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The maximum principal stresses, von Mises effective stresses and principal facet stresses at the time of creep rupture were compared in uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial stress states for AZ31 magnesium alloy. The creep rupture of this alloy was experimentally controlled by cavitation, which was the result of a low damage tolerance, λ. Creep deformation could be correlated with the von Mises effective stress parameter. The failure-mechanism control parameter governing the stress state coincided with the experimental results of the rupture of the materials under multiaxial stress states. Finally, the theoretical prediction based on constrained cavity growth and continuous nucleation agreed with the experimental rupture data to within a factor of three.  相似文献   
The regenerative braking system of the Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is a key technology that can improve fuel efficiency by 20∼50%, depending on motor size. In the regenerative braking system, the electronically controlled brake subsystem that directs the braking forces into four wheels independently is indispensable. This technology is currently found in the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) and in Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC). As braking technologies progress toward brake-by-wire systems, the development of Electro-Mechanical Brake (EMB) systems will be very important in the improvement of both fuel consumption and vehicle safety. This paper investigates the modeling and simulation of EMB systems for HEVs. The HEV powertrain was modeled to include the internal combustion engine, electric motor, battery and transmission. The performance simulation for the regenerative braking system of the HEV was performed using MATLAB/Simulink. The control performance of the EMB system was evaluated via the simulation of the regenerative braking of the HEV during various driving conditions.  相似文献   
The dynamic interaction between the catenary and the pantographs of high-speed trains is a very important factor that affects the stable electric power supply. In order to design a reliable current collection system, a multibody simulation model can provide an efficient and economical method to analyze the dynamic behavior of the catenary and pantograph. In this article, a dynamic analysis method for a pantograph-catenary system for a high-speed train is presented, employing absolute nodal coordinates and rigid body reference coordinates. The highly flexible catenary is modeled using a nonlinear continuous beam element, which is based on an absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The pantograph is modeled as a rigid multibody system. The analysis results are compared with experimental data obtained from a running high-speed train. In addition, using a derived system equation of motion, the calculation method for the dynamic stress in the catenary conductor is presented. This study may have significance in providing an example that a structural and multibody dynamics model can be unified into one numerical system.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the use of finite-element (FE) analysis to calculate the fatigue strength of a bogie frame, for the development of tilting trains in Korea. A multi-body dynamic analysis was performed to extract the load condition by tilting on curves. Using the results of the multi-body dynamic analysis and the load scenario setout in the UIC standard, FE analysis was performed to obtain the stress distribution and to calculate the fatigue strength. An attempt was made to minimize the weight of the bogie frame using a back-propagation artificial neural network (ANN). The results of this study reveal that the stresses at some nodes are near the fatigue limit in the Goodman diagram and by using back-propagation ANN, the weight of the bogie frame could be reduced by 4.7%.  相似文献   
Tire intelligence is vital in the improvement of the safety of vehicles because the tire supports the car body and is the contact point between the vehicle and the road. To create an intelligent tire, sensors must be installed to measure the behavior of the tire. However, it is difficult to apply a wired sensor system on the wheel of the tire. Hence, it is necessary to implement a self-powering, wireless system (a type of energy harvesting system) that can be mounted inside the tire. The purpose of this study is to convert the strain energy caused by deformation of the tire while driving into useful electrical energy to supply the sensor system. A flexible piezofiber is utilized for the energy conversion. The variation in strain, due to changes in speed, load, and the internal pressure of the tire, was measured along two axial directions to evaluate the amount of available strain energy. The amount of strain changed from 0.15% to 0.8%. To predict the amount of available energy from a tire, we perform an analysis of the relationship between the strain and the voltage. In addition, experiments for impedance matching between piezofiber and related circuits were conducted to optimize the external loads for transferring energy efficiently. Based on the procedure mentioned above, at least 0.58 mJ of electrical energy can be generated by using the laterally oriented strain (1500 to 2500 micro strain). The result of this study is expected to enhance the potential realization of self-generating wireless sensor systems for so-called ??intelligent?? tires.  相似文献   
Most of the research on safety belt systems has involved crash simulation that only considered a dynamic human model. However, belt routing analysis, usually known as comfort level estimation, is also an important factor in safety belt design, considering that serious injuries of the abdominal region result from the infiltration of a belt into the neck or the chest. Thus, safety belt evaluations using kinematic human models are also needed. In this paper, a belt fit simulation method is suggested. Using the proposed process, both comfort and safety analyses can be performed under the same conditions continuously, and thus the safety belt design parameters, such as the location of anchor points, dummy posture and etc., can be evaluated. In conclusion, this computer process enables a belt system design to reduce injuries.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a universal plug and play (UPnP) — controller area network (CAN) gateway system using UPnP middleware for interoperability between external smart devices and an in-vehicle network. The proposed gateway consists of a UPnP communication device, a CAN communication device, and a device translator layer. In-vehicle devices are not usually IP-based, so we implemented an in-vehicle device manager in the UPnP communication device which is in the gateway. We developed a vehicle simulator to produce real vehicular data for performance analysis. The CAN communication device transmits and receives real-time vehicle data between the real vehicular simulator and external devices through the UPnP. The device translator layer configures a message frame for enabling seamless data input and output between the CAN and UPnP protocols. After implementation, we generated an internal-external service request and tested the result. Finally, we confirmed the service request and operation between external devices and the internal vehicular device. Additionally, for a variety of external device numbers and communication environments, we demonstrated the gateway performance by measuring the round trip time (RTT) for overall service implementation.  相似文献   
This paper offers novel insights to the design and implementation of an innovative state-of-charge (SOC) estimator for the lithium-ion (Li-Ion) series battery pack. The most interesting feature of this approach is that it can utilize information from each filtered terminal voltage of the Li-Ion cells connected in series for SOC estimation of the battery pack. Without actual sensing each discharging/charging current (DCC) applied to the Li-Ion cells, it is possible to extract each DCC estimation from the corresponding filtered terminal voltages with an equivalent electrical circuit model (EECM) identification of all Li-Ion cells in the battery pack. There are two advantages to SOC estimation of the battery pack with this approach. First, the proposal can be implemented simply and effectively, reducing the computational steps required for SOC estimation. By reducing computational steps, the proposal is expected to be more cost-effective. Second, the approach guarantees an improved SOC performance, even if the battery pack results in inevitable cell-to-cell variation among Li-Ion cells. Accordingly, there are fewer differences to previously estimated DCCs among Li-Ion cells. Specifically, all values from the estimated DCCs are properly compensated for by simultaneous parameter modification according to each cell’s electrochemical characteristics. Experimental results clearly demonstrate that our DCC sensorless SOC estimator provides robust SOC performance for the battery pack. This approach considered an experimental battery pack (12S1P) connected in series using 2.6 Ah LiCoO2 cells produced by Samsung SDI.  相似文献   
The appearance and exterior precision of passenger cars aesthetics has become an important factor in the automotive industry. During vehicle assembly, the curvature of the roof can change slightly and create cosmetic defects that affect the exterior appearance. The critical factor causing curvature change on the roof is the thermally driven expansion of an elastomer-based mastic sealer which is applied between the exterior roof panel and support rail during the frame assembly process. Therefore the expansion of the mastic sealer was modeled to predict the curvature change in the roof panel. In order to evaluate the causes and predict the curvature change quantitatively, a Finite Element (FE) simulation of the oven heating and mastic curing was performed. Validation of the simulation model was performed by comparing the local deformation and amount of the curvature change on the roof obtained from the actual process. In order to minimize the curvature change, the Taguchi method was used in conjunction with the FE model where a total of eight factors were chosen to perform a sensitivity analysis. In order to exclude the deformation due to residual stress resulting from the oven process, it was selected as a noise factor. Response was taken as the maximum curvature change calculated by a flexural function which was used to distinguish absolute curvature that is not affected by the horizontal or vertical movement of roof panel. A total of 18 cases were analyzed with length of each sealer, pitch of sealer, and rail location being identified as the most influential factors affecting the curvature change. Using the optimum values, the amount of curvature change in the roof panel was reduced by 12 percent.  相似文献   
Normally, Maglev (magnetic levitation) vehicles run on elevated guideways. The elevated guideway must satisfy various load conditions of the vehicle, and has to be designed to ensure ride quality, while ensuring that the levitation stability of the vehicle is not affected by the deflection of the guideway. However, because the elevated guideways of Maglev vehicles in South Korea and other countries fabricated so far have been based on over-conservative design criteria, the size of the structures has increased. Further, from the cost perspective, they are unfavourable when compared with other light rail transits such as monorail, rubber wheel, and steel wheel automatic guided transit. Therefore, a slender guideway that does have an adverse effect on the levitation stability of the vehicle is required through optimisation of design criteria. In this study, to predict the effect of various design parameters of the guideway on the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle, simulations were carried out using a dynamics model similar to the actual vehicle and guideway, and a limiting value of deflection ratio of the slender guideway to ensure levitation control is proposed. A guideway that meets the requirement as per the proposed limit for deflection ratio was designed and fabricated, and through a driving test of the vehicle, the validity of the slender guideway was verified. From the results, it was confirmed that although some increase in airgap and cabin acceleration was observed with the proposed slender guideway when compared with the conventional guideway, there was no notable adverse effect on the levitation stability and ride quality of the vehicle. Therefore, it can be inferred that the results of this study will become the basis for establishing design criteria for slender guideways of Maglev vehicles in future.  相似文献   
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