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某大桥位于三峡库区,桥址所在河谷呈"U"形。桥型设计为预应力混凝土连续刚构,主墩基础采用高桩承台基础。由于三峡水库从2009年开始正式蓄水,水库常年蓄水位在145~175m之间变化,变幅达30m,在水库里进行大型桥梁的基础施工存在水深大、施工期水位变幅大等困难。大桥在水库高水位时(长江枯水期)采用固定式施工平台施工桩基础,在低水位时(长江汛期)下放钢吊箱围堰施工承台及桥墩。该方案安全性高,经济性好,工期短且易于保证。  相似文献   
在海洋平台施工过程中,桩基工程是一个重要环节。文中基于曹妃甸海上油田(CFD11-3/5)平台桩基工程为例,利用GRLWEAP进行了钢桩的可打入性分析,整个施工更加合理、顺利,预测出打桩工程中将会碰到问题,施工前就得到解决。并对打桩结果进行了对比分析,同时验证了分析的准确性。  相似文献   
The extending of a cantilever and transverse moving of a drilling floor enable the jack-up to operate in several well positions after the Jack-up has pitched. The cantilever allowable load nephogram is the critical reference which can evaluate the jack-up's drilling ability, design the cantilever structure and instruct a jack-up manager to make the operations safe. The intent of this paper is to explore the interrelationships between the cantilever position, drilling floor and the loads including wind force, the stand set-back weight etc., through analyzing the structure and load characteristics of the x-type cantilever and the simplified mechanics model with the restriction of the maximum moment capacity of the cantilever single side beam. Referring to several typical position designs load values, the cantilever allowable load nephogram is obtained by using the suitable interpolation method. The paper gives a method for cantilever allowable load design, which is proved reliable and effective by the calculation example.  相似文献   
为最大限度地发挥原有平面交叉口的通行能力、减少延误,解决城市道路平面信号交叉口交通瓶颈问题,基于交通流流体动力学模型模拟车队在交叉口的集结和消散过程,建立车流连续性方程,依据城市道路交叉口某一车道上的车速、流量、密度以及信号灯配时方案中的红灯时间,对拥挤度消散相关参数进行推算,利用MATLAB软件对计算结果进行仿真分析。结果表明,通过该方法计算拥挤度消散相关参数合理可行,根据拥挤车队持续时间进行信号灯配时方案优化,可减少二次排队的发生,为交叉口信号配时方案调整及优化提供理论依据及数据支持。  相似文献   
为满足水运需求,解决船闸引航道口门区受河段地形和涉河建筑物影响而导致的通航条件困难等问题,保障船舶安全通行,以抚河疏山水利枢纽船闸工程为例,采用数值模拟方法,对枢纽船闸上游引航道口门区通航条件进行计算分析,针对不良流态问题提出优化方案措施,并对方案前后枢纽通航条件进行对比分析。研究表明,调整船闸平面布置等措施对改善设计阶段的枢纽船闸上引航道口门区通航条件是有效的。研究成果可为抚河疏山水利枢纽船闸工程通航及其他类似河段工程提供技术支持。  相似文献   
对某建筑结构火灾中的受损情况进行了现场调查,并对火灾后的结构构件性能进行了检测。通过分析检验结果,综合评定了结构的受损情况,针对结构构件的受损情况分别制定了加固处理方案,加固后的结构完全能满足使用要求。此经验可为类似的建筑结构加固处理提供参考。  相似文献   
重型海洋工程起重机是海上作业不可缺少的重要工具,其用途极其广泛,起重机底座具有尺寸大,与底座环配合精度要求高的特点。以国内首制大型深水铺管起重船“海洋石油201”4000吨重型海洋工程起重机为模型,研究其底座建造工艺及其精度控制技术。  相似文献   
The water entry problem of an asymmetric wedge with roll motion was analyzed by the method of a modified Logvinovich model (MLM). The MLM is a kind of analytical model based on the Wagner method, which linearizes the free surface condition and body boundary condition. The difference is that the MLM applies a nonlinear Bernoulli equation to obtain pressure distribution, which has been proven to be helpful to enhance the accuracy of hydrodynamic loads. The Wagner condition in this paper was generalized to solve the problem of the water entry of a wedge body with rotational velocity. The comparison of wet width between the MLM and a fully nonlinear numerical approach was given, and they agree well with each other. The effect of angular velocity on the hydrodynamic loads of a wedge body was investigated.  相似文献   
重约5800t的主5号墩钢吊箱下放是苏通大桥工程的关键,由于其竖向刚度极大,吊点距离设置较近,所以控制难度极大。如果载荷控制不好,就会影响结构的安全。本文阐述了钢吊箱下放施工中载荷变化的控制试验研究,以及对于载荷跟踪,所做的仿真。  相似文献   
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