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台北国际无车日自2002年起举办了5次,由最早的骑自行车活动扩大至包含“走路上学日”与“公共交通月”丰富多彩的系列活动,渐渐获得民众认同。无车日活动的目标是通过活动的倡导和社会参与来改变民众使用交通工具的行为,潜移默化的效应可促使形成可持续交通政策,当可持续交通政策与基础设施建设落实后又可具体改变交通环境,形成良性的循环机制。首先说明了“无车日”的由来,并回顾台北都会区过去5年来举行无车日系列活动的内容与经验,同时基于活动的发展与成果归纳出无车日活动的成功要素,最后提出未来活动将扩大举办的内容、方式与展望,以期能为其他城市作参考。  相似文献   
Significant efforts have been made in modeling a travel time distribution and establishing measures of travel time reliability (TTR). However, the literature on evaluating the factors affecting TTR is not well established. Accordingly, this paper presents an empirical analysis to determine potential factors that are associated with TTR. This study mainly applies the Bayesian Networks model to assess the probabilistic association between road geometry, traffic data, and TTR. The results from this model reveal that land use characteristics, intersection factors, and posted speed limits are directly associated with TTR. Evaluating the strength of the association between TTR and the directly related variables, the log odds ratio analysis indicates that the land use factor has the highest impact (0.83) followed by the intersection factor (0.57). The findings from this study can provide valuable resources to planners and traffic operators in their decision-making to improve TTR with quantitative evidence.  相似文献   

Although the improvement of well-being is often an implicitly-assumed goal of many, if not most, public policies, the study of subjective well-being (SWB) and travel has so far been confined to a relatively small segment of the travel behavior community. Accordingly, one main purpose of this paper is to introduce a larger share of the community to some fundamental SWB-related concepts and their application in transportation research, with the goal of attracting others to this rewarding area of study. At the same time, however, I also hope to offer some useful reflections to those already working in this field. After discussing some basic issues of terminology and measurement of SWB, I present from the literature four conceptual models relating travel and subjective well-being. Following one of those models, I review five ways in which travel can influence well-being. I conclude by examining some challenges associated with assessing the impacts of travel on well-being, as well as challenges associated with applying what we learn to policy.

城市桥梁景观方案设计可以从桥梁结构装饰和桥梁景观装饰两方面去考虑。以滕州高铁新区桥梁景观方案设计为例,详细介绍了城市桥梁景观方案的设计理念和方案构思,可为类似的城市桥梁景观方案设计提供参考。  相似文献   
该文通过刚果布SOUANKE-NTAM区域经济一体化公路项目,详细分析该公路的几何设计相应指标,并对法国路线设计规范与中国JTG D20-2017《公路路线设计规范》进行对比分析,以期提高中国海外道路的建设和设计水平。  相似文献   
发动机作为汽车中最为复杂精密的机电一体部件,长时间处于高温、高压、高磨损运行工况,且需要满足长寿命、高效率、低能耗、强动力、低污染等一系列标准指标,而汽车发动机运转时零件间的摩擦以及燃烧等产生的颗粒都会对其性能造成恶劣影响,所以润滑对于发动机性能提升尤为重要。综述当前汽车发动机润滑机理,分析润滑油在使用过程中对发动机动力、油耗和排放的影响,并且在最后设想一种新的润滑机理,以弥补发动机的制造缺陷和颗粒的影响,改善汽车发动机的关键性能。  相似文献   
大件牵引车是用于运输不可拆解的重型大件货物的专用车辆。其动力系统通常具有较大的马力和较高的扭矩。主要的运输工作过程中车辆处于长时间的重载工作情况,所以车辆在对与整车的动力及传动系统、冷却系统等方面的要求较高。而分动箱作为传动系统的重要组成部件,分动箱的性能对整车有着较为直接的影响。大件牵引车由于低速重载情况下长时间的工作,分动箱内的齿轮油发热严重产生高温,直接影响齿轮的性能及车辆的安全,故针对分动箱油温较高的情况,设计一套油冷器用于冷却分动箱油温,从而从根本上解决了车辆长时间处于低速重载作业过程中,分动箱油温较高对分动箱性能及齿轮使用寿命的不利影响。提高整车的可靠性和寿命,从而提高车辆的性能质量。  相似文献   
Failure mode and effects analysis are performed for a dual levelling valve pneumatic suspension to determine the effect of suspension failure on tractor–semi-trailer dynamics, using a detailed model of suspension pneumatics coupled with a truck dynamic model. A key element of failure analysis in suspensions with one or two levelling valves is determining the effect on the vehicle body roll when one or more failures occur. The failure modes considered are mainly the suspension pneumatic components, including clogged levelling valve, bent control rod, disabled lever arm, and punctured or leaking connectors and pipes. The pneumatic suspension is modelled in AMESim, with critical parameters established through component testing. Upon validating the AMESim component model experimentally, the pneumatic suspension model is integrated into TruckSim for studying the consequences of suspension failure on truck dynamics. The simulation results indicate that the second levelling valve in a dual-valve arrangement brings a certain amount of failure redundancy to the system, in the sense that when one side fails, the other side can compensate for the failure. Equipping the trailer with dual levelling valves brings an additional stabilising effect to the vehicle in the event of tractor suspension failure.  相似文献   
为研究山区峡谷地形下非均匀风场对大跨度桥梁静风稳定性的影响,以一座跨越典型山区峡谷地形的大跨度斜拉桥为工程背景,首先,采用计算流体动力学(CFD)软件Fluent对桥址区地形的风场特性进行分析,计算出沿主梁方向的非均匀风速和非均匀风攻角分布;然后,采用ANSYS APDL技术实现能考虑非均匀风速和非均匀风攻角下大桥静风稳定性的非线性分析方法。在此基础上,综合考察非均匀风攻角分布、非均匀风速分布、非均匀风速非均匀风攻角分布等风场条件对大桥静风稳定性的影响,分析各工况下主梁的静风变形与跨中处拉索刚度变化。研究结果表明:与均匀风场条件下的静风响应不同,非均匀风攻角或非均匀风速下主梁静风响应最大值点位于风荷载峰值点与跨中之间,在针对非均匀风场下大桥的静风稳定性分析时,应更注重静风响应最大值点而不是跨中处;非均匀风攻角下大桥的静风失稳临界风速要远低于均匀风攻角的静风失稳临界风速,且其静风稳定性能主要受最大风攻角而不是主跨部分非均匀风攻角的平均值来控制;非均匀风速下大桥的静风失稳临界风速主要由主跨部分的风速平均值和最大值共同影响;主梁的竖向位移和扭转角形状主要由风攻角因素来控制,而横向位移的变化规律相对较独立,其形状基本上以跨中线对称,且其值主要由风速因素来决定。  相似文献   
马涌大桥主桥采用一跨100 m单肋式梁拱组合式结构,桥宽40 m,考虑双向四车道通行并预留双向有轨电车车道。现以该桥的初步设计和施工图设计为基础,介绍单肋式梁拱组合式结构的桥型方案研究、主桥结构设计、结构计算分析等内容,并分析该桥的一些技术特点。该桥的河涌交汇口主桥设计方法、梁拱组合式结构的设计思想、结构受力要点、独特拱肋造型的设计方法等,可供类似桥梁设计时参考。  相似文献   
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