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Transport fuel consumption and its determinants have received a great deal of attention since the early 1970s. In the literature, different types of modelling methods have been used to estimate petrol demand, each having methodological strengths and weaknesses. This paper is motivated by an ongoing need to review the effectiveness of empirical fuel demand forecasting models, with a focus on theoretical as well as practical considerations in the model-building processes of different model forms. We consider a linear trend model, a quadratic trend model, an exponential trend model, a single exponential smoothing model, Holt’s linear model, Holt–Winters’ model, a partial adjustment model (PAM), and an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model. More importantly, the study identifies the difference between forecasts and actual observations of petrol demand in order to identify forecasting accuracy. Given the identified best-forecasting model, Australia’s automobile petrol demand from 2007 through to 2020 is presented under the “business-as-usual” scenario.  相似文献   
This study presents a means of determining a historic (generalised cost based) price index for cycling in the UK for the period 1949–2006 using annual demand data. By specifying demand as a function of generalised price and income and then applying a structural time-series model to elucidate the unobserved component of prices (while controlling for observed income levels), it is illustrated that the role of prices in influencing demand is non-trivial. Over the sample period price responses generally influence demand for cycling to a greater extent than income effects.  相似文献   
Traffic delay caused by incidents is closely related to three variables: incident frequency, incident duration, and the number of lanes blocked by an incident that is directly related to the bottleneck capacity. Relatively, incident duration has been more extensively studied than incident frequency and the number of lanes blocked in an incident. In this study, we provide an investigation of the influencing factors for all of these three variables based on an incident data set that was collected in New York City (NYC). The information about the incidents derived from the identification can be used by incident management agencies in NYC for strategic policy decision making and daily incident management and traffic operation. In identifying the influencing factors for incident frequency, a set of models, including Poisson and Negative Binomial regression models and their zero‐inflated models, were considered. An appropriate model was determined based on a model decision‐making tree. The influencing factors for incident duration were identified based on hazard‐based models where Exponential, Weibull, Log‐logistic, and Log‐normal distributions were considered for incident duration. For the number of lanes blocked in an incident, the identification of the influencing factors was based on an Ordered Probit model which can better capture the order inherent in the number of lanes blocked in an incident. As identified in this study, rain is the only factor that significantly influenced incident frequency. For incident duration and the number of lanes blocked in an incident, various factors had significant impact. As concluded in this study, there is a strong need to identify the influencing factors in terms of different types of incidents and the roadways where the incidents occured.  相似文献   
每年夏天的英国古德伍德速度节(GoodwoodFestival of Speed)上,最大的设计亮点是Goodwood House前的雕塑。在过去的十年间,这块艺术宝地一直被英国著名艺术家兼设计师Gerry Judah占领,今年也不例外。这里矗立的是一尊高达28米的捷豹E-Type,以此来庆祝此款跑车诞生50  相似文献   
欧洲铁路运输管理系统安装会议于2006年4月4日-6日在匈牙利的布达佩斯举行。此次会议由国际铁路联盟主持召开,会议旨在部署欧洲铁路运输管理系统在六大欧洲铁路运输走廊上的安装。此前,欧盟委员会与铁路部门已于3月份通过了一项谅解备忘录。  相似文献   
The terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 opened a new era in air transportation. The realization that civil aircraft can be used as powerful weapons of mass destruction by a small group of people has drastically increased the need for security screening procedures to protect civil flights. Serving as the interface between the air and land transportation modes, airports have become the main focus in the implementation of those procedures. The need to more thoroughly screen passengers and baggage, and the consequent increase in processing time, has created the need for more space for security checkpoints and baggage screening inside passenger terminal buildings—space that is costly and very difficult to find in existing buildings. This paper evaluates the impact those measures have had on the planning and operation of airport passenger terminals. Quantification of those impacts is performed with the use of discrete‐event simulation and spreadsheet models.  相似文献   
联邦皮尔逊机场轨道交通线,又叫蓝22线,为私营线,该线起自联邦车站,沿着CN Rail的既有韦斯顿走廊与安省公车公司的通勤列车共线运行,全长24.8km。预计2006年开始,到2009年开通。  相似文献   
笔者曾讨论了一些有关基础设施建设资金的看法,最后得出的结论是:为基础设施建设制定的收费标准既应该考虑到基础设施基金的因素,也不能与因政治决策而导致的基础设施的税收政策分开.法国根据1997年2月12日的法律和1997年5月5日的法令实行了改革,原则上规定,由政府在两年期限内对收费标准进行控制,第一、第二年的数额分别为58.5亿和60亿法郎.这样就等于说,交税者每年要在基础设施建设方面支付250亿~260亿法郎的税金.因此税收的数额将比以往政府包揽的SNCF(法国国营铁路公司)的费用大两倍.  相似文献   
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