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防灾安全监控系统主要是针对危及客运专线列车安全的自然灾害(风、雨)、异物侵限及非法侵入进行监测报警,提供经处理后的灾害预警、限速、停运等信息。它为列车调度员进行列车运行计划调整,发布行车限速、抢险救援等命令提供依据,保证列车运行安全。 相似文献
HAVAL is a hash function proposed by Zheng et al. in 1992, including 3-, 4- and 5-pass versions. We improve pseudo-preimage
and preimage attacks on 3-pass HAVAL at the complexity of 2172 and 2209.6, respectively, as compared to the previous best known results: 2192 and 2225 by Sasaki et al. in 2008. We extend the skip interval for partial-patching and apply the initial structure technique to find
the better message chunks, and combine the indirect-partial-matching, partial-fixing and multi-neutral-word partial-fixing
techniques to improve the attacks based on the meet-in-the-middle method. These are the best pseudo-preimage and preimage
attacks on 3-pass HAVAL. 相似文献
对铁路建设项目投资时序进行了探讨,提出投资时滞这一新的概念。介绍了铁路建设项目投资时滞的计算,介绍了铁路建设项目投资时滞的计算方法,并结合实例进行了计算。 相似文献
Multivariate hash functions are a type of hash functions whose compression function is explicitly defined as a sequence of multivariate equations. Billet et al designed the hash function MQ-HASH and Ding et al proposed a similar construction. In this paper, we analyze the security of multivariate hash functions and conclude that low degree multivariate functions such as MQ-HASH are neither pseudo-random nor unpredictable. There may be trivial collisions and fixed point attacks if the parameters of the compression ftmction have been chosen. And they are also not computation-resistance, which makes MAC forgery easily. 相似文献
人气crossover SUV斯巴鲁森林人,新添了2.5升自然吸气引擎车型。从前只有稍微孱弱的2.0升自然吸气型号,以及性能取向的2.5T涡轮增压型号。从今以后,阵容均衡齐整了很多。 相似文献