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Traditional quality inspection based product quality evaluation method with complex process has high operating cost and requires more professional knowledge. To remove the above limitation, this paper leads product gene theory into product quality evaluation. Methods of quality influencing factors based modeling and encoding are established. Combined with similarity theory and product gene theory, a product gene similarity analysis based quality evaluation method is proposed. The proposed method is low cost, operates easily and requires less specialized knowledge. A case study is conducted to prove the correctness and feasibility of this method.  相似文献   
Performance degradation and random shock are commonly regarded as two dependent competing risks for system failures. One method based on effective service age is proposed to jointly model the cumulative effect of random shock and system degradation, and the reliability model of degradation system under Nonhomogeneous Poisson processes (NHPP) shocks is derived. Under the assumption that preventive maintenance (PM) is imperfective and the corrective maintenance (CM) is minimal repair, one maintenance policy which combines PM and CM is presented. Moreover, the two decision variables, PM interval and the number of PMs before replacement, are determined by a multi-objective maintenance optimization method which simultaneously maximizes the system availability and minimizes the system long-run expect cost rate. Finally, the performance of the proposed maintenance optimization policy is demonstrated via a numerical example.  相似文献   
The design approach of H∞ autopilot for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) is proposed. Comprised by the three sub-controllers,i.e. speed,heading and depth controllers,the designed autopilot has advantage over existing H∞ control of AUVs. The overshoot in speed,heading and depth control systems under step commands is restricted by refining the weighting function for robust stability. The dynamic performance of heading and depth control systems is improved by feeding back yaw rate and pitch angle,respecti...  相似文献   
To quantify mechanical effects of plantar fascia and ligaments on the arch structure, a 3D finite element model of the foot was created to simulate the balanced standing posture. Four cases after individual releases of plantar fascia, spring ligament, long and short plantar ligaments were simulated respectively to compare their consequences to the predictions of the intact structure. It was founded that the foot arch didn’t collapse obviously after any individual release of these structures. As plantar fascia was released, tensions of plantar ligaments were largely increased. Long and short plantar ligaments performed mutual compensation functions.  相似文献   
With the development of vehicle gearbox to high-power-density and high-speed, how to predict and optimize the dynamic characteristics of vehicle gearbox becomes increasingly prominent. Aiming at the vehicle gearbox, this paper comprehensively and deeply studies the dynamic characteristics under the multi-boundary conditions. The generation mechanism of the multi-source excitations triggering the gearbox vibration is analyzed firstly. The vibration transfer path of the gearbox is explored. Secondly, the engine excitation, the gear meshing excitation and the bearing support load are numerically calculated. According to the finite element method, a fluid-solid coupling finite element model of the gearbox body is established to predict the gearbox dynamic responses based on the Galerkin method and the Hamiltonian variational principle. Finally, the effects of the excitation condition, oil height and reinforcement forms on the vibration responses of the gearbox body are thoroughly studied by simulation. The analysis indicates that it not only helps to modify and improve the method of forecasting the gearbox dynamic response, and also provides the theoretical and technical guidance for the gearbox design and optimization.  相似文献   
Computer-aided hip surgery planning and implant design applications require accurate segmentation of femoral head and proximal acetabulum. An accurate outer surface extraction of femoral head using marching cubes algorithm remains challenging due to deformed shapes and extremely narrow inter-bone regions. In this paper, we present an automatic and fast approach for segmentation of femoral head and proximal acetabulum which leads to accurate and compact representation of femoral head using marching cubes algorithm. At first, valley-emphasized images are constructed from original images so that valleys stand out in high relief. Otsu’s multiple thresholding technique is applied to seperate the images into bone and non-bone classes. Region growing method and threedimensional (3D) morphological operations are performed to fill holes in the bone. In the reclassification process, the bone regions are further segmented, and the boundaries of the bone regions are further refined based on Bayes decision rule. Finally, marching cubes algorithm is applied to reconstruct a 3D model and extract the outer surface of femoral head and proximal acetabulum. Experimental results show that this method is an accurate segmentation technique for femoral head and proximal acetabulum and it can be applied as a tool in medical practice.  相似文献   
Using a time domain acoustic analogy, we develop a method to predict the sound field and hull pressure fluctuation generated by unsteady sheet cavitation on marine propellers. Formulation 1A of Farassat is introduced to enhance theoretical understanding of this work, and it is applied to modeling the scattered sound field created by the fuselage boundary. To express the direct sound field resulting from sheet cavitation, a new solution is studied which considers the Doppler effect and also separately expresses the near and far fields. A small cube model is used to verify the method. Computed acoustic field pressures around the cube are compared with the boundary element method, and the numerical results show good agreement. Finally, the pressure fluctuation on a ship stern model is calculated.  相似文献   
Owing to the increase in unprecedented accidents with new root causes in almost all operational areas, the importance of risk management has dramatically risen. Risk assessment, one of the most significant aspects of risk management, has a substantial impact on the system-safety level of organizations, industries, and operations. If the causes of all kinds of failure and the interactions between them are considered, effective risk assessment can be highly accurate. A combination of traditional risk assessment approaches and modern scientific probability methods can help in realizing better quantitative risk assessment methods. Most researchers face the problem of minimal field data with respect to the probability and frequency of each failure. Because of this limitation in the availability of epistemic knowledge, it is important to conduct epistemic estimations by applying the Bayesian theory for identifying plausible outcomes. In this paper, we propose an algorithm and demonstrate its application in a case study for a light-weight lifting operation in the Persian Gulf of Iran. First, we identify potential accident scenarios and present them in an event tree format. Next, excluding human error, we use the event tree to roughly estimate the prior probability of other hazard-promoting factors using a minimal amount of field data. We then use the Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM) to calculate the probability of human error. On the basis of the proposed event tree, we use the Bayesian network of the provided scenarios to compensate for the lack of data. Finally, we determine the resulting probability of each event based on its evidence in the epistemic estimation format by building on two Bayesian network types: the probability of hazard promotion factors and the Bayesian theory. The study results indicate that despite the lack of available information on the operation of floating objects, a satisfactory result can be achieved using epistemic data.  相似文献   
The value of form factor k at different drafts is important in predicting full-scale total resistance and speed for different types of ships. In the ITTC community, most organizations predict form factor k using a low-speed model test. However, this method is problematic for ships with bulbous bows and transom. In this article, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-based method is introduced to obtain k for different type of ships at different drafts, and a comparison is made between the CFD method and the model test. The results show that the CFD method produces reasonable k values. A grid generating method and turbulence model are briefly discussed in the context of obtaining a consistent k using CFD.  相似文献   
The economic value of the oceans and maritime industry is strongly gaining in importance. As the oceans are very large and particularly sensitive ecosystems, which need to be preserved, a balance between the use and the protection of the seas has to be found. On this issue, the paper presents some thoughts starting with a brief analysis of what to understand by maritime industry which is labeled as blue economy, and a recapitulation of the main threats for the marine environment, caused by blue economy. After that, some noteworthy prerequisites and criteria for finding a sound balance between the use and the protection of the seas will be highlighted, especially the need for sustainable ocean governance is put to discussion.  相似文献   
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