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美国城市交通模型立法的历史背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近年来经济快速增长,带来了全面性的城市交通建设.在促进经济发展和社会进步的同时,中国城市交通的发展正面临着许多挑战.如何有效地评估适应新挑战的交通政策措施,并确保交通政策的妥善执行,是中国相关政府部门刻不容缓的课题.通过对已有50年经验的美国运输规划与交通需求预测程序相关立法资料的整理,认为包括数据收集、数据分析、交通需求预测以及替代方法评估的城市交通规划程序可以有效地协助政府部门与专家面对这些新兴的挑战.同时指出,一个定期修订以反映社会发展变化的全国交通建设与发展法,可规范一定比例的资金预算,规定城市交通规划程序与执行的规划组织,并要求制定人员培训计划以有效地执行交通政策.  相似文献   
Some gears in an automobile transmission have to be mounted by being press-fitted on a shaft instead of splines. The torque capacity of the press-fitted gear will be proportional to the radial interference. The excessive interference, however, will increase the gear radial deformation. In this paper, the press- and shrink-fit and the subsequent torque capacity test were investigated by finite element analysis, theoretically and experimentally. The static and dynamic coefficient of friction were determined.  相似文献   
To simulate the FPSO-iceberg collision process more accurately, an elastic-plastic iceberg material model considering temperature gradient effects is proposed and applied. The model behaves linearly elastic until it reaches the ‘Tsai-Wu’ yield surfaces, which are a series of concentric elliptical curves of different sizes. Decreasing temperature results in a large yield surface. Failure criteria, based on the influence of accumulated plastic strain and hydrostatic pressure, are built into the model. Based on published experimental data on the relationship between depth and temperature in icebergs, three typical iceberg temperature profiles are proposed. According to these, ice elements located at different depths have different temperatures. The model is incorporated into LS-DYNA using a user-defined subroutine and applied to a simulation of FPSO collisions with different types of iceberg. Simulated area-pressure curves are compared with design codes to validate the iceberg model. The influence of iceberg shape and temperature on the collision process is analyzed. It is indicated that FPSO structural damage not only depends on the relative strength between the iceberg and the structure, but also depends on the local shape of the iceberg.  相似文献   
工程地质是隧道施工的重要依据,由于公路隧道地质数据类型多、数据量庞大,所以开发隧道地质信息系统是必要的.在系统分析的基础上,以VB.net作为前台开发程序,用Access建立后台数据库,以ADO作为数据传输通道,开发了公路隧道地质信息系统.将该系统应用于沪蓉西高速公路王子石隧道的围岩定性分析上,大大提高了工作效率与围岩定性分析精度.  相似文献   
The expression of the equivalent stiffness of the saturated poro-elastic half space interacting with an infinite beam to harmonic moving loads is obtained via the Fourier transformation method in the frequency wave number domain. Based on the obtained equivalent stiffness, the frequency wave number domain solution of the beam-half-space system is obtained by the compatibility condition between the beam and the half space.Critical velocity of harmonic moving loads along an infinite Euler-Bernoulli elastic beam is determined. The time domain solutions for the beam and the saturated poro-elastic half space are derived by means of the inverse Fourier transformation method. Also, the influences of the load speed, frequency and material parameters of the poro-elastic half space on the responses of the beam are investigated. Numerical results show that the frequency corresponding to the maximum deflection and bending moment increases with increasing load speed. Moreover,it can be seen that at higher frequencies, the dynamic response is independent of the load speed. The present results also show that for a beam overlying a saturated poro-elastic half space, there still exist critical velocities even when the load velocity is larger than the shear wave speed of the medium.  相似文献   
随着社会人口老龄化的发展,老年驾驶人的占比逐年增加,提升老年人的驾驶安全性对于其安全自主出行和公共交通安全均具有重要意义。驾驶自我调节是老年驾驶人为适应身体、认知功能变化而对驾驶行为做出的主动调整,是其提升驾驶安全性、延长驾驶生命和维持自主行动能力的有效补偿策略。通过对已有关于老年驾驶人的驾驶自我调节研究进行系统回顾,介绍了老年驾驶人的驾驶自我调节行为的定义及其表现,归纳分析了其驾驶自我调节行为的影响因素及产生机制,在此基础上总结了现有研究的局限,并指出了未来进一步研究的主要思路和方向。对文献的梳理和分析表明:老年驾驶人的驾驶自我调节包括减少驾驶频率和回避具有挑战性的驾驶情境2种主要形式,并可分为策略性、战术性和生活目标性自我调节3种不同的层次水平;驾驶自我调节是一个复杂的过程,社会人口因素、生理健康和功能状况、心理因素等均可对其产生影响;驾驶自我调节的产生机制可以被概括为是个体从认知到态度改变,再到形成调节行为意向,直至最终发生驾驶行为改变的动态决策过程。未来对老年驾驶人的驾驶自我调节行为研究应更进一步将客观驾驶行为数据、医疗机构数据与驾驶人主观自我报告相结合,适当开展追踪研究,考察驾驶自我调节行为随年龄的发展变化趋势,深入探究驾驶自我调节的产生机制及其在降低事故发生和提升驾驶安全性方面的作用。  相似文献   
针对长江南京以下河段水文泥沙、河床组成特点及生态环境现状,研发了格状石笼压载植生垫、立体网状、生态软体排等潮位变动区生态护坡结构,土工格栅加十字块压护、隔室模袋混凝土等高滩生态防护结构,空间排体、主动式钩连体、扭双工字透水框架等生态护底护滩结构,开孔半圆形构件、开孔梯形构件等生态型坝体结构,分析了各种结构的作用机理。各种结构均已用于长江南京以下12.5 m深水航道一、二期工程中,并取得显著的经济和生态效益,具有良好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
以涪陵—洛碛水道上的上洛碛至下洛碛河段为研究区域,在测量比尺为1∶1 000的实测河道地形图上建立无结构化三角形网格水动力模型,基于有限体积法求解平面二维水动力方程,研究了在多组相对网格比取值下的模型计算结果变化趋势。研究发现:相对网格比的变化对河滩内计算点的计算结果影响远大于对河槽内计算点计算结果的影响。当相对网格比小于1,河道内水动力模型计算结果变化甚微,尤其是此时河槽内平均相对偏差接近于0;当相对网格比大于1,模型计算结果的平均相对偏差逐渐上升,当相对网格比足够大后开始趋稳,河滩内计算结果的平均相对偏差整体增幅大于河槽。随着相对网格比的增大,不同水深段区域内的水动力模型计算结果平均相对偏差变化程度不同。  相似文献   
针对洛阳机务段配属的SS4改进型电力机车牵引变压器和平波电抗器存在的问题,分别从牵引变压器的耐油橡胶垫漏油、散热器漏油、散热器堵塞以及A、B节第1平波电抗器活接地等方面进行了分析,并提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   
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