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Structural pipe-in-pipe cross sections have significant potential for application in offshore oil and gas production systems because they combine thermal insulation performance with structural strength and self weight in an integrated way. Such cross sections comprise inner and outer thin-walled pipes with the annulus between them fully filled by a selectable filler material to impart an appropriate combination of properties. Structural pipe-in-pipe cross sections can exhibit several different collapse mechanisms, and the basis of the preferential occurrence of one over the others is of interest. This article presents an exact analysis for predicting the elastic buckling behaviours of a structural pipe-in-pipe cross section when subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. Simplified approximations are also investigated for elastic buckling pressure and mode when the outer pipe and its contact with the filler material is considered as a pipe on an elastic foundation. Results are presented to show the variation of elastic buckling pressure with the relative elastic modulus of the filler and pipe materials, the filler thickness, and the thicknesses of the inner and outer pipes. Case studies based on realistic application scenarios are used to show that the simplified approximations are sufficiently accurate for practical structural design purposes.  相似文献   
在通用压机上生产类似全纤维曲轴一类锻件的先进工艺为多向镦锻法。本文设计的新型增力式多向钮锻装置,在锻造接近结束时,可以增大水平锹粗力,其增力效果超过传统的RR锻造法及TR锻造法。  相似文献   
针对高速列车风阻制动试验方法缺少统一标准的问题,从气动特性和装置工作特性两方面系统梳理了风阻制动的相关成果与进展;分析了风翼板形状、尺寸、安装位置和间距对气动特性的影响,装置结构、工作原理和配置对工作特性的影响,阐明了制动系统性能的试验需求;分析了风阻制动对车上其他设备、轮轨/磁浮列车运行稳定性、气动噪声的影响,阐明了风阻制动运行影响性的试验需求;分析了物体撞击、平均风载荷和脉动风载荷对风阻制动装置的影响,以及风阻制动装置安装对车体结构强度的影响,阐明了风阻制动结构强度的试验需求。研究结果表明:随着新型复合材料风翼板的应用,需采用高速摄影机记录等方式获取更详细的鸟撞试验过程信息;风载荷试验便于模拟验证不同运行工况下装置的制动能力、强度和气动噪声,但受空间和成本的限制,难以进行制动系统和车体的试验;线路试验可以验证制动性能、运行影响性和结构强度,但受天气条件影响,难以模拟所有运行工况,未来需进一步研究风阻制动的标准试验方法,探索不同装置位置、运行工况和故障状态下地面风载荷试验和线路试验模拟方法,完善试验结果的评价标准。  相似文献   
对交通事故持续时间分析的发展现状进行了综述.首先简要介绍了交通事故的定义,事故种类和交通事故管理系统,并分析了交通事故持续时间的统计分布.然后,对最近应用的几种主要的交通事故持续时间的分析方法及结论进行了概述.主要包括:方差分析,线性回归,非参数回归,决策树法,hazard duration method,模糊逻辑.主要的结论包括;大量的研究发现交通事故持续时间的分布形状是向左偏斜的钟型分布.交通事故数据采集标准化是事故分析中非常重要的环节.传统的统计分析方法处理不完整的数据有局限性.最后,本文提出了将来的发展方向,包括应用人工智能方法建立事故持续时间模型,及建立交通事故数据库标准.  相似文献   
文章提出高职院校在人才培养过程中应当利用隐性课程的优势作用,提高高职学生的道德水平和人文素养,将人文精神培育和职业能力培养结合起来,从物质、精神、制度三个层面建设高职院校隐性课程。  相似文献   
为获取受限水域船舶领域, 提出一种利用海量AIS数据建立模型的方法。选取目标船舶的AIS数据, 将其附近水域网格化, 考虑了船舶尺寸, 计算了他船船体出现在每一个网格中的频数, 提取单船网格频数图, 将同一类型的目标船舶网格频数图叠加, 形成了特定类型船舶的网格频数图。将网格频数图按频数填充颜色, 可清晰地显示船舶领域的形状, 利用断面分析测量船舶领域长度。选用上海港南槽水域的AIS数据对方法进行验证, 统计了60~79、80~99、100~119、120~139、140~159m共5类不同长度船舶的船舶领域。分析结果表明: 由于考虑了船舶尺寸, 5类船舶的领域在长轴方向较船首向存在向左舷偏转的夹角, 角度分别为3.37°、9.46°、17.53°、10.78°、8.13°; 船舶领域长度与船舶长度的比值依次递减, 比值分别为6.00、5.80、5.67、5.43、5.13。可见受限水域内船舶领域形状为不规则椭圆, 且船舶领域长度与船舶长度的比值并非为定值。  相似文献   
AlterationIntroductionThereisastrongini6ractionamongtemPetalrefield,strCssfield,andmicrosttuctutulaltOrationinm8terialsduringtheirhotworking[l'2].Especiallyduringthecoolingprocess,inwhichtemPeratorechangnsgreatly,intendionsbecomemorecomplexbecauseoftransformationoccurmnce.Duringthehotdeformation,thingswillaPpearsuchas:a.hotdeformation,relatedtostressfieId,changesessentiallytheshaPeofmaterialsandcausesthevariationofthecontactstatebetWeenthedieandsample,resultinginchangeofthethermalboundnyco…  相似文献   
Application of digital image correlation (DIC) method to determination of in-situ dynamic strain is presented in this study. Firstly, an integrative software is programmed based on the DIC algorithms and point-wise least-squares fitting technique. Then, simulated speckle images are generated to study the computational accuracy of this software. The experimental setup and procedures for measuring in-situ dynamic strain through both DIC and strain gauge are proposed. The DIC results are close to those measured by strain gauge. This fact reveals that DIC is a practical and effective tool for in-situ dynamic strain measurement. Finally, the full-field in-situ dynamic strain of another specimen is measured by DIC, and the overall distribution of the strain in the measurement area is clearly shown.  相似文献   
Regional passenger rail services are prevalent in France, as opposed to the more marginal role they play elsewhere in the world. It is indeed at the regional level that reforms have been successfully implemented, probably because the process was gradual and cautious. Initially in 1997, seven regions began experimenting with a decentralized system of regional passenger transportation services. By 2002, all metropolitan regions, with the exception of Corsica and Ile-de-France, were involved. Today we have reached a point where this process can be retrospectively and prospectively assessed. This article is first a retrospective assessment of the role of actors and the emerging dynamic between regional passenger rail transport supply and demand. Then, a prospective evaluation is offered since regionalization is best understood as an ongoing learning process that can be discontinuous or continuous.  相似文献   
Use of cellular phone while driving is one of the top contributing factors that induce traffic crashes, resulting in significant loss of life and property. A dilemma zone is a circumstance near signalized intersections where drivers hesitate when making decisions related to their driving behaviors. Therefore, the dilemma zone has been identified as an area with high crash potential. This article utilizes a logit-based Bayesian network (BN) hybrid approach to investigate drivers' decision patterns in a dilemma zone with phone use, based on experimental data from driving simulations from the National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS). Using a logit regression model, five variables were found to be significant in predicting drivers' decisions in a dilemma zone with distractive phone tasks: older drivers (50–60 years old), yellow signal length, time to stop line, handheld phone tasks, and driver gender. The identified significant variables were then used to train a BN model to predict drivers' decisions at a dilemma zone and examine probabilistic impacts of these variables on drivers' decisions. The analysis results indicate that the trained BN model was effective in driver decision prediction and variable influence extraction. It was found that older drivers, a short yellow signal, a short time to stop line, nonhandheld phone tasks, and female drivers are factors that tend to result in drivers proceeding through intersections in a dilemma zone with phone use distraction. These research findings provide insight in understanding driver behavior patterns in a dilemma zone with distractive phone tasks.  相似文献   
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