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传统的交通信号控制优化和路口几何渠化或路口扩展在现实中可能遇到许多局限。有些路口由于土地使用的限制,实际无法采用路口几何渠化或扩展的方式来缓解路口的严重拥挤的程度。交通流量转移措施也许是一个可行的方法,但其影响因素和适时方案很难依靠观测数据确定。结合观测数据,提出运用微观交通仿真的方法,判定需要转移的交通走向和选择路径,以降低路口延误和多选择路径旅行时间为目标,评价交通流量转移措施并估计转换量的最适应范围。研究以位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提地区的Galbraith Road and Colerain Avenue (US-27) 路口及其相关可选择路径作为试例,进行数据采集和分析,并运用了微观交通仿真软件VISSIM、公路通行能力分析软件HCS2000和Synchro进行微观路口延误和选择路径交通模拟评价。为提高结果的可释和易解效能,本研究提出交通转换比例、延误变化、选择路径旅行时间变化与服务水平变化的一体化曲线。评价结果显示了交通转移措施的可能效果。最后,讨论了实现交通转移的标志导向系统。  相似文献   
Transportation - Travellers account for variability in transport system performance when they make choices about routes, modes and destinations. Modellers try to quantify travel time reliability...  相似文献   
为研究高海拔隧道施工人员供氧浓度问题,文章通过骑行试验得到了不同人员在海拔高度为590~4000 m,氧气浓度为20.9%~29%,骑行功率为0、50 W、75 W、100 W工况下的生理指标,得到测试对象的劳动强度指数,分析研究得到以下结论:(1)在同一海拔高度、相同劳动强度工况下,提升环境氧气浓度,可以显著降低人员劳动强度指数;(2)劳动强度指数的减少与氧气浓度的增加并不是线性关系,当环境氧气浓度超过25%时,劳动强度指数的降低程度有限;(3)拟合得到了劳动负荷为100 W且氧气浓度为20.9%~25%时施工人员的劳动强度指数与海拔高度及供氧浓度的关系式。  相似文献   
为探索地震作用对盾构隧道管片张开量的影响,借助数值分析软件,分析典型工程在不同方向地震作用下管片张开量的分布规律。基于计算结果,对地震加速度与地震引起的管片张开量进行归一化处理,结合现有的管片张开量计算公式,提出了不同埋深隧道在地震作用下管片最大张开量预测方法。研究表明:地震作用对盾构管片环缝张开量有显著的影响,管片最大张开量的最大增幅为16%,平均张开量的最大增幅为27%;地震烈度为8度以下的区域,在静、动荷载作用下,盾构隧道管片抗震加固范围主要在工作井附近3~5环;地震烈度为8度及以上的高地震烈度区,应沿隧道轴向对环缝接头进行抗震加固。与数值计算结果对比表明,提出的考虑地震作用的管片最大张开量计算方法具备一定合理性。  相似文献   
铁路隧道衬砌质量问题导致的衬砌背后空洞、开裂、掉块等病害会对铁路正常运营造成极大威胁,混凝土的浇筑和振捣是保证隧道衬砌质量的关键。为此,研发了一种隧道衬砌施工自动浇筑振捣新技术,以提升隧道衬砌质量。研究表明,自动旋转布料机逐窗浇筑技术每次换管时间仅为3~4 min,具有结构简单、操作方便、效果优良、安全可靠的特点,既加快了隧道衬砌进度,又保证了隧道衬砌质量;新型插入式振捣技术采用边墙自动提升插入式振捣技术和拱顶自动气动式插入振捣技术,可以有效地提高混凝土振捣效果;拱顶衬砌采用60°斜孔带压反向浇筑,与传统的拱顶浇筑方法相比,堵管次数、浇筑口模板变形次数都明显减少,混凝土浇筑质量得到了显著提升。  相似文献   
Coupling Model of Vertical and Lateral Vehicle/Track Interactions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A new dynamic model of vehicle/track interaction is presented. The model considers the vehicle and the track as a whole system and couples the vertical interaction with the lateral interaction. The vehicle subsystem is modeled as a multi-body system with 37 degrees of freedom, which runs on the track with a constant velocity. The track substructure is modeled as a discretely supported system of elastic beams representing the rails, sleepers and ballasts. The normal contact forces between wheels and rails are described by Hertzian nonlinear elastic contact theory and the tangential wheel/ rail forces are decided by the creep theory. Numerical results are compared with those of conventional dynamic models of railway vehicles. Applications of the coupling model to the investigation of safety limits against derailment due to the track twist and the combined alignment and cross-level irregularities are reported at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
Technicians have been going through trial-and-error processes to solve very small or micro deformation on automobile hood during the painting process. In order to establish a systematic improvement procedure which can replace the time-consuming trial-and-error method to reduce defects, an accurate analysis of how micro deformation occurs during the painting process is needed. We have utilized a stiffness scanning method in automobile hood and reverse engineering to build up a reliable and accurate structural analysis and measurement procedures. We measured the load-stroke data at critical locations on automobile hood through stiffness scanning to determine material constants closest to the measurement by assuming several critical hood parts, such as sealer inside the hood, hemming part, spot weld part, and other uncertain joints, as virtual elastic materials. After setting the difference between analytical and measured load-stroke data as an objective function, we computed and minimized it by using the response surface method and partial differentiation of the object function. As a result, by obtaining the reliability was over 91%, which showed a strong correlation between analysis and measured results. By comparing the actual strain measured in real painting lines with calculated strain, we confirmed the validity of our structural analysis method. It was concluded that the proper analysis tool could be utilized in determination of optimal locations of supports during the painting process.  相似文献   
The dynamic vertical interaction between a moving rigid wheel and a flexible railway track is investigated. A round and smooth wheel tread and an initially straight and noncorrugated rail surface are assumed in the present optimization study. A symmetric linear three-dimensional beam structure model of a finite portion of the track is suggested including rail, pads, sleepers and ballast with spatially nonproportional damping. The full interaction problem is numerically solved by use of an extended state-space vector approach in conjunction with a complex modal superposition for the track. Transient bending stresses in sleepers and rail are calculated. The influence of seven selected track parameters on the dynamic behaviour of the track is investigated. A two-level fractional factorial design method is used in the search for a combination of numerical levels of these parameters making the maximum bending stresses a minimum.  相似文献   

The requirement in the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 that federal projects be consistent with approved state coastal zone management programs is an important incentive for states to complete their programs. As a condition of program approval, states must first consult with the federal agencies concerned and provide opportunities for comment, with the hope of avoiding conflicts. The consistency requirement is also subject to various exceptions whose scope remains to be determined. One such exception of uncertain extent is the exclusion from the coastal zone of federal lands “the use of which is subject solely to the sole discretion ... of the Federal Government....”; Despite these uncertainties, however, the consistency provision represents a major change in federal policy, which has traditionally allowed federal agencies to operate largely without concern for state land or water use requirements.  相似文献   
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