate (track-section) data, including the zero observations. We derive track renewal cost elasticities with respect to traffic volumes and in turn marginal renewal costs using Swedish railway renewal data over the period 1999–2009. This paper is the first attempt in the literature to apply corner solution models, and in particular the two-part model, to disaggregate renewal cost data in railways. It is also the first paper that we are aware of to report usage elasticities specifically for renewal costs and therefore adds important new evidence to the previous literature where there is a paucity of studies on renewals and considerable uncertainty over the effects of rail traffic on renewal costs. In the Swedish context, we find that the inclusion of marginal track renewal costs in the track access pricing regime, which currently only reflects marginal maintenance costs, would add substantially to the existing track access charge. EU legislation requires that access charges reflect the ‘costs directly incurred as a result of operating the train service’, which should include a marginal renewal cost component. This change would also increase the cost recovery ratio of the Swedish infrastructure manager, thus meeting a policy objective of the national government.  相似文献   
In most rail vehicle dynamics simulation packages, tangential solution of the wheel–rail contact is gained by means of Kalker's FASTSIM algorithm. While 5–25% error is expected for creep force estimation, the errors of shear stress distribution, needed for wheel–rail damage analysis, may rise above 30% due to the parabolic traction bound. Therefore, a novel algorithm named FaStrip is proposed as an alternative to FASTSIM. It is based on the strip theory which extends the two-dimensional rolling contact solution to three-dimensional contacts. To form FaStrip, the original strip theory is amended to obtain accurate estimations for any contact ellipse size and it is combined by a numerical algorithm to handle spin. The comparison between the two algorithms shows that using FaStrip improves the accuracy of the estimated shear stress distribution and the creep force estimation in all studied cases. In combined lateral creepage and spin cases, for instance, the error in force estimation reduces from 18% to less than 2%. The estimation of the slip velocities in the slip zone, needed for wear analysis, is also studied. Since FaStrip is as fast as FASTSIM, it can be an alternative for tangential solution of the wheel–rail contact in simulation packages.  相似文献   
A non-linear, dynamic rubber spring model is proposed. It mainly aims at representing the mechanical behaviour of rubber suspension components in rail vehicle dynamics. The model is one-dimensional, has five parameters and is based on a superposition of elastic, friction and viscous forces. The model is implemented in the computer packages MATLAB and GENSYS. Comparisons between model and measurement results for harmonic excitations show good agreement. A procedure to determine the model parameters from only two measured force-displacement loops is described. The model represents a reasonable compromise between accuracy and computational effort and should be a suitable tool in rail vehicle dynamics analysis.  相似文献   
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