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基于悬浮式深弹反鱼雷系统的组成和工作原理,提出了悬浮式深弹反鱼雷系统的作战效能评估方法。根据美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会(WSEIAC)提出的效能模型,对悬浮式深弹反鱼雷系统作战效能的可用度向量A、可信度矩阵D和固有能力矩阵C进行了分析,重点对固有能力矩阵中反鱼雷概率这一指标进行了研究。按照悬浮式深弹反鱼雷作战物理过程,将反鱼雷概率分解为鱼雷经过悬浮式深弹阵的概率、悬浮式深弹阵探测鱼雷概率和毁伤鱼雷概率,从而建立了悬浮式深弹反鱼雷系统的作战效能模型。  相似文献   
P2P蠕虫及其对抗技术的研究与进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李帆  李刚  尹光 《舰船电子工程》2009,29(12):149-152
文章首先剖析了P2P蠕虫的定义、传播方式,讨论了P2P蠕虫的传播模型,分析了现有检测技术在P2P蠕虫检测方面的不足,归纳了当前针对P2P蠕虫的主要检测方法,最后给出了P2P蠕虫方向的若干研究热点问题和展望.  相似文献   
During the last 30 years, at-sea studies of seabirds and marine mammals in the oceans south of the Subtropical Front have described an association with major frontal areas. More recently, the advancement in microtechnology has allowed the tracking of individuals and investigations into how these marine predators actually use the frontal zones. In this review, we examine 1) the relative importance to apex predators of the different frontal zones in terms of spatial distribution and carbon flux; 2) the processes that determine their preferential use; and 3) how the mesoscale dynamics of frontal structures drive at-sea foraging strategies of these predators. We review published results from southern waters and place them in a broader context with respect to what has been learned about the importance of fronts in oceans farther north.Some fronts constitute important boundaries for seabird communities in southern waters. At a mesoscale the maximum values of seabird diversity and abundance correspond to the location of the main fronts. At-sea surveys show a strong curvilinear correlation between seabird abundance and sea surface temperatures. High mean species richness and diversity for whales and seabirds are consistently associated with the southern water mass boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the Subtropical Front and the Subantarctic Front; in the case of the Polar Front mean seabird densities are more variable. At small-scales, variation in seabird occurrence has been directly related to the processes at fronts in a limited number of cases. A significant positive relation was found between some plankton feeding species and frontal temperature gradient–phytoplankton variables.Telemetric studies have revealed that several apex predators (penguins, albatrosses, seals) perform long, directed foraging trips either to the Subtropical front or Polar Front, depending on locality. Seabirds with low flight costs, such as albatrosses, are able to reach fronts at long distances from colonies, showing variable foraging strategies as a function of the distances involved. Diving birds such as King penguins, that travel at a higher cost and lower speed, rely on the predictable spatial distribution of mesopelagic fish found close to the Polar Front. They may use the currents associated with eddies as oceanographic cues in the active search for frontal zones. Once in these areas they dive preferentially in and below the depth of the thermocline where catches per unit effort are high. Elephant seals concentrate foraging activity principally inside or at the boundary of cyclonic eddies. These mesoscale features appear to offer exceptional productivity favourable for foraging by various diving top predators.The connection between biophysical parameters at fronts and predators is likely to be made through biological enhancement. Top predators appear to forage at locations where prey are advected by physical processes and others where prey are produced locally. Long-term research on at-sea distributions and demographic parameters of top predators are essential to assess the consequences of potential shift in front distributions in relation to global warming. Such environmental changes would add to the impact of fish extraction by the industrial fisheries on the southern food webs.  相似文献   
介绍了某省高速公路管理局通过建立经济责任担保制,规避临时用工的经济风险的相关做法。为我们有效解决合法用工和防范用工单位经济损失之间的矛盾提供了一种全新的解决思路。  相似文献   
珠海市香洲洪湾工业片区内为软弱地基,满足不了上部荷载对路基的要求,将会导致路基在通车后产生较大沉降和地下管线的破坏。为保证路基的稳定,提高地基土强度和变形模量,以满足上部荷载对地基土承栽力的要求,提出了对场区内路基采取加固处理方案。目前针对软弱地基的不同构成有很多不同的处理方法,本文结合工程实际情况主要介绍袋装砂井堆载预压处理软弱地基的方法。  相似文献   
垂直及斜出水流场的二维及三维TR-PIV试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对钝头回转体垂直及斜出水流场采用TR-(Time-Resolved)PIV技术进行测量,并对斜出水流场进行3D-Stereo PIV(三维体视 PIV)测量.文中介绍了测试技术及测量结果,揭示了出水过程中流动结构及其演变,展示了TR-PIV技术对具有瞬态历程特征的出水流场研究的适应性.  相似文献   
打桩船桩架加高改造探索   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了满足万吨级码头施工的需要,“航工桩八”的桩架必须实施加高改造。详细介绍了附架的设计、改造后打桩架的强度校核等。经过实际使用,该船沉桩情况正常能力得到提高,改造效益得到体现,附架结构设计基本满足各种强度、稳定性要求。  相似文献   
张帆 《水运工程》2004,(6):72-74,84
通过对在惠河高速公路一期工程第十二合同段k73 674.26大桥桩基及抗滑桩的人工挖孔施工的各项工艺流程、施工要点的介绍,分析了人工挖孔桩施工的常见问题和处理方法,以及施工中要注意的安全问题。  相似文献   
基层级装备维修管理系统体系结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了基层级装备维修对管理信息化的需求,基于分析的结果设计出了具有信息支持、维修过程管理和上报文书自动生成功能的基层级装备维修管理信息系统的体系结构,对提高基层级维修保养能力进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   
三峡库区船舶溢油风险评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡成库后通航条件和水体自净能力发生了显著变化,并且随着船舶流量的增大和油类危险品码头的增多,水上溢油风险不断加大。通过对三峡库区水域船舶溢油风险的分析,建立了溢油风险评价指标体系,设计了相应的评价模型,选取了6个指标对三峡库区重庆辖区内的13段水域的船舶溢油风险进行了量化评估。评估结果与三峡库区溢油风险的实际情况相符,对水上防污工作有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   
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