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The household travel survey (HTS) finds itself in the midst of rapid technological change. Traditional methods are increasingly being sidelined by digital devices and computational power—for tracking movements, automatically detecting modes and activities, facilitating data collection, etc.. Smartphones have recently emerged as the latest technological enhancement. FMS is a smartphone-based prompted-recall HTS platform, consisting of an app for sensor data collection, a backend for data processing and inference, and a user interface for verification of inferences (e.g., modes, activities, times, etc.). FMS, has been deployed in several cities of the global north, including Singapore. This paper assesses the first use of FMS in a city of the global south, Dar es Salaam. FMS in Dar was implemented over a 1-month period, among 581 adults chosen from 300 randomly selected households. Individuals were provided phones with data plans and the FMS app preloaded. Verification of the collected data occurred every 3 days, via a phone interview. The experiment reveals various social and technical challenges. Models of individual likelihood to participate suggest little bias. Several socioeconomic and demographic characteristics apparently do influence, however, the number of days fully verified per individual. Similar apparent biases emerge when predicting the likelihood of a given day being verified. Some risk of non-random, non-response is, thus, evident.  相似文献   
Surveys of behavior could benefit from information about people’s relative ranking of choice alternatives. Rank ordered data are often collected in stated preference surveys where respondents are asked to rank hypothetical alternatives (rather than choose a single alternative) to better understand their relative preferences. Despite the widespread interest in collecting data on and modeling people’s preferences for choice alternatives, rank-ordered data are rarely collected in travel surveys and very little progress has been made in the ability to rigorously model such data and obtain reliable parameter estimates. This paper presents a rank ordered probit modeling approach that overcomes limitations associated with prior approaches in analyzing rank ordered data. The efficacy of the rank ordered probit modeling methodology is demonstrated through an application of the model to understand preferences for alternative configurations of autonomous vehicles (AV) using the 2015 Puget Sound Regional Travel Study survey data set. The methodology offers behaviorally intuitive model results with a variety of socio-economic and demographic characteristics, including age, gender, household income, education, employment and household structure, significantly influencing preference for alternative configurations of AV adoption, ownership, and shared usage. The ability to estimate rank ordered probit models offers a pathway for better utilizing rank ordered data to understand preferences and recognize that choices may not be absolute in many instances.  相似文献   
This paper presents a modified lateral control method for an autonomous vehicle with both look-ahead and look-down sensing systems. To cope with sensor noise and modeling uncertainty in the lateral control of the vehicle, a modified LMI-based H lateral controller was proposed, which uses the look-ahead information of the lateral offset error measured at the front of vehicle and the look-down information of the vehicle yaw angle error between the reference lane and the centerline of the vehicle. To verify the safety and the performance of the lateral control, a scaled-down vehicle was developed, and the positioning of the vehicle was estimated with USAT. The proposed controller, which uses both look-ahead and look-down information, was tested for lane changing and reference lane tracking with both simulation and experiment. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed controller has better tracking and handling performance compared with a controller that uses only the look-ahead information of the target heading angle error.  相似文献   
For electromagnetic governing equations formulated by magnetic vector potential and electric scalar potential, its detailed numerical implementation is achieved by using meshless method and Galerkin approach. And essential boundary and interface condition of electromagnetic field are imposed by means of Lagrange multiplier method. Furthermore, the influences of interpolation point number at essential boundary and interface on computational results are also discussed. Examples are given to validate the effects of meshless method and Lagrange multiplier approach for electromagnetic field.  相似文献   
It has been a focus of debate for a large time on construction methods for large-span loess tunnel. Reasonable construction method has much effect on stability of tunnel and construction schedule. Deformation and failure of surrounding rock are quite complex. Associating with the large-span loess tunnel of Zhengzhou—Xi’an high-speed passenger rail line in China, large scale model test with geometric proportion 1:20 is applied to study on dynamic mechanical behavior of various construction methods. They include full-face excavation with support and no support, and benching method with support. It is found that pre-deformation and stress accumulation take place ahead of working face. The effects of three construction methods are further studied, particularly in terms of tunnel displacement and stress changes. It is revealed that benching method transfers load to an unexcavated area, limits horizontal deformation, reduces stress concentration effectively, lengthens the distance between location of peak for stress concentration and working face, and consequently increases stability. The model test results not only supply theoretical foundation for determination of reasonable construction method, but also can act as reference for similar tunnel and underground engineering construction.  相似文献   
In the field of 3D model matching and retrieval, an effective method for feature extraction is spherical harmonic or its mutations, and is acted on the spherical images. But the obtainment of spherical images from 3D models is very time-consuming, which greatly restrains the responding speed of such systems. In this paper, we propose a quantitative evaluation of the whole process and give a detailed two-sided analysis based on the comparative size between pixels and voxels. The experiments show that the resultant optimized parameters are fit for the practical application and exhibit a satisfactory performance.  相似文献   
As an army main battle equipment, it is required that the tank should have high firing accuracy and high first round hit probability during marching. The initial disturbance of the projectile is the premier factor that takes effect on the marching fire accuracy of the tank. And the marching fire accuracy of the tank depends on the launch dynamics behaviors of the tank. In this paper, the launch dynamics theory of a tank marching fire is studied, and its launch dynamics model is established. Based on the transfer matrix method for multibody system(MSTMM) and the automatic deduction theorem of overall transfer equations, the overall transfer equation and the overall transfer matrix of a tank multibody system are deduced; the launch dynamics equations of the tank marching fire are deduced, and the dynamic response of the tank system, the motion of projectile in barrel, the initial disturbance of the projectile and the vertical target dispersion are exactly simulated; meanwhile, the results of simulation are verified by tests. This work provides both theoretical foundation and simulation approaches for improving the marching fire accuracy of the tank.  相似文献   
An adaptive sliding mode controller with a disturbance observer (ASMC-DO) is proposed for the control of a single-input and single-output (SISO) servo system which has uncertain parameters, nonlinear friction, disturbance and input saturation. It is difficult to choose the suitable value of the parameters. The newly designed adaptive method is used to reduce the effects of system time-varying parameters, such as the moment of inertia and the damp coefficient. The robustness of object is improved. A DO is selected to approximate the compound disturbance and to render the estimate error convergent in finite time. The stability and the convergence of the closed-loop system are proved by using the Lyapunov theory. Experimental results show that the proposed ASMC-DO can better satisfy the influence of variable parameters and external disturbance to the control precision of the SISO servo system than other two controllers. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is showed. The control input stability and robust performances of the input saturation system are enhanced and the chattering is reduced.  相似文献   
Application of digital image correlation (DIC) method to determination of in-situ dynamic strain is presented in this study. Firstly, an integrative software is programmed based on the DIC algorithms and point-wise least-squares fitting technique. Then, simulated speckle images are generated to study the computational accuracy of this software. The experimental setup and procedures for measuring in-situ dynamic strain through both DIC and strain gauge are proposed. The DIC results are close to those measured by strain gauge. This fact reveals that DIC is a practical and effective tool for in-situ dynamic strain measurement. Finally, the full-field in-situ dynamic strain of another specimen is measured by DIC, and the overall distribution of the strain in the measurement area is clearly shown.  相似文献   
The paper aims at the problem of multi-targets threat degree being hard to be evaluated accurately in complex air defense battlefield environments. Combined with multi-sensors information fusion and interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFS) theories, the target priority determination is studied. The score and accuracy functions of IVIFS are improved with thinking about the hesitating information in order to increase the rationality. Then, the influence factors of target priority and the nonlinear relationship between the influence factors and target priority are analyzed. Next, the algorithms for calculating the factor weights and sensor weights are given. Based on the theory of IVIFS and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS), two methods of target priority determination based on the IVIFS and TOPSIS are proposed. At last, an application example verifies the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   
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