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The paper presents a modeling framework for dynamic activity scheduling. The modeling framework considers random utility maximization (RUM) assumption for its components in order to capture the joint activity type, location and continuous time expenditure choice tradeoffs over the course of the day. The dynamics of activity scheduling process are modeled by considering the history of activity participation as well as changes in time budget availability over the day. For empirical application, the model is estimated for weekend activity scheduling using a dataset (CHASE) collected in Toronto in 2002–2003. The data set classifies activities into nine general categories. For the empirical model of a 24-h weekend activity scheduling, only activity type and time expenditure choices are considered. The estimated empirical model captures many behavioral details and gives a high degree of fit to the observed weekend scheduling patterns. Some examples of such behavioral details are the effects of time of the day on activity type choice for scheduling and on the corresponding time expenditure; the effects of travel time requirements on activity type choice for scheduling and on the corresponding time expenditure, etc. Among many other findings, the empirical model reveals that on the weekend the utility of scheduling Recreational activities for later in the day and over a longer duration of time is high. It also reveals that on the weekend, Social activity scheduling is not affected by travel time requirements, but longer travel time requirements typically lead to longer-duration social activities.  相似文献   
Presenteeism research has only recently extended from a construct capturing lost productivity due to attending work despite health issues to a construct representing students’ perceived academic performance. Aligning with presenteeism’s prevalent research paradigm, the pioneering studies used health-related issues to measure presenteeism. In contrast, this study used the Presenteeism and Perceived Academic Performance (PPAP) Scale, which the researcher developed for this study. The PPAP Scale comprises aspects of student behavior that support academic performance. This study filled gaps in the literature by investigating presenteeism as a concept associated with students’ perceived academic performance, measured with the PPAP Scale, and factors specific to maritime education. The factors investigated were self-identified by the study respondents, in sufficient numbers to support statistical analysis, as favorably (i.e., cruise and license/maritime instruction) or negatively (i.e., mandatory regimental activity, taps, morning or afternoon formations, and watch) impacting their academic performance. This study found no statistical evidence to suggest the level of presenteeism, measured with the PPAP Scale, among the study’s sample of license students is associated with factors perceived to favorably or negatively impact academic performance. Additional insight can be gained from license student participants’ responses to the study’s open-ended questions (e.g., a perceived imbalance between time available to allocate to their academics and time needed to fulfill regimental responsibilities).  相似文献   
In a previous study, it was found that cargo tank operations like cleaning and venting, lead to higher cargo vapor concentrations around the ship’s superstructure. Can wind tunnel experiments confirm these findings? Is there an improvement when using higher outlets at high velocities compared to lower outlets with a low outlet velocity? Is there a relation between relative wind speed and measured concentration? These questions were investigated in the Peutz wind tunnel. By using a tracer gas for the wind tunnel experiments, concentration coefficients have been calculated for various settings. The study shows that using high-velocity outlets is an efficient way to keep concentrations as low as possible. The only exception is for relative wind directions from the bow. In this last case using a manhole as ventilation outlet leads to lower concentrations. With increasing wind speeds the building downwash effect resulted in higher concentration coefficients near the main deck. This study confirms our on-board measurements and suggests the lowering of the ventilation inlet of the accommodation, so that the high-velocity outlet can be used safely at all times.  相似文献   
Strategies of fuel consumption onboard ships are of one of the crucial issues in marine shipping industry. Many of the relevant authorities maritime domain gave great interesting to that issue, either through research that discussed the impact of marine fuel consumption on the environment and economy of ships or through practical experiments’ that are made by marine engine manufacturers. Over the years, many solutions have been put forward to overcome this problem while maintaining the amount of goods transported globally at the same transfer rate and ship speed. The present paper sheds light on many of the methods used currently to reach this purpose. It is explained that applying a certain fuel-saving strategy will rely on some of the factors, especially the type of ship. Mainly two methods including: shore-side power and cold out of heat strategies have been investigated regarding adaption, economic, and environmental issues in case of applying onboard high-speed passenger ships.  相似文献   
Vertical flux of particulate material was recorded with moored sediment traps during 1988/1989 in the Greenland Sea at 72°N, 10°W. This region exhibits pronounced seasonal variability in ice cover. Annual fluxes at 500 m water depth were 22. 79, 8.55, 2.39, 3.81 and 0.51 g m−2 for total flux (dry weight), carbonate particulate biogenic silicate, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Fluxes increased in April, maximum rates of all compounds occurred in May–June, and consistently high total flux rates of around 100 mg m−2d−1 prevailed the summer. The increasing flux of biogenic particles measured in April is indicative of an early onset of algal growth in spring. Small pennate diatoms dominated in the trap collections during April, and were still numerous during the high flux period when Thalassiosira species were the most abundant diatoms. During May–June, up to 22% of the Thalassiosira cells collected were viable-looking cells. The faecal pellet flux increased after the May–June event. Therefore we conclude that the diatoms settled as phytodetritus, most likely in rapidly sinking aggregates. From seasonal nutrient profiles it is concluded that diatoms contribute 25% to new production during spring and 50% on an annual basis. More than 50% of newly produced silicate particles are dissolved above the 500 m horizon. High new production during spring does not lead to a pronounced sedimentation pulse of organic matter during spring but elevated vertical export is observed during the entire growth period.  相似文献   
铸造高冲击强度的球铁时,获得持续稳定的结果是非常重要的,尤其是考虑到确保零件在使用末期的使用性能时.例如:在汽车业,必须保证所提供的铸造零件能经得起实际工况,例如寒冷的天气下在坑洼地带其连续冲击的性能.铸造厂最根本的问题是辨别哪里可能存在潜在的断裂源并在铸件"上路"前消除它们.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development and application of a 3-dimensional model of the barotropic and baroclinic circulation on the continental shelf west of Vancouver Island, Canada. A previous study with a 2D barotropic model and field data revealed that several tidal constituents have a significant baroclinic component (the K1 in particular). Thus we embarked on another study with a 3D model to study the baroclinic effects on the residual and several selected tidal constituents.The 3D model uses a harmonic expansion in time and a finite element discretization in space. All nonlinear terms are retained, including quadratic bottom stress, advection and wave transport (continuity nonlinearity). The equations are solved as a global and a local problem, where the global problem is the solution of the wave equation formulation of the shallow water equations, and the local problem is the solution of the momentum equation for the vertical velocity profile. These equations are coupled to the advection-diffusion equation for density so that density gradient forcing is included in the momentum equations. However, the study presented here describes diagnostic calculations for the baroclinic residual circulation only.The model is sufficiently efficient that it encourages sensitivity testing with a large number of model runs. In this sense, the model is akin to an extension of analytical solutions to the domain of irregular geometry and bottom topography where this parameter space can be explored in some detail.In particular, the consequences of the sigma coordinate system used by the model are explored. Test cases using an idealized representation of the continental shelf, shelf break and shelf slope, lead to an estimation of the velocity errors caused by interpolation errors inherent in the sigma coordinate system. On the basis of these estimates, the computational grid used in the 2D model is found to have inadequate resolution. Thus a new grid is generated with increased accuracy in the region of the shelf break. However, even with increased resolution, spurious baroclinic circulation seaward of the shelf break and in the vicinity of Juan de Fuca canyon remained a significant problem when the pressure gradient terms were evaluated using the σ coordinate system and using a realistic density profile.With the new grid, diagnostic calculations of the barotropic and baroclinic residual circulation are performed using forcing from the observed σt (density) field and from the gradient of this field.  相似文献   
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