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This paper discusses the aesthetic and ecological effects of highways. Little is known about the subject at the present time, and thus this treatment cannot be considered in any sense definitive.Part I offers a definition of aesthetic quality and considers its relevance to highway planning. It is noted that, although the principles of rural freeway design (curvilinear alignments, variable medians, etc.) generally accord with the aesthetic character of rural areas, freeways are infinitely more difficult to integrate aesthetically into urban areas. Comparisons are made in this regard among basic types of freeways.Part II notes that the effect of man's presence on the earth's ecology has resulted in new systems and processes to which man is now subject. Highways, as works of man, affect him and his environment in ways which are known only imperfectly. Nevertheless, there are steps which can be taken to minimize the more obvious forms of damage to the environment which can result from highway building.Part III discusses procedures for incorporating aesthetic and ecological considerations into highway planning. No method yet proposed is in itself sufficient, and none leads to a decision on an objective basis. A generally acceptable method must await further research. In the meantime, every effort must be made to assure full and fair consideration of environmental effects on an ad hoc basis.  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors outline the structure of liner shipping systems with special emphasis on the question of whether feeder services are superior in economic terms to the more traditional and commonly-used multi-port-calling system. They describe the theoretical advantages of the former over the latter, and develop a model by which the optimal conditions both operate in may be determined. This model is then applied to a real situation to ascertain whether the theory works in practice. They conclude that the shuuttle/feeder system is worthwhile only in exceptional circumstances when specific route characteristics—low trade density; hinterland generated cargo; inland position of port; and heavy congestion—coexist. Despite the expense of multi-port-calling, it remains the most practical solution to the thin trade problem.  相似文献   
This article considers microgenetic algorithms (GAs), which explore in a small population with a few genetic operators, for cutting-path optimization problems. The major difference between GAs and simple genetic algorithms (SGAs) is how to make a reproductive plan for an improved searching technique because of population choice. It is shown that GAs implementation reaches the near-optimal region much earlier than the SGAs approach, and the GAs give a better solution than simulated annealing (SA). The main objective was to determine what temperature distribution can be obtained from the solution of a travelling distributed heat source. The solution of the travelling heat source on nested raw plate provides information about the vertices of each nested part of the raw plate. From the fact that the initial temperature at a piercing point strongly depends on the heat flow which stems from the previous cutting contour, the temperature of all piercing points must be lower than the critical temperature after each cutting of the components of a part. The critical temperature is identified as the mechanical melting temperature of steels. A heuristic back-tracking method is introduced to find the near-optimum cutting path considering the minimum heat effect on deformation. The heuristic back-tracking method is incorporated with the GAs.  相似文献   
ClassNK has undertaken wide-ranging basic research covering many aspects related to the safety of ship structures, including design loads, structural analysis, strength assessment of buckling, collapse, and fatigue, and rational corrosion margins to develop new design standards which have transparency and consistency. Among the wide-ranging basic research, this article summarizes the results of extensive work on the design loads used for strength assessments of tanker and bulk carrier structures. The main aim of the research was to develop practical estimation methods of design loads with rational technical backgrounds relating to the actual loads acting on the primary structural members of tankers and bulk carriers. During this study, we proposed the following methodology. Design sea states that closely resemble the actual sea states which are considered to be the most severe for hull structures. Find practical estimation methods for the design sea states by parametric studies using the results of series calculations on representative tankers and bulk carriers. Find practical estimation methods for design regular waves which will result in the same level of stresses as those induced in irregular waves under the design sea states. We also briefly introduced some practical estimation methods for the design loads, such as ship motions, accelerations, hull-girder bending moments, and hydrodynamic pressures that are induced under design regular waves. The findings in this study have been summarized and implemented in the new design standards for tanker and bulk carrier structures.Updated from the Japanese original which won the 2003 SNAJ prize (J Soc Nav Archit Jpn 2002; 191:195–207; 2002; 191:208–220; and 2002; 192:723–733)  相似文献   
In order to prevent the spread of marine compartment fires, it is necessary to understand the governing factors or characteristics of fire-spread phenomena. We present a pseudofield model approach to this problem. We first described a field model of turbulent heat convection based on a standard k – turbulence model. Two-dimensional numerical simulations of a two-linked compartment fire were carried out in order to predict the turbulent convection flow induced by the heat released from the fire. Then a more complicated fire-spread problem of multilinked compartment fires was analyzed by means of a zone model, in which the amounts of oxygen consumption and gas generation were solved by a gas-balance equations system. The effect of threshold conditions on fire propagation and the effect of the thickness of the heat insulation were investigated with numerical simulations.  相似文献   
A huge floating offshore platform (359m long, 60m wide, and 3m deep) was towed into the Pacific Ocean for a validation experiment for a floating airport. Full-scale measurements of towline tension and the bending strain on the upper-deck were made during towing. The measured bending moment agreed well with numerical calculation without taking the draught and towing speed into consideration.  相似文献   
A stress intensity factor (SIF) measurement method for cracks using a piezoelectric element and an electrostatic voltmeter is presented. In this method, an isotropic piezoelectric element is first attached near the tip of the crack. Then surface electrodes are attached to three different positions on the piezoelectric element. The electric potentials of the surface electrodes, which are proportional to the sum of the stress ( x + y ) on the structural member, are measured by an electrostatic voltmeter during load cycling. The mode I and mode II SIFs of the crack are estimated using the relationship between the SIF and ( x + y ). The applicability of the proposed method is examined through experiments and numerical analysis.  相似文献   
The selection of marine equipment is a time-consuming process for a ship outfitting designer. The inefficiency originates from the paper-based exchange of design information between shipyards and equipment manufacturers. We propose a method to exchange equipment models for electronic commerce. Shipyard practices were investigated to find out how the outfitting CAD library is being used. We also surveyed international standards for the exchange of digital equipment models, and analyzed the macroparametric methodology. We propose a hybrid method to represent the geometric information using STEP AP203 or the macroparametric method. The nongeometric information is defined according to the Parts Library (PLIB) standard. We implement a pilot system and test it with a ship design data set. The equipment model proposed can be used in the design process with heterogeneous shipbuilding CAD systems. The equipment model can improve the design and purchase process in shipyards.  相似文献   
Plaut  Pnina O. 《Transportation》2004,31(2):229-255
The paper focuses on the socioeconomic characteristics of workers at home and those who walk to work and these are compared with commuters (those who travel to work by motorized transportation). Understanding of such characteristics of these people is useful for purposes of designing policies that encourage these forms of "travel" to work, if it is believed desirable for planning or environmental purposes. For example, subsidizing public transportation may also have an impact on the proclivity to work at home or walk to work. Using a large census data set for Israel, separate subsamples are analyzed for heads of household and for their spouses. Metropolitan areas as well as peripheral urbanized areas are analyzed separately. Logit analysis is used to identify those variables that affect the likelihood of different groups of people to walk to work or to work at home.It is shown that walkers to work tend to be lower-income, less-educated people with lower asset ownership rates. Females are overrepresented amongst them, while "high-status" professionals are underrepresented. Workers at home appear to be a more complex group. They tend to have higher levels of education and wealth than commuters, but earn less on average. They include proportionately more females. The likelihood of working at home increases with home size and with ownership of some durable goods. The workers at home may in fact be comprised of two or more differing groups with contrasting characteristics, one higher-income and higher-educated, the other with lower socio-economic indicators. Because they may be a heterogeneous group, development of planning policies to encourage non-vehicle commuting may require different policy tools for the different subgroups.  相似文献   
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