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OGFC为开级配沥青混合料,主要由粗集料嵌挤组成,在世界各地越来越广泛地用于铺筑路面.OGFC混合料可以增大路表面渗透性,减少噪音,增强表面摩擦力,尤其是在潮湿条件下.该文主要研究不同外加剂对OGFC路用性能的影响,其混合料分别由再生聚乙烯改性沥青(RPEB)、橡胶粉改性沥青(CRMB)和70#基质沥青+纤维与矿料拌和而成.并分别采用析漏试验、肯塔堡飞散试验、渗水试验、劈裂试验、静态模量试验,车辙试验和抗滑试验评估OGFC混合料的路用性能.结果表明:纤维和聚合物可以有效地减小OGFC离析的可能性,混合料每面击实50次能相应地提高磨耗性和其他相关的性能.改性沥青混合料的抗拉强度比(TSR)低于纤维+基质沥青混合料的抗拉强度比.  相似文献   
该文进行了一个三维有限元参数量化的粘弹性路面响应研究,由于不同的轮胎配置:双轮和宽基轮胎在3种温度(5、25和40℃)和两种速度(8、72 km/h);还有影响路面响应的3种因素:移动车轮荷载幅值(连续,梯形),层间界面条件(简单的摩擦和粘弹性模型)和横向力共同对路面响应的影响进行了研究.研究发现连续加载幅值,不但可以模拟路面对运动轮荷载的响应,并且是一种比目前使用的梯形荷载幅值更准确的研究模型.粘弹性模型极大地提高了双轮胎对预测路面的响应,而简单的摩擦模型更接近宽基轮胎的实地测量.侧向剪力是积极改善预测轮底的表面磨损和底部热拌沥青(沥青)基层的较小程度上的应变.研究表明:使用连续加载幅值和非均匀压力分布模拟移动轮,侧向剪切力和适当的界面摩擦可显著改善有限元模型对车辆加载路面响应的预测能力.  相似文献   
Port economics, management and policy have progressively emerged as a distinctive research field, and a core part of maritime economics. This paper provides an analysis of all the 267 port studies published in Maritime Policy & Management (MPM) since its inception in 1973. This paper provides a content analysis for seven interrelated research theme categories including main research topics and methods, authorship distribution and citation counts. It is demonstrated that MPM played, and continues to play, a key role in publishing research on seaports. The published research increasingly applies established analytical frameworks to ports. The paper concludes with a discussion on current challenges for port-related research.  相似文献   
It is often the case that the investor in the shipping sector faces the dilemma of investing in a second-hand vessel or building a new one. This happens because an active second-hand market for almost all kinds of vessels exists. We argue that one of the prime considerations for the investment decision should not be the price of the vessel per se, second-hand (SH) or newly built (NP) but
  • ?(a)?the relative price ratio (SH/NP) second-hand price over the new building price and

  • ?(b)?the movement of this ratio.

We investigate the determinants of this ratio across different vessel sizes in the tanker sector and show that it can be used as an effective tool in investment decision as well as in asset appraisal.

We employ monthly data between 1995 and 2006 for four different ship sizes–VLCC, Suezmax, Aframax and Handysize–and implement an error correction model.

The investment decision depends on a number of risk and return variables as well as the perceived speed of adjustment of the price ratio to its equilibrium level.

Overall we claim that the cyclicality of the shipping sector together with expectations formed by the agents operating in it (the entrepreneur, the ship-owner and the broker), determine the movement of the ratio and hence the decision of the entrepreneur.  相似文献   
Marine invertebrate species have usually been overlooked in favor of high-profile vertebrate species for facilitating dialogue towards area conservation. The northern abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) is proposed as a focal ("flagship") species whose protection and recovery could concentrate public concern for abalone and its associated kelp forest ecosystems in Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. I explain how issues of culture, commerce, and conservation unite to create a strong role for northern abalone in preparations for creating a large marine conservation area within Haida Gwaii. Culture is relevant, as local indigenous people (the Haida) are currently denied access to constitutionally established subsistence fishing rights for northern abalone. Commerce is involved as ongoing kelp forest-associated fisheries co-occur with northern abalone. Finally, this is a challenging precedent in Canadian marine conservation, as restoring two "listed" species- at risk (northern abalone and their predator, the sea otter (Enhydra lutris)) is potentially mutually exclusive. As part of the forthcoming public consultations towards establishing a marine conservation area, the opportunity provided by northern abalone to focus ideas and values should be seized.  相似文献   
Beach “nourishment” consists of placing sand on an eroding beach. The widened beach provides increased storm protection to adjacent structures and improved recreational benefits, but is most often transient, requiring on-going, repeated nourishment episodes. Numerical models of beach nourishment typically address such questions as how long a widened beach will last; economic models compare the benefits and costs of preserving a stretch of beach without regard to its geomorphic evolution. Neither have addressed the physical nor economic interactions between adjacent nourishing communities. Here, we couple a numerical model of coastline evolution and a cost-benefit model of beach nourishment, allowing adjacent communities to make dynamic nourishment decisions. Beach nourishment benefits adjacent communities both “updrift” and “downdrift.” The total amount of money spent on nourishment activities can decrease by as much as 25% when adjacent communities both conduct on-going nourishment projects, as opposed to the case where each community nourishes in isolation.  相似文献   
Findings are reported of the VALCOAST project that had as one of its research objectives to ascertain: (a) stakeholder willingness to participate and cooperate in coastal management (CM), given local and national CM practices; and (b) stakeholder assessment of the "accessibility" and "friendliness" of current CM processes. The project involved case studies and stakeholder interviews in Belgium, Greece, Spain, and the UK. Major findings include: (1) most stakeholders are willing to cooperate in three out of the four case areas, but not to the same extent; (2) the participating "officials" in the case studies are expecting the stakeholders to be less willing to cooperate than the latter indicate; (3) stakeholders in all case studies do not expect to be heard by those responsible for CM, find it difficult to learn about the relevant institutional arrangements, and consider the communication of the objectives and anticipated impacts of CM policies to be inadequate. It is concluded that the strong evidence of stakeholders' potential willingness to cooperate in local initiatives is very encouraging for a devolved, regional approach to European Union coastal management policies, provided that this potential is capitalized upon in such policy processes.  相似文献   
Recent transport sector liberalisation, as well as global economic crisis, is favouring the implementation of transport infrastructure projects through Public–Private Partnerships (PPP). However, there is a debate as to whether PPP schemes are a better option than conventional procurement. To this end, an evaluation framework is proposed, to assess which of these two alternative schemes for transport projects financing is preferable for the public. The proposed framework is complimentary to the Value for Money (VfM) approach and is based on a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA). The first step is the estimation of the Public Sector Comparator (PSC) for the case of conventional procurement, dealing with construction, maintenance and operation costs revenues, as well as any costs associated with risks undertaken by the public. As for the PPP case, it includes any payments by the public sector and related risks costs. The MCA is then applied only if the PPP is found preferable for the public sector. The latter considers additional impacts, including among others the social attributes of a particular scheme, job creation, environmental impacts and safety and security aspects. The proposed framework was applied to a pilot Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor infrastructure project in the city of Indore, India, in order to demonstrate its validity. The framework and its application could provide useful guidance when considering PPP for a transport project, since it demonstrates in a transparent way the society's attitude towards this project, something that is critical to its acceptance.  相似文献   
This paper compares recent experiences in contract negotiation and subsequent commitment in public air services with the bus industry. The heart of the paper is a survey of European and Australian regional airlines, which we mirror with revealed experiences of bus operators. We aim to identify a number of elements in the contracting regimes that have exposed ambiguity and significant gaps in what the principal (e.g., transport department) expected, and what the agent (airline or bus operator) believed they were obliged to deliver. Ultimately airline and bus services are similar in that public authorities procure transport services that are desirable for the society but would be unprofitable without government involvement. In both sectors (theoretically fairly similar) public transport contracts are used, and those usually include obligations and performance measurements. In terms of similarities, one of the surveyed contract details that had a perceived high clarity in both industries was “payment procedures” and amongst those with rather poor clarity was also in both industries “incentives to improve performance and grow patronage”. We also show differences between regional air services and bus operations with regard to performance measurement and pre-specified obligations. Because of the strong safety culture around air services we find that regulation and trusting partnerships are even more important to aviation than to the bus sector. Because of the high level of trust but also because of simpler and more complete contracts in aviation, there is much less (re-)negotiation going on compared to the bus operations.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to analyse the changes in productivity of the Taiwan Bus Transit System (TBTS) before and after the execution of the ‘Alternatives for Promoting the Development of the Public Transportation Sectors’ (APDPTS), which is designed to provide a better operating environment for the public transport sector in the provision of public transit services. We use a decomposition of the Malmquist productivity index to locate the sources of productivity growth, namely technical change and efficiency change. The former is further decomposed into an output bias, an input bias and a magnitude term to test neutrality. The latter is also decomposed into changes in pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. In our case, between the pre‐ and post‐APDPTS periods, the efficiency increased only marginally. As a result of a five‐year enhancement programme, the technical regress slowed down slightly, and inward neutral shifts of a transformation frontier were interpreted as being the main contributor to technical regress. In particular, evidence of biased technical change was found, i.e., the effects of output capability increased slightly, but the efficient use of inputs declined during the post‐APDPTS period.  相似文献   
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